I want to be a grandson

Chapter 147 Department of Commerce and Trade

Chapter 147 Department of Commerce and Trade

"Then do I still need to change what I have and encourage what I don't? I really want to thank Mr. Tie for teaching!" Zhu Yunxi waited for him and said.

Tie Xuan hurriedly said: "Your Highness is too serious, and my subordinates dare not! You should spare your subordinates."

Qi Tai also chimed in and said: "Your Highness, Tie Xuan often speaks out loud, and my subordinates are used to it. Your Highness doesn't need to worry about it. After listening to it for a long time, you will get used to it."

Tie Xuan immediately widened his eyes and said, "Qi Tai, are you helping me or harming me? You're really good at adding fuel to the fire."

Of course Zhu Yunxi knew that they were trying to make him happy, so he didn't care.

The atmosphere in a team should be so relaxed.

So Zhu Yunxi said: "Okay, what's the matter with the troubles, the people's taxes can no longer be increased, so we have to think about increasing the court's income from other places."

Qi Tai replied: "Your Highness, there are twelve sub-departments in the Ministry of Household Affairs, which are responsible for taxation and farmland all over the world. Since Your Highness does not want to collect taxes from the people,

Then the subordinates suggested that His Highness set up checkpoints in various places to collect commercial taxes, so as to prevent favoritism and fraud, and bring a lot of tax revenue to the court in a year. "

Zhu Yun nodded and said: "After you go down, you can discuss with Tie Xuan, where can we add more levels besides the existing ones?
Neither can be too frequent, nor can there be fish that slip through the net. There is a saying that there is no business and no wealth, and the business tax charged should not be too high. "

"Your subordinate obeys!" The two replied in unison.

Zhu Yunxi thought for a while and said: "The daily affairs of the household department include servants Yu Xin and Fu Youwen, but their official positions will not be known unless they are adjusted. I need someone who can take care of the normal operation of the household department so that no mistakes can be made."

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, I plan to set up another office department to be responsible for merchants and trade. It will be called the Department of Commerce and Trade for the time being."

Tie Xuan asked puzzledly: "Your Highness, don't you already have subordinates from various places? They are also in charge of business and trade."

Qi Tai also looked at Zhu Yunxi blankly, wondering what his purpose was for this move.

Zhu Yunxie explained: "This department of commerce is not responsible for collecting taxes, nor is it responsible for managing other merchants. It is more like a commercial firm, operating industries like other merchants, except that the money earned is handed over to the court."

Tie Xuan scratched his head and said, "Your Highness means to set up a firm to do business? Isn't this similar to Huangzhuang?"

What Zhu Yunxi did was the state-owned enterprise of later generations.

If only taxes are collected, it is true that income can be increased, but that is limited after all.

It's better to run your own business directly, so that the court's income will inevitably double!

Qi Tai said hesitantly: "Your Highness, although all the vassals and court ministers have more or less some property, if Your Highness wants some private property...it is not impossible, but if you set up a special department, will you have some..."

"To make a big deal out of a molehill?" Zhu Yunxi asked
Qi Tai hurriedly said: "This subordinate dare not! Please forgive me, Your Highness!"

Zhu Yunxi said noncommittally: "The Department of Commerce is not only doing one or two things to make a living, but will be involved in all walks of life in the future.
Shipping, standard shipping, fine wine, cloth, food, jewelry, porcelain and antiques, everything you can think of, and not only do it, but also become a leader in the industry! "


Qi Tai Tiexuan couldn't help but gasped.

If all walks of life are to be involved and to become a leader in the industry, then it is really an extremely huge industry!

Then such an industry, the annual profit income will be very impressive!

The key is that these industries belong to the imperial court, or His Highness himself, and the imperial court will definitely consider these industries first when purchasing.

With the strong support of the imperial court, it can be said that as long as these industries are developed, they will definitely be able to grow stronger and bigger!
Tie Xuan said worriedly: "Your Highness, will this offend some people?"

But Zhu Yunxi said indifferently: "They can do it, but I can't do it? They are only allowed to profit and live a life of luxury, but I have to be asked to eat bran and swallow vegetables? What's the reason for that!"


Zhu Yunxi snorted coldly and said: "Anyone who is not convinced can let him go! Don't talk to me about competing for the interests of the people! What I have done does not harm the interests of ordinary people!"

Zhu Yunxi looked at the two, and then said: "After these industries are established, they will not take advantage of the imperial court to suppress others, but will only adopt legitimate business competition. If they still have criticisms like this, then they really don't know what to do!"

Upper decision decided by the economic background!

Zhu Yunxi

I know that one of the reasons why the Ming Dynasty perished was that some wealthy households and merchants only cared about their own interests.

The very famous "Eight Great Imperial Merchants" in the later generations were the ones who co-operated with the Tartars and sold a large amount of contraband to them, so they were treated courteously by the Qing Dynasty.

In order to earn money, even the country and the nation are not wanted, why should such a person be polite to him!

The fall of the Ming Dynasty, although there were natural disasters that caused refugees to spread everywhere, was it not because they annexed land and drove up food prices?

Therefore, businessmen must not let them have too much power, otherwise it will shake the foundation of the country!

In the early Hongwu Dynasty, the reason why Zhu Yuanzhang adopted the strategy of emphasizing agriculture and suppressing business was precisely because at that time the people were lonely and had no money left.

Once the merchants are allowed to annex the land at this time, there will be many refugees immediately, repeating the mistakes of the Yuan Dynasty.

And it will also worry about Daming's national fortune.

Over the years, with the stability of the people's lives, the imperial court has gradually relaxed the business affairs of merchants.

However, at any time, rich households and wealthy businessmen must never override the authority of the government.

It must not shake the people at the bottom!

And in history, when Daming suffered from the crisis of foreign invasion, how many people abandoned their homes and careers?
How many wealthy households and merchants donated their money to defend the country against enemies?

When the Qing army entered the customs, they were still dreaming of enjoying peace and happiness!
What's ridiculous is that even the majestic father-in-law didn't have this awareness, and the donated money really slapped Chongzhen in the face!
Therefore, wealthy households and merchants must be restricted at any time!
The restrictive method adopted by Zhu Yunxi is the method of later generations.

When the country's major resources are in the hands of the imperial court, they can be effectively restricted!

Otherwise, the court will become the court of merchants!
Zhu Yunxi said: "You guys weigh up which one you think you are qualified for."

"Your Highness, this subordinate wants to go to the Department of Commerce and Trade!"

Tie Xuan knows that this is an offending matter, but His Highness has treated him with kindness, and now is the time to be loyal to His Highness and help His Highness solve problems!
 Please support me, my eyes are dizzy...

(End of this chapter)

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