Wandao long distance

Chapter 540 Transition

Shishi doesn't have the usual senses like eyes. In fact, Shishi's senses are very miraculous, and they are rooted in his 'consciousness'.

As a spirit monster made of a piece of jade, he can naturally experience the existence of 'pure consciousness', because his body is pure spirit, and his physical organs are completely different from flesh and blood.

This is a 'Tao Reader', and it is born.

But in fact, if the jade is broken, the stone will die as well. After all, although the spirit is pure consciousness, it still has its own material basis and cannot exist independently.

But this also leads to a small thing, that is, the "gaze" of the stone can be perceived. When being "watched" by the stone, there will be a feeling of "in the dark", as if there is something looking at myself.

This is actually some interference to other people's consciousness when the Dao reader is scanning.

Therefore, Shiwei's gaze at this moment was felt by Li Shiwei.

"Huh? Is there any problem?" Li Shiwei asked.

"It's nothing, Boss, let's go, Zhenjun Chizhong should be ready, and then we can go to Liesu." Shitou directly proposed to set off.

"Well, good! Let's go!" Li Shiwei inserted the sword back excitedly, and then flew away on the cloud, riding the wind, and flew all the way towards the predetermined target.

According to the original plan, she would go to find Yang Ning by herself, and then follow Yang Ning's next group of people to the Holy Flame Realm first.

Then, parted ways with the others, and then passed the large ship of the Holy Flame Realm alone to the edge of the world group, and participated in a seventh-rank world temporarily named 'Hunting Sea Realm'.

The natives of this world are already willing to cooperate. However, the local natives are far from occupying the entire world. There are still a large number of wild beasts in the sea hunting world, which are powerful beasts without sanity and civilization.

These wild beasts occupy the entire ocean and most of the land.

And these are all good materials.

However, it cannot be exterminated. If it is not kept for breeding, it is tantamount to losing a natural savage farm.

However, for the hunting sea community, these savage beasts are extremely dangerous things, and every once in a while there will be a "beast tide", sweeping across the territory of civilization that is not much in the first place, causing huge losses.

Therefore, everyone in Luofu Mountain reached an agreement with the Sea Hunter Realm. They will not interfere too much with the natural development of the Sea Hunter Realm. However, they will send people to regularly clear up the sea hunter beast tide.

However, all kinds of materials and supplies that the beast tide has paid off will be taken away and stored as goods. About once every 20 years, a large ship will come to take these resources away, deliver the supplies, and then continue Set off and enter the next cargo cycle.

The big ship that Li Shiwei was on was once every 20 years. It used to store goods and supply supplies by the way.

Li Shiwei's task is also very simple. She has to upload in the Holy Flame Realm, follow the ship, work as an ordinary crew member, and be responsible for the guard work on the ship. Send supplies to each base, and then collect the materials in these bases.

The arrangement is very good, but it is actually just social practice.

But that alone was enough to make Li Shiwei elated.

Don't you see, how many college students go to work as intern coolies after graduation, and work enthusiastically with a small salary. Li Shiwei is now at this stage.

However, Li Qi still paid her wages normally, and she could only rely on her own wages for all her expenses outside.

Because, at home, she doesn't have the concept of money at all, and uses everything as soon as she gets it, and only needs 'money' as a support after she comes out.

But in fact, it’s not that short of money. Li Qi and everyone in Luofu Mountain respect the fruits of labor of the people below. It’s almost as much money as they create, and Li Qi only takes what he deserves. That share, so most people are actually not short of money.

However, the share that Li Qi took was actually quite a lot. After all, the formation of the world group belongs to him, and the entire organization is also named after him. Although he did not actually participate in the operation, the entire shelf basically depends on him Put it together, so Li Qi is not really short of resources.

In addition, Wu Dao itself does not need much cultivation resources. Most of the money Li Qi and his wife earn is actually used by Shen Shuibi, and Shen Shuibi can't use so much. Give it to Yang Ning and continue to maintain the existence of this organization.

You can't use up so much, so it's better to distribute it to the people below, and you can expand the organization and earn more in the future.

Li Shiwei has learned about these things in the early stage, but she didn't pay much attention to them.

Like her parents, she doesn't think much of the cultivation resources.

Money, enough to spend on the line.

Only those who are short of money will regard money as a treasure.

People who have never been short of money don't care much.

Li Shiwei is a typical kind of little bastard who has never been short of money, has never been beaten by society, does not know the heights of heaven and earth, and rushes into society excitedly.

And she is indeed a bunny, but she did not inherit the characteristics of a rabbit. After all, Shen Shuibi is not a real rabbit, but the moon essence manifested in the form of a jade rabbit.

Li Shiwei has some characteristics of a moon spirit, for example, her pupils change color with the moon's waxing and waning, and she can easily control the yin energy, and even her gender is affected by the yin energy.

All in all, this little brat excitedly ran to Yang Ning's team to report.

It's just that Yang Ning didn't have time to meet her in person, but directly assigned her to the team.

Next, Li Shiwei will follow this team to Liesu, and then go to Sea Hunting Realm.

Right now, this team will use a magic weapon to transport about [-] people to Liesu, and Liesu will distribute them to different world groups.

The excited little bastard stood among the crowd with a sword on his back and was full of curiosity, looking at the magic weapon he was about to board.

"Wow... this is the treasure gourd?" Li Shiwei raised her head curiously, looking at the magic weapon she was about to mount.

After all, it is an organization led by people in Luofu Mountain, so the means of transportation is also commonly used by Taoists, and at this moment, a magic weapon gourd is used.

The gourd was about seven or eight feet long, and it looked like a small boat. A Taoist priest stood on the gourd, who was in charge of switching and connecting. The whole venue was on a mountain, and everyone lined up along the mountain road.

Line up to the gourd mouth, just wait for the Taoist priest to read your name, and then you promise, a suction force will be generated at the gourd mouth to suck people in.

This, Li Shiwei knows, she has read the book, and there is a saying in the legend of the gods: "There is a real person named Fei Changfang, who used to be a bazaar. People in the city don't see it, but the long room upstairs sees it. It's strange. Because of the past, I will worship the preserved wine. Weng knows the meaning of the long room, and he said: "You can come again tomorrow. "The long house returned to Weng every day, and Weng and Weng went into the pot together. Only the jade hall was adorned and beautiful, with wine, sweets and delicacies filled in it, and they came out after drinking together."

A man named Fei Changfang saw an old man selling medicine, and he got into his gourd after selling the medicine, so he went to visit, and the old man also took him into the gourd. After entering, it is no longer a gourd, only the world of fairy palaces, the building, the gate, the pavilion, and the small gourd are like caves.

This magic weapon is a similar thing, as long as you enter it, there will be an attic inside, and then a gourd seven or eight feet long can hold thousands of people to camp.

Li Shiwei lined up honestly, the people around were very quiet, everyone knew what they were going to do, and practitioners still had a certain degree of self-consciousness, and they were not as noisy as in the market, after all, this gourd was still needed of.

It is at least hundreds of thousands of miles to go to Liesu here, which is a long, long way for this group of workers with the highest eight ranks, and it is impossible to get there without this gourd.

Soon, the line reached Li Shiwei's place, and Li Shiwei quickly stood still, waiting for the Taoist priest to read her name.

"You are Li Shiwei?"

"Yes!" replied the little bunny.

But seeing a suction coming from the mouth of the gourd, she flew up involuntarily. From her perspective, the gourd suddenly became bigger and bigger, and she was directly sucked into the mouth of the gourd by the suction.

Immediately afterwards, there was a strange and dazzling scenery in front of her, which seemed to be a passage made of countless rainbows and glass, and she slid in it, involuntarily, like a bungee jumping feeling.

The stone hummed continuously. Obviously, he was frightened. This was actually his scream.

Li Shiwei found it very exciting, and couldn't help cheering.

But this feeling only lasted for more than ten seconds, and the surrounding scenery suddenly changed, and she suddenly found that the surroundings became the boundless sky, and she was falling from the sky.

She immediately stabilized her figure, made a tactic with both hands, and performed a soaring cloud technique, but saw that the clouds in the surrounding sky were pulled and fell to her feet, stopping her falling trend.

After standing firmly on the cloud, she immediately poked her head out and looked down.

Below, there are thousands of towers, and many people are falling from the sky into the towers. Some people fly up by themselves like Li Shiwei, and some are panicked, or the old gods are there, waiting for the tower below. Light up the light and lift them up one by one.

It seems that here is their 'cockpit'.

After falling down, Li Shiwei found an empty attic and lived in it. There was enough food and water in it, and it would be no problem to live in it for decades.

She walked out of the attic curiously, walked around this small city, and looked around.

There are no vendors here, it should just be a pure magic weapon, responsible for pulling people to the column.

In addition to Li Shiwei, there are also some migrant workers who came here for the first time. They are also watching everywhere on the street. They are all as curious as Li Shiwei. Now, many people are trying to figure out how this hole in the pot works.

Li Shiwei was obviously one of them, and she didn't find it strange.

She's not proud of who she is, or, for a 17-year-old, she hasn't fully realized the difference between who she is and those around her.

She just thinks it's all fair, what happens to others, what happens to herself, this is a matter of course.

This kind of atmosphere and thinking is also what she has been edifying in Xuanjing Mountain. At least until now, the little brat doesn't feel that she is superior to others, nor does she feel that she is lower than others. It can be regarded as the benefit of her excellent tutoring.

After a while-

"Boss, don't look at it, the runes here are all encrypted, and you have to decipher them to see what's inside. With your usual level, it's just a dream to break the encryption here." The stone vibrated and made a sound.

Li Shiwei lay on a rune chain exposed in a hole in the pot and studied for a long time, but found nothing, Shi Shi couldn't help it, and said so.

But Li Shiwei didn't think so, she looked away from it, and said dissatisfied: "How do you know that I can't study it? You underestimate me? Let me tell you, I have learned something from it."

"Boss, my grades are better than yours." The stone trembled and made a sound: "I have already seen these runes, and they are even more difficult than the test that Zhenjun Yang Ning gave you a few days ago. You failed that test .”

"If you don't pass, you don't pass, and these two don't matter! I've already seen it. You see, although this area is encrypted, it is actually divided into Yin and Yang."

"There is obviously the essence of the universe in it. The universe is formed into a phenomenon, and the cycle returns to the moon, and finally the universe returns. It is like a cycle. This cycle formed by the five, six, and thirty methods of returning to life, although it cannot be broken for the time being, But you can still see the general situation of the operation inside." Li Shiwei said her judgment on this rune.

But Shishi said: "If it is true as you said, it can't be like this. The birth and death of the solar terms in January can be divided into 24 on the 24th, and the 24th qi is the same as the age of one year old. The method of returning to life after sixty or thirty? Boss, I suggest you stop using your brain."

It can be seen that Shishi's study is not bad, since it has been hanging on Li Shiwei's waist since it broke the body of the stone, it should have received the same education as her.

At least, when Li Qi's old parents taught Li Shiwei at school, they didn't shy away from it.

When one person and one jade were arguing about how this place was built, they suddenly heard a voice behind them.

The voice said: "The first three to five, the last three to five, everything is here, the real lead is blindly divided into two, changing yin and yang, so there is heaven and earth in the pot, with heaven and earth as parents, Kanli as husband and wife, divided into 380 and [-]. Yao, Xun Xing Huo Hou, both of you are not wrong, but you are only right, and you have to separate them in threes and fives to establish two conclusions at the same time."

Hearing this, Li Shiwei turned to look at the source of the voice.

There, stood a young girl who looked about the same age as Li Shiwei, but her temperament was much quieter.

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