Wandao long distance

Chapter 393 Flower Dance

Chapter 393 Flower Dance
The hour has come—

The essay will start on time.

Li Qi and others stood among the crowd.

Yanke had already completed his mission, and started a sorority meeting with his younger sisters in this literary meeting, and prostituted the venue, food, and drinks here for nothing.

By Yanke's side, there are still those Hanlin trainees from before.

I don't know what the Yanke said, but they really got out of the queue of those who came to find fault, and it didn't cause any impact. It seemed that the relationship between the two parties was still harmonious, and they even talked and laughed with the Yanke.

This Shuaibi has two brushes.

Boyue left directly. He didn't like this kind of scene, and he also hated crowds.

Although it looks like nothing from Li Qi's point of view, in fact, he is a very withdrawn person.

Zhong Minglou hasn't shown up yet, and he doesn't know where he went.

Li Qi, on the other hand, sat on a stool outside the crowd, waiting for the essay meeting to start.

As for Liu Shenzhi, he is currently chatting among a group of gifted scholars and beauties. Before he was a technical geek, he was a young man who liked receptions and banquets, otherwise he wouldn't be wearing hairpins all day long.

Li Qi handed over to him the promotional work of witches and silkworms for these participants.

As for Li Qi, he was in charge of dealing with the unexpected situation and recording.

After the vestment made by the witchcraft silkworm shines on Lingxiao Flower God, he will record everything, upload it to the terminal, and start to spread it in large quantities.

It's all arranged.

With the sound of 'clang', everyone raised their heads.

The essay has begun.

But he saw four beams of light suddenly rising around him.

The beam of light pierced the sky, the door of the palace opened from the side, and countless fairies flew out from it.

Floating and whirling, these girls riding the breeze and leaping out in the posture of gods are spinning in the air, and their bodies are shining brightly, making everyone below turn suspicious.

The music starts, flutes, drums, zithers, sanxians, and pipas sound for a while, and the girls sing in unison.

Everyone stood up together, whether they were looking for faults, watching articles, or eating and drinking, all of them paid attention.

The dance of the flower god is unique in the world, let alone a fifth-grade flower god, and the dancing posture is not something that can be seen usually.

Gaopin Flower God is very busy and doesn't have time to dance for others every day. Perhaps only some high-ranking and powerful people, and they have to be shameless, can watch the dance of Flower God every day.

Following everyone's gaze, Ling Xiao Flower God suddenly appeared in the center of the scene.

The stream of light is overflowing, and the stars are flying!
The Lizhu rushes to chase the flying stars, and the rainbow halo lights up the current.

The submerged whale secretly swells the waves of the sea, and the return wind dances wildly in the sky!
It seems that in the abyss, a dolphin leaps into the sky!
Then, the girls all around suddenly sang loudly and played their instruments at the same time.

Shanshan Peiyu moved her waist, Faqu and Hu Yin suddenly joined each other.

The electric wind blows away all the setbacks, and the thunder beats the drums and clouds!
That's right, what is played is not the elegant music that is often heard in Chang'an, but Huqu from the Baiyue area.

But Ling Xiao Flower God showed her figure, and she was not wearing the usual fancy dress and dance skirt.

But... a magic weapon of witchcraft?
No, those who know the goods have already recognized it. It is not a magic weapon of witchcraft, but it has many characteristics of magic weapon of witchcraft.

But... only the seventh grade, the quality is not very high.

But the quality is only the function of these clothes when they exist as vestments, but now, this garment does not exist as a vestment, but exists simply as a dance skirt.

Therefore, the existence of shamanism's characteristics, on the contrary, adds a certain 'exotic flavor'.

Spinning and spinning like a flower in full bloom.

This is the orchid dance.

This is not the kind of ritual dance that possesses the power of magic, but pure beauty, a dance born purely for the purpose of performance.

Everyone was stunned, even if they were of the fifth grade, they were not caught by the dance, but they were still staring at it seriously, unwilling to let go of the beautiful scenery.

Teng Ping's eyes are focused on Gu Kun, and his rotten eyes are filled with light.

There is a continuous stream, and it continues at first.

The train is like a flying swallow, and the spirit is like returning to the snow. Then I saw the powder and daisy, the jade and the charm, the pearls and hairpins, and the black hair.

The orchid dance from the Nanman Baiyue land is not as elegant as Chang'an's native dance, but it is more intense, more energetic, and has a wider range of movements.

That's why "beads and hairpins are straight and black hair is chaotic".

But in this way, there is another kind of thrilling beauty.

Li Qi was no better than the others, he also stared wide-eyed and couldn't help watching this scene.

The rapid drumbeat and rhythm, matched with the constantly whirling skirt——

Jade tassels and green pendants are mixed with light, and fragrant sweat is slightly stained with red face.

Climbing on pearl shoes, stepping on Qiongyan banquet, dancing lightly in front of the red candle, Fang Ziyan is charming and charming.

It's just that although she is charming, she is not 'fascinating'.

Flattery, flattery, Gu also, is to seduce, to flatter, to make people feel that she is alluring and attractive.

At this moment, she just showed off her high-spirited temperament and graceful dancing posture to her heart's content.

Flowers bloom for themselves, not to please anyone.

The pipa is in a hurry, dancing like a scorpion Lingfeng.

The beauty skimmed the water frivolously, straight to the sky above the emerald shadow.

Returning to the sky, the sky is clear and the sky is heard, and the sunshine is shining and the clouds are breaking through the blue smoke.

You don't need to please anyone, you just need to show yourself as you should, and you will naturally attract the eyes of countless people.

This is Flora, and they are born with striking qualities.

However, besides looking at the Flower God, Li Qi was still looking at the dress.

The cassock made by myself and Liu Shenzhi, and then remodeled by Boyue.

Complement each other.

Li Qi couldn't describe anything other than the word complement each other.

This cassock seems to be alive, like the green leaves next to the flowers, perfectly setting off the dancing posture of Lingxiao Flower God.

It will act on its own, point out light effects from time to time, or fly anti-gravity just right everywhere, and dance with Lingxiao Flower God to make the picture more dynamic.

Everything is for the sake of beauty, this kind of self-response method is what Boyue left for this dress.

This vestment does not think, but it 'predicts'.

Algorithms from divination people gave this cassock the ability to predict in advance.

When it is used in dancing, it will actively cooperate with the owner to put on a graceful posture.

Used in combat, it will automatically defend.

There is no mind at work in all of this, and the vestment itself has no so-called wisdom, just like the mimosa, it responds to external stimuli.

As for what response is 'right', it needs to rely on algorithms to calculate.

That's what Boyue did.

Fortunately, using the many trials and errors of the demon seed, this vestment can achieve the ultimate in this aspect.

This kind of computing power is difficult for ordinary mass-produced magic weapons to possess.

Because this kind of calculation is based on the fact that the items made by witches and silkworms are 'live'.

It has the characteristics of being 'alive', and even has a body composed of a part of biomass, although these bodies exist in the form of fibers.

But isn't hair alive too?Fiber does not affect the presence of this feature.

Living biomass can be used as a carrier to carry this ability of thinking, which is a manifestation of the magic weapon of shamanism that is "naturally formed".

Simple runes and forging, it is difficult to achieve this method of directly using biomass to carry, at least the assembly line cannot do it.

This is the advantage of witchcraft and silkworm weaving magic weapon.

If you want to achieve this level through refining techniques, the assembly line is not good. The refiners need to take some monster souls as raw materials, use magic to clean the souls, and then smash the souls without consciousness and memory into the body. In the magic weapon, and then slowly cultivate a half weapon spirit to come out.

Of course, this kind of half-tool spirit can even speak and learn actively, which is much stronger than the instinctive reaction of the magic weapon of the witch weapon and silkworm.

But you must know that the magic weapon of the witch silkworm is mass-produced.

Of course, if there is a half weapon spirit, there will naturally be a real weapon spirit... It's a pity that it is at the level of cooking sea pots, and it is a real monk, not a tool.

Li Qi looked around and could see that many people had noticed this.

Although Ling Xiao Flower God is dancing, she is also deliberately showing off the dance skirt and cassock on her body.

The cassock from the combination of shamanism and humanity, combined with the last flower god who was born in Chang'an but danced the orchid dance, the coordination of two completely different things unexpectedly has a special sense of beauty, which makes Ling Xiao flower god more and more beautiful. striking.

However, no matter how beautiful the dance is, it will eventually come to an end.

Soon, the song is over.

Everyone was amazed.

No matter what opinions you have about Lingxiao Flower God, there is absolutely nothing to criticize in this dance, and naturally these Hanlin will not come over and say that Lingxiao Flower God's dance is not good.

That's asking for fun.

After dancing, Ling Xiao Flower God also broke out in sweat.

Drenched in fragrant sweat, she saw that the clothes began to evaporate the sweat automatically, and a slight fragrance mist rose around her.

It's really a fragrant mist, which is different from the smell of human beings. The scent of the flower god is full of the scent of the scorpion flower, which makes people feel refreshed, and her sweat is also a product similar to nectar, which looks like dewdrops.

This look makes people feel only lust, but it didn't last long. After only a few seconds, Ling Xiaohuashen flicked his sleeves lightly. While the sleeves were fluttering, his body had returned to normal, and the long hair that had been scattered for dancing just now was tied up. Among them, tied into a bun.

Then, she fell from the sky, her posture swaying.

The light skirt flutters like spring flowers.

Yunji E'e seems to have brilliance.

With her feet touching the ground, she walked slowly to the center of the crowd, and said generously: "Writers are those who publicize the image of the upper and lower, understand the narration of human relations, and study the best of all things with exhaustive reasoning, and praise the achievement of success." Prosperity, deeds and honors are erected and inscribed, and beauties are gathered at the end. It is said that the top can hang the image of the sky, pave the shape of the earth, and the bottom can chant the ambition, and observe the heart to apply the chapter."

"Therefore, Tao's character creation is due to the master's philosophy. Even the most holy articles in the past can be obtained and heard today, so the saint's feelings can also be seen in the words."

The meaning of this passage is very simple, it expresses the importance of the article, and it is also the opening remark of today's essay meeting.

However, there are some hints of news in it.

The love of a saint can also be seen in the words. 'This sentence is pulling people to stand in line. Since even the emotions of saints can be recorded in the article, can Liu Donghe's emotions be used?

Of course, so Liu Donghe's article represents his position.

Liu Donghe said that he praised Ling Xiaohua, which means that this famous person supports Ling Xiaohua God, those of you who don't support it, you'd better weigh it before you speak.

The verbal tit-for-tat has already begun when the first opening sentence comes out.

"Recently, I came across a masterpiece by chance, and I was overjoyed. I felt that the sound of the eulogy echoed thousands of miles away, and the Xi Zhen flowed to thousands of households. It's just that no one in Baiyue could appreciate it, so I hurried back. , I want to show this piece of literary heart, so that it will not be buried."

Lingxiao Flower God said this, but saw someone in the crowd suddenly say: "The Flower God is far away in Baiyue, and it is more than a million miles away from Chang'an. Can you still get the authentic work of Chang'an Liufu?"

This is questioning the origin.

Ling Xiao Flower God chuckled: "This article was written in the White Horse Temple, and my concubine has a very close relationship with the White Horse Temple. This article fell into my hands by chance. I'm afraid this is the fate of the Buddha."

She spoke softly, neither admitting nor denying, and blocked back the question of the calendar.

The question is the fate of the Buddha. Anyway, the relationship between Lingxiao Flower God and Baima Temple is well known. Everyone knows that this is the flower blooming in front of the Buddha's seat, and has a cause and effect with Baima Temple.

Seeing that no one answered, Ling Xiaohuashen smiled with satisfaction, and then continued: "The falcon is lifeless and powerful, and its bones are strong and fierce. The writing ability is similar to this. Today's literary society, I am just a concubine. Embellishment, dance is nothing but extravagant things, I still invite you to present your masterpieces and add style to this grand event with literary talents, so that it can be regarded as a 'grand event'."

After saying this, everyone in Hanlin looked at each other, but saw one of the fifth-grade Confucian scholars stand up, cupped his hands and said: "The flower god knows that any composition must be in a proper style, with emotion and will as the god, and righteousness as the bone, and diction." For the skin, the palace business is for the voice, and then taste the algae and yellow, and revitalize the gold and jade, to make people deaf and enlightened."

"That's natural, the article comes from the heart, the heart is upright, and the text is upright." Ling Xiaohuashen said so.

"So, since we are required to write essays, we must not write words that are against our will. Otherwise, if our hearts are not correct, our writing will not be correct, and it will only spoil everyone's elegance, but this is the truth?" said the fifth-grade Confucian scholar.

"That's true." Ling Xiao Flower God said so.

Now the other onlookers have come to their senses, even those who don't know the grievances between Lingxiao Flower God and some people in Hanlin can taste it.

The literary meeting held by Lingxiao Flower God will definitely be the same as other flower god cultural meetings, with the flower god as the center, and the central idea is to recite flowers.

And the meaning of this fifth-rank Confucian scholar is to say: "I really don't like you Ling Xiaohua, so naturally I can't say anything good about you. You don't want me to flatter you, do you?"

It is obvious what has been said inside and outside the words.

However, Ling Xiao Flower God smiled and said: "Whether it is praise or derogation, it is the nutrient for all flowers to bloom, just like Luohong and dung, they are the same when they are in the soil. Maybe the effect of dung is greater, Your Excellency Just do things, never only praise people's articles, but you have to doubt whether you are a clinging person, right?"

These words were a bit bolder, making the fifth-rank Confucian scholars nod their heads slightly.

Ling Xiao Flower God took it.

(End of this chapter)

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