The correct way to cultivate poros

Chapter 200 Kamavia Soldiers

Chapter 200 Kamavia Soldiers
Zell knew that many people had the same doubts as Bron, so he explained: "Many years ago, the cataclysm released from the center of the island destroyed the civilization of the entire Blessed Island, and everything in Hylia was frozen in time. The moment of the explosion."

"The curse of ruin..." Illaoi sighed: "Before this place became a Shadow Island, we Baru had close contacts with scholars from the Blessed Isle. They even helped the Baru people build a temple here , friendly exchanges with each other's culture."

"now what?"

"The Baru priests who came to the island to study did not escape the curse. We tried to find the temple but failed. Now these things can only be heard in legends."

Every few months, Baru would send candlelighters to the Shadow Isles, pouring holy anointing on the altars along the way to light up the beacons.

The original intention of this was to search for survivors and leave them shelter.But as the black mist continued to grow stronger, it evolved into an early warning function.

If the night of soul eclipse happened and the beacon was extinguished by the raging black mist, they would be able to sense it immediately.

"The story is over and everyone is here, who can tell me where to go now? I can't wait to ask Planck to have a gun."

The more people there are, the easier it is to attract the undead, so apart from the eight-person team including Pike, Sarah only let a few men who specialize in carrying things go ashore, and all the other crew members stayed behind on the Beauty.If her first mate, Raven, hadn't been injured and couldn't follow, Sarah would have let him follow her.

After that, the Beauty will not continue to berth at the port, but will drive to a place far away from the black fog of the island, and wait for Sarah's signal before coming back to pick them up.

A group of people looked at each other, some wanted to find Fu Guangshui, some wanted to find Planck, some said to go in the direction where the black mist was thickest, but there was no accurate answer.

Zell is very thankful that he contacted Ahri in advance, otherwise it would be difficult to come to a unified conclusion after such arguing.

"Ahem, everyone, listen to me. A friend arrived at Shadow Isle earlier than us. We are going through the Coastal Academy to the Twisted Jungle. She said she would wait for us there."

"College? Is that the tower?" Braum pointed to a building on the east mountain. The top of the tower was broken, and the rubble was suspended in the sky, which was very desolate.

Zell nodded, and Bron was in high spirits: "It doesn't look very far away, so what are you talking about, let's go."

A group of people walked towards the mountain, and the aborigines built generous stone steps on the road, which was still solid and reliable even after thousands of years of suffering.

Roy fell behind, looked at Yasuo out of the corner of her eye, and whispered in Zell's ear, "Aren't you going to tell him about that friend?"

"When the time comes, let them decide for themselves. I'm still curious about Yasuo's reaction."

Yasuo always put on a look of indifference to everything, so Zell wanted to give him a surprise. This is his little bad taste.

On the way up the mountain, the mist surged back and forth, bringing many undead that had never been seen before.

A pale ghost flew out from the house by the roadside, wrapped in white torn canvas, the outline of the body tightly strangled by belts and chains, it seemed that it should be a woman when she was alive.

Her hood fluctuates with her breathing, but what's horrifying is... when she inhales and fits her face, she can't see the contours of her facial features at all.

The ghost shadow stayed above the crowd, and when Zell was about to raise her head to study whether the torn canvas was worn or not, she suddenly summoned a group of mist spirits to attack them.

These weak fog spirits failed to break through the light of the lantern and hurt the people inside. Pike threw the harpoon backhand and tore the torn canvas, and all the witch spirits fled back into the black mist.

Unfortunately, there was nothing under the torn canvas, not even the phantom body with energy condensed, Zell was very disappointed.

He obviously has such a good figure, but it's a pity that he is a holster ghost.

This should belong to the kind of undead bound in the object, as long as the object is destroyed, the corresponding spirit body will be destroyed.

An ethereal spirit body floated in front of him. He had no body, and his face was made of floating stones.

His expression was serene, as if he couldn't see anyone, he slowly floated over, hit the mask straight, and shattered into stones.

But after a few people passed by, it regrouped into a broken face and walked down the mountain.

The calm sea in the distance stirred up, and a swift crab completely made of stone or armor crawled onto the beach from the black water.

It was as huge as a ship, more than ten times bigger than the blue crab they encountered last time, and the gaps on its body were filled with green smoke.

Instead of bothering them, the giant scuttle crab stayed on the beach scavenging, armoring its shell and absorbing the dead into its core.

Some of the undead do not possess the instinct of aggression and glancing. If good and innocent people set foot on the land of the Shadow Isles, if they are lucky, they may meet a compassionate or empathetic soul and try to lead them to a safe place. place.

A burst of laughter came into his ears, and Zell looked around and saw a little girl swinging on a swing under a twig tree, letting out bursts of ghostly laughter.

The little girl looked harmless, and her innocent smiling face was completely different from the dry and gloomy ugly faces of other undead, but Sarah still asked her to eat a gun and let her dissipate in a puff of smoke.

This laughter evoked despair in her heart, even through the mask, people had the urge to climb the stone steps and jump off the cliff, so she had to disappear.

Most of the undead encountered on the road failed to break through the protection of the holy ointment. It can basically be said that as long as they hide in the mask, they are safe.

They came to the main entrance of the college, and a phalanx of dozens of soldiers on the bridge in front of them was trying to break through the defense of the mage group.

The two sides fought together, but the strange thing was that their attacks did not cause any damage to the enemy.

The sword cut through the illusory body, the will-o'-the-wisp burned the rusted armor, and ripples appeared in the spirit body, without any damage.

"These were Kamavia's soldiers..." Gwen's memory was pulled out like threads.

In order to save the queen, Fiego led the army to Blessed Island.But at that time the queen was dead, and Fu Guangshui was powerless to recover.

The wise man on the island refused Viego, so he forced his way to the island and ordered the soldiers to kill everyone who stood in his way.

For thousands of years after that, those who died because of this were still trapped in the never-ending fight and could not rest in peace.

After reading this, Gwen hated Foyego even more.

She strode forward, for the sake of Ysolde, it was necessary for her to free these souls, even if it was only once in thousands of reincarnations.

Sensing her approach, the soldiers and mages stopped and turned to face her.

The staff waved, and a black light full of death energy shot at Gwen, followed by sharp arrows.

The soldiers and mages, who were originally mortal enemies, unexpectedly ceased fighting tacitly, and jointly launched an attack on her!
(End of this chapter)

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