book of old days

Chapter 210 Requiem for the Desert

Chapter 210 Requiem for the Desert
When he walked out of the room, it was almost dark, and the dwarves lit the candles in the castle. He walked in the corridor illuminated by the candles, and came to the banquet hall. The dwarves were busy with their work, as if As if he couldn't see him, the other party didn't stop until he called the number three.

Number Three stared at him blankly, and it took him a while to recognize him.

(Master, do you have any orders?) The expression on No. [-]'s face said so.

"Get me something to eat." Sean ordered.

Three left.

Sitting down at the main seat, while waiting for dinner, he saw a face on the glass, it was Alhaz's face, and the other party was looking at him gloatingly, smiling very brightly.

"What are you laughing at?" Sean asked a little annoyed.

"Hahaha, hahaha, hahaha, I just want to laugh, I just want to laugh." Alhaz said sinisterly, and even sang, he sang a song written in Surandian The ancient ballads seem to have some kind of religious connotation, and there is a bit of sadness in the solemnity.

Sean was terrified when he was sung: "Your singing is as ugly as a cat's meowing." He said.

Alhaz was not angry, on the contrary, he seemed to think of something happy, and he was in a good mood.

"This is a requiem for the desert, a ballad for those dying who are about to step into the realm of the dead, Sean, Sean, I thought I would have to wait a long time, but now it seems that things It went even smoother than expected, you and I are going to end up together after all."

Sean snorted coldly, he was used to Alhaz's thoughts, his cursing and resentment, but for some reason, this time Alhaz's attitude made him uneasy, as if Alhaz knew something The same thing that I don't know.

And that thing seems to be very important.

He wanted to ask clearly, but when he looked up again, Alhaz's face had disappeared.

The goblins brought dinner, and Sean ate the cold honey biscuits, feeling very uncomfortable.

After dinner, Sean felt that sense of weakness again. It seemed that he was seriously ill this time. He thought anxiously. Although he was very tired, he still didn't want to sleep.

Always lying on the bed made him feel like he was waiting to die, as if a rope was slowly tightening around his neck.

"By the way, Oroin's ball, maybe he has some kind of healing magic?"

This idea is a bit absurd, and it is unreasonable to seek help from such a thing, but Sean still decides to do it.

When he came to the tower, Sean hesitated for a while. It was really not a good idea to be in the same room as Oroin's Ball in this weak state, but in the end he pushed the door open.

The ball of Oroin was floating on the floor of the room, slowly turning, this thing looked very strange at any time, especially in the dark by candlelight.

"Good evening, Ball of Oroin."

"Ah, it's you. What are you doing here? Didn't I already teach you during the day?"

daytime?Sean froze for a moment, "I didn't come during the day—you mean John Smith, right? He came to learn magic from you?"

"No, I'm talking about you. You came here during the day and I taught you magic."

Sean shook his head, "It's really not me. If I've been here, I won't forget it. I really didn't come during the day. Because of my illness, I slept in bed all day."

The Oroin Ball was silent for a moment, it seemed to be talking to itself, and it seemed to be explaining something: "Human memory always has various errors, which are affected by emotions and subjective consciousness. Everything in memory is more or less different from reality.

This is also one of the reasons why I chose to evolve into a mage ball, but you can stick to your opinion, for those humans who refuse to face reality, I have long been used to it. "

Sean was a little speechless, this thing's stubbornness is really annoying.

"So, what did you come to me for?"

"I seem to be sick. Is there any magic in your magic that can cure people?"

Suddenly, two blue lights shot out from the eyes of Oroin's Ball, scanning Xiao En's body up and down like a scanner.

"You're not sick, you're just getting less full."

"What do you mean?" Sean asked. The context of this Oroin Ball is obviously different from normal people, and they often say some inexplicable words.

"It's as if the plants have shrunk, the earthworms have been cut in half, the ice has been sun-struck, and you're a little less than you were yesterday."

This description made Sean a little confused, a little less?
He stretched out his hand, and his skin looked smooth, without shrinking in the slightest.

He vaguely felt that there was something in the words of Oroin's Ball, and he wanted to figure out what it meant, but as soon as he tried to think hard, the dizziness came back, and his mind was muddled.

He could only wave his hands at the Oroin Ball, and walked aimlessly back to his room.

When Sean woke up in the morning, he found that it was broad daylight. He was lying on the bed without taking off his clothes. The slightest warmth.

When he walked out of the room, he saw that John Smith was fully dressed and ready to go out. He was wearing a black dress, black dress trousers, white shirt, a silk top hat on his head, and a walnut wood inlaid walking stick in his hand.

Looking very energetic, Sean recognized at a glance that John was wearing all his clothes, the outfit he specially bought when he came back from Nord.
He opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. It's a bit petty to be angry about a piece of clothing.

"Are you going to Ulysses' banquet?"

"Yes, I think there may be something special to gain. That old guy Ulysses seems to be a very stylish person. I feel that he seems to be planning something big. Maybe we can join in."

"Did you learn magic from Oroin's ball yesterday?"

"Yeah, why, did it tell you?"

"It mistook you for me."

"Hehe, that thing is no longer human, and it doesn't seem to have the ability to recognize humans."

"What magic did you learn?"

"It's the ones that don't exist." John replied somewhat perfunctorily: "Oh yes, I learned [Oluoin's Devouring Touch]."

Sean was taken aback, "How did you learn that? That magic is evil."

"Hehe, what kind of magic is not evil? Magic is almost always for the purpose of killing people. At least the mages absorbed by the devouring touch are not completely lost, and their memories can still survive. Would it be more merciful to kill people directly?"


"But [Oluoin's Devouring Touch] sounds very evil, do you mean that? You have killed many people, Xiao En, some of which have nothing to do with you, no grievances, no enmity, remember little Lancet ?And those Sturts, they even tried to do business with you, but what did you do? Summoned a demon and killed them all."

"It's different, they're bad guys," Sean argued.

"Hahahaha, are you sure that's why you did it? No, you're just making excuses for yourself in this way. Admit it, Sean, you like killing people, and you like the feeling of playing with people's lives in the palm of your hand." , you are a lawless crazy guy who fears the world will not be chaotic, look what you have summoned in this castle.

The reason why you refuse to learn that magic is only because your heart is still bound by that false sense of morality, you pretend that you are a good person, at least not a bad person, so that you can do everything without psychological pressure, and then Tell yourself it's all for a reason.

But in fact you don't care about it at all, you just don't want to admit it.

Maybe you can confidently say that you are principled in front of outsiders, but there is no secret between you and me, so don't pretend to be surprised, okay? "

Sean was left speechless by John's words.

The other party seems to be able to see through his thoughts, those thoughts that he hides deep in his heart and he doesn't want to touch, but the other party speaks out.

John nodded to him with a smile, turned around and walked downstairs, and several dwarfs followed behind, as if they were sending their master off for the expedition.

After John left, Sean suddenly felt a little idle. This kind of thing is a bit rare. It stands to reason that he should have a lot of things to deal with now.

But John finished everything for him, and Sean wandered back and forth in the castle in a daze, and finally came to the study again.

The things on the desk were neatly arranged and looked a little strange. He carefully sat on the chair, as if he had stolen someone else's seat.

He picked up the manuscript on the table and read it.

This book is almost finished, and John must have stayed up all night writing this book. The thick manuscript paper counts what he wrote before, and it seems to be at least 15 words.

Sean flipped through the first page, and the more he read, the more he sighed. John wrote all the vague stories that only existed in his mind.

The plot is thrilling, full of dangers, one after another, those descriptions about the principles of science and technology, and those reveries about the products of science and technology, completely express what he thinks in his heart, and the language he uses is even more sophisticated.

The more Sean watched it, the more exciting it became, and he became a little ashamed.

This book really cannot be called his independent work. If John is allowed to finish writing this book, it may be more reasonable to publish it under his name.

Once the thought popped up, it was impossible to get rid of it.

Sean hesitated, looking at the manuscript in his hand in a daze.

Of course he can use his own name to publish, but how can he convince himself?Deep down, he might still despise himself.

He thought, hesitated, to just add John's name to the author, and when he turned to the first page of the manuscript, it said.

"Above the Sky" by John Smith.

(End of this chapter)

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