Hongwu Daming: Why hasn't my son rebelled?

Chapter 142 Bai Tang Yuer's Wedding Night

Chapter 142 Bai Tang Yuer's Wedding Night
The bonfire party of the Li nationality is just as imagined.

A huge bonfire was raised in the village, and everyone was jumping and jumping around the bonfire.

The girls are not as reserved as the Han girls, and all of them are dancers and singers.

There is dancing here, and folk songs are shouting there, so it is very lively.

It was the first time for Zhu Qi to participate in such an evening party. He was the winner of this competition to recruit a relative, and naturally he was also the protagonist of this evening party.

The little girls surrounded Zhu Qi, chattering and asking questions.

A few knew that Zhu Qi was actually Bai Tang Yu'er's sweetheart, and now seeing that the lover finally got married, they naturally covered their mouths and laughed happily.

Everything seemed so harmonious and beautiful, just like in a fairy tale, the prince and princess lived happily together in the end.

However, Zhu Qi felt more and more that something was wrong.

Because it's too fast.

Even among the Li people, they have never heard of people who decide to get married one day and start the wedding the next day.

What's more, don't Tang Xiaozu and Bai Dongfang know that they are Han Chinese?

For Han people to marry a wife, or to be a regular wife, there must be many complicated etiquettes. How can they get married casually?

Taking advantage of the gap between the bonfire party, Zhu Qi tactfully asked this question.

Bai Dongfang explained with a kind face that these things are not popular among the Li people, and since they want to marry her, the daughter of the chieftain of the Li people, they must follow the customs of their Li people.

Moreover, this matter has already been explained when recruiting relatives.

After thinking about it, Zhu Qi understood that this Bai Dongfang was the chieftain, he was an official conferred by the imperial court, and he even got a salary.

And the buddies he recruited were all the sons of wealthy businessmen with no official background.

As Bai Dongfang, there is really no need to worry about the customs of these sons and brothers.

Zhu Qi wanted to understand this, so he didn't ask for more.

But the wedding is still a trivial matter, at worst, the natal family will hold one, and then go back to Yingtian Mansion, and then it will be done for Bai Tang Yuer.

The bonfire party lasted until very late, but tonight, most of the people had to work all night.

There is no other reason. The wedding of Bai Tang Yuer and Zhu Qi will be held tomorrow. As the organizer, the Li people naturally need to arrange the whole process.

However, unlike the cumbersome marriage customs of the Han people, the marriage customs of the Li people are not so complicated.

More are the rules during the love period, which is the so-called "playing with the boudoir".

In fact, it is similar to the current love affair. The Li people pay attention to free love. Men and women look at each other pleasingly. After dating for two or three years, they feel that there is no problem before they can get married.

If you regret it halfway, you can propose it before you get married, and there is no problem in breaking up with each other.

Even if an illegitimate child is born during the period of "playing with the dragon", it will not be criticized as much as the Han people.

But monogamy still exists, and they must be faithful to each other after marriage.

This is equivalent to Zhu Qi directly skipping the process of "playing a long boudoir" and entering the final link of marriage.

In the early morning of the second day, Zhu Qi was called up and changed into a traditional costume of the Li people.

Afterwards, amidst the cheers and laughter of all the Li people, they came to the round castle.

All I saw outside the round castle was already full of people of the Li nationality, singing and dancing with all kinds of national musical instruments in their hands.

These dances and music can't be said to be very accomplished, the main purpose is to make them lively and festive.

As for the link of meeting the bride and welcoming the bride, there is no such thing.

When Zhu Qi arrived at the door, he heard a group of people starting to sing.

Originally, Zhu Qi, the bridegroom official, was supposed to sing this link, but Bai Dongfang considered that Zhu Qi was a Han Chinese and did not have the customs of the Li people.

So I arranged dozens of young men to sing with Zhu Qi at the side.

In the round castle, there was also singing, all of which were folk songs, and the content was nothing more than about love, loyalty and so on.

From Zhu Qi's point of view, these lyrics are naturally nothing, but from the point of view of Gao Jin and others, these lyrics that directly seek love are too bold.

The singing session ended soon, and then the gate of the round castle opened slowly surrounded by the people of the Li nationality.

Then I saw an elder dressed like a witch doctor, holding a machete in his hand, and there were some things such as eggs and big leaves in front of him.

While jumping the big rope, he muttered:

"Heavenly ghosts, earth ghosts and ghosts, ghosts and ghosts, don't block the gate of the village; cut eggs with sharp knives to see red, mow leaves out of stock and open the gate of the village. Fire cannons and light fire to drive away evil, torches guide the way to guide relatives; weddings are happy, everyone is happy, the bride and groom are happy forever .”

Then there was a sound of firecrackers, and everyone applauded and celebrated again, followed by someone shouting:

"The bride is here!"

Everyone craned their necks to look over, and Zhu Qi also hurriedly looked over.

I saw Bai Tang Yu'er, who was wearing national costumes and a heavy hat, came out surrounded by the girls.

Bai Tang Yu'er's face was also painted with some simple and beautiful paintings, and suddenly a feeling of exoticism different from the Central Plains came out.

The crowd surrounded Zhu Qi and walked towards Bai Tang Yu'er again. The two were pushed to come together, and then they were surrounded and walked into the round castle.

Bai Tang Yu'er, who was bold and lively in the past, also looked shy after being pushed to Zhu Qi's side.

Zhu Qi blinked and squeezed Bai Tang Yu'er's hand, and Bai Tang Yuer also squeezed back with blinking eyes.

The two followed the crowd into the round castle, only to see the open space of the round castle, which had already been arranged like a banquet.

All kinds of delicacies are placed on the table, and in the most conspicuous place, there is a huge wine barrel half the height of a person.

This is the blessing wine in the customs of the Li nationality, which is similar to the wedding wine that the Han people drink when they get married.

After everyone walked into the banquet venue, they began to eat and drink, singing and drinking.

Just when Zhu Qi thought it was over after eating, he saw a group of girls coming out again. These girls were dressed up one by one, holding rice balls in their left hand and sticks in their right.

The young men of the Li nationality who came with Zhu Qi shouted loudly, and then rushed towards the girls.

Zhu Qi didn't know what it was for, so he looked at Bai Tang Yu'er beside him.

Bai Tang Yu'er explained with a smile:
"It's called teasing, those rice balls can be snatched, but those girls won't let you snatch them, and even beat you with sticks if you're in a hurry.

If you grab the rice ball, it will naturally have a good meaning, peace and happiness or something. "

After Bai Tang Yu'er finished speaking, Xu Zengshou, Li Jinglong and others, who had been following Zhu Qi, suddenly became interested.

One by one also rolled up their sleeves and went to grab the rice balls.

I saw the young man over there fighting with the girls, and the sound of sticks was heard from time to time, it was very lively.

It was noisy until noon, and then began to formally eat.

But Zhu Qi noticed that Bai Tang Yu'er picked up the bowl, and just ate a grain of rice before putting it down.

Zhu Qi hurriedly asked:

"What's wrong? Not feeling well?"

Bai Tang Yu'er shook her head and whispered:
"Our rule here is that the bride can only eat one grain of rice on her wedding day.

I haven't eaten since this morning, and I won't be able to eat until tomorrow. "

Zhu Qi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that Li people's wedding still has this rule, the bride has to go hungry for a whole day, so what should I do at night?

Zhu Qi leaned over and said:
"When you're done, go eat in your room."

Bai Tang Yuer hurriedly shook her head and said:
"No, no, it's unlucky to eat."

Zhu Qi saw that Bai Tang Yu'er was so persistent, so he didn't say anything. After all, everyone wants to make things auspicious when they get married.

When the meal was over, the wedding ceremony was officially over, and the crowd sent Zhu Qi and Bai Tang Yu'er into the bridal chamber amidst the beating of gongs and drums and all kinds of singing and dancing.

The link of sending them into the bridal chamber is quite similar to that of the Han people, but there is no more nuisance in the bridal chamber later.

A group of people waited and quickly retreated.

After everyone left, Bai Tang Yu'er breathed a sigh of relief, then sat comfortably on the table and chair in the room, and began to drink water.

Zhu Qi went to the door to have a look, and then took out a bag of things from his sleeve.

Showing off in front of Bai Tang Yuer, Bai Tang Yuer took a sniff and said:

"What is this, it smells so good."

"Of course you smell good."

Zhu Qi rolled his eyes, opened the package and placed it in front of Bai Tang Yu'er.

When I opened it, there was half a roast chicken inside.

I heard Zhu Qi say:

"Eat, I haven't eaten all day, are you really going to lose weight?"

Bai Tang Yu'er hesitated for a moment, and Zhu Qi immediately began to seduce him carefully. Whatever is auspicious or unlucky, it's okay to put it on ordinary people.

I am the Liao King of the Ming Dynasty, and I will live with the country. Is it possible to get married and end the fortune of the Ming Dynasty?

It's all about this, Bai Tang Yu'er thinks about it, let alone this is Zhu Qi's wish.

Bai Tang Yu'er sat on the table and began to eat, half a roast chicken was definitely enough for her.

Zhu Qi just sat on the side and watched her eat, but Bai Tang Yu'er didn't finish eating, so he put the roast chicken down, and then looked at Zhu Qi maliciously.

"I'm full, have you eaten yet?"

Zhu Qi was taken aback for a moment, then said:

"I didn't just eat..."

But he just got to the point of speaking, seeing Bai Tang Yu'er blinking her eyes, he didn't know what she meant.

Immediately speaking, Tang Yuer hugged Bai Tang Yuer by the waist, and then said with a smirk:

"You're full, it's time for me to eat."

Bai Tang Yu'er raised her hand shyly, and punched Zhu Qi's chest twice:


"The more annoying thing is yet to come."

Zhu Qi threw Bai Tang Yu'er onto the bed, and then opened the window curtain.

He saw Bai Tang Yu'er wearing a traditional costume of the Li nationality, her face blushing.

Zhu Qijue stepped forward and slapped Bai Tang Yuer's chest directly...

……… 100 million words are omitted here………

The next day, early in the morning.

Zhu Qi got up early and fought fiercely last night. It can be said that the fight was inextricable.

It has to be said that the physical strength and physique of martial arts are good.

If Zhu Qi hadn't relied on his own strengths to occupy an innate advantage, it might really be the winner.

But no matter how exciting the battle was, seeing Bai Tang Yuer fall asleep with a satisfied face, she was out of breath like a dead dog.

Zhu Qi couldn't help lowering his head and thinking.

Winning, but not seeming to win.

Bai Tang Yu'er is still sleeping late, this is her home, and there is no such thing as returning home.

Zhu Qi didn't bother to wake her up, but went out to wash and eat, and asked someone to leave a copy for Bai Tang Yu'er.

At this moment, I saw Bai Dongfang and Tang Xiaozu walking over together.

Zhu Qi hurried up to salute, one was father-in-law and the other was grandfather, but they were both elders.

Tang Xiaozu seemed very satisfied with Zhu Qi, his son-in-law, and looked at him with a smile on his face, but Bai Dongfang told him not to be too polite.

Then someone brought up a box of things.

The box was full of gold, silver and silk. Zhu Qi looked at the contents of the box and was still thinking about what was going on, but saw Bai Dongfang explaining with a smile.

Said it was Bai Tang Yuer's dowry.

Good guy, this dowry can be said to be very valuable, a whole box of gold, silver and jewelry!

Looking at the rustic appearance of the round castle, it doesn't look like it's very rich. It is estimated that Bai Dongfang also spent a lot of money to help Bai Tang Yu'er take out the dowry.

Of course Zhu Qi couldn't accept it, he didn't even give the dowry, and even accepted the dowry, what kind of talk is that?

Zhu Qi hastily tried to evade again and again, but Bai Dongfang immediately said:

"This is the custom of our Li nationality. If a girl is married out, it will be the water thrown out, and she will have nothing to do with us in the future.

Let Yu'er bring the money to her in-law's house, and it is also our parents and elders, the last bit of my heart. "

After Bai Dongfang said this, Zhu Qi could only respect and obey.

I thought I could stay here for a few more days, but I didn't expect that Bai Dongfang would soon arrange for people to send them away from the gathering place of the Li people.

Poor Bai Tang Yu'er was still sleeping, and her mother called her up, and even put away the red sheet, and asked Bai Tang Yu'er to take it back to her in-law's house.

Bai Tang Yu'er's face flushed red from the commotion.

Just like that, Zhu Qi, who had been in Chongshan Village for less than two days, left as if he had been kicked out.

Before leaving, Bai Dongfang specifically told him that he would not have to come back in the future. Since a girl from the Li nationality married an outsider, there was no reason for her to come back.

Zhu Qi really wanted to ask back: "What about your daughter?"

But after thinking about it, I didn't ask any more questions.

As soon as Bai Tang Yu'er heard that she would not be taken home from now on, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

She had never heard of such a custom.

But whether it was her father, mother, or grandfather Bai Dongfang, they all said this with a straight face.

Bai Tang Yu'er had no other choice.

Zhu Qi left with Bai Tang Yu'er's dowry, and everyone who accompanied him looked strange, but they didn't dare to say anything.

Only Zhu Di cautiously asked Zhu Qi in private:

"Third Brother, Bai Dongfang and the others...are they going to rebel?"

(End of this chapter)

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