Wandao long distance

Chapter 535 Interception

Chapter 535 Interception
To be honest, visiting the heavens is only for the purpose of increasing knowledge and background, without mixing anything else, Li Qi's real purpose has been achieved.

Of course, the heavens here are actually only the heavens of Buddhism. In fact, there are heavens in other places, otherwise there would be no such saying as "all heavens and ten thousand realms".

The heavens are the heavens, and the myriad worlds are the myriad worlds. The outside world group and these heavens form all known things.

The famous Sanqingtian in Taoism is the collective name of Yuyutian, Dachitian, and Qingweitian.

There are also collective names such as Daluotian and Shenxiaotian, as well as the following practical place names such as Chiming and Yangtian, Yuanming Wenjutian, and Xianding Jifengtian.

And the Shinto heaven, especially the many star officials of Shinto, also have their own heavens, such as the invisible, which bears the "Zongdongtian" with three walls and 28 constellations. In addition to Zongdongtian, there is Yuanjitian , Changjingtian, Lunar Sky and so on.

There are also shamanism, which correspond to the four seasons of Cangtian, Haotian, Mintian, and the four heavens of heaven.

There must also be magic way, that is the famous Desire Realm, that is, He Hua Zi Zai Tian, ​​also known as Tian Mo Tian.

Of course, Li Qi couldn't go there.

He only went to the Buddhist heavens, starting from Tujini Heaven, passing through Duowen Heaven, Jiguo Heaven, Zengchang Heaven, Guangmu Heaven, Daziza Heaven, and Jixiang Heaven all the way.

Then turn upwards and visit Ruyi Heaven, Mighty Virtue Wheel Sky, Bright Tomorrow, Mighty Virtue Flame Wheel Bright Sky, Wisdom Walking Sky.

The heavens and humans on each level have different happiness and hobbies, but the happiness itself remains unchanged. They enjoy the blessings they have received in the past until the day when the blessings are exhausted, and then completely Falling into pain, until the suffering is exhausted, and then enter the world, as a mortal, to decide whether he will have blessings in the next life, and so on.

Or, they can become enlightened in this endless samsara, choose to practice, and use practice to escape from this endless sea of ​​suffering.

Tathagata has a great cause, and its name is 'Jueshi'.

The Tathagata wants everyone in the world to be enlightened, to voluntarily and spontaneously generate the desire to practice, to no longer be content with the sufferings and joys of the world, and to have higher pursuits, so that everyone can become true, never shrink back, possess great wisdom, courage and firm perseverance the wayfinder.

People in the world are desperate for all kinds of false names, for some meaningless metal blocks, but do the "fate" they fight for, and those metal blocks or false names, really have reality?

Therefore, through reincarnation, let everyone realize the emptiness of suffering and happiness for a while, and realize the emptiness of their own lives, so as to temper them, so that all Buddhist practitioners have an indestructible "Tao Heart".

No longer shackled by worldly karma, not to be blinded by falsehood, not to be controlled by demonic thoughts, not to be affected by emotions and delusions, to make progress step by step and forever, this is their goal.

With such thoughts in mind, Li Qihuai browsed the heavens, and he didn't go to some places that he couldn't go to. The main thing was to observe the operation of the heavens and the lives of the heavenly people.

This is actually the most important thing, just like what he once said to the merman.

"What kind of rare scene can compare to the tradition that the mermaids have followed for thousands of years?"

If the tradition of a family is like this, what about the heavens and the heavenly beings in them that can be called eternal?

Dao exists in such ordinary things.

Storing all these things in his heart, he began to 'carve' Buddhist heavens in his own small world in the way of shamanism.

This can be regarded as a way of practice for witches. By deepening their understanding of the outside world, they can deepen their own personal world.

The principle is also very simple.

Since the Dao exists in these ordinary things, I will move here directly. Although I may not be able to comprehend the Dao, I can always imitate the cat and paint the tiger, and reproduce some miracles.

Of course, Li Qifu's engraving of these Buddhist heavens is not perfect enough.

In the past, he stuffed the whole of Guangyang into his body. That was because after that great sacrifice, he knew Guangyang well at that time. It is an integral part of his small world, so he can display [-]% of Guangyang's ability.

But now, after repeating the operation of Guangyang to the Buddhist heavens, the understanding of the heavens is definitely not as good as that of Guangyang, so the engraved heavens must not be restored enough, and many miracles cannot be reproduced , Probably ninety-nine percent can't understand it.

However, how does Guangyang compare with Zhutian?Even if Li Qi couldn't reproduce 1% of his strength, the remaining [-]% was enough for him.

Now Guangyang is just a small one in Li Qi's body, it is no longer the huge area that almost fills his body, the heavens that can be reproduced, just such a small fragment, has already made Li Qi feel It was so bloated that it was almost unbearable.

However, being able to eat enough means that some food is better than nothing.

However, all these re-engraving actions can only be completed with the tacit consent of Tujini Tian.

If any sorcerer comes to the west to do this, is it true that the Buddhist King Kongs have no wrath and demon appearance?Learn about the Eighteen Bronze Men of Shaolin, if you want to go down the mountain, you have to break through the bronze men's formation.

Although Li Qi didn't know whether there was a bronze formation in the heavens, he didn't want to try it.

After viewing the entire heavens, two years have passed.

This took more time than Li Qi imagined, even though he tried as fast as possible, it still took a long time.

If it is a little leisurely, it is normal to spend four or five years.

The celestial and human neighbors all felt very strange, thinking that this was a strange person, and they couldn't understand why Li Qi still worked so hard, rushed for time, and didn't even take a break at all despite having a long life.

But Li Qi didn't bother to explain, so he just went about his own business.

After reading the Buddhist heavens, Li Qi was going to pack his luggage and go home.

He didn't bid farewell to Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva, because he knew that according to the time concept of the immortal, they would meet again soon.

Li Qi quickly left the heavens and returned to the mortal world.

Accompanied by meditation and green smoke, he opened his eyes, and he has come to the Western Paradise of the world, right in front of the Tujini Heaven Bodhisattva statue that he sat down before.


That's great, a safe journey, then, in the next half a month at most, he will be able to return to Wushen Mountain. At that time, he will stop doing other things and continue to live in peace.

He got up quietly, without disturbing the life of the mortal temple, and left here, ready to embark on the return journey.

However, just as he walked out the door, he saw a dark-skinned lama wearing a cockscomb hat, looking straight at him.

uh-huh?Can you see yourself?

I am now in a state of being in harmony with nature.

Li Qi was a little curious, but he didn't take the initiative to provoke the other party, but chose to take a detour.

There's no need to make more troubles, we're going home soon, if people can see it, they can see it, why don't others see it?He has a cultivation base and opened his Dharma eyes, so it is normal to be able to see.

Li Qi didn't care about these things, he took a short detour, passed through the temple, walked through the streets and alleys of the urban area, and came to the wilderness.

In the Buddhist Kingdom of the Western Paradise, many places are wilderness, completely undeveloped, and in fact there is no need to develop it. After all, the mortal world is only a part of the 'Western Paradise', which belongs to one of the six realms of Buddhism, and is only one-sixth of the entire Western Paradise.

As soon as Li Qi stepped into the wilderness, he heard a voice in his ear: "Benefactor, please stop. Dare I ask if the benefactor came from the southwest?"

Between the words, Li Qi saw the figures of two lamas appearing from a distance.

One of them was the lama who looked at him in the temple just now, he looked exactly the same, he was reckoned to be a person, but Li Qi didn't have true knowledge, and couldn't use the direct detection of internal attributes, so he didn't dare to say it to death.

Without true knowledge, he is almost like a blind man, who can only rely on the remaining senses to make judgments, which is far less convenient and quicker than using true knowledge.

The other lama was wearing a black robe and a thangka of human skin, holding a skull in his hand. The skull was made into a bowl shape, and there was a stench in the bowl.

It was a smell that Li Qi was quite familiar with. On the way, he killed many monks who made this kind of thing.

In this bowl is the five nectars.

Dung, urine, brain marrow, young man's essence, young girl's red dragon, supplemented by Huang Jing root, asparagus, mirabilis, angelica, thorns, and the five major meats of the master of great achievement, that is, human flesh, elephant meat, and horse meat. Meat, dog meat, peacock meat.

This is an extremely vile and filthy thing. They are filled with skulls and held in their hands as magic weapons.

Because these lamas who practice both Buddha and demons like to drive demons, hungry ghosts, yaksha ghosts, etc. to turn into fake things. Shuangxiu monks should use the five meats and five nectars to make offerings to them as a reward for driving them.

Moreover, just like the monk Zen Zhi drank the five nectars directly when he fought Li Qi and the others in the past, he can also gain great power by drinking them directly. Although the side effects are huge, it will also affect the consequences of many reincarnations. It is even filthy and filthy and falls into the three evil ways, but it is still a good thing to use desperately.

But drinking it directly means that there is an imbalance between the Buddha and the devil, and it is something that needs to be carefully considered for them.

Are those lamas?Brothers of Monk Chan Zhi, are you here?
He also directly asked himself if he was from Baiyue, which showed that he had already checked his origin.

Even if the great witch Yunfang concealed his own secrets, the simplest physical investigation is still useful.

These thoughts were only for a moment, but Li Qi changed his mind and immediately responded: "I am from the southwest, what are the two masters doing?"

"The master can't be called a master, but I just want to ask if the benefactor has a dispute with my lineage of Tsongkhapa? Why did you kill countless juniors of my same clan along the way, and still bully the small with the big, and bully with the sixth-rank cultivation?" They, I'm afraid they are not very well, right?" said the lama holding five nectars.

"I have never bullied them. The thing is that they took the lead in provoking. It is contemptible for the big to bully the small, but they don't respect the seniors, and even plan to kill them. I'm afraid it's inappropriate? It's reasonable for me to take punishment, and What's so special?" Li Qi said to the two lamas.

At the same time, he was observing the two lamas carefully.

A sixth grade, a fifth grade.

None of them are parallel imports, they all have orthodox inheritance, from Tsongkhapa’s lineage...

He has heard of this, Tsongkhapa, a former disciple of the Buddha, studied under the Bodhisattva of Faith, Understanding and Wisdom, that is, Manjusri Bodhisattva.

The Bodhisattva liked him very much. From then on, Tsongkhapa became the servant of the Bodhisattva and listened to many Buddhist teachings. His white crystal orbs were offered in front of the Buddha, and he realized the meaning of 'wisdom', so his dharma name is 'good wisdom'.

Tsongkhapa later wrote scriptures and wrote "The Esoteric Way Stage Broad Theory", which recorded in detail the uses of the five nectars and how to make them.

But now, Tsongkhapa has broken away from the original Manjushri lineage, known as "show first and secret later", and has a close relationship with the lineage of Mahakala.

The one at the sixth rank is the one who first saw Li Qi in the natural state in front of the Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva temple, wearing a red cockscomb hat and a cloth cassock.

The one with the fifth grade is the one holding the five nectars, wearing a human skin Thangka instead of the cassock.

Rank five and rank six are really difficult to deal with.

The sixth-rank lama said: "Punishment? But I see the level of the benefactor, and the spells used can completely make them invisible to themselves. You can obviously avoid them, and you can prevent these juniors from provoking you, even if you directly show your cultivation. , They will not embarrass you, but the donor wants to hide his cultivation and go forward to provoke them, this is not an offense, this is fishing."

Hearing this, Li Qi smiled, and said in a gentle tone: "Why, is it my fault that they tried to kill me? I have already hidden my cultivation and turned into a mortal, and I have nothing to do with them. Threat, you have no reason to blame me for not pampering them, I am not their own father, why should I cooperate with them?"

The fifth-rank lama was not in a hurry, just nodded, and then said: "Oh, so the benefactor has such a temper, no wonder he wants to kill my disciples, but it's their own fault, offending the strong, they deserve death , I came here to find the benefactor because of other things, please don’t misunderstand the benefactor, and trouble the benefactor to tell the truth, after all, I am worried about my junior brother, I am really urgent, everyone has feelings, the benefactor understands, right?"

Worried about junior?

Li Qi's heart skipped a beat.

But I heard the fifth-grade lama continue to say: "I have a brother named Jing Jiyan, and a nephew named Zen Zhi. After going to the southwest in the past, there was no news. I watched the breath of the donor, and there is my master The malice of one branch, presumably has been dealt with before, and, the benefactor...even has the shadow of my teacher's one branch of kung fu."

"With the shadow of my master's lineage, plus it came from the Tujini Heaven, my junior brother happened to have some connection with the Tujini Heaven's Taoism, so I was wondering if the benefactor had something to do with my junior brother. contact me?"

"I don't know, can the benefactor tell the truth?"

(End of this chapter)

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