The correct way to cultivate poros

Chapter 93 Crazy Claw Herd

Chapter 93 Crazy Claw Herd
After Winter's Claw and the others left, Braum looked at the way down the mountain, which happened to be a big slope.

"It would be fun to push a big snowball down."

The Poro on the shoulder poked his head out of the goose-feather vest when he heard what he said, and looked at him innocently.

"But Braum has to wear a shield, and he can't control the direction of the snowball with only one hand."

After hearing this, the Poro anxiously stretched out his front paw and pulled him, making a groaning sound in his throat.

"Don't be afraid, Bron has something more fun here!"

Braum said that he put the shield under his feet as a sled and embarked on a skiing adventure with Poro.

Exciting skiing makes people feel a little hypoxic. After taking a short rest, Braum walked into the woods with the poro who still couldn't get enough. The village of the Broken Tooth Tribe extends.

"The footprints are still fresh...too bad!" Braum suddenly remembered what he was here for.

He was appointed by Broken Tooth Warmother to investigate the traces of wild beasts and give early warning to the village. Although the attack that Winter's Claw was organizing was resolved by accident, he did not do a good job of investigating and early warning for the village. This gave the Crazy Claw herd an opportunity to sneak in.

Thinking of this, Braum hurriedly ran to the village, praying to the three sisters as much as possible before he had time.

When Braum arrived at the village, the soldiers had already started a fierce battle with the herd of beasts. He rushed into the battle group without hesitation and knocked away a mad claw beast that was tearing apart the fallen soldiers.

The beast rolled around on the ground and got up, with a huge body like a war horse but with the agility of a cat. It jumped onto the roof with one tiptoe. Bron looked up and saw several madclaws had already surrounded him. Occupying a high place and staring at him covetously, he accidentally broke into the center of the battlefield.

"Can you still fight?" Braum patted the soldier on the shoulder. He struggled to stand up, but failed because of the bloody wound on his leg.

The true Freljord warrior will not lose his will, and he takes up his spear again, determined to fight to the last moment.

"I can hold on for a while, leave me alone, you go and save others first."

As soon as the words fell, a child screamed, and Bron saw a mad claw trying to break through the door and window, and took out the child who was firmly against the door.

"Go!" Seeing that the Crazy Claw had already stretched a claw into the door, the warriors of the Broken Tooth Tribe urged anxiously, putting their own life and death behind them.

"Put you here and you will die!" Braum was also driven into a hurry, and directly raised his shield and threw it out vigorously.

This move explained what is called Li Da Brick Flying. I saw a shield with the size of a door flying across the middle of the street, and then the Crazy Claw Beast disappeared, along with half of the wall.

Seeing this scene, the other wild clawed beasts all jumped down grinning, with a low growl rolling in their throats.Now that there is no shield in Braum's hands, it is as harmless to them as a tree stump for sharpening their claws.

A mad claw beast swooped up, and Braum raised his blocking forearm and was bitten through.The poro also fell off Braum's shoulders, and they didn't know how to escape after being frightened, so they just stayed in the middle of the battlefield and shivered.

The clenching sharp teeth pierced through the flesh and carved marks on the arm bones, and the gushing blood stained the fresh snow on the ground.He endured the severe pain to resist the tearing from the Rabid Claw Beast, and hit its nose with force one after another with the other fist, and the latter bit his arm like a mad dog, as if he was competing to see who could not hold it up first.

The spear pierced the madclaw's throat, and the bite force from the arm weakened a lot. Before Braum could say yes to him, the warrior of the Broken Tooth tribe was dragged away by another madclaw.

Xuepen bit down with a big mouthful, and the sound of cervical spine shattering could be heard immediately, which couldn't even be covered by the painful cry.

The Crazy Claw threw him into the air, and the bloody corpse fell into the snow and was slapped heavily. The breathless torso was instantly torn apart, dragged by the beast like a boneless beast washed up on the beach by the deep sea.

Don't underestimate the madclaws, they are capable of preying on a single mammoth in groups.

"Before he died, he pulled a padded back, good guy."

Braum was so angry that his beard trembled. He got rid of the madclaw beast in front of him whose breath was weakening, pulled out the spear stuck in its throat, and faced the beasts alone.

They charged again, Braum dodging the pounce with a roll and thrusting his spear.It's a pity that it didn't stab into the body of the Crazy Claw Beast, it just cut a hole in its fur, forcing them back temporarily.

During the stalemate, a Crazy Clawed Beast noticed a fluffy ball on the snow. It couldn't be found without looking carefully. It immediately lowered its body and moved towards it.

The bearded poro was startled by the low growl that was close at hand, which immediately aroused the curiosity of the wild claw beast, and this kind of curiosity is fatal. Cats often play with non-threatening prey before moving them. its killing.

The Rabidclaw pulled the Poro out of the snow. Although it may have used only a small amount of strength, given the huge size difference, this blow was no less than being hit by a battering ram for the Poro.

"Cheep!" the Poro screamed in pain, flying out with a pile of shattered snow.

Fortunately, the Rabid Claw hit it with a meat pad just now, and the Poro's body is already solid, and with the cushion of the snow, it didn't hurt much this time.

After rolling a few laps on the snow, the bearded man finally thought of running away, and jumped away from the mad claw beast.

After a few jumps, a huge black shadow enveloped it.

The Crazy Clawed Beast chased after it effortlessly, its huge head panting like thunder on top of it.

The reinforcements finally arrived, and Braum saw a dozen people rushing towards him from the other side of the village. Although they were just some furnace households who were not good at fighting, the torches held high in their hands still had the hope of driving the herd away.

"Leave me alone, save the Poro first!"

Braum called for help, but the furnace owners seemed to have misunderstood him, or thought it was more important to save people first.

They moved closer to Braum, ignoring the life-threatening Poro, who was pinned down by the Rabidclaw, the poro screaming in pain due to the enormous weight.


In a critical moment, another Poro rushed to the Rabid Claw and showed its horns, trying to force it to let go of its companion.

During the time spent with Bron, it was influenced by Bron's heroism, and under its influence, it learned the truth of standing up when its partners encountered danger.

It saw Braum save Urkas from the foot of the giant mammoth, thinking that he would also be able to save the big Poro from the claw of the mad claw beast, and finally overcame the fear and rushed out.

bring it on!Big six-legged cat!Dare to try the poro's horns! (╬◣д◢)
A young poro can be brave, but the combined horns are no longer as long as a single nail of a rabid claw.

The aggressive behavior enraged the rabidclaw, which swung its paw at the young poro.

The little Poro could dodge the blow by using the ghost state, but it knew that if it dodged, it would be its own partner who was injured, so it chose to resist this blow.

However, this was no joke, the little Poro was directly sent flying.

At the same time, an eyeball of the Clockwork Poro in the coffee shop exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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