Wandao long distance

Chapter 598 New comprehension

Chapter 598 New comprehension
An ordinary garrison in a seventh-rank world, because of a mishandling by a powerful person, from top to bottom, relying on such a stimulus, he realized what courage is.

Relying on this courage, they did not know what to do, and finally won the victory.

They were not bloody brave after mourning, but under the leadership of the seventh-rank world lord, the whole army completed a sublimation, and even changed their paths.

There are many people who have experienced this, but not everyone can transform, because they were only stimulated at the time and showed a fearless appearance, but that was just being manipulated by emotions, not really comprehending anything.

After that, Li Qi chose to withdraw the world for repairs, and at the same time began to publicize their deeds for the purpose of boosting morale, and at the same time admonished the sixth rank who moved the world.

The person in charge of transporting directly moved the civilization on the surface with magical powers, and didn't even bother to see if there were any below, which was a dereliction of duty.

Then, Li Qi began to meditate from time to time.

Do you know why you are fighting?Does he have enough courage?

Li Qi felt that he actually knew, he understood why he was fighting.

Because, the consciousness of living to death, the behavior of dedicating oneself to important things, he thinks he has it, and it is stronger than these soldiers.

Then why, these soldiers were able to comprehend 'courage', but they couldn't comprehend it, so they were a little timid?
Li Qi didn't understand at first, he didn't know what was wrong with him.

Li Qi is very clear about what he wants, for his own path, or for the things he cherishes, he will often experience danger to his life.

For example, going to the East China Sea, and even insisting on Dao Xin in front of the demons, the essence is the same, even more dangerous, more terrifying, and more difficult than what these soldiers have experienced.

But why are these things not enough for Li Qi to understand what courage is?
Li Qi hadn't quite figured it out before.

However, 400 years later, Li Qi suddenly understood.

This is also the 'nature' pursued by 'Witch Dao'.

Under the guidance of the gods of the Heavenly Court, he has comprehended many things. With the accumulation of these things and the stories of this world, Li Qi's accumulation is finally enough.

He seemed to know he was missing something.

Previously, the 'adventures' and 'sacrifices' he made were all calculations in essence.

He used calculations to approach the results he wanted through the superb brain power he had maintained since he practiced, even if it was 'courage'.

After calculation, he knew that it was right and beneficial to do so. In other words, he had to do it. If he didn't do it, he might pay a more tragic price than his life.

Weighing the pros and cons, he weighed the various values ​​between life and the way, and then he went to do things.

It's as if he took risks for Shen Shuibi.

He still weighed his own life and Shen Shuibi's life subconsciously, and felt that the rabbit was more important, so he acted according to the result of the weighing.

Judging from the results, this is no different from courage, they are both the same, they are both risking their lives.

But what if, after he weighed it, his own life was more important?

Most importantly, how is the act of 'weighing' achieved?

If it is said that the balance is based on gravity and mass, which can intuitively show the difference between the two sides, then what does Li Qi use to make this balance?

Shen Shuibi's life, Li Qi's life, or Li Qi's path, or Li Qi's life, which is more important, why should one be more important?Who stipulated this 'heavy'?

The answer Li Qi gave himself before was: "Weigh by Tao."

Use Tao to weigh, to make this balance, to see what is more important to Tao.

But now, he seems to have come up with a different answer.

The answer is that, in fact, the act of weighing itself is lying to yourself.

You think you are weighing, but you are actually dominated by the Tao, and you are forcing yourself to follow the so-called 'Tao'.

You must know that it is people who follow the way, not the way that restricts people.

Tao does not restrict people, people only recognize and practice from the bottom of their hearts, so they act in accordance with the way of Tao.

This is fundamentally different.

It's like obeying the law.

Evil people are forced to obey the law, while good people obey the law voluntarily.

Although both are law-abiding, there is a world of difference.

Use the Tao as the balance, and then weigh the importance of things, and see what is close to the Tao, then what is important. This kind of person obeys the law and is forced to obey the law. Because the law exists, they are afraid that they will be punished if they violate it. Therefore, the wicked have to abide by the law.

I don’t abide by the law because of the existence of the law, but because I do it from the bottom of my heart, and then I suddenly see: Oh, so what I did was actually abiding by the law.

The villain is full of thoughts of killing, but after thinking about it, killing will be punished, so it is better not to kill.

A good man has never had any concept of killing people from the beginning to the end. He does not kill people because of the kindness in his heart, because he does not want to kill people, not because there is a "law".

This law, in fact, can be seen as the 'Road'.

Li Qi assumed in advance a "Tao" that he should abide by, and established a set of laws for himself to regulate his behavior.

Under this standard, Li Qi did very well, and he was very self-disciplined.

But this is "wicked people obeying the law". He didn't do it from the heart, but took a look at the norms, and felt that doing so was more in line with the norms, so he followed the norms.

It seems that he is perfect in "keeping the Tao, obeying the Tao", but in fact, he has gradually drifted away from the "Tao", and he just created a cage called "Tao" for himself.

He danced in shackles in the cage, and he was still complacent, thinking that he already knew that his behavior should be regulated by the "Tao", and if he overstepped, he might go astray.

But he never thought that the moment this thought appeared, he had already gone astray.

Thinking of this, Li Qi broke out in a cold sweat.

No wonder Zhu Fengdan said that he is 'smart is smart, but unfortunately he is too smart'.

This is really a pity for Li Qi.

Because Li Qi's cleverness and his situation allowed him to know the importance of the 'Tao' in advance, so he wanted to follow the 'Tao' so much that he completely went astray.

Like the seventh-rank world that defeated the Human Dao army, they didn't understand what 'Tao' is at all, and thought it was just a different practice method, but it was precisely because they didn't understand that they didn't deliberately abide by it, but in the end they didn't understand it. Unknowingly, I found what I wanted, the goal I wanted to pursue, which invisibly matched the true meaning of "Tao", mastered "courage", and finally defeated the army of humanity.

No wonder, someone will arrange to go to the big fire to experience 'chaos'. It is because the natural evolution of chaos may give Li Qi some inspiration.

Li Qi is very smart, he did understand 'nature', and finally under the guidance of 'nature', he discovered the shackles he had put on himself.

The real "keeping the Tao" is to follow the heart, not to use the Tao as a balance to weigh everything in the world, but to do things out of the heart of the Tao, without considering the gains and losses. In this case, the things done are still It is right to conform to the pursuit of 'Tao', and this is 'keeping the Tao'.

Instead of setting a bunch of rules and regulations for yourself, and then saying: "As long as I don't violate these, then I will keep the Tao."

This is not keeping the way, this is just shackles.

So is courage.

Through 'weighing', Li Qi can indeed make a choice similar to 'courage'.

But does he really have the so-called courage?
He made a seemingly courageous choice, but his 'heart' was still in fear, still in fear.

He was just forced to do something courageous by the shackles he created for himself, just like a soldier who was forced to go to the battlefield by military law, and a warrior who took the initiative to fight.

Both chose to join the battlefield, and both fought. It is even possible that the little soldier can still make great achievements and get more praise than the warrior.

But in any case, the two of them are very different in courage.

Then, Li Qifan suddenly woke up.

It turned out that it was not courage that mattered.

Courage or not is not the essence of what Zhu Fengdan wants to tell him at all.

What he really wanted Li Qi to know was actually the way of keeping the Tao.

As a result, Li Qi had a decision in his heart.

He doesn't think about those things anymore, it doesn't matter whether he is brave or not, even if he is a coward, he is a coward, everything... is just ideal.

So, what to do now?What is important?

The answer is, take responsibility.

Take on your own responsibilities. People can't just leave after doing something, and leave it to parents, teachers, or wives and children to help themselves. This kind of thing is not acceptable.

In order to save Luofu Mountain and wake up Luofu Empress and Sun Moon True Lead Cauldron, Li Qi chose to join the radical faction, and then used his own actions to make the moderate faction of Wushen Mountain accept the consequences of the war.

This is what he did, his choice, and he must be responsible for it.

Even a prodigal like Zhu Fengdan chose to take responsibility and came to join the war, so could Li Qi really choose to throw everything out for Shen Shuibi's safety and let others bear it?
Among other things, everyone in this seventh-rank world, the soldiers who stood up to fight against humanity, and the civilians who saw the soldiers who died in order to protect themselves, also mobilized to support them.

They are all able to bear all this, how can Li Qi avoid it?
Therefore, regardless of life or death, if he chooses a radical approach, he will bear the radical consequences.

At this time, Li Qi understood why Shen Shuibi would face the war calmly, and even join the war happily, not caring at all that he might perish in this war.

The reason is as simple as that.

Luofu Mountain was rescued, and the Sun and Moon True Lead Cauldron might have awakened by now, and Empress Luofu should have joined the battle, but at their level, Li Qi couldn't see it.

Then, as a member of Luofu Mountain and Li Qi's wife, Shen Shuibi has no reason not to join the war.

If you want to fight, then go.

Li Qi, of course, is the same.

This has nothing to do with anything else, it is purely what he should do, and he must use all the power he has to contribute to the final victory.

Thus, Li Qi was finally able to face all this calmly and do what he should do.

The thoughts are clear, the heart is free, there is no shackles, and I don't think about such crap as courage.

Now, it's all about winning.

Therefore, Li Qi called Shen Shuibi, and he made up his mind to let the rabbit go to the homeless to seize this only possible chance of victory.

As long as the rabbit and the homeless man successfully forced humanity back to defend, it would be Li Qi's turn.

The two were thinking about different things, and then, the two finally met.

It was the first time for Shen Shuibi to come back from the front line after the war started.

Li Qi was located near a Lie Su, because if the Tang people beheaded him, he would be able to escape through the Lie Su as long as the guards around him stayed for a while.

But you can't really put a few high-end combat powers there to protect him. Wu Ji's high-end combat power should still be placed on the front line as much as possible.

Therefore, Li Qi put a sixth-grade world that had been emptied here, and he lived near the heart of the world in this world, and could detonate it at any time.

This world is already a complete empty shell, and all lives have been transferred away. As long as someone comes to surprise Li Qi and directly blow up the world, they can buy time for Lie Su to send Li Qi away.

Usually the only living thing in this world is Li Qi, very cold and lonely, and Li Qi is here, bearing the heavy pressure of the formation of the entire world group, constantly sending out avatars to deal with the problems of countless world groups, constantly fighting with Humanity fights.

Fortunately, Shen Shuibi is back, although she is leaving soon.

"Have a rest?" A round of moonlight condensed around Li Qi, the rabbit reached out and touched Li Qi's ear.

"The distraction is enough, but I can't rest. If I rest for a second, countless people will stay in the desperate situation for an extra second." Li Qi smiled and used a ray of mind to communicate with Shen Shuibi, most of his energy remained In the countless intelligence feedbacks dealing with the 'Alliance' and the World Group Formation.

"Well, you seem to be... much more open-minded and improving so fast." Shen Shuibi sat next to Li Qi, hugged her knees with her hands, and looked into the distance.

The whole world is a dead land, there are no plants, bare rocks and a lot of dust make up this sixth-grade world, even the sea has dried up, the Qi of the five elements is out of balance, the temperature is violent, and it is full of constant storms and acid rain.

This itself is a world on the verge of death, but the death process of the world is too long. In the next 5 to [-] years, this world will not change much. It is just right to use it as Li Qi's "flagship". There is nothing to waste.

"Yeah, I'm a little surprised that my progress is so fast." Li Qi said with a smile.

In just a few hundred years, he has successfully got rid of the troubles of the past, and now he is only short of the accumulation of cultivation base from the fifth rank.

His state of mind is completely sufficient, the Taoist heart is unrestrained, he does what he wants, everything goes with the flow, but it is just right, just like his small world, which has been perfect and natural, turning the virtual into reality, the only difference is the accumulation of time.

"Well, what's the mission for calling me back this time?" Shen Shuibi asked.

"I am on Humanity's side, and I have assembled some rebels, preparing for guerrilla attacks, and waiting for an opportunity to raid the cardinals of all worlds, but I am not at ease there, so I need you to preside over this operation."

"Because the action is on the humanitarian side, there is no supply, and I don't know what you are doing. Everything is entirely responsible for you. After much deliberation, only you can afford it."

(End of this chapter)

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