Wandao long distance

Chapter 282 Reunion

Chapter 282 Reunion

This night, in another city in the Holy Flame Realm.

In this city, in a palace.

This is the place where the holy flame world first fell, and it was here that the immortals came to the world in the past.

This palace also appeared with the immortals, so it has become one of the symbols of immortals.

The heartfelt voice of countless holy flames
The palace, in which the smoke hangs down, and the painted bridge is covered with shade.

There are countless candlelights dotted in it, and the light spots are shining everywhere, as bright as the day, and there is no sound.

The incense in Boshan is burning, the golden candles are lit at the beginning, there are countless railings, the flowers are slightly reflected, and the flowers are fragrant in spring, accompanied by a light wind.

Looking at it from the end, raising your eyes and looking up, there is a strange person.

Blonde hair and golden pupils, arrogant and loud, nine feet long, exuding a sharp coercion, as if golden needles were constantly stabbing out around her body.

However, this is not a good thing, because it means that he cannot control the power in his body, and can only let the qi continue to overflow.

If Li Qi was here, he would probably be able to recognize who it was right away.

This is obviously the enemy Li Qi met on the road before!
Gold does not call!
Now, he is no longer a body of flesh and blood, but a divine body shaped by a golden body of incense, which is why he has the appearance of blond hair and golden pupils.

Apparently, he failed to enter reincarnation and reincarnation, but was forced to be transformed into the god of incense and fire.

He didn't have the same wanton and arrogant appearance as before, but just sat silently in the middle of the hundred-mile palace.

Beside him, countless holy flames are spinning.

If you look carefully, you can see that the countless candles around him are all holy flames!

Those candles, upon closer inspection, are all ever-burning lamps made of shark tears.

There are hundreds of palaces and palaces, facing thousands of rows of smoke trees quietly.

Tens of thousands of golden lights reflect the blue waves brilliantly.

Mingming is extinguished, like a precious flame layering into the sky.

Silver flowers and fire trees are like a pile of moons and fireflies.

Holy Flame and Shark Tears, both are high-grade items used for worship and sacrifice, and are very important things to the God of Incense and Fire.

And at this moment, a lantern array covering hundreds of miles has been formed, which is constantly lit day and night, and operates in a mysterious way, constantly transforming the aura into power, tempering the golden body of incense and gold .

For Shinto monks, there are generally two bodies, the main body and the golden body.

The main body is used to practice Taoism, and the golden body is used to receive the prayers and karma of believers, and occasionally it is used to fight against the enemy.

But now, Jin Buhuan doesn't have a real body, he can live only by this golden body.

But his golden body has never been entangled by believers, so it can be seen that he does not have his own sect.

But this golden body has been tempered to the extreme, the whole body is sculpted, surrounded by clouds and azure mist, with a majestic and majestic appearance, if it is unavoidable, when you look directly at it, it will make people tremble and respect the might of heaven.

If no believer can do this, it must rely on other things, such as——

There are hundreds of miles of palaces around, and the countless ever-burning lamps and holy flames in them.

Suddenly, the surrounding sacred flames stopped spinning.

Jin Buhuan changed his posture from sitting cross-legged and stood up.

Then, he took a deep breath, only to see hundreds of holy flames being sucked away by him in one gulp, pouring into his nose and nose.

Then, everything settled down, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Jin Buhuan sat down again.

He felt his golden body...

The eighth grade is the ultimate.

If you can absorb all the hundred miles of light arrays, you should be able to break through to the seventh rank.

This is fast, very fast...



The breath of hatred escaped from him.

Fast, there is a price.

The golden body is no better than the human body of the main body. His original body is small and stable, and he can practice and progress.

But now, progress can only be made through refining the golden body, and the refining of the golden body requires countless foreign objects.

For example, it seems that people can gradually exercise their bodies to become stronger, but machines can only change equipment parts to become stronger.

In other words, choosing to send the true spirit into the golden body is tantamount to giving up the way. From then on, the level is no longer related to Taoism, it only depends on how much money you put into your golden body.

Nine grades and eight grades are okay to say.

At the seventh rank, the price is simply astronomical, and his father Green Mountain God can't afford it.

That is to say...

The upper limit of his life is the seventh rank.

For this seventh-rank, he needs to consume all the holy flames produced in the sixth-rank world of the Holy Flame Realm over the past 50 years, plus the Merman Tears worth an eighth-rank world.

It also needs to pay a huge price, please be able to arrange and design this light array according to his situation.

And all of this...all because of.

Li Qi.

He killed his own body.

It must be him who secretly played tricks and interrupted his own reincarnation!
After recovering the seventh rank from here, the first thing he should do when he returns to the world is to find Li Qi, then pull out his true spirit and put it into the ever-burning lamp, so that he will never be reborn forever!
Clenching his fists tightly, Jin Buhuan thought of this.

Ever since he transformed into a golden body, he has been thinking about this day and night.

Only in this way can he feel better.

He was going to inherit his father's god position and become a fifth rank, but now... the road to the future was directly interrupted by someone.

How can he not hate?

However, just as he was thinking about this, Jin Buhuan raised his head suddenly.

In front of him, countless holy flames seemed to be blown by the wind, and the eternal lights kept shaking, flickering, flickering and extinguishing.

Something is coming!
Jin Buhuan got up straight away and stretched out his hands, only to see Jinsheng musical instruments all around him!

There are bells, gongs, bells and so on and so forth.

This is Jin Buhuan's heel, his technique is the golden sound among the eight tones, supplemented by the golden energy as the means of killing.

"Who is it?" He said loudly.

That sound seemed to be produced by two pieces of gold and iron colliding and rubbing against each other, not like a human body at all.

"But I haven't seen you in half a year. Brother Jin has made great progress."

Li Qi's figure emerged from the thousands of lights.

At this moment, the golden sound shook!
Accelerate the strings and promote the columns, change the tone and change the song, and kill the delicate!

The autumn mood is rampant, and the sky will shake off the killing intent!
The sound of gold and stone pierces through the center of the square, and when it is played, there are clouds starting from the northwest!

The clouds turned into rain strands, and the strands were like swords, stabbing towards Li Qi.

He didn't say a word, without hesitation was the ultimate killer move!
"No matter who you are, if you dare to touch my demons, you won't be able to get out of here today!" Jin Buhuan roared in a howling tone, his voice was like a tiger roaring.

He didn't believe that the person in front of him was Li Qi.

First of all, Li Qi is only a mere ninth rank, even if he has the talent of heaven, it is only more than a year away from that incident, and it is impossible for any genius to break through from ninth rank to eighth rank.

Secondly, he is now in the wild world group outside the territory. It is not easy to come here, and it is definitely not something that Li Qi can do.

Therefore, it is impossible for Li Qi to appear here.

Then, there is only one answer.

Someone stirred up his inner demons and made him have the illusion of Li Qi, because Li Qi is the deepest obsession in his heart.

Countless drizzles, extremely sharp, fell on Li Qi.

However, when Li Qi gently raised his hand, he saw the curtain rise.

Curtains are called curtains on the side, and curtains on the top.

The curtains are all made of cloth, and the four-height palace is called a tent, and the wefts of the sparse threads are used to isolate the inside and outside, and are located in it to eliminate external interference.

In the curtain, set up Zudou again to offer sacrifices to the five parties, to set up large and small ones, and to set up heavy curtains, so as to completely shield the influence of the outside world, so that the rain of swords like silk cannot fall.

However, I heard the golden sound playing again.

In the second play, a strong wind suddenly arrives, the autumn wind blows, and the dead branches burst!

The texture of its chapped scales can be freely vertical and horizontal, and the heavy rain will follow, the curtain will be drawn, the zu beans will be broken, and the corridor tiles will fall!
The wind and rain are coming together, the weather is starting to die down, the murderous aura is in full swing in mid-autumn, and all things are withered. There are gods who want to follow the sky to punish them with the power of killing all day long!

"It's really bold. I sacrificed five parties and formed a curtain to protect it, but you want to execute it. This is a thing against the sky." Li Qi sighed.

But Jin Buhuo replied: "Within the curtain, the king is ten feet away, and the king is ten feet away. The weakest ones are the weakest. It is really unwise for you to block me with the curtain."

He was right, within the curtain, the king lived.

The king controls everything, but his weakness is within ten feet.

If you step within ten feet around your body, the king is no different from an ordinary monk. If a warrior enters within ten feet, the king's life will be held in the warrior's hands.

That's why a curtain was set up to prevent anyone from approaching within ten feet.

Now, the curtain has been broken, and Li Qi has already faced the murderous intent.


In the next second, the surrounding golden bells, golden gongs, and golden bells all exploded!
Jin Buhuan's golden body was immediately impacted, and he was forced to retreat ten feet.

His eyes were horrified.

What kind of technique is this? !

He can't see heels!

When facing an enemy, the most fearful thing is that you can't understand the opponent's heel, which means that you can only rely on strength to deal with it, and there is no way to make a targeted solution.

Just like the previous curtain and sacrifice, he can break through the method, so he broke through ten feet and put the person who pretended to be Li Qi in danger.

But now, he couldn't see through this move.

However, the other party was not prepared to let Jin Buhuan think about the solution.

In the next instant, two golden threads came through the air!

Two golden lines, one yin and one yang, draw a beautiful trajectory in the sky.

Then, the two precisely merged into one, burst out with extremely sharp energy, and stabbed Jin Buhuan's body.

It's a pity that the incense burner body is extremely strong, and it cannot be destroyed by two strokes of eighth-grade gold energy. This blow only broke one of his hands.

Jin Buhuan's left hand split, flew out, and then quickly turned into gold stars, dissipating into smoke.

Originally formed by the condensed energy, it will naturally dissipate quickly if it is separated from the main body.

However, compared to those, Jin Buhuan was more shocked by these two golden lines.

"You are someone sent by Li Qi?! He wants you to kill me?!" Jin Buhuan roared, his voice was even hoarse!
Even now, he still refuses to believe that Li Qilai is here.

But he is very familiar with these two golden qi, this is the natural golden qi from Green Mountain, and it is the two that Li Qi snatched away!

However, Li Qi didn't say anything.

The two golden qi turned and changed, forcing Jin Buhuan to defend again.

With a sudden step, cymbals, cymbals, and other golden sound instruments flew out from under his feet again. At the same time, an eighth-grade golden energy similar to that in Li Qi's hand flew out.

However, the sky around him was as bright as fire.

It's dog days.

A golden day.

In the past, Li Qi needed to use external force to manually disrupt the balance of the small world of his body in order to control it.

But now he can easily change the timing with a backhand.

Jin Buhuan's expression trembled.

Li Qi stopped, maintained the four-week sky, smiled and said: "Do you still remember? Brother Jin, the time you lost to me in the past, is very clear, right?"

"Li Qi...! Impossible, impossible, he is only rank nine, and he is in the world." Jin Buhuan retreated abruptly.

At the same time, he violently roused the entire palace.

Countless holy flames exploded, all the ever-burning lamps were shattered, and all the energy in them was released at once.

Glory thousands of miles.

Great momentum.

I am afraid that a bright light can be felt outside the territory.

But it's just light, probably for communication.

After doing this, he seemed to activate a certain magic weapon, and a barrier locked himself firmly without revealing anything.

It seemed that he was huddled up, waiting for rescue.

Alas, that's what fighting these guys is all about.

Everyone seems to have endless backhands.

Wu Dao's view on this is that this world has always been like this, and everyone must have a way to protect themselves.

A person who needs protection from others is equal to a person who is not worthy of protection.

Li Qi thought it made sense, but it didn't make sense that much.

Li Qi stopped, stood up, and walked slowly
Wu Zhi is not good at fighting head-on, although Zhu Ren is the best at fighting among Wu Zhi, but that's it.

So he knew at a glance that he must not be able to do anything to him in a short time.

But it doesn't matter.

Li Qi was not prepared to do it himself.

After all, he is a witch.

He just stepped forward: "Brother Jin, don't you want to talk to me?"

Jin Buhuan gritted his teeth, but didn't say a word.

He knows that words and words have power.

When the reinforcements arrive, what do you want to say at that time.

Seeing this, Li Qi didn't force it, but continued with a smile: "If you don't say it, then I will."

"First of all, I still want to thank Brother Jin. The brilliance that Brother Jin erupted just now is something I can't do anyway. I think the current Holy Flame Realm is already in chaos because of your request for help."

"If I'm not wrong, there are probably at least four sixth-rank masters in the current Holy Flame Realm, guarding the four poles, to stabilize this world and gradually refine this way of heaven."

"Now they all sense your plea for help, and they will rush over immediately."

Jin Buhuan raised his head and looked at Li Qi.

He didn't speak, but the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

He was warning Li Qi, since Li Qi knew this, how dare he stay here?

Li Qize replied: "If they don't rush over, I won't be able to deal with it. If one escapes, the Green Mountain God will probably know what's going on here."

Jin Buhuo stared, his face full of disbelief.

Li Qi's tone showed that he had people of the fifth rank around him.

But it's impossible!
It is impossible for a rank five to come here quietly!
Obviously there is no news!

They put a lot of effort into building the base station of the cardinals of all worlds here, just to use this thing to keep abreast of the movements outside.

Every fifth-rank powerhouse is counted. In the competition of this wild world group, even the Green Mountain God can only participate but not dominate. This is a major event in which several kings participate, and I don’t know how many times it will be deduced.

However, Jin did not guess one thing wrong.

Li Qi had something on him.

When he was in Baiyue, the third-rank great Wu Yunfang personally took action to cover up the secret for him.

(End of this chapter)

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