I want to be a grandson

Chapter 295 Tribute

Chapter 295 Tribute
The Japanese murmured that it was not delicious, but their hands were not idle. They grabbed a few donkeys and rolled them away with one hand.

"What are you doing, you haven't paid yet!"

Just as the vendor was about to stop them, he was stopped by the person next to him, "Forget it, they are a small country in a foreign country, and they don't understand shit, so why should you talk to them."

"Hey, just treat it as being eaten by a dog!"

The vendor cursed, but shook his head and thought he was unlucky.

If these few Japanese come across something good in the street market, they will pick it up and play with it, and when they have seen enough to play with it, they will throw it away.

There is no scruple about whether it will be damaged or broken, and the barbaric feeling is expressed in words.

People in the market avoided them, and everywhere they went, the people cast contemptuous glances and disgusted faces.

Seeing that the people did not dare to embarrass them, these people became even more unscrupulous, shouting loudly for peace.

In the end, maybe they were tired from shopping, and it was time to eat at noon, so a few people came to a restaurant and asked for an Accord arrogantly.

After the good wine and good food were served, they began to eat and drink frequently, and when they were happy, they even wailed and howled to a little song, regardless of the impact.

"Um, what's this thing? Who put it on me?"

The mission made Xiaosong feel that there was something wrong in his waist, and he reached out and found an extra piece of paper.

He has no idea where this is coming from!

"Which girl did your lord attract? That's why they wrote you a love letter?" Deputy envoy Guishan laughed.

"Hahahaha..." Several people burst into laughter.

"Oh, then I want to see..."

Xiao Song opened the piece of paper with a smile, and looked up, but in the blink of an eye, the smile on his face froze immediately!

Guishan sensed that something was wrong, and quickly asked, "Komatsu-kun, what's the matter with you?? What did you say on this piece of paper?"

Xiao Song looked at several people, took a deep breath and said, "The person who gave us this piece of paper wants us to ask for the princess for the emperor!"

"Why is that?!" Kameyama asked in surprise.

Xiao Song showed them the piece of paper in his hand, and Gui Shan immediately took it, and the other two came over, staring at it eagerly.

After reading it, several people looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking about it in their hearts.

One person said: "This is very correct. We really want to marry the princess for His Majesty the Emperor. This is a great achievement!"

Another man with a few knives in his waist and his body full of lean meat said: "I still don't understand, Mr. Xiaosong, why don't we just ask the princess to marry the princess, the status of the princess is more noble than the princess, if we can do it for If His Majesty the King asks for a marriage, wouldn't we have made more contributions?"

Xiao Song said: "It is already very clear what was said above. The emperor of Daming is old and will die in a few years, and then the new emperor will ascend the throne. The princess is the sister of the new emperor. It is very important for us to communicate with Daming in the future. benefit."

"But the old emperor is still alive. If we can ask for the princess, then we will have a great contribution..."

Komatsu said displeasedly: "Mr. Murakami, don't always think about your own benefits and achievements. We have to think about the future of Japan!"

"We have just completed the unification, and our strength is accumulating. We won't make any big moves in the past few years. Now, if we marry the princess, of course we will have more credit, but the old emperor will die, so the princess will have little effect on us... "

"Only by seeking the princess now, a few years later our big Japan will be strong and have enough soldiers and horses, but the little emperor of the Ming Dynasty has just ascended the throne, and the court will not be stable.

At that time, we can rely on the name of the princess, oh no, when the little emperor ascends the throne, he will follow the rules of the Ming Dynasty and canonize the princess as the eldest princess... At that time... Hehe, gold and silver treasures, beauties Population, you can get what you want! "

"So it is in our best interest to marry the princess!"

The eyes of the few people were instantly filled with hope and warm light...

Guishan was very complicated in his heart, and said worriedly: "But will the emperor of Ming Dynasty let us marry the princess?"

Xiaosong waved his hand and said, "This shouldn't be difficult! The princess is not the old emperor's biological daughter, so the relationship shouldn't be that deep.

Moreover, the status of the princess is not as prominent as that of the princess. Even if she marries the king, the resistance in the court will be very small!This greatly increases our chances of success! "

Guishan shook his head and said: "But Emperor Ming sent envoys to reprimand us several times. In the eyes of the old emperor, he doesn't feel good about us. Even if he is only a princess, will he agree?"

Xiaosong laughed and said, "Mr. Guishan, it's because you don't understand them. They Han people don't care about their own women. They have done this kind of marriage many times, and they are very familiar with it!"

Kameyama frowned and said: "Then let's send someone to ask His Majesty the king what he means. After all, this is a very big matter. If the emperor does not allow it, then we can't do it."

"You don't have to worry about this. When we came, His Majesty was eager to establish diplomatic relations with the Ming Dynasty and restore the tribute. If you can ask for their princess, His Majesty the King is what you want, why would you not want to!"

Xiao Song said again: "Besides, it will take a long time to go back and forth. By that time, it may not be certain whether the old emperor will still be around!"

Guishan said: "Then we can also marry the new emperor's daughter."


Xiao Song said with a smile: "Mr. Guishan, the old emperor just passed away the crown prince this year, and the newly elected crown prince is a 15-year-old grandson as the heir. It will take another 20 years for his daughter to grow up!"

Kameyama still insisted: "But I think I need to ask the king, and I can't make decisions without authorization."

Xiaosong looked at Guishan with a smile, his eyes full of suspicion and precaution, "Mr. Guishan, you have repeatedly found reasons not to allow the marriage, do you still feel unwilling?"

Kameyama's expression changed and he said angrily: "Mr. Komatsu! Please take back what you said just now! We are all His Majesty's people now, and we must all be loyal to the Emperor!"

Xiao Song said solemnly: "That's the deal! We want to get the princess for His Majesty!"

Komatsu, as the envoy of the mission, had already made a final decision at this time, so there was no room for rebuttal and discussion, so Guishan could only sigh inwardly.


"Boom, boom, boom..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the Wufeng Building on the Meridian Gate, there are hanging bells and drums.

The bell and drum division and the eunuch beat the big bell rhythmically with wooden hammers, and the melodious sound of China resounded in the palace.

The palace gates opened one by one, and the courtiers filed in.

The reason why the courtiers seemed orderly was because of last year.

That is, in the 24th year of Hongwu, because the civil and military officials often competed for knowledge when they entered the court, this made it look very chaotic.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang stipulated the entry order of "the general enters first, the general enters first, the next is the close servant official, the second is the prince's son-in-law, the second is the five mansions and six departments, and the second is Yingtian mansion and miscellaneous officials in Beijing".

In addition, there were eunuchs watching, and the civil and military officials did not dare to be presumptuous any more, so the queue was fairly neat.

Today is the last court meeting of Hongwu in 25 years. After today, we will start to repair Mu, that is to say, we will start the annual vacation.

So in this court meeting, there will be no discussion at all, and nothing will be played.

The things that should be dealt with have been dealt with. At this time, the emperor can't let the emperor worry about the country's affairs. People always celebrate the New Year.

The officials of the six ministries will briefly state what they have done in the past year. Of course, the highlight must be their own political achievements.

When the officials reported their work enthusiastically, it also showed that the Ming Dynasty was prosperous and the people were safe, and all kinds of things were going very smoothly.

One after another, it seems that they are all praising the Holy Son of Ming Dynasty for his ability to govern the country well, which is why he has today's life in China.

For Zhu Yuanzhang, this is tantamount to praise in disguise!
So Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't be in a better mood!
Therefore, after all the civil and military officials reported their work, Zhu Yuanzhang, as the big boss, would say some encouraging words.

First of all, he thanked the heavens for his blessing, and praised the common people, and then he praised all the civil and military officials of the five mansions and six ministries.

How about a benevolent face, where there is no cruelty of killing, cutting, skinning and eating grass.

After talking about the internal affairs, immediately after that, a vassal state came to congratulate him.

Because Zhu Yuanzhang ordered the subordinate countries to participate in the canonization hall to witness the emperor's grandson, when the news was sent out, it didn't take too long for the news to be sent out, so many countries hadn't been there yet.

However, there are also some countries that send envoys to stay in the capital. When they have nothing to do, they will inspect the customs and learn knowledge in the capital.

Act as a messenger when something happens, so that the two sides can communicate with each other and exchange information.

"North Korean envoy, congratulate Emperor Ming on his longevity and well-being, and wish to be friends with Daming forever..."



"The envoys of the Ryukyu Kingdom are here, and I wish your Majesty peace and prosperity, and the future will be eternal!"




Under the guidance, the envoys of each vassal state wore their own country's clothes and went to the main hall to congratulate.

However, this is not a formal court greeting, so it is not so grand. After the envoys of each small country finished their congratulations, they left the main hall through the side door under the guidance of the eunuch.

"Japan wishes the Emperor of Ming Dynasty well-being..."

Zhu Yun, who didn't pay much attention at first, immediately regained his spirits when he heard this!
Xiaori...a country where life is not bad?
Zhu Yun raised his eyes and saw that the Japanese chief and deputy envoys were saluting to Zhu Yuanzhang, and they were also wearing their own costumes.

According to the rules, after they saluted, they were about to leave, but the two ignored the eunuch's urging.

He said loudly: "Japanese envoy Komatsu Ti, may the Emperor of Ming be safe and sound! I come here to pay tribute at the king's order, and I beseech the Emperor to accept it!"

Some officials looked at them with slightly wrinkled brows, especially the generals, who frequently stared and looked angry.

(End of this chapter)

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