Wandao long distance

Chapter 254 Heading to Taixue

Chapter 254 Heading to Taixue
On the blue bird's back, Li Qi could see the scenery of Chang'an more clearly.

Shen Shuibi seems to like those chirping chicks very much, holding them on her lap to tease them.

And Li Qi walked out of the streamlined carriage, and went outside, where he could directly communicate with Jade Bird.

According to the information on the terminal, the blue bird's name is Yao Ling.

"Miss Yao." Li Qi sat outside and spoke to Qingniao.

"Why do you come here, sir? It's windy outside, I can hear you talking in your seat." The blue bird said in a crisp voice.

Although she is already a mother, she is a bird after all, and her voice is quite pleasant.

"It's not very polite to sit inside and talk, let's just talk here, a little wind, just to cool off." Li Qi replied.

Although he was sitting on the roof of the plane talking now, the wind outside was extremely fast, but he could stop it with a little magic, so he didn't really feel anything.

"Miss Yao, is your job hard?" Li Qi asked.

"Why do you ask this, sir? But if you have to say it, it's actually pretty good, much better than in my hometown." Blue Bird replied.

"My hometown?" Li Qi was curious: "Where is it?"

"In Xingyou... oh, you call it Outer Territory, right? A small place in Outer Territory must not be as prosperous as this fairy world." Blue Bird said relaxedly.

"Us? How do you know that I'm not from outside the territory?" Li Qi immediately realized that in the other party's statement, he acquiesced that he was not from outside the territory.

Although in fact he is, but what does the other party use to make a judgment?
"Haha, sir, maybe you don't feel it yourself? But you who grew up in the fairy world, you have a feeling that you are used to your surroundings at first glance, as if this kind of city is taken for granted. Those of us who come from small places don't have this feeling. .” Blue Bird said briskly.

"That's it." Li Qi nodded, and didn't say that he was actually from outside the region.

And it is estimated that it is much more remote than this blue bird.

"You said it's better than being in your hometown. What do you do in your hometown?" Li Qi asked again.

"Haha, look, sir, if you can ask such a question, it means that you are a native of the fairy world. What can you do in your hometown? Sir, you don't think that everything is as orderly as the fairy world, and everyone performs their duties Bar?"

"In my hometown, it is a wild world where the weak prey on the strong. The world is probably eighth rank, so I am quite strong in it. Basically, I only want to become stronger every day, and then hunt the weak and prevent myself from being attacked by the strong. Existence kills, lives as long as possible."

"Our world also has practitioners, but that's basically it. Everyone just thinks about how to become stronger, increase their killing power, and increase their combat power. That's why they are called the wild world by the immortals from the fairy world."

"Later the immortals came, and everyone knew that practice can be more than killing or being killed, so I tried my best to move to the fairy world. Although Chang'an is not easy to live in, it is much better than my hometown. At least I don't have to worry about things when I sleep. Sneak attack." Blue Bird said with a low laugh.

"I think the prices in Chang'an are quite low. Why do you say that it's not easy to live in peace? You see, the money you pay for driving me is at least enough for four or five days of normal life, right? You should be able to make three or four trips a day?" Li Qi asked again. .

He was very curious about how ordinary people in Chang'an lived, such as the female taxi driver in front of him.

This trip is more than 1000 miles, and the price is about [-] yuan, which is nearly one tael.

"Oh, the price is of course very cheap, but there are other expenses. If you want to practice, you need to spend resources, and you have to save money for the future, right? People can't just look at the life in front of them and worry about food and drink. Bar?"

Qingniao shook his head: "Effort is still necessary. I am satisfied just eating and drinking without worrying about it. Then, am I not coming to the fairyland for nothing? All the exercises here can be bought! You can't cherish yourself with a broom. Much better."

Li Qi nodded.

You don't have to worry about living materials, but do you still have to fight for things in terms of cultivation?Indeed, Tang Guo just keeps these people from being forced by life, but if you want to move forward, everyone needs to work hard, and Tang Guo will not feed you.

"What about your husband? Why are you left alone to take care of the three children?" Li Qi asked again.

"Ah, he, his cultivation base is higher than mine, just like... Mr. you, both of the eighth rank. He joined the army. Isn't Shenchao fighting against the East China Sea recently? The subsidy given there is high, go You can buy the children's foundation-building exercises in two trips. This is much better than what we use, but it was specially invented by the gods and immortals. Oh, it only costs 200 taels. This price is really unimaginable in my hometown. You can’t even afford it by selling your body, now you only need to save for two more years to save it, which is great.” When Qingniao said this, he smiled, and seemed to be in a good mood.

On the battlefield?Li Qi was stunned.

No, my husband can still laugh when he goes to the battlefield?

"No, Miss Yao, your husband is on the battlefield, aren't you worried?" He asked in surprise.

"Ah? What are you worried about? He is only at the eighth rank, and he is not qualified to go to the frontal battlefield. He is reported to the transport team. He is a roc, and he can carry a lot of things. That's what he likes."

The roc bird is also a very powerful monster, with a huge body, a trace of the blood of the golden-winged roc, and also inherited some supernatural powers.

Of course, it can't be compared with my teacher's mount. The teacher's mount is Kunpeng, which is much stronger than the golden-winged roc. It is a legendary beast. It is a Peng in the sky and a Kun in the water. Call it a demon.

"Transport team? Responsible for logistics?" Li Qi said.

"Yes, responsible for transporting supplies to the front line, alas, the war between Shenchao and the East China Sea, and not a person who practiced military exercises, what can he do with an eighth rank?" Qingniao replied.

"I see." Li Qi nodded.

Then, he chatted with Qingniao for a while, and got a general understanding of their family's life.

However, it is very ordinary.

Use the skills you have to make a living, work normally, make money normally.

By using a method that Li Qi couldn't think of, humanity greatly reduced the prices of living materials, so that everyone could live in peace, that is, they would not be "forced by life" anyway.

However, if you want to go further, you need to work hard. Whether it is new exercises or materials for practice, you have to be responsible for it yourself.

But in fact, these prices are actually very cheap compared to the outside world, and there are also purchase channels, so there is no need to hunt for treasures in the ruins.

As long as you don't spoil it, these things that you would have risked your life to get can be bought directly in the market.

Everyone is like a dragon?

Maybe even more powerful.

As long as you work hard, you will gain. The motivation that this model can give is too great.

No wonder everyone can become a Taoist. When chasing Tao becomes a choice that can effectively gain advantages and significantly improve social status, it will naturally become like this.

Play to everyone's strengths, their physical strength and their mental strength, and then at the end of the day, what will it all be?
It will become the foundation of humanity and the nourishment for those at the top of humanity.

The knowledge of countless people, the efforts of countless people, and the deduction of exercises and humanity will all become part of the brainstorming, and eventually turn into the power of top powers.

At the same time, those who work hard below can also get corresponding gains.

The powerful people above provide enough supplies and a superior environment for the ordinary monks below.

The ordinary monks below contribute their own wisdom and ideas to the powerful, and use their numbers and inspiration to explore the possibility of the 'Tao'.

As long as humanity keeps expanding, all human beings can be happy.

A perfect cycle, win-win, no losers.

In other words...losers only have 'inhumane' existence.

They will be the source of the material consumed in this cycle.

As one of the direct enemies of humanity, Li Qi felt a headache.

Forget it, preventing the expansion of humanity is something that the witch gods consider, so don't think too much about it yourself.

Chatting with Qingniao until getting off the bus, Li Qi paid the fare and left.

Immediately afterwards, he accompanied Shen Shuibi to the medical clinic.

Contrary to imagination, the medical hall is not crowded, and the place with the most people queuing up around... is actually the medical examination office.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

We are all practitioners. Ordinary headaches and brain fever do not need a doctor at all. You can just get lucky. Those who need treatment are ordinary old people.

And when the cultivation base reaches the ninth rank, all diseases will not enter the body, and it is even rare to come to the medical clinic once.

If you come to the clinic even if you are not sick, what else can you do besides getting a check-up?

Practitioners may come to the medical hall if they need it, either because of something wrong with their practice or due to battle injuries.

This is Chang'an, not a battlefield, and injuries are unlikely, so only those who have gone wrong in their practice and injured their bodies will come to visit.

Very reasonable.

"Fortunately, there are few people, so we don't need to queue up. We've already made an appointment, so let's go in directly." Li Qi said to Shen Shuibi.

"Yeah!" Shen Shuibi walked briskly, with a look of anticipation.

at last.

The injury that has dragged on for so long can finally be healed.

Entering the medical hall, the first thing is to verify your identity.

Fortunately, the verification is automated, so there is no need to trouble.

Walking all the way in, the fragrance of medicine from all around comes to the face, which makes people feel refreshed.

There are not many doctors, and it is said that most of them have been dispatched to the front line. Because the treatment pressure in the Chang'an area is not high, the doctors in Chang'an are the first to be dispatched.

The person who received Shen Shuibi was a human female doctor, who seemed to have a high status and a level five cultivation.

The female doctor looked nothing special, just a passer-by. Although her cultivation was at the fifth rank, there was nothing arrogant about it, but a business-like tone.

She looked at her terminal and said, "Shen Shuibi, right? I have already received a notice that the treatment is expected to take seven consecutive days. Have you freed up all the time after that?"

"All the preparations are done." Shen Shuibi sat upright like an honest child.

"Then you are?" She looked at Li Qi again.

"I am a family member." Li Qi replied.

"Oh, about the details of this treatment, do the family members want to sit in?" asked the doctor.

"Yes." Li Qi nodded immediately.

"Okay, then I'll start talking." The doctor signed and nodded.

But at this moment, Shen Shuibi spoke suddenly.

"Ah, by the way, doctor, this is my analysis of the injury, which should save you some time." Shen Shuibi sat obediently, and then handed over a jade slip?

"Huh? You also know medical skills?" The doctor didn't scoff at Shen Shuibi's behavior, but took Shen Shuibi's jade slip seriously.

"I have studied it for a while." Shen Shuibi said.

"The writing is very good... Wait, this technique? With this level, you are already at the professional level. You have studied "Lingshu Kao" deeply?"

"It's good if I can help you. I wrote "Lingshu Examination", so I must be familiar with it." Shen Shuibi said honestly.

"Huh?!" The doctor raised his voice.


Shen Shuibi stayed in the hospital, and the treatment would last seven days, and it would be continuous.

After listening to the details of the treatment, Li Qi felt relieved, so he left the clinic. After all, it was seven days, and it would not be a problem to just sit outside and wait during these times.

During this period, Li Qi was going to see the scenery of Tai Xue with his own eyes.

He has seen most of the information about Taixue on the terminal many times, but seeing is better than seeing a hundred times, so he has to go and see for himself where he will study in the future to be at ease.

According to the information I have collected, Taixue still has one month to start school.

Every year, Taihui has nine months of classes and three months of vacation, including one month during the Chinese New Year and two months in the middle of the year.

Because most of the Tai students are actually under 30 years old, and only a few people are over 30 years old.

The compulsory graduation age of Taixue is 50 years old, and you must complete all courses before you can graduate under the age of 50.

But in fact, most people graduate at the age of 30, and they won't stay for long.

Therefore, for these young people, the concept of time has not been blurred by the long life. One year is still very long for them, so in order to ensure their mental health, a three-month vacation was arranged.

Generally speaking, the older you get, the faster time seems to pass.

When I was young, a year felt like a long time.

When you grow up, you will find that four or five years have passed in a flash.

For many high-level monks, time is just a flick of a finger, and several years or even hundreds of years are just a matter of closing and opening their eyes.

But for these young people, time is still slow and long-lasting, so vacations are quite necessary.

Li Qi took advantage of this holiday to study abroad.

Just joined the new semester and became a new classmate.

After coming out of the medical hall, he immediately went to Taiyuan College without stopping.

It's all out, just go directly, although there are some detours, but it doesn't matter.

He took out Liu Shenzhi's famous post in his hand.

This classmate said that he was in the Second Academy of Refinement.

It just so happens that you can go to visit, maybe you can get a tour guide.

set off!

Goal, too college!

 Thousand votes, I owe everyone a change, wait for me to save up in the past few days

(End of this chapter)

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