Chapter 453

"According to the list to check, which family is doing evil, oppressing the people, evading taxes, hiding land, I have to check it out for the king!"

"Yes, I obey!"

After Jiang Yu took the order, he bowed and retreated. As soon as he left the palace gate, his whole body immediately became murderous.

It is really strict to check, few families can stand it!
Take the use of servants as an example. In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the government strictly ordered that only officials’ families were allowed to serve slave spleens, while “the households of ordinary people, who keep and raise slave spleens, can be released with a staff of one hundred.”

At the same time, the number of slaves and maidservants served by the official family is also expressly limited: "No more than 20 princes, no more than 12 first-rank, no more than ten second-rank, and no more than eight third-rank".

But the rules are the rules. Generally speaking, anyone who has a wealthy family will have servants to order them around.

Moreover, it was stipulated in the law of the Ming Dynasty that only a wife can take a concubine if she has not given birth for many years and has no heirs.

However, from the high-ranking officials to the wealthy households, they will not refuse to accept concubines just because they already have children.

Because of their own status, status and differences, they often ignore this rule. Most people rely on their power and financial resources to have many concubines.

These things are people who don't raise officials and don't investigate, and they usually don't find out, but once they get involved, it's not a small punishment!

If there is another case of oppressing the people, hehe, if you count the crimes and punish them, it will crush people to death!
And the bigger the family is, the more they cannibalize people and don't spit out their bones. In addition, there are many clan children. It is impossible for everyone to be kind and harmonious, right?
As long as one is found, they can be implicated!

Jiang Yu returned to the Jinyiwei yamen, immediately summoned a few confidantes, and gave them an order to conduct a thorough investigation.

This is the first thing His Royal Highness entrusted to Jin Yiwei. Everyone knows that if it fails, it will lose its head!
And if it is done successfully, His Highness will be pleased, and promotion and fortune will be just around the corner!
So after receiving the order, Jin Yiwei immediately moved!

"Your Highness, the people you called have already arrived and are waiting outside the hall. Will your Highness see you now?"

Zhu Yunxi summoned Qi Tai, Tie Xuan, Bao Zhao, Jing Qing, and Lian Zining, as well as Yang Jing, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Punishment, Zhou Zhiqing, Minister of Dali Temple, Ren Hengtai, Minister of Rites, Ru Yu, Minister of Military Affairs, and two officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs. The servant, Qin Kui, Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

"Let them in!"

Several people came to the Wenhua Hall and sat down after saluting.

Zhu Yunxi summoned them to collect the net!
During these days, Zhu Yunxi did not express any clear attitude towards the footbinding issue and the East Palace draft, but just let the matter ferment.

He wanted to see how many people in the court had two hearts and wanted to fight for power on behalf of the gentry.

These days, he has not said a word, just waiting for someone to take the bait!

At the same time, on the other hand, he didn't want his confidants to get involved.

If even they stand on the opposite side of themselves, then the future will come to an end...

Fortunately, they are very knowledgeable about current affairs, and no one dares to "advise" themselves at this time.

It is not uncommon for courtiers to compete with the imperial power, it can be said that it has always existed.

But the people who are promoted and appointed by themselves end up fighting, and if they are found out by others, they will definitely say that they have no knowledge of people. Isn't this a slap in the face?

After taking their seats, Zhou Zhiqing, Yang Jing, and Ren Hengtai looked at each other. From the eyes of each other, they already had calculations in their hearts.

Apart from His Highness's original confidantes, Yu Xin and Ren Hengtai, the left and right ministers of the household department, served when His Highness entered the household department, Qin Kui, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, came under the jurisdiction of His Highness later, and Ru Yu, Minister of the Ministry of War, served as an instructor in the lecture hall.
These few were not promoted by His Royal Highness, but they are all "one of our own."

Only the three of us are "outsiders", so this time His Highness asked me to come here to let me obey orders?Or give a chance?

Without exchanging too many pleasantries, Zhu Yunxie said directly: "I asked you to come here today to solve the problem of binding your feet.
Lian Zining, you have read a lot of poetry and books, and tell me why those high-ranking officials and the daughters of rich families do such cruel things! "

As soon as these words came out, it was tantamount to setting the nature of today's events!

All the people present here are aware of it and are thinking about how to deal with it.

As the censor of the Procuratorate, Lian Zining was familiar with this matter long ago, so he saluted and replied: "His Royal Highness, the time when foot binding began was Xia Yu, Shang Dynasty, Spring and Autumn and Warring States, Sui, Five Dynasties, Song Dynasty, etc. Various versions.

However, according to textual research, foot-binding was founded by Li Yu, the queen master of the Southern Tang Dynasty, began in the late Northern Song Dynasty, and rose in the Southern Song Dynasty.In the Yuan Dynasty, foot binding continued to develop in a slimmer direction.

Royal foot-binding began in the Northern Song Dynasty. According to the "Helin Yulu" records, princesses in the Song Dynasty generally bound their feet.

"Song History Five Elements Records" records: "In the Lizong Dynasty, the palace people had tied their feet and straightened their feet."This is an example of foot binding for the royal family and women in the palace in the Song Dynasty.

Su Shi's "Bodhisattva Man·Zongzu" called women's small feet "palace-like", and Cao Yuanchong called them "official-like" in a poem, which also shows that foot-binding originated from the bureaucratic and noble classes of the Song Dynasty..."

Lian Zining's words clearly explained the origin and continuation of footbinding.

Zhu Yunxi took it over and said: "Since the foot-binding began with the queen Li Yu, a monarch, for the sake of beauty and pleasure, he did such a lewd and cruel thing, which is really contrary to heaven, no wonder he even perished the country!"

Tie Xuan immediately echoed and said: "What Your Highness said is that Empress Li only knows how to enjoy beauty and beauty, but doesn't know how to govern the world and guard the people.
The great rivers and mountains are handed over to each other. I am really ashamed of the people of the world, ashamed of the country and the country. What face can I have to see my ancestors?The minister thought that the kings of future generations should take it as a warning! "

Your Highness said that Empress Li, who likes foot-binding women, is licentious and immoral. This is the root cause of defining foot-binding!
Since it was invented by a foolish king, and he is greedy for beauty, whoever says that women with bound feet are selected in the draft, has bad intentions!
It is to charm the monarch and subvert the court!
As long as this matter is settled, the rest will fall into place!

Who dares to make irresponsible remarks again?
This is a serious crime of ransacking the family!

Jing Qing also said: "It's a pity that no one took it as a warning. On the contrary, the kings of the Song Dynasty tried to imitate each other and were proud of it, but they didn't know the harm of this incident.

Indulging in beauty is impossible after all, and it is no wonder that the Northern and Southern Song Dynasties died one after another and fell into the hands of foreigners, causing the world to suffer..."

Bao Zhao nodded, and said with emotion: "Greed for beauty is actually the way to subjugate the country. The demise of the Song Dynasty is a bloody lesson, so I feel that,
Whether it is in the palace, high-ranking officials, or ordinary people, they should take this as a warning in order to make the country prosperous and the family harmonious..."

Zhu Yunxi turned to Yang Jing and asked, "How does Yang Butang feel?"

Yang Jing was named, so he didn't know that he couldn't escape, and he couldn't escape, otherwise he would be very suspicious...

So he bowed and said: "I thought what the adults said was very true. Since foot binding was created by Empress Li, it can be seen that this is a lewd thing and is against human ethics..."

Several courtiers also expressed their opinions, whether they were forced to help or really felt so, it didn't matter.

In this way, in the discussion of everyone, a consensus was reached.

Lian Zining said: "Your Highness, since this is the case, the subjects of the world should be warned by this. I think this matter should be written into the Great Ming Law, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to bind their feet, so as not to damage the atmosphere and attract lust!"

Zhu Yunxi stood up and nodded, and looked at Dali Siqing with a smile.

Zhou Zhiqing knew that it was time for him to appear on the stage, so he couldn't call names, so he saluted and said: "Your Highness, I think this statement is very true. The atmosphere among the people is especially important.
How could it not be guided and restrained? Moreover, there are regulations on women's makeup and manners in the Daming Law, and this clause should also be added. "

Yang Jing, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, said: "The minister seconded the proposal!"

Zhu Yunxi took a sip from the teacup and said, "In that case, let's add it after the Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment discuss it together."

"Yes, I will obey!"

Everyone wisely didn't mention the matter of foot binding stipulated in the Ming Law.

In the "Da Ming Law" of the Ming Dynasty, elopement was a felony. The "Gun Mian System" promulgated by Hong Wu in the 16th year of Zhu Yuanzhang's reign,
It said: "Women are ordered to have complex and prosperous crowns and foot binding", which makes it difficult for women to move, run, and of course elope.

However, what is mentioned here is "destined woman", which refers to a woman who has a title. The ordered woman enjoys various ceremonial treatment.

For ordinary women, there is no such statement.

In addition, His Highness has revised the law before, so it is not a big deal to make supplementary revisions this time.

When the Qing army entered the customs, it also ordered Han women several times not to bind their feet. For example, in the third year of Chongde, it issued an order to "effectively punish those who bind feet in other countries." The other countries here refer to the Ming Dynasty.

In the first year of Shunzhi, Empress Xiaozhuang also decreed that "any woman who enters the palace with bound feet will be beheaded".

In the 17th year of Shunzhi, a special imperial edict was issued for this matter, and there were those who resisted the decree to bind their feet.

In the third year of Kangxi, a decree prohibiting foot binding was issued, stipulating: Violators will be punished severely, and those whose fathers hold official positions will be handed over to the Second Ministry of Officials and Soldiers. Those who have neglected the inspection will be given the title of January, and they will be responsible for forty boards. Officials who have neglected the inspection will also be handed over to the Ministry of Officials and other departments. "

So banning footbinding is not a big deal. It doesn't make sense that the Tartars can do it, but Zhu Yunxi can't.

One of the reasons why the Qing Dynasty fell into disrepair in the end was foreign rule, which the Han people did not recognize and wanted to protect "tradition."

But the biggest reason is that foot-binding reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty. This custom has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and it is difficult to change it.

Tie Xuan suggested: "Your Highness, I feel that we should tell the people all over the world about the origin of foot binding, so as to inspire people's wisdom, so as not to be confused by others, and to stop the foot binding.
At the same time, the regulations on this matter in the Great Ming Law were also informed, so that the common people could learn from them. "

(End of this chapter)

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