book of old days

Chapter 65 The Ancient Story by the Fire Pond

Chapter 65 The Ancient Story by the Fire Pond

In the afternoon, Sean and Ragnar fought two more games.

During the break, Sean took the opportunity to ask Ragnar about Ivar.

"Do you know a man named Ivar?"

"Ivar...why are you asking this?" Ragnar's eyes showed a hint of vigilance.

Sean pretended not to see it, "I read this name in a book before, and he seems to be a Nord hero. I like those ancient hero stories, so I asked."

Ragnar's face brightened a little: "Among my ancestors, there was a man named Ivar. I don't know if he is the hero you mentioned, hehe, but he is indeed very famous, because he has done some things. Folly."

"It's impolite to say that about your ancestor. What did he do?"

"In 1517, the Bretons invaded Nord. They drove straight into Nordforsen. At that time, Nordforsen was still a very prosperous city. My ancestor Ivar was just one of the many lords of Nordforsen. He Hearing the words of the priests of the temple, they summoned the Nords to make a final resistance. The priests of Aum declared that the god Aum would come to the battlefield and use his power to protect his people. However, when the war really came Nothing happened.

Everything is a lie, the Nords were massacred, and thousands of them died in the wilderness of the Oak Valley. That was the last recorded war in Nord history. Since then, Nord has become Brighton's Territory, do you still think Ivar is a hero now?
Hehe, maybe count, a dumb hero. "

"I don't think he's stupid, it's just that in that situation, he has no other choice."

Ragnar nodded, "Indeed, despair will make people desperate. If the god Aum really descends, things will probably be completely different."

As he spoke, longing eyes appeared in his eyes.

Xiao En secretly sighed in his heart, and said that this is the right time, Ivar became the hand of God, and his heir became the hereditary lord of Nordforsen, just as the priest of Aum promised, although this lord is a bit of a figure It feels like, but it is indeed the lord, and Aum did appear on the battlefield-although he still died in the end.

From this point of view, although the Aum God is a little weaker, he still keeps his word.

He hesitated for a moment, but still decided not to tell Ragnar the truth of the matter. Firstly, there was no way to explain his information channel. Secondly, even if Ragnar knew about it, what happened in the past had already passed.

"At least he died like a man." Sean said, patted Ragnar on the shoulder, "shall we continue?"

"I'm not coming, I still have to pick iron materials for you to make weapons." Ragnar's voice was a little out of interest, and Sean didn't force him.

After leaving Ragnar's house, he didn't go back immediately. He went to the bear's hometown first. The bear meat had already been smoked. After two days and two nights of smoking, the bear meat became dry, hard, dark, and smelled The smell of smoke and the fishy smell of bear meat have also faded a lot.

The same weight has also shrunk a lot.

Originally there were more than 300 pounds of bear meat, but after smoking, there were less than [-] pounds left.

Sean stuffed all the bacon into the dimension pocket, which can be used as dry food.

The bearskin coat hadn't been finished yet, and Mr. Xiong told him that it would take three to five days.

Seeing that it was still dark, Sean decided to go to the old man selling acorn noodles and ask about the stories of Nord mythology.

When passing by the tavern, he saw a notice posted on the wooden board outside the tavern door.

[Reward: A thief has appeared in the town, and more than a dozen households have been victimized. The amount of stolen property is huge, and the circumstances are bad. Anyone who can catch the thief will have the right to keep half of the stolen property and get Lord Rag Na said additional rewards issued.

Special Note: Due to the bad behavior of the criminal, the lord announced that all deaths and injuries caused during the arrest process will be the responsibility of the town hall, regardless of life or death. 】

Xiao En said in his heart that he didn't expect that big black mouse to still be at large. He noticed Agatha and wanted to go in to say hello. He hesitated, but he still didn't dare to go in.

This Alvie's eccentricity has not been revealed yet, so it's better not to take risks. What if she is also an alcoholic, and the next day after she gets drunk, she finds a big Nord man lying next to her, that would be a disaster.

After asking a child to help buy a bottle of mead outside the door, Sean went straight to the north of the town and found the old man who had sold him acorn noodles.

The old man's house was as dilapidated as ever. There were dilapidated animal skins hanging in the dark windows, and there was no light, only the whining sound of the wind blowing through the window lattice. En knocked on the door, but no one answered for a while.

He thought that the old man wouldn't hang up, right?Looking at the house looks like a haunted house.

However, just as he was about to leave, someone responded.

"Who's out there?" a hoarse voice asked.

"It's me! The Brighton man, I've brought presents."

The door opened, and the old man stretched his neck and frowned and appeared inside the door. Sean raised the wine bottle in his hand, "Can you let me in?"

The old man didn't move away, his expression was still cold, and the friendliness brought by the gold pound seemed to have faded with time, "What do you want from me?" He asked coldly.

"I want to know more about the Nord gods." Sean said, and took out another gold pound. "Come with me, this gold coin is yours."

The old man shrugged: "Okay, come in."

Sean walked in. The room was very dark. The old man seemed to be used to living in the dark, but fortunately there was no unpleasant smell.

The house is also very simple, with a wooden shelf, miscellaneous household items, every bowl is broken, every bag is patched, a wooden bed is placed near the window, and a few old pieces of the bed are missing. Mao's animal skin, next to the bed is the firepit, the fire is red and dark, it looks like it will be extinguished at any time, but it is still burning tenaciously.

There was a whining sound of wind overhead, where the smoke was exhausted, and the sky could even be seen directly.

On the beams of the house was a nest made of spruce branches, in which lay a bald goshawk, dozing with its head under its wings. "That's Wei'er. I picked it up when it was a baby bird and raised it. It was very majestic when it was young, but it's a pity that it's old—and I'm old too."

The old man shook his head with some emotion.

Sean nodded. He suddenly smelled a familiar aroma. When he lowered his head, he saw a can of acorn noodle porridge being stewed on the fire. The gray batter was bubbling from time to time. He was a little angry. Last time he He gave out a gold pound to buy his stock, but he didn't expect the stock to be hidden.

The old man explained: "I ground it myself. I found an oak forest on the road to the south and picked a lot of acorns."

Only then did Sean feel more balanced, "Didn't I give you money to buy grain?"

"Although there is a lot of money, there will always be a moment when I spend it all. I want to live on and live for years and years, and I always have to save some money."

Xiao En said in his heart that the old man had a good attitude, "Okay, then sell me some more later."

Although there is still some acorn noodles at home, it is definitely not enough to feed the group of dwarves through the winter, and I don't know if it will be enough for a month.

The two sat down by the fire.The old man picked up a fire stick and poked the fire pit to make the fire burn more vigorously. The fire light illuminated his face, which was covered with wrinkles, reflecting the red light.

He filled a bowl of porridge with a broken bowl, drank it greedily, drank less than half of the bowl in one gulp, and let out a sigh of relief, as if the act of drinking porridge also took a lot of energy from him.

"So what exactly do you want to know?"

"Why don't you get acquainted first, I'm John Smith, what do you always call?"

"Hmph, the name is just a code name, so what if you know it, I guess you should know this very well——John Smith."

Sean smiled awkwardly. The pseudonym he chose was really not up to standard. In Breton, John Smith is probably similar to Zhang San Li Si, a name that is both popular and somewhat unusual.

"You can call me the old man, or Yi Guo."

"Okay, old Mr. Yiguo, I want to know the stories of the ancient Nord gods. The Nords believe in those gods, what deeds they have, and what is the legend of the temples. I really want to hear it."

Sean took out a gold coin as he spoke, "This money can be considered as a mouth-watering fee."

"Smooth your mouth?" This is probably the first time the old man has heard such a statement, "It's the first time I've heard someone say that, but well, who wouldn't want free money."

He took the gold coin and looked at the head portrait of King Brighton with a complex look in his eyes, which soon became distant.

"Then we have to start from thousands of years ago..."

(End of this chapter)

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