Wandao long distance

Chapter 728 Chen Ji’s Acting Method

In Tujini Heaven, Li Qi and his wife had a direct conversation with Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva.

However, this Bodhisattva didn't seem to want to let Li Qi and others go after some pleasantries. Instead, he came up and asked an inexplicable question.

She asked Li Qi, do the past and the future exist?

Li Qi didn't know what the other party wanted to do, but it was obvious that Bai Chen Fox King Bodhisattva was saying that he was wrong.

Regarding the fundamental understanding of the structure of space and time, you dare to say that I am wrong! ?
This is a moral struggle!

When you want to correct my ways, moral disputes are inevitable.

However, Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva said: "Why do you say that? Isn't this the same as your point of view? We should have a consensus on this."

When she said this, Li Qi was immediately speechless.

Indeed, the two perspectives can actually be reconciled.

What Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva just said is that everything has been decided a long time ago.

In other words, the world is a book that has been written a long time ago. The characters in the book do not know that they have been written. For the characters in the book, the past, present, and future are clearly differentiated, but although they are Differentiated, yet indivisible, it is a continuous whole.

This structure can simultaneously satisfy the mutual integration of two contradictory conclusions: "the future and the present are one" and "the future really exists".

Everything is destined, Li Qi will definitely encounter these things, and Li Qi will definitely get the power of 'future', everything is inevitable.

From this perspective, all this is inevitable.

So, Li Qi immediately said: "If Bodhisattva has this idea, it is really... pitiful."

Li Qi directly used the word 'poor' without being polite at all.

He continued: "If the future is destined, doesn't it mean that everything in human beings is meaningless? Including you, Bodhisattva, are also meaningless."

"That's what I said. It's not that I think so myself. It's just... Li Qi, just wait and see." Bai Chen Fox King Bodhisattva said, changing his body shape again.

This time, she showed her true form.

The white shape is bright and white, with a peacock bird on the top, a pearl hanging on its neck, and a samadhi shape in the sky with six arms.

Then, Li Qi saw the other party start to perform.

The Dharma she performed was related to 'time and space'.

In Buddhism, there are three generations of Buddhas.

That is, the Buddha in the past, the Buddha in the present, and the Buddha in the future.

In this view, time and space are chaotic, and the Buddha can transcend reincarnation, specifically in the form of being reincarnated into the past.

Yes, a historical figure is the reincarnation of someone now.

He lived through the present time, then died and was reincarnated into the past.

Through this, it proves that everything in the past is fixed and destined to happen. Because things in the past have already happened, I was reincarnated, and I must experience everything that has happened in the past.

And because of Li Qi's previous argument, the 'past' is equal to the 'present'. When I go to the past, the past is the present for me. Then because of this reincarnation against time and space, for the 'past present', the past is the present. His future is also doomed, because for him, the future is his past life, so the future is also the past, and the future is already doomed at this moment.

This set of reincarnations is like a movie, played over and over again, but the people in the movie don't know.

A doomed cycle of reincarnation.

Li Qi raised his head fiercely, wondering what Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva wanted to say! ?

The Buddhist view of time and space is so weird. Is it fatalistic?It's not like that, why would she suddenly say this to herself?

But...is this view of time and space wrong?

Doesn't seem to be there?
If you think about it carefully, if you can be reincarnated into the past after death, it proves that time and space itself are integrated, which is completely consistent with Li Qi's current cognition.

There is no contradiction at all, this just proves that all future and all past are 'now'.

However, the same result brings different concepts.

Li Qi believes that the future is unknowable, does not exist, and is just an illusory 'probability'.

But obviously, from this perspective, it is impossible to get something like the Third Buddha.

Li Qi and Shen Shuibi were attracted by this kind of acting.

After all, even if you want to refute the other party, you must first understand what the other party wants to say.

However, Li Qi still couldn't figure out what Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva wanted to do?Why did she suddenly act? Did she want to tell herself the function of the jade bead?

Li Qi was puzzled, but Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva continued to perform the Dharma.

It's still Buddhism, but this time it's not just the weird cycle of reincarnation of the 'Three Worlds of Buddhas', but another strange thing.

speed of light.

That's right, it's the speed of light, or you can say 'the speed limit'.

The so-called speed of light is actually the upper limit of the speed of this universe.

As we all know, if there is an upper limit, there must be a lower limit.

The upper limit is the speed of light, so the lower limit is also very simple, which is what everyone knows as 'still'.

Quite natural, right?Stationary is naturally the lower limit of speed.

So, at this time, the problem arises.

Absolute stillness, does it exist?

Anyone who has read books knows that absolute stillness does not exist. You are always moving, because movement is relative.

Then, relative to a beam of light, taking the light itself as the reference system, the light is stationary, but you are moving at the speed of light.

That's the problem.

All things essentially move at the speed of light.

The upper and lower limits of speed are the same as the speed of light. When you are stationary, you are actually moving at the speed of light.

Or, if you move a little, it doesn't matter how fast or slow you move, because eventually you will find that as long as the reference frame is correct, you are always moving at the speed of light.

The universe only has the speed of light, and there is nothing else except the speed of light.

The "speed" of everything -

Yes, and only the speed of light.

There is no speed at all. The entire universe is both static and extremely fast.

At this moment, Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva showed such contradictory characteristics.

At this time, Li Qi's eyes widened fiercely!

He figured it out, he knew what the other party wanted to express! !
Speed ​​itself is also relative.

Speed ​​can be divided into space speed and time speed. These two speeds share the same upper limit.Therefore, the faster your space speed is, the slower the time speed is. When you reach the speed of light, in the eyes of others, your time speed becomes zero, that is, it is 'stationary'.

In the same way, when your space speed is zero, that is, when you appear to be stationary, your time speed remains at full speed.

Since you are your own coordinate system, your space speed must be zero, so from your own perspective, time is always normal.

But this is not the case for other people. Everyone has their own relative time, and everyone's time speed is different.

All of this demonstrates another great existence——

Because all people, all individual isolated perspectives, have their own subjective perspective. This subjective perspective can affect the flow rate of time itself, resulting in the birth of relative time.

So, what is the biggest, the biggest, the perspective that is so big that it cannot continue to expand?
An absolute, nothing 'relative' exists except itself.

Yes, there is no relative thing anymore, this thing can achieve 'absolute stillness', this is true stillness!Never move!
Is there such a thing?
Of course there is, that is the universe itself!
There is no counterpart in the universe!
The universe has only absolute reference objects and no relative reference objects, and his absolute reference object is himself.

In other words, for the universe, everything is static. If the universe is relative, it is relative to itself. In this case, there is no space speed in the universe.

Then, the only thing left in the universe is the speed of time.

But what is the speed of time?If there must be a speed of time, it means that time must have a past and a future. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as 'speed'.


All of this combined is what Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva wants to express!
Time has a front and back, but the front and back are one. This is the case with reincarnation. This is the "reincarnation" and "destiny" of Buddhism.

This answer is nothing special for Li Qi. He is already at the fourth level. He has his own view of time and space, which can refute this answer. For example, he can refute this fatalism from the perspective of randomness.

However, Li Qi looked at Shen Shuibi fiercely.

Rabbit's expression obviously changed.

Absolute time, absolute stillness——

Isn't that... Chenji! ?

This is also the 'way' to anchor the future.

Because movement is relative, and as long as it is relative to itself, then there will be a situation that Li Qi believes, that is: "itself is always static", so it will always only have the 'now', and the past and future are both part of the present.

But if there is an 'absolutely static thing', then it is different.

Using an absolutely stationary object as a reference object, we can naturally distinguish the past, present and future, because movement itself is relative to the reference object. With an absolute reference object, even time itself, the movement of The trajectory is also clear and followable.

Li Qi immediately realized what the other party was planning!
Baichen Fox King, Baichen Fox King!
There is a word "Chen" in her title!
That jade bead was not originally intended for Li Qi. It was intended for Shen Shuibi. It was a possible fourth-grade opportunity for Rabbit!
The essence of that jade bead is a small 'Chenji'!
That’s why Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva talks about waste.

Originally, Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva's plan was to give the jade beads to Shen Shuibi, let Shen Shuibi be directly promoted to the fourth rank, and then beat Liu Junyi to pieces head-on.

Obviously, for some unknown reason, probably because of the obstruction of others, this plan did not succeed, and this small Chenji was forced to live in exile.

Later, it was Li Qi who almost made a comeback, so it was given to Li Qi to help him break through to the fifth level, so it was not wasted.

"Bodhisattva, do you want to give him a chance by acting like this, or do you have other plans?" Li Qi stood in front of Shen Shuibi and looked at Bai Chen Fox King Bodhisattva in front of him with a gloomy look.

But at this time, Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva retracted his six arms, but spread out his nine tails behind his back.

Most of their cultivation is hidden in the fox's tail. This is something everyone knows, including Duji Nitian.

The tail of Tujini Tian can turn into a white whisk, which is called "Xuechen Fu", and is also known as: Tujini Tian Xuechen Fu Mantra.

These nine tails, brushed together, can ward off three disasters, four difficulties, five poisons, and six defeats, as well as all kinds of diseases, hardships, and misfortunes in the world. It is a magical power that achieves auspiciousness.

Of course, it was impossible for Li Qi to block the third-level swipe of the nine tails, but he still responded immediately. The fourth-level cultivation was displayed at this moment.

He couldn't stop it, but he had a way to make the blow only hit him and not touch Shen Shuibi.

The inner heaven and earth opened up, and the surrounding Tao was quietly modified.

The direction of space is blocked and becomes two-dimensional.

There are only two directions in two dimensions, just like there are only two directions in front of Li Qi now, that is, up, down, left and right.

There is no depth, that is, 'behind'.

And Shen Shuibi is 'behind'.

This is an absolute defense, because there is no third direction for passage, and there is no possibility of being touched.

But, at this moment——

Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva's snow dust whisk suddenly changed into two, two into four, four into eight——

It's like...snowflakes.

The tiny parts of a snowflake are the same as the majority of the whole, and can be divided infinitely.

At this moment, this magical power separated the cultivation level of Bai Chen Fox King Bodhisattva from that of Li Qi.

For Li Qi at this moment, the power of Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva is "infinite".

No kidding, it's really "infinite".

Those tails, it's like the Koch curve or the Sierpinski triangle.

The curve drawn by fractalizing a pattern and then repeating it until infinity is called the Koch Curve.

The Koch Curve can produce an incredible result, that is, a boundary with "infinite side length", but it can only surround a limited area.

This is also the shoreline paradox.

The length of the coastline is actually 'infinity'.

When you measure the coastline, you must use precision. The greater the precision, the longer the irregular jagged shape of the coastline will be measured, because the coastline is composed of repeated small bends that can continue to go deeper.

The Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva is like this at this moment, constantly evolving, and her cultivation is approaching infinity.

But Li Qi wasn't worried.

The infinity of Bai Chen Fox King Bodhisattva can only hit him. The gap in cultivation is not that big. Li Qi, who has mastered high-level power, also has his own way to deal with it.

Of course, being able to deal with it doesn't mean he can win. There is a high probability that he will be killed instantly.

After all, it is the third grade.

As long as Shen Shuibi can't be hurt, this B fox won't dare to kill him anyway.

If she had had the guts, she would be dead by now.

Li Qi had no respect in his heart, only hostility.

This kind of 'tips' may seem to have good intentions, but in fact they may not bring good results.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Baichen Fox King Bodhisattva's performance ended.

"This is Chen Ji, Yue Jing, can you see it?" (End of Chapter)

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