Wandao long distance

Chapter 754: Refuting the Demon

Chapter 754: Refuting the Demon
Li Qi looked at Shariputra in front of him. Although he looked humble, that was something that happened in the future.

Many years ago, Shariputra was also full of arrogance, thinking that no one in this world could match his wisdom.

But after getting acquainted with Asheva, under the guidance of this venerable man, he met the Buddha.

The Buddha preached to him, and the knowledge was displayed in front of him. It was like the sky was falling apart, like the sunlight tearing apart all the haze, and like thunder breaking through the dark sky. Sariputra's eyes suddenly became bright, and his heart was full of those universes. The accumulated doubts were also solved one after another.

He has understood that the physical body is impermanent and cannot exist forever. All people in the world fall into the twelve causes and conditions and go through life and death due to ignorance and ignorance.Human beings are born from love and affection; from birth to old age, from old age to illness, from illness to death, from death to sadness and crying, and to infinite pain.

Since Shariputra knows that love is the root of life and death, he should observe his own body and other bodies, and always think about lochia, saliva, cold and heat, smelly places...all kinds of impurities in the body to prevent them from corrupting the body. Once the body is corrupted, the body will be When eaten by insects, the joints are dismembered and turned into dust, which means it is 'dead'.

So he clasped his hands together and recited: "I will be like this when I die. I should not rely on my own beauty to make decorations. I should be arrogant and think about impermanence. Only if people give charity and do good deeds and do not pay tribute to themselves can they be invincible." .”

Shariputra became a disciple of the Buddha and believed that he had truly found his own path.

The Buddha was also very happy and felt that only people today could really accept the truth he had realized. Shariputra also felt that he had met a true teacher.

When Shariputra bowed into the Buddha's door, many Bodhisattvas praised one after another. The three thousand great lands were shaken. Light shone in all directions. Flowers and fruits grew on all dry and dead trees. Clear springs flowed out of dried up ditches. Musical instruments like the konghou and harp sang without drums. Jewelry bead rings naturally make crisp sounds.

After only one sermon, Shariputra achieved the seventh level of attainment. Buddha light surrounded his body, and great wisdom appeared. Five-colored rays of light emitted from his mouth, illuminating the Buddha land. This light also surrounded his body and entered from the top of his head.

This incident made his reputation spread, so the world and even the heavens knew about Shariputra's existence, just like when Li Qi caused trouble in Chang'an or when the Demon Prince challenged all his opponents at the same level in the entire world.

Li Qi had this information lingering in his mind. He had read Shariputra's information in advance at Changqiao, compiled a lot of it, and had some understanding of Shariputra.

So, seeing Shariputra arriving, Li Qi first returned the greeting and then went straight to the point.

Li Qi had a doubt that had been buried for a long time.

He curiously asked Shariputra: "Venerable Shariputra, not long ago, I saw with my own eyes that your Taoist heart was gloomy, your wisdom was covered with dust, and your Taoist heart was possessed by demons. How did you end up being devoured by the secondary demons? What about those who break out of their cocoons and are reborn?”

Hearing Li Qi's question, Shariputra smiled and said, "If wisdom is covered with dust, doesn't it cease to be wisdom?"

He kept his hands clasped together and said, "I once heard a story, which may be able to answer the donor's doubts."

Shariputra began to narrate: "There was once a wise man named Fuluna. He vowed not to wear gorgeous clothes, not to wear fragrant flowers, not to watch kabuki music, and never to get together as a couple before he gained wisdom."

"Puluna gave up her love, said goodbye to her parents and wife, and went to the mountains to study. She was clothed in grass and endured hunger, cold, and hardship. She vowed to learn and master 96 scriptures and treatises, otherwise she would not go back to meet her loved ones. Fulunahua He spent half of his life studying, and finally mastered all the classics of knowledge. Then he returned to his hometown. At that time, he had a torch on his head and a bronze dagger hanging on his chest and belly. As he walked, he said to others: 'I already have wisdom!'"

"So, a Bodhisattva told him: 'Foolish people, if they have a little knowledge, are arrogant and arrogant, just like a blind man holding a candlelight who can illuminate others but cannot see the light himself'."

"When Fuluna heard this, he suddenly understood. He gave up the torch, took off the copper, bowed respectfully, and felt ashamed to repent of his mistakes. Because of his extensive knowledge, wisdom, and sharpness in all faculties, he practiced spiritual practice after enlightenment, and he eradicated the three realms. Worry, and attain the fruit of Arahantship.”

This is a very common story.

Shariputra said, looked at Li Qi, stopped smiling, and said to Li Qi with a solemn expression: "When I was in the fifth grade, everyone in the world knew my wisdom, thought I had great wisdom, and preached my wisdom everywhere. In this case, what’s the difference between me and Fu Lou, who carries a torch on his head and hangs a bronze shield on his chest and abdomen?”

Li Qi thought thoughtfully and nodded slightly: "So... if you allow your wisdom to become dusty and your Taoist mind to be possessed by demons, you have to abandon the torch above your head, take off the copper pole, break it and stand up again, and use the power of the secondary demon to break out of the cocoon and be reborn, and gain liberation. …Wait a minute, you did this because the Demon Prince pointed this out?”

Li Qi suddenly realized something!
Shariputra was very confident that he could be reborn, and the secondary demon would never be able to win.

Because he knew that the fifth-grade version of himself was as ridiculous as what happened to Fuluna, so he took the initiative to reincarnate and blinded wisdom. He firmly believed that by blinding wisdom, he could truly recognize 'wisdom' What is it.

But this made Li Qi feel that something was wrong.

So, he asked: "Shariputra, you were inspired by the demon prince, and then used the demon's tentacles as a 'cocoon' to nurture yourself, and then broke through the demon to stand up. Don't you think that... you are contaminated with the devil's way? Are there too many relationships?”

Shariputra bowed slightly and said: "About this... I'm afraid I can't tell the donor. The donor is kind to me, but I can't say more. I'm really ashamed... But this matter is indeed of great importance. It involves the devil's heels. I can’t say more, but I hope you’ll forgive me.”

His attitude surprised Li Qi.

This means that Shariputra knew exactly what the demon was going to do?No... Shariputra cannot be clear about it, that is to say, Buddha is very clear about it.

The Buddha knew the demon's whereabouts and told Shariputra, but Shariputra could not tell Li Qi.

Li Qi himself also had a sense of proportion. He nodded: "The devil's path is dangerous...you should be careful."

"Keep it in mind." Shariputra said: "However... although I can't tell the donor about the devil, the donor is kind to me. I see that the donor is just like me, and he also uses wisdom as a guide. I am willing to discuss something with the donor. Is that possible?"

Although what Shariputra said was very ordinary, Li Qi knew that the other party wanted to tell him what wisdom was for reference.

Li Qi's wisdom is not bad. Although he is not necessarily famous for his wisdom, everyone who has met him knows that Li Qi's thinking speed and epiphany frequency are quite scary.

Shariputra also understood this, so he wanted to share his experience with Li Qi.

"I would like to hear the details." Li Qi did not refuse. Being able to get Shariputra's thoughts on wisdom would definitely be very useful.

Shariputra nodded immediately and began to speak. "I observe that although the donor is wise, he is still troubled. The troubled habits are dirt, which can be washed away by wisdom and observation. Therefore, I can use wisdom and observation to sweep away all the troubles and dirt in my heart."

"Wisdom, intelligence, and understanding of principles are obtained by being close to the Master, being humble, hardworking, and studying hard. If you want to stay away from the three evils and eight difficulties and seek all the blessings, you should practice wisdom. By studying diligently, you will have the power of wisdom. Although he fell into the evil path due to his karma, he is able to know his destiny because of his wisdom, and because he is aware of his destiny, he knows how to correct the evil and quickly escape from the evil path."

"Those who achieve wisdom and liberation have seven virtues and talents, which are confidence, diligence, discipline, shame, extensive knowledge, equanimity, and calm wisdom. The donor's wisdom is vast and extraordinary. This is because he was able to carefully protect his body, speech, mind, and mind. Practice wisdom with all your heart. Because of the power of wisdom, you will be liberated, and you will be able to teach people all over the world with wisdom."

"Good teachers can teach us to generate bodhicitta, break away from demons and make corrections, and move towards liberation. Those who are bodhisattva practitioners, if they want to escape suffering and gain liberation, should get close to good teachers, practice the righteous Dharma, gain wisdom, and then teach others to benefit themselves and others. Bodhisattva conduct.”

"If you want to learn more about wisdom, you should get close to good teachers. As the Sixth Patriarch's Altar Sutra says: the so-called transformation leads to seeing one's nature, and all good dharma can be initiated by good teachers."

"Hearing more makes one's mind clear, and wisdom increases through understanding. Wisdom leads to comprehensive understanding of meanings, and peace of mind comes from seeing, hearing, and practicing the Dharma. Hearing and accepting and upholding the righteous Dharma can correct knowledge and views, open the mind, and increase wisdom."

"When the Buddha became enlightened, he once sighed: 'How wonderful! How wonderful! How can these sentient beings have the wisdom of the Tathagata, be ignorant and deluded, and not see?' However, although the Buddha-nature is inherent, not everyone can detect and realize the delusions in their hearts. and persistence, Buddhism is in the world, and it is not separated from the awareness of the world. It should be noted that "all realms are based on the mind, and all dharmas are based on consciousness." All external environments are only manifested by the mind - "

Shariputra talked endlessly, quoting scriptures, and constantly explaining his understanding. Various words flowed out like running water, and combined with the performances and the visions around him, he showed Li Qi the mystery.

But Li Qi frowned more and more as he listened.

He admitted that the wisdom mentioned by Shariputra could guide practice, and he even added some methods to restrain the devil, as if he wanted to tell Li Qi how to use Buddhism to resist the devil.

But in Li Qi's opinion, this kind of wisdom is a bit... wrong.

These knowledge and methods are too focused on the 'self' and the 'heart'. What they think and imagine are all inner subjective things.

If we continue according to the train of thought mentioned by Shariputra, then... wouldn't what we end up falling into also be the path of evil?
But Li Qi didn't say much, but listened quietly.

The other party's sermon hasn't ended yet, and Li Qi can't interrupt him. Besides, what if there are more subtle words later?
He patiently continued to listen.

After a while, Shariputra finally said: "The World-Honored One was focused and undistracted. He once raised his hand and said: I am the only one in heaven and under heaven. I want to save all living beings from aging, sickness and death. This is the normal law! It is born from the heart. All heavens and all things in the world, There is only 'me', Prajna wisdom is the Mother Buddha, and everything comes from this."

Hearing this, Li Qi immediately stood up: "Nonsense! What a load of nonsense! Shariputra, have you been invaded by the devil?! How can you say such ridiculous words?!"

"How ridiculous?" Shariputra did not get angry, but asked Li Qi.

"I am the only one in heaven and on earth, and all things in the world are only 'me'. Isn't this the words of a demon!?" Li Qi shouted angrily.

Of course, Li Qi is not so superficial as to think that the Buddha is boasting in this sentence. In fact, the 'I' in this sentence refers to self-awareness itself.

The meaning of Shariputra's words is that there is no difference between the mind of living beings and the mind of Buddha. They are originally one. The mind is the Buddha, and the Buddha is the heart. All living beings possess the Buddha nature, but they are tied up by the many great nets of cause and effect in the world. Blinded by greed, anger, and ignorance in one's own heart, one behaves as if he were deaf or blind. He has ears that cannot hear the true Dharma, and eyes that cannot see the Tathagata. The true nature of his heart is obscured, and he sinks.

And when one attains wisdom, one can forever be free from delusions and attachments, and see the Tathagata within oneself. The vast wisdom is called Buddha.

Therefore, this is the origin of the 'Buddha Mother'. Prajna wisdom is the ultimate wisdom. It specifically refers to the wisdom of knowing all things and the origin of all things as they really are. It is the method to eliminate the combination of the seer and the seen and lead to the path to liberation.

Prajna wisdom, or 'Prajna Paramita', is the mother of all Buddhas. However, this "mother" does not refer to the mother, but refers to the Buddha's rational body, true nature, and Prajna wisdom, because mothers in the human world can give birth to children. , to reproduce offspring, so Sariputta used it as a metaphor: "Wisdom can give birth to all Buddhas".

The Buddha was born from the Dharma. Prajnaparamita can observe all Dharmas and distinguish the reality. There is nothing that cannot be achieved and nothing cannot be accomplished. It has great merit and virtue, so it is called the mother. Therefore, 'wisdom' is the mother of the Buddha.

As long as you can achieve Prajna wisdom in your own heart, you can see the Tathagata in your heart.

This is why Li Qi couldn't help but stand up and get angry.

If this is the case, what should we do if what we see in our heart is not the Tathagata but a demon?
Moreover, how do you tell whether it is Tathagata or a demon?
In this case, is there any difference between Buddha and demon?The demons and the Buddha are both things in the heart, and all the heavens and everything in the world are just 'me'. In any case, is there any difference between this and the demons?

The answer is, there is no difference.

Facing the furious Li Qi, Shariputra remained unwavering.

Li Qi was already ready to take action.

If Shariputra has become possessed by the devil, then killing the other party now will be regarded as saving others.

However, I saw Shariputra continue to say: "I have heard that if you purify your original mind and make the six consciousnesses go out of the six gates and be in the six dusts, without stains or mixtures, coming and going freely, and universal without stagnation, that is Prajna Samadhi. Be free and free, observe the Tathagata, everything comes from the heart, be free."

"That is to teach those sentient beings to practice the holy way, to get rid of delusions, to get rid of delusions, to realize the Tathagata's immeasurable wisdom, and to benefit all sentient beings. Li Qi, donor, this is the tenth sign of the Tathagata's mind, and all Bodhisattvas and Mahasattvas should know it like this!"

With these words, the spell that had been activated in Li Qi's hand suddenly dissipated, and Li Qi's eyes suddenly widened!

I'm going to his grandma's!

Li Qi didn't even think about this possibility. He burst out with foul words in his heart, and the shock overflowed from Li Qi's expression.

Buddha is indeed a Buddha!

The Buddha just refuted the existence of the demon so easily!
(End of this chapter)

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