The beginning of the dragon race on the Maybach

Chapter 51 Sorry, I'm Hilbert Jean Angers

Chapter 51 Sorry, I'm Hilbert Jean Angers

There was a gunshot outside the principal's room.

After the gunshot, there was a big hole in the doorknob of the principal's office.

Anger, who was fishing in the principal's office and enjoying a luxurious dinner, was stunned. Who would dare to shoot down his door?

And Norma didn't give him any warning?
But Angers' surprise only lasted for a moment, he didn't stop cutting the filet steak in front of him with a knife and fork, and his eyes were still on the steak.

Even if someone held a gun to his forehead, he could still remain calm.

After all, his speech spirit is time zero, and he is the fastest hybrid in the world!
Tap, tap, tap, tap.

A burst of hurried footsteps came from outside the door, followed by another bang!
The door of the principal's office was kicked open, and the door panel of the principal's office flew towards Angers who was eating.
As soon as Angers lowered his head, the door panel broke through the glass window behind him and fell down.

"Hey, Schneider, are you here to invite me to dinner? But as you can see, I'm already having dinner, so I'll make an appointment another day." Angers looked at Schneider, who was pointing a Pfeifer Zeliska revolver at him, and smiled road.

"I don't think I'd mind buying a bullet for your dinner."

Schneider looked at Angers coldly, and slowly took out a 600 Nitro Express bullet from the windbreaker pocket, and filled it in the empty bullet slot.

"What techniques do you teach my students?"

Anger looked at Schneider and said with a smile still on his face: "Oh, it's for this matter. I think it's okay for me to teach some special skills to the younger generation of my Lionheart Society. Question, right? This is just a kind of encouragement from me as a senior to my juniors."

"What are you talking about? The child hasn't yet." Schneider frowned, he didn't understand what Angers was saying at all.

"Wait!" Schneider suddenly realized something, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the hand holding the gun trembled a little, "You mean you taught such a dangerous technique to my only two students at the same time?"

"Uh, so you're not talking about Chu Zihang, ahaha, ahaha." Anger was suddenly a little embarrassed, he thought that Schneider came to question the teacher because he learned that he had passed on the violent blood to Chu Zihang, but he didn't Thinking that the first person discovered by Schneider was the kid on the other side of the ocean.

Originally, I thought that I could hide one from the other, but I didn't expect that he would not tell himself now.

"hold head high!"


The Pfeifer Zeliska revolver in Schneider's hand was directly on Angers' forehead, and he was about to shoot if there was a disagreement.

"Hey, Schneider, calm down!"

Manstein rushed into the principal's office at some point, and saw Schneider holding a gun to Angers' forehead, he was startled, and hurried forward to dissuade the old man.

"Why are you here?" Schneider said calmly without looking back.

"I wanted to go to the library, but suddenly I received a report that I heard gunshots, and I thought it was a student shooting nearby, but I called Norma's surveillance and found you.

Schneider, what are you doing? "

Manstein tried to step forward, but he exchanged a glance with Schneider's golden pupils.

He felt real anger and killing intent!
He hadn't seen Schneider like this since Greenland!
"You should ask what this old hooligan did to my two students!" Schneider said almost gritting his teeth.

It can be heard from Schneider's tone that he is really angry now.

"Two of your students? Isn't there only one Chu Zihang?" Manstein understood but was also puzzled.

Schneider may seem ruthless, but he is extremely defensive, especially for his students.And Angers seems to have involved his students in some things, no wonder Schneider is so angry.

But he was puzzled, he hadn't heard that Schneider had recruited a second student, and what did Angers do to Schneider's students that made Schneider so angry?
He didn't believe that Schneider was making trouble out of no reason. Judging from his experience of cooperating with Schneider over the years, Schneider must have sufficient evidence to confirm what Angers did to his students before accusing Angers, not to mention that he still took it. Come with a gun.

"There is also a student who is the same age as Chu Zihang, whose pedigree is Transcendent A, but that student chose to study a year of preparatory studies in the capital of Huaxia." Anger didn't feel nervous about being pointed at by a gun at all, "Oh, that's right By the way, within half a year, that child has completed all the courses of the first and second grades in the preparatory class. This is the first time that the preparatory class has encountered such a situation, and is applying to us for all course books."

Self-taught the knowledge of all the courses of the first and second grades in half a year?

Manstein was a little amazed at the talent of Schneider's student who hadn't shown up, and this was another Transcendent A Grade student.

As soon as Ange finished speaking, the cold muzzle of the gun pressed against his forehead and took two steps back.

"You actually know everything about him clearly, Angers, you old bastard, you really plotted against my students!"

"Hey hey, Schneider, don't be impulsive." Anger waved his hand at Schneider, "I just gave Chu Zihang the forbidden technique 'Blood Blood' of the Lion Heart Society, and then gave him a question whether to use this forbidden technique or not. It is obvious that one of the last two children chose to learn and send, and the other chose to accept and learn.”

"Blood?" Schneider searched for the name of this forbidden technique in his mind, but he didn't have any impression.

"I don't know what kind of forbidden technique this violent blood is! But since it is a forbidden technique, there must be a reason why it is called a forbidden technique! But you taught it to two of my students, and one of them was a few hours ago because of Learning your bullshit forbidden technique has turned into a dragon, almost out of control!"

Anger frowned and said, "It shouldn't be. It is impossible for the A-level hybrid to lose control before the third burst of blood. Is his dragon transformation serious? Has he regained consciousness now?"

Schneider took out his mobile phone and played the video inside.

In the video, blue-gray dragon scales appeared on 60.00% of the boy's body surface, and his ten fingers turned into dragon claws. He let out bursts of dragon roars, and vented his tyranny at the facilities in the room.

Watching the video, Anger's expression became more serious.

"Hmph, fate! And his little girlfriend is constantly trying to awaken his human consciousness, coupled with his own strong willpower, regained control of his body, and also lifted the dragon phenomenon."

Angers breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he is a super A-level student. Even if that child will be admitted in a few years, such a student can share a lot of pressure.

Schneider gritted his teeth as he looked at Anger's changing expression, and suddenly remembered that another student of his had also obtained this forbidden technique, so he couldn't help glaring at Anger and said, "Follow me to see Chu Zihang, if he does anything question, I'll shoot you in the head!"

After confirming that Chu Zihang had successfully mastered the once violent blood, Schneider and Ange breathed a sigh of relief.

Schneider looked at Ange and said viciously: "If something happens to my student because of this forbidden technique in the future, I will still shoot you in the head!"

"Hey, Schneider, don't worry, I have used this forbidden technique for more than 100 years, can't I still go racing to pick up girls now? Don't worry, they are your students and my students as the principal."

Schneider listened to Anger's assurance, and although he was still angry at the old bastard for making decisions without authorization, he was a little relieved when he heard Anger say that Chu Zihang and Chen Hongjian were also his students.

However, it's better to bring that kid here to watch me, so I can rest assured, Angers, this old bastard... can't be completely trusted
Would a teacher harm his own students?What's more, as Angers said, he has used this forbidden technique for 100 years and is still a thug in a suit. Even if his students are only of Transcendent A Grade blood, they will not be worse than Angers.

However, when Angers turned to leave, a trace of guilt still flashed in Angers eyes.

"Sorry, Schneider, children, it is worth paying any price to bury the Dragon Clan.

The trace of guilt in Ange's eyes quickly disappeared.

Sorry, I am Angers, Hilbert Jean Angers, the "God of Vengeance" who lived to bury the Dragon Clan.

In Ange's eyes, it was replaced by wildfire-like desire.

(End of this chapter)

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