The beginning of the dragon race on the Maybach

Chapter 187 The Men of the Gattuso Family

Chapter 187 The Men of the Gattuso Family
Rome, Italy,

It was a sunny morning. Frost was enjoying a warm sunbath in a suburban castle owned by Gattuso’s family. He was chatting and laughing with several bankers at the dinner table. Tens of billions of investment projects have been negotiated.

This is the negotiation environment Frost, the acting owner of the Gattuso family, likes the most. In his opinion, only those nouveau riche would like to negotiate cooperation after patting the table on the negotiating table and greeting each other's parents with a loud voice. It's rude, how elegant it is to finalize the cooperation in a graceful and cozy breakfast time.

Just when Frost claimed to be an elegant person, a piece of news made him, an elegant person, scold his mother in front of those bankers.

"Shocked! The head of the Gattuso family failed to move because of years of debauchery!"

"Scary! Ladies, go to the hospital and check! Playboy Pompeii Gattuso has AIDS!"

"According to reliable sources, Pompeii Gattuso turned out to be gay. AIDS was transmitted after having sex with a man. According to rumors, the man may be Frost Gattuso!"

"Who the hell did this!"

Frost tore the newspaper into shreds fiercely, and he even had the urge to send someone to kill these reporters directly.

But Frost calmed down and called Patsy.

"Hey, Passi! Yes, I saw it! Who did that! What kind of person did Pompeii provoke, and the other party actually killed the Gattuso family regardless of the face?"

"According to the investigation, it seems that the reporter who originally spread the rumor was a reporter under the Mint club, and it is suspected that someone entrusted the Mint club to spread this rumor."

"Who dares to provoke Gattuso's family? The Mint club actually accepted this order?"

"I don't know yet, but I am working hard to investigate, and I will report to you as soon as I have news."

Frost was a little confused. The Gattuso family had always been the top VIPs of the Mint club, but the Mint club accepted such an order. Could it be that the other party has a stronger influence than the Gattuso family?
Frost sighed and walked to the dining table, where there were still a bunch of bankers waiting for him, but a phone call stopped him.


"Frost, is the window across your table open?"

Frost was taken aback, why did Pompeii call him suddenly?

"It's open, wait, what do you mean?"

"Oh, let me greet you." Pompeii's voice on the other end of the phone was rarely frivolous, but it made Frost feel like "Frost, you son of a bitch, I'm here to greet your mother". Feel.

While Frost was thinking about what Pompey wanted to do, at the dining table not far away, the group of bankers suddenly pointed out the window and screamed.

Frost trotted to the dining table, and saw a white parachute, and the person under the parachute, he and the group of bankers knew each other.

"What is Pompeii crazy thinking about!" Frost slapped the table angrily, knocked over the cheese plate, and quickly opened the French windows, while telling the bankers next to him to stay away.

"It's just skydiving. I just won the skydiving world championship. I just want to show my superb skydiving skills in front of my 'dear' cousin."

The parachute blocked the entire field of vision, and Pompeii also threw the phone down from a high altitude, yelling at Frost at the top of his voice amidst the whistling wind.

The bankers on the side were stunned, not because the guy in front of them was too good at playing, but because they all knew the psychopath in Frost's mouth... His name is Pompeii, and his full name is Pompeii Gattuso, plus The current head of the Tusso family!
Ten years ago, Pompeii appointed Frost as the acting head of the Gattuso family on the grounds that "the capable will do more work" to handle all family affairs for Pompeii.And Frost did live up to his trust, Gattuso's family was thriving, and Pompeii was completely emptied in the past ten years.

According to gossip, Pompeii's order no longer works inside Gattuso's family, and everyone obeys Frost's orders. All Pompeii can do is to travel around and meet women according to his heart.

But Pompeii is Pompeii after all, a man with the great name of "Pompeii" and the real head of the Gattuso family.

Pompeii was named after the ancient Roman military strategist Gnaeus Pompey Magnus, also known as Pompeii the Great.

According to the family rules of the Gattuso family, only the heirs recognized by the family can use the names of the emperors and heroes of the ancient Roman Republic.Because the patriarch inherits the lineage of the great emperor and the hero, no matter how good the brothers of the same clan are, they are still common people. Therefore, no matter how powerful Frost is, whenever Pompey walks into the dining room during his meal, he must immediately get up and give up the person at the end of the long table. The first one is given to the [-]th brother who has been emptied of power, otherwise the old men of Gattuso's family will be the first to stand up against him.

Pompey arched his body and slowly landed on the dining table, stepping on Frost's favorite piece of cheese, kicking up a cloud of dust, and the white umbrella flowers fell slowly behind him, just like the ladies of the ancient court Long skirt.

"Okay, respected guests, please go out first, I think I have something to talk to my cousin."

Pompey stood on the dining table, condescending, with a vague majesty like an emperor looking down on his courtiers, which made the group of bankers subconsciously follow his request and walk out of the gate.

Frost was taken aback, he found that Pompeii in front of him was so strange, the current Pompeii did not look like the Gattuso stallion at all, but looked very much like the Pompeii the Great!
Looking at this man who suddenly became imposing, Frost realized that he had never really understood Pompeii.

Frost looked down on Pompeii from the bottom of his heart since he was a child. How could an honest kid who studied for the further development of the Gattuso family look up to a playboy who peeked at women's skirts since he was eight years old?When he learned that no matter how hard he tried, he could not change Pompey's status as the heir of the Gattuso family, Frost hated this man.

He has something that he can't have in this life anyway, but he doesn't cherish it so much, and runs to be a playboy!
Every day is to play with women, drive a yacht, participate in Paris Fashion Week, and go skiing in Switzerland with supermodels!
So after Pompeii made him the acting head of the family, he quickly emptied Pompeii's power, took the Gattuso family into his own hands, and made the Gattuso family only obey his orders.But at this moment, he discovered that Gattuso's family seemed to have been under Pompey's control, otherwise, how could he easily find out his coordinates and parachute in front of him without being stopped by the security forces ?

No matter how trash a person looks, the temperament in his bones cannot be changed.Now it seems that his cousin is not only a waste, but also a wise and mighty emperor.

"Dear cousin." Pompeii smiled and looked at Frost, but Frost felt a bone-chilling chill.

"So, are you fucking telling people that I have AIDS if I don't lift!"

Pompey jumped off the dining table, grabbed Frost's collar and roared angrily.

"Uh" Frost was suddenly baffled by the yelling, as if returning to the time when he was with Pompeii in his childhood, he said submissively, "No, how could I do this?"

Pompeii slammed the dining table: "Made! It's not who you are! Do you think I don't know? Don't you always feel that I am ashamed of the Gattuso family? Am I just a bubble girl traveler? If you have an opinion, say it, it's a big deal I'll just play secretly in the future, do you know how many female friends sent text messages to scold me and break up with me!"

"Your reputation is also a disgrace to the Gattuso family. Even if I hate you, I will not use the reputation of the Gattuso family as a price to punish you." Frost felt a little wronged. Dare to yell at him.

"Hey." Pompeii thought for a while, and it seemed to be the reason why someone like Frost, who cared most about family honor, would use such a despicable method.

Pompeii squinted his eyes, as if he had thought of something, picked up the phone in Frost's hand, and dialed Passy's number: "Hey, Passy, ​​yes, it's me, Pompeii, don't worry about why I called you Call, Frost is fine! Go ask the Mint Club if Caesar spread the rumor about me."

After a while, Passy looked at the text message sent to him by the Mint club in disbelief, and replied: "Master of the family"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Pompei yelled at the phone.

"Well, it has been confirmed that it is indeed the order of Master Caesar. Because Caesar has repeatedly guaranteed the honor of the Gattuso family, he said that the Gattuso family will never pursue the Mint club, otherwise he will have no children and grandchildren, so the Mint club thinks they are father and son. I just took the order if I played a prank in between.”

Pompeii and Frost on the other end of the phone were silent, and the two cousins ​​who looked at each other disliked each other and sighed at the same time.

Caesar played this ruthlessly, taking his own severance as an oath, the Gattuso family is really not easy to pursue the Mint club.

"Frost." Pompey patted Frost on the shoulder, looked at his cousin who was a few years younger than himself but had gray hair, and sincerely apologized, "I'm sorry, and I've worked hard. "


Frost looked at Pompey, who rarely spoke human words, feeling indescribable, and suddenly wanted to hug Pompey and tell about the grievances he had suffered from Caesar all these years.

"Oh, I shouldn't have let him go to the bottom of the Japan Trench at a depth of more than 8000 meters to blow up dragon embryos on the Trieste, which I painted as a plaster flag." Pompei sighed, a little regretful.

"It's okay, I don't blame you, even if you don't let him go to the bottom of the Japan Trench over 8000 meters to fry dragon embryos, he will do something else." Frost comforted Pompeii, and suddenly he realized that he seemed to have heard something , blue veins crawled all over his forehead.Frost grabbed Pompeii by the collar and roared, the decibels of the roar were comparable to jet planes, "Pompeii you bitch, what the hell are you talking about!"

"Hey, Frost, calm down, don't move!"

The phone in Pompeii's hand dropped to the ground, and he did not hang up on the speakerphone. Passy heard the movement of the two and hurried down from the upstairs office, but saw the pair of cousins ​​hugging and rolling, by the way What is mentioned is that Frost is ruthlessly grabbing Pompeii's silky long golden hair and grabbing that handsome face, and Pompeii is also tightly clutching Frost's beard and Frost is not much s hair.

"Pompeii, I *your mother's***, *your uncle!********"

"Frost, you ****, my god ****! *************"

The two kept greeting each other's mother and female relatives throughout the ages, which made Passy feel ashamed, thinking that apart from your mother, the female relatives throughout the ages are not the same?And please pay attention, how many of the female relatives you said are going to die are not dead, but are still sleeping in the freezer!
Well, after Percy's persuasion (Passi: If you don't stop, I'm afraid you two will really have all your hair pulled out), the two got up from the ground with bruised noses and disheveled faces, panting heavily, but Pompeii, who often skis, sails and other sports, is obviously better than Frost, an otaku who spends his days discussing business indoors.

Frost looked in the mirror at the black forest that was already sparse and had been nearly one-third destroyed by Pompeii, as well as the few beards left, and once again felt angry from the heart.

"Passy, ​​now, immediately, call Angers and call Caesar back!"

"Last year's school board meeting, coupled with our repeated suspicions of Chen Hongjian, has basically stood on the opposite side with Principal Angers. I am afraid he will not give us convenience. According to regulations, Caesar is a student of the academy. , Angers can send him to perform any task, we have no right to ask."

"But I am his parent! I attend Caesar's parent meeting every year! I have the right to ask about his safety!" Frost roared.

"Although saying that may make you a little displeased," Percy paused, and glanced at Pompey who was combing his hair, "But... you are attending Caesar's parent meeting on behalf of Patriarch Pompeii... you Has the right to attend but not the right to stop the mission."

Frost was hit head-on, glanced at the psychopath, and still couldn't bear to beg him: "Then call the Japanese branch! Ask them to suspend the mission or send Caesar back, we will be very grateful!" "

"The Japanese branch probably won't obey. As a semi-independent mafia organization, they didn't even obey Anger's orders in the past. In recent years, the relationship with the academy has eased because the current Snaki Eight Shadow Emperor Uesugi Koshi recognized him. Chen Hongjian is a godson, and he and Angers are old friends. Because you have repeatedly questioned Chen Hongjian's blood, the other party's perception of the Gattuso family." Passi did not continue.

"Wait, the Japanese branch is a mafia organization!" Frost was shocked.

"Yes. At the beginning of the last century, Lord Mayek, the leader of the Secret Party, arrived in Japan by ship and found that Japanese mixed races were engaged in the underworld. Whether it is custom industry, ship industry, arms, commerce, construction industry, even drug industry The commodity trading is also under the control of the Sheqi Bajia, and it is difficult for the secret party to infiltrate, so they can only choose to cooperate with the Sheqi Bajia, and they will establish a semi-independent branch by themselves, and they must send a certain amount of money every year. A large number of mixed races go to the colleges opened by the Secret Party to study abroad, and they have the dual status of members of the Eight Snake Qi Clans and branch members."

Frost stared dumbfounded at Pompeii and shouted, "How come no one has ever told me about such an important matter?"

"The Patriarch of Pompeii knew about it, but he probably forgot to tell you." Percy calmly looked away from the Patriarch.

Feeling Frost's gaze, Pompey whistled, feeling very comfortable, and he waited for Frost to ask him.

"Passy, ​​get me a Yirgacheffe and two croissants with some butter."

"I obey!" Paxi bowed and hurriedly left this place of right and wrong.

Frost fixed his mind and looked at Pompeii with complicated eyes. He really couldn't bear to beg Pompeii to stop this task, but Caesar's safety was in danger.
You said Caesar was not Pompey's own son?Pompey should be more worried and anxious about Caesar's safety than he is?
Pompey will tell the person who proposed this with practical actions that he is not in a hurry at all, and he is more happy to see Frost in a hurry.

Frost took several deep breaths in a row, hesitated again and again, looked at Pompey's calm appearance, and finally pulled his old face down.

"Pompeii, you... I request you to ask Angers to suspend this task in the name of the parents."

"Oh~~~ I've always wanted to see your expression, this expression of reluctance and begging me, hehehehe." Pompeii showed a mean smile, looking at Frost's face, "But I reject."

Frost clenched his fists, resisting the urge to punch him in the face, and asked, "Why!"

Pompey paused and said, "If you die so easily, can you still be called Pompey's son?"

"Don't worry, I have already arranged everything and communicated with Anger. Although the child named Chen Hongjian has always been accused of blood problems by you, he still has a good relationship with Caesar. This time, he went into the water with Caesar. And Uesugi Yue won’t let his godson get into trouble, and Caesar is also safe.”

Frost subconsciously believed Pompey's words, because he had never seen such a serious Pompey.

Pompey got up and went down the stairs.

Just when Frost's impression of this cousin changed completely, Pompey suddenly turned around, glaring and righteously saying: "Caesar's life should be the same as his father's, with footprints all over the seven continents and four oceans, and girlfriends all over the world." Seven continents and four oceans! Until that great goal is achieved! The men of our Gattuso family will not die!"

"Mad!" The veins on Frost's forehead bulged again, walking quickly behind Pompeii on a metal crutch, and kicked his buttocks.


Pompeii couldn't dodge enough to lose his balance, and rolled downstairs with a grunt.
(4948 words)
(End of this chapter)

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