Wandao long distance

Chapter 745 Great Round Mirror Wisdom

The cloud whale floats in the sky, swaying in the direction of the wind.

Pale light surrounded her body, and the turbulence caused by his singing surrounded her body, like fireflies surging, and like the Milky Way falling into it.

The song echoed melodiously in the sky, the swirling notes chanted loosely, clean and desolate.

Li Qi's mood seemed to gradually calm down as he listened to the singing.

"Since you don't have a name, I'll call you Yunjing. Yunjing, you are extraordinary." Li Qi said after calming down.

"All creatures in this world are unique and extraordinary, and so are you." Cloud Whale said.

This voice sounded directly in Li Qi's heart, and Yun Jing's body was still singing.

"Why can you directly see my inner activities? This seems to be different from my method. I directly scan your thinking organ, and you... are just a loser. You should not be able to scan my inner mind. ." Li Qi asked curiously.

In front of him, Yun Jing could not lie. As long as the scanning method came into Yun Jing's mind, Li Qi could immediately know the key.

For an inferior person, even if the other party can read minds as well as himself, Li Qi can still have an absolute advantage in the conversation.

But who knows, Yun Jing replied: "Dharma door? What is Dharma door?"

Li Qi could clearly read that the other party really didn't know what the method was.

It makes sense if you think about it carefully. This cloud whale has no cultivation at all. He has never practiced at all!
How could he read minds under such circumstances?

Li Qi was puzzled.

But he felt that communication could still continue.

Therefore, Li Qi stopped talking and started talking to the cloud whale in front of him with pure spirit.

Li Qi said: "You seem to be in pain. Something is biting you. Let me help you get rid of it."

He felt the pain of Cloud Whale. There were wounds in many places under his body. This kind of pain would probably be unbearable for mortal beings.

After a quick glance, there were many small beasts and birds lying on the Cloud Whale's belly, as well as a bunch of parasitic organisms that were like barnacles and clung to the Cloud Whale's body, all of which made the Cloud Whale miserable.

Then help him clean it up.

But Yun Jing immediately refused. He said: "No, please don't hurt them. It's nothing to me."

When he answered, Li Qi also saw what Yun Jing was thinking at the moment from his shallow thinking.

Once upon a time, flocks of flying birds hunted separately. In order to survive, they quickly opened their mouths and continuously devoured other creatures, hurting each other and avoiding each other.

The cloud whale in front of him felt the helplessness of the weak and the helplessness of the weak.

So he made this decision. As a cloud whale, he used himself to support these chasing creatures, and thus the current scene happened.

"...Really, what a standard." Seeing what Yun Jing was thinking, Li Qi couldn't help but sigh.

It's really too typical. Such a story and such a journey are simply a template of 'compassion'.

The most important thing is that this is not an act, the other party is just a bad guy, and it is impossible to act in front of Li Qi.

He thought so from the bottom of his heart.

So, Li Qi nodded: "Okay, I understand, then I won't disturb you anymore."

Li Qi said, and his body disappeared from the spot.

He really wasn't going to disturb the other party. He wanted to see where this cloud whale would go in the end.

Yun Jing felt Li Qi leaving, and although he was a little confused, it didn't delay things.

He was indeed at a loss. Li Qi's sudden appearance and then sudden disappearance gave him a strange feeling.

How to say……

From an outsider's perspective, it would probably be like Zhu Fengdan's style, where he suddenly appeared, said a few incoherent words, and then suddenly disappeared again.

It's really very similar, just as mysterious and unpredictable, the dragon sees the beginning but not the end. I don't know what this person is thinking. I just feel that the other person seems to do whatever he wants, which is a bit irritating.

how to say……

Unknowingly, Li Qi's behavior had begun to move closer to that of his teacher, but Zhu Fengdan clearly did not teach him much.

All I can say is that they are indeed masters and disciples.

But Yun Jing didn't dwell on it too much. He just regarded it as an interlude and was still doing his own thing.

He continued to support many birds and beasts with his own body. He sang loudly and absorbed the spiritual energy from the atmosphere into his body, and then used it to repair his body that was constantly being eaten.

This dedication continued even years later.

A few years later, disasters came from the sky, and famine broke out on some empty islands.

Famine occurs, and a large number of lives fall into hunger. All living beings have no food to eat, so they kill each other and eat each other to survive.

Cloud Whale can no longer save sentient beings simply by relying on its physical parasitism.

Then, he was seen plummeting, his body torn apart, and distributed among many hungry things.

However, every day, birds and beasts came hungry and cut off the fish meat they needed from the whale king's body to sustain life. The cloud whale's huge body was covered with cuts and pecking wounds.

A few months later, Yunjing endured the pain and his body was torn apart, but he was still alive.

Li Qi was surprised when he watched.

He was just a bad guy, he should have been dead when he was split open, but now he was smashed into so many parts, but he was still alive and constantly regenerating for the birds and beasts that came to eat every day.

So, Li Qi appeared again, came to the head of the whale, and asked: "You use your body to feed all living beings, and you have to endure them pecking and cutting every day. The pain is indescribable, but you still insist on not dying. Why?" You have given all your flesh away, that’s enough, isn’t it?”

But I heard Yun Jing reply: "I can't do this! If I die, the fish body will soon rot, and all living beings will fall into the plight of hunger again, and start killing each other to live. I really can't I can’t bear to see this kind of tragedy happen again, so I must persist in surviving.”

Li Qi admired.

But he immediately said: "Then why don't you practice? The efforts you have made to repair your body are completely enough for you to enter the ninth level. After you reach the ninth level, with the talent of this physical body, you can support more people. "

However, Yunjing replied: "Why is this? I support them out of unbearability. This is what I want to do, not to support them for the sake of supporting them. Why should I do this?"

Li Qi was stunned by this answer.

But he immediately understood what Yun Jing meant.

Everything about Cloud Whale is simple.

He couldn't bear it, so he dedicated his life to supporting him.

This has nothing to do with spiritual practice. He will not practice for the sake of making offerings, nor will he make offerings for the sake of making offerings.

If you practice in order to make better offerings, what exactly is the purpose of making offerings?

The answer is that the offering is for nothing, it’s just compassion in the heart, and that’s it.

Therefore, he will not practice for the sake of 'better offerings', because there is no such thing as 'better' offerings.Amitabha Buddha forging the Pure Land of Amitabha to accommodate trillions of living beings in the world is no more noble than a little novice monk donating his steamed buns.

The essence of both is the same, both are 'compassion'.

In the same way, a low-grade cloud whale who uses his body to support all living beings is no more humble than a ninth-grade cloud whale. If this is the case, what is the reason for practicing?

Why practice?

According to this question, the hearts of Li Qi and Yun Jing began to reflect each other.

Li Qi read Yun Jing's heart, and Yun Jing also looked at Li Qi's heart. The two were like two mirrors facing each other, and they began to reflect the same things.

Theoretically, an infinite number of images will appear when standing between two mirrors facing each other, because the relative mirror image can be reflected repeatedly, but in fact it will not be infinite. The final number of reflections mainly depends on the scattering and absorption of light by the mirror. The effect, in other words, is called 'resolution limit'.

Just look at which mirror is smoother and has a higher reflectivity, so it can be repeated more times.

Li Qi felt this constant reflection, and finally, Li Qi stopped.

Yun Whale's heart is too pure.

Although Li Qi can also reflect his heart, he is not as good as the other person, so this infinite reflection will only stop at Li Qi's side. This is a sign that Li Qi is not as good as the other person.

This amazed Li Qi.

At the same time, the answer to Cloud Whale naturally emerged.

Great bright mirror!

This is a great bright mirror!

The Great Light Mirror of Buddhism is also known as the "Great Round Mirror of Wisdom".

This is a metaphor. For example, a monk is like a perfect and smooth mirror, which can reflect the inside and the outside, the sky and the earth, without hindrance, and can reflect all sentient beings in the Dharma Realm everywhere and at all times.

Don’t forget, don’t be stupid, in all situations.

The nature is pure and free from impurities.

Pure and perfect virtue, now planted and supported.

It can manifest the wisdom shadow of the body and earth, without interruption, and the future is infinite, like a large round mirror, showing various forms.

In human terms, his heart is so pure and flawless that there is no dust, so it can reflect others.

There is a verse saying:
Bodhi does not have a tree, and a bright mirror is not a stand. There is nothing in the first place, so where can the dust be aroused?

When your heart is completely free of dust, your pure spirit can reflect the spirit of others.

In fact, ordinary people can also do it. This is the so-called "sympathy".

When you see someone bumping their toe, it hurts too. This is a kind of 'sympathy'.

When you see other people's sadness, you seem to feel a certain sadness infiltrating you. This is also empathy.

But the hearts of ordinary people are like mirrors, covered with dust, so that they lose the ability to empathize with other people. Only extremely strong emotions can arouse this kind of empathy.

But the cloud whale in front of me was different.

He truly realized that "there is nothing in the first place, so where is the dust".

He is the real great mirror of light, the great round mirror of wisdom. Through his own heart, he reflects Li Qi's heart, so he gets Li Qi's sympathy, and then understands Li Qi's thinking and mood.

It is like being a keen observer, a thinker with profound wisdom, who can see into the secrets of other people's souls just by observing their actions.

The ability of those eminent monks to see through people's hearts should be due to this power.

Is this something an ordinary cloud whale can do?

No wonder it was collected by the people of Changqiao. This... is simply the quality that a Buddhist should have!
Li Qi was in a good mood. He felt that he must have found the right person.

Apart from the reincarnation of Buddha, who else could have such qualities?

You know, the Great Light Mirror is a major source of Buddhist 'compassion'.

Li Qi also studied Buddhism and knew what this meant.

Why did Buddha cut meat to feed eagles?
Because he is the great mirror of light and can understand the pain of the hungry eagle.

He truly empathizes with others, so he has true compassion for all living beings, just like himself.

Once they have this ability, the sheep will be able to understand the wolf's hunger, so they will not resent the wolf for eating their own family members.

The wolf understands the pain of tearing the flesh and blood of the sheep, so it will not prey on the sheep again.

People no longer regard each other as enemies, because they have complete empathy and can understand each other.

People are no longer hostile to each other.

People help each other and are friendly to each other, the injured receive good treatment, the dead are buried properly, former enemies shake hands and make peace, and former enemies help each other.

People are no longer lonely, everyone's heart is revealed, and they can let go of all hatred, because they understand the "enemy's difficulties" and the "thoughts" of the people who fought with them before.

When you really "understand" others instead of "misinterpreting" them from your own perspective, you will find that everything is excusable and everything is so logical. You will not blame them, because everyone They can all "understand" each other.

Therefore, this kind of offering has nothing to do with cultivation, it is just a choice in the heart.

buddha nature.

Li Qi saw the complete Buddha nature in this, which must be a characteristic possessed by Buddhist disciples.

Then, there is only one last step left to prove that the other party is Shariputra.

That is, practice and wisdom.

If you only have compassion and a great mirror of light, you can only say that you have Buddha nature and the qualifications to become a disciple of the Buddha. However, there are so many disciples of the Buddha, and it is not necessarily Shariputra.

Therefore, after thoroughly understanding the other party's 'Buddha nature', Li Qi said to Yun Jing: "I have a way that can allow you to save more lives, and also allow you to save all sentient beings from another level. Do you want it?" ?”

"Educate all sentient beings from another angle?" Yun Jing was confused. He didn't know what Li Qi was talking about.

But the next moment, the bright mirror reflected Li Qi's heart, letting him know what Li Qi was talking about.

What Li Qi wants to say is that the physical support is only temporary, his meat will always be eaten, and he will always die.

However, if education is used to popularize Buddhism so that all living beings can understand Buddhism, then if all living beings give and make offerings, doesn’t it mean that everyone no longer has to give and make offerings?This way everyone can get a good ending.

Yun Jing suddenly became happy and said: "There is such a way, please teach me!"

Li Qi nodded and immediately began to sit down and recite Buddhist scriptures to spread the Dharma.

If the cloud whale is really Shariputra, then he will definitely show extraordinary performance after he starts practicing.

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