The correct way to cultivate poros

Chapter 16 Unqualified Examination

Chapter 16 Unqualified Examination

Watching the jealous quarrel between the two, Zell held back his smile and explained before the matter got too serious.

"Sister Kai, I just thought a song was suitable and suddenly sang it. It has no other meaning. Look at Wei's two big fists, which can hardly even turn the pages of a book. How can they look like the literary girl in the lyrics? As for inserting two A straw, to prevent the crushed ice from being too tightly sealed, not because I want to drink the same cup as Wei."


Vi gestured an international friendly finger to Zell.

He really did it on purpose, these two people are tricky, as long as he pretends to interfere, they will be in a hurry.

After this wave of operations, the attack and reception are clear.

"Oh? Really? Cousin, you really know a lot." Kaitlyn sarcastically sarcastically, but felt resentful in her heart.

You bastard is plotting against me!
Caitlin has already started to regret why she came to visit the store and brought Wei here.

This cousin was too dishonest, so he went back to his mother and asked him what was going on.

On the other side, Zell is still operating.

"After drinking this Mojito, we will be friends."

"your treat."

Wei was also polite, took the cocktail and inhaled it. The refreshingness of the lime complemented the strongness of the rum, and the cold bubbles burst in his mouth.

"It's delicious!" Wei, a vulgar person, couldn't think of any fancy words to praise him, so he turned to Caitlin and said, "Xiao Kai, your brother is quite interesting, I'm sure I'll be my friend!"

"One glass of wine bought you."

Caitlin dismissed it, and turned to notice that Zell was blinking at her.

She remembered Zell's talk of making some Zaun friends, and now he'd done it.

This made her inexplicably feel like being pried into a corner, but she had to admire his ability.

"Give me a drink too." She thought a little annoyed.

"Okay." Zell hummed again, treating everyone equally.


The cocktail in Caitlin's glass had bottomed out, she picked up the straw to stir in the glass, and took another small sip out of the ice cubes.

"Recently, several workshops in the border market have been burglarized. You better be careful in your coffee shop."

"Well, I read the daily newspaper this morning, and the criminal broke into the workshop late at night and rummaged through it, but turned a blind eye to the money in the counter. It's weird, is it just for smashing the scene?"

"It's not for money, it must be for something." Caitlin shook her head and said, "The several workshops that were stolen have Hex technology research projects in progress, and it can be determined that the criminal's goal is the Hex technology in the device. Hex gems. But he missed all of them, Hex gems will be secretly transferred away outside the experiment time, and they cannot be found by breaking in in the middle of the night."

Zell smiled indifferently: "I'm not a workshop, so there's no hex gem for him to steal."

"You still have to be careful. The doors and windows of the workshop are very strong, but they were still forcibly broken by criminals. This shows that most of the criminals have undergone prosthetic transformation, which is very dangerous for ordinary people."

"It turns out that Sister Kai is worried about this. I know, if I see a suspicious person, I will run away immediately, and then find a chance to call the police."


Although the mint has a refreshing effect, and the alcohol content of the cocktail is not high, but Wei has drank a few glasses in a row, and he is still a little drunk at the moment.

Listening to the conversation between the siblings, under the influence of alcohol, Wei couldn't help but think of someone.

If the relationship with her can be half as good as that of the siblings, that's fine...

Wei pulled out the straw, poured the drink mixed with crushed ice into her mouth, and began to chew like wax, the overflowing liquid trickled down the corner of her mouth.

"Wei, stop drinking."

Caitlin noticed Wei's loneliness, and persuaded her with a complicated expression.

Seeing it, Zell quietly hid the remaining half bottle of rum.

In this city, everyone has a past hidden in their hearts.

"Stop! You gutter rat!"

Suddenly, Zell's wild intuition, which was still activated, suddenly noticed some movement.

He seemed to sense from the chaotic footsteps that a fierce chase was taking place in the street.

The man running in front was fast but had weird footsteps, which immediately reminded him of the criminals Caitlyn said, people who have been transformed with prosthetic limbs often have a shifted center of gravity because their bodies are no longer symmetrical.

"Sister Kai, I seem to hear something."

"What?" Caitlin looked up.

Bang bang bang!
Gunshots rang out one after another, and Zell felt that he no longer needed to explain.

With a stabbing sound, Wei pushed the chair away and rushed out of the coffee shop, forgetting even the power gloves.

Seeing this, Caitlin also got up quickly, gave Zell a slightly apologetic look, then picked up the rifle hat and followed.

Zell glanced at the glove on the ground, and wanted to pick it up and send it to Wei, but when he stretched it in, his hand was pinched so painfully, and he couldn't walk when he picked it up, so he stayed and guarded the Poro resentfully.

He waited until he learned a spell that could buff himself, so he used this thing.

When Caitlin ran out, the criminal and Vi had both disappeared at the end of the street. She stopped a guard at the intersection and ordered him to report the situation immediately.

"Sheriff, the criminal is from Zaun. His right arm has been strengthened by alchemy and is very powerful. Half an hour ago, he premeditatedly kidnapped a member of the Morrison Workshop and threatened him to take Hex from the laboratory. Gems, are fleeing towards the Rift Valley now!"

"He wants to escape back to Zaun, you guys chase after him at the station."

Caitlin gave the order, but turned and ran into another street.

She already knew the criminal's destination, and if she got to Zaun, she could use the dungeon's intricate terrain to throw off the guards, and they had to stop him before then.

But now there are only two roads that can lead to Zaun, except for the transport plane at the station, there is only the Cantexa Cable Car left.

Although the cable car at this point is out of service, if you are good at it, you can use the cable car frame to jump step by step. This has been verified by Wei and Caitlin.

If Caitlin were him, she would choose this dangerous path that most people would never think of.

A few minutes later, Caitlin appeared at the corner of the factory alley, and the end of the alley was the unloading point of the cable car.

With her knowledge of the Piltover shortcut, she didn't go out of the alley, but took down the rifle where it was, and put it in an aiming position, with one eye open, the rifling pointed straight at somewhere in the high street unloading point.

She was very sure that the criminal would pass by her crosshairs after a while, and as long as she pulled the trigger at that moment...

A hot orange flame spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and the figure whose heart was not much bigger than an ant fell down immediately.

For a sharpshooter who can put a bullet through the center hole of a silver wheel three blocks away, that's just basic maneuvering, even if she's just had a drink.

Amid the familiar gunshots, the criminal's prosthesis shattered and he fell to the ground suddenly.

Wei, who had been chasing all the way, naturally wouldn't give up. She went up and beat up the fallen person violently, venting the depression in her heart with her disorderly fists. She missed the original pleasure of wrapping her knuckles with ribs. Power fists can't feel it.

Caitlin controlled her approaching speed, and by the time she came to stop Vi, the strong criminal had already broken three ribs and knocked out five teeth, making him extremely miserable.

"Drink some wine, it doesn't matter if it's light or heavy."

When Vi came back to get the gloves, Zell gasped when he saw the horror of the criminal on the stretcher.


After sending the two of them away, he also closed the shop and went back to sleep.

Lying on the bed, Zell suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Catelyn is too busy to take care of poro. Vi is like a big child, too many problems, it is impossible to take care of poro."

Yes, earlier, when he saw the two of them, he had a whim—maybe he could get the heroes to help him breed special poro.

Because people who can become heroes have certain characteristics.

Let Poro follow them by their side, and learn this trait by osmosis, can they become special Poro?

This is theoretically possible, but poro are living beings after all, and Zell would rather they not evolve than have it follow the wrong owner.

So when Wei proposed to buy a Poro, Zell didn't immediately agree.

As a result, after some investigation tonight, both of them were unqualified.

Fortunately, I didn't agree hastily at the beginning.

He turned over and continued to think.

"Only Heimerdinger has raised Poro in the Twin Cities. He has experience and features. He is a good candidate."

"But I only have five poro now, the energy accumulated by any one less will plummet, and Roy..."

"...I'll definitely be angry." Zell had already imagined Roy's resentment.

"It's better to study how to increase the number of Poro first."

(End of this chapter)

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