Chapter 194

The weapons originally hidden by the guards were pulled out in an instant, and the shopkeeper and a few fellows were immediately dumbfounded.

It never occurred to me that this person would dare to use a knife and a gun, and there are guards!

Obviously this person's identity is extraordinary!

The big stick in his hand was no match for a knife or gun, so he didn't dare to move it, for fear that he would cut himself if he was not careful.

You must know that in this day and age, being cut by a weapon can be life-threatening!
So the guards took them down without any resistance.

"Master! I got this thief at the back door of the store!"

Zhu Yunxi was about to order someone to go in and search, when Qu Tao and the others escorted a guy over and pushed him to the ground.

There were sharp-eyed people around, who recognized this guy, and exclaimed: "Isn't this Li Gou, he is a guy in the shop!"

"Yes, yes, I know him too..."

"It's Li Gou, bah, you deliberately lowered my price last time!"


Qu Tao unwrapped a package from him, and tore off the button of the package, revealing the animal skin inside.

The texture is cleaned, black and yellow are both available, and the coat color is shiny. It is confirmed that it is tiger skin.

"He's from your shop, what else do you have to say?!" The foolish young man pointed at the shopkeeper angrily.

"Hmph! We open the door for business and welcome visitors from all over the world. There are tigers everywhere in the mountains and rivers. Although it is not easy to shoot, it is not too difficult. I bought this tiger skin from others with my own hands!"

The shopkeeper's defense said, "What does it matter how many tiger skins we have in such a big shop! Even if there are a few bear skins!"

Although he clearly knew that the shopkeeper was forcibly refuting, but what he said was not unreasonable. There were a lot of tigers in ancient times, so many that they became a tiger's trouble.

In addition to the South China tiger in China, there are also three subspecies of Siberian tiger, Bengal tiger and Indochinese tiger.

The records of "tiger trouble", "tiger harm", "tiger chaos" and "many tigers" in historical records are related to these four kinds of tigers.The tiger has become a disaster, and it has become a tiger chaos. One can imagine how serious it is.

In the official history, there are records of tigers rampant in all dynasties.As early as the Shang Dynasty, Lord Wuding of the Shang used to perform divination for hunting tigers, which showed that tigers were in serious trouble at that time.

During the Tang and Song dynasties, it was a period of high incidence of tiger infestation. In the "New Book of Tang" and "Old Tang Book", tiger infestation occurred in Beiping, Dengfeng, Shaozhou, Tongcheng and other places.

In August of the fourth year of Dali in the Tang Dynasty, "a tiger entered Yuanzai's family temple in Changshoufang, the capital, and shot him."In September of the third year of Jianzhong, "the tiger entered Xuanyangli, wounded two people, and the court captured it".

The activities of tigers entered the towns from the wild, especially Chang'an, causing even greater harm to humans and animals.The entry of tigers into the city also shows how serious the number in the wild is.

In the Song Dynasty, the relationship between humans and tigers was also very tense.In the third year of Taiping Xingguo, "the tigers in Guo, Lang, Peng, and Ji states were harmed, and Zhang Yanjun was sent to capture them, and a hundred beasts were captured. In Russia, the tigers in Qipan County hurt people, and Yanjun killed seven tigers as offerings."

During the Qingli period, tigers entrenched in the Wuyuan (Dingbian, Shaanxi) area, resulting in "hundred miles from east to west".

Moreover, the end of Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty was the second period of high incidence of tiger infestation.

As far as the whole country is concerned, the tiger problem in Sichuan is the most serious, which is even more terrifying than the fierce tigers that Wu Song and Li Kui faced.

Poet Wu Weiye described in "Suikou Jilue": "Tigers and leopards are shaped like ghosts and gluttons. They go through houses over the top, and go down over heavy buildings. If they are searched, they will be seriously injured and killed. They will be discarded and they will not eat them all. The deserted city There are hundreds of families left behind, and every day they will be reported to be raped by tigers, and some people in a county will be eaten up after dozens of days."

Ouyang Zhi, a native of Quxian County, Sichuan Province, wrote "Shu Chaos" bluntly: "There are tigers everywhere in Sichuan, or seven or eight, or ten or twenty liters of upstairs houses, houses on floating water, and boarding boats on floating water. This is unheard of in ancient times, and I don't believe it.

Can you believe it, at that time there were fierce tigers everywhere in Sichuan, they could float in the water to get on the house, and they could also float in the water to board the boat.

"Twelve or three people died of plague tiger" in southern Sichuan, "eleven or twelve people died of plague tiger" in northern Sichuan, "twelve or three people died of plague tiger" in eastern Sichuan, and "eleven or twelve people died of plague tiger" in western Sichuan.

So the ancient fierce tiger is really not a rare thing, so what is it for humans to hunt and kill tigers in order to survive and harvest some tiger skins.

So just with a tiger skin, how could it be said that it belonged to the Mongols?

The young man said angrily: "Then why did you let someone send it away through the back door, you are not...not..." He couldn't think of any words to describe it.

"Deceive your ears and steal your bell!"

"Yes! You're just deceiving yourself!"

The young man took what Zhu Yunxi said, although he didn't know what it meant, he still quoted it.

After all, Zhu Yunxi stood up to uphold justice for himself and others, so he probably wouldn't join forces with him, so he could be trusted.

The shopkeeper said: "There are too many goods in the shop. I'll ask my buddy to store some in the warehouse. What's the matter? Don't mess around and try to rob property. I'll report to the police and arrest you!"


The Mengren youth was really furious, but he was silenced by the shopkeeper, and his anger increased by three points in his life!

Just as the young man was about to speak, he was stopped by Zhu Yunxie.

Zhu Yunxi asked in a low voice: "You are a Mongolian. I know that the treasures of the general tribal collections have imprints. What are the special marks on the tiger skin?"

This young man suddenly enlightened at this time!
After thinking about it for a while, he said in a low voice, "Well... this is the skin of an adult tiger king. It has been stored for five or six years, and there is also my father... writing on the back, it says..."

Zhu Yunxi quickly stopped him and asked, "Did he see it?"

The young man shook his head, "Probably not, the tiger skin was not opened at that time, but he said that the price of the tiger skin will be calculated after the skin is delivered..."

Zhu Yunxi turned around and said to the shopkeeper: "Since you said that you collected the tiger skin, then let me ask you, who sold it to you? Who is the name?"

The shopkeeper snorted, "I just remember that he was a strong man, but I can't remember the exact face. We just open the door and just do business. Why don't we ask the customer's name?"

Zhu Yunxi didn't entangle him too much, and continued to ask: "Since you collected it yourself, you know this tiger skin well, so is this tiger skin in old age or in the prime of life? Is it a male or a female? How old?"


The shopkeeper suddenly felt extremely overwhelmed. He just took a quick look when these foolish people came to sell the goods, and he guessed it must be a good thing, so he didn't check it in detail, so how could he answer it.

However, he still quibbled and said: "We are in the cloth business, and we don't know much about animal skins. As for whether it is a man or a twilight, a male or a female, we can't tell the difference..."

What the shopkeeper said made everyone around look suspicious.

After all, the age of the tiger and male and female are also important factors affecting the quality and price of tiger skins. Since he collected the tiger skins, how could he not be able to tell them apart.


Zhu Yunxi snorted coldly, with a displeased expression on his face.

Seeing this, Tie Xuan next to him immediately stood up to share the Lord's worries!

Tie Xuan turned on the fan mode and asked: "Let me ask you again, is there any handwriting on this tiger skin? What color notes are used to write it? What is the font? Is it seal script or official script? Is it Zhongdingwen or Shiguwen? How big is it? How many words are there?"

He pressed on step by step and asked: "Is there a pattern on the tiger skin? What shape? What size? What kind of paint is used? Can you answer it!"


(End of this chapter)

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