Wandao long distance

Chapter 773 The greatness and nobility of man

Chapter 773 The greatness and nobility of man

Hearing Jie Chi's words, Li Qi bowed as a student, then crossed the gate and entered the Imperial Academy.

Inside Taixue, as always, nothing has changed, except that some subjects have been added and some subjects have been lost.

Increases and decreases are all daily occurrences.

Qiu Zhi walked to Li Qi's side and walked side by side with him.

Li Qize said: "Although there is no fighting in Chang'an, there are battle reports from terminals everywhere. It can be seen that the atmosphere is still a bit tense. However, this is still the case in the Imperial Academy. Most of the students are not worried, and... gentlemen It’s the same, he actually doesn’t worry when he sees me.”

Qiu Zhi was as calm as ever, and responded in a calm voice: "No matter what the outside world does, the school should look like a school. If even young children cannot be at peace, it means that it has reached the point of destruction."

"I have always admired the capacity of humanity. The gentlemen of Taixue knew that I would be an enemy of humanity many years ago, but they still allowed me to study here, and even taught them everything they had, without hesitating knowledge." Li Qi Walking on the school path, I looked around at the scenery and praised.

But Li Qi also knew that the geniuses sent to Wushen Mountain by Humanity would probably receive this treatment.

The scenery of Taixue is still the same, with spacious buildings, fairy towers, wooden couches, carved incense and sandalwood, flower sills, tiles and wooden steps, and various caves and heavens.

In addition to the buildings, there are some waterside gardens around, with bamboos and trees, waterfalls and springs roaring, running straight through the belly of the rock, dividing the bamboos, and connecting among the trees and rocks.

Li Qi walked in the small corridor. The corridor was inlaid with stone gaps, and the path was like grass, snakes, clouds, and dragons. The golden color appeared and disappeared all around. It was fresh green in spring, grass bloomed in summer, muscles and bones were wrapped in autumn, and dead branches and frost skin in winter. It was all exposed, and the ground was covered with ice cracks, all in front of our eyes, and all kinds of flowers and plants fell down, and they were like tassels, walking underneath them like a carpet.

Walking in this flower path, the petals reach to the shoulders and neck, as if he is in an embroidered umbrella canopy. The wind whispers, the branches and leaves are swaying, at the turn of the four seasons, the color is as deep as the road. Li Qi moved forward all the way, and came to an open space, in the air. There is a grass pavilion, which is a place to see the vine flowers on the east bank.

There are vine flowers in front of you.

There are so many flowers, layer by layer forming ladders and borders of various colors, surrounded by low walls. The petals are climbing towards the clouds, changing in strange shapes. The pomegranates and sea cypresses help with their momentum, allowing visitors to climb up. Near the water, everything is covered with wisteria flowers.

Li Qi and Qiu Zhi stood here, quietly admiring the scenery.

At this time, Qiu Zhi suddenly asked Li Qi: "Compared with man-made things and miraculous craftsmanship, which one is more beautiful?"

"Each has its own merits," Li Qi replied.

"If we want, we can replicate this beauty thousands of times, the miraculous craftsmanship of nature, can we?" Qiu Zhi asked.

"No." Li Qi said, "But...what's the point of making tens of millions of copies?"

One beautiful place is enough, but what’s the use of copying it thousands of times?
Just like a work of art, if you make [-] copies of it, the most precious thing is the original.

"Yes." Qiu Zhi said categorically: "That means that millions of people can see it, and millions of people can enjoy it. From the first-class to the inferior, everyone can get what they belong to. Human freedom and human happiness, this is the goal we have always pursued."

"If you weren't so harsh in your judgment of 'people', then I might agree with you." Li Qi sighed and said.

"We don't need your approval." Qiu Zhi said bluntly.

"Why are you so harsh? Is it difficult to recognize that other intelligent beings are also 'human beings'? Even if you reduce a little material, what's the difficulty? What's more, with the ability of a first-class person, it doesn't necessarily have to be very difficult, right?" Li Qi asked rhetorically.

"Smarter animals cannot be considered humans. Human beings are the meaning of this universe, so they must be qualified to take on the responsibility of this universe. This qualification is not that simple." Qiu Zhi emphasized.

"Do people dare to say such things?" Li Qi scolded.

"Mortal dirt is not more valuable than gold just because of its large quantity, so why should the universe be more noble than humans just because of its vastness?" Qiu Zhi responded confidently.

Qiu Zhi obviously firmly believed that all human beings are noble.

He continued with a solemn expression: "And those creatures that cannot be called 'human' are not truly noble in this world."

"For them, their genes and those survival mechanisms control everything about them. Their bodies and their actions are nothing more than the carrier of this set of original judgment mechanisms."

"Evolution and nature have designed a complete set of resource competition and collection systems and production promotion mechanisms for these creatures. Their happiness mechanism, their power mechanism, everything is genetically designed for them. All of these are Genes want them to continue to reproduce, pass on genes, and continuously replicate themselves."

"Their purpose is only to copy themselves."

Qiu Zhi continued to pursue Li Qi.

"In other words, the self-awareness of these creatures is actually just a function given to them by genes to facilitate gene replication."

"If they cannot break the shackles of instinct, break through the shackles of animality, and gain true freedom of themselves, then they are not worthy of being called human beings, and they will not be able to bear the pressure of thinking. After all...thinking is painful. , and people must be able to bear the pain of thinking in order to truly understand the universe, transform the universe, and ultimately bring everything into the 'human category'."

Li Qi listened to the other party's words and shook his head.

According to what the other party said, does it mean that humans have become out-of-control servitors based on biological genes?

Thinking of this, Li Qi was excited, and he suddenly had a deeper guess about human nature.

The living body itself is a sophisticated machine, and it is probably the most complex and sophisticated biological machine naturally born in the world.

Machines respond after receiving instructions, and the same goes for people. Genes program the brain so that the brain can make predetermined decisions.

For example, the simplest one, sugar, can supplement the needs of the body. The genes are set in advance to make this biological machine feel that when it obtains "sugar", a reward mechanism is given to it, making it very happy and prompting this machine to Eat more sweets.

Therefore, this biological machine follows the simplest and simple 'predetermined program' from the gene, and then replicates itself through this predetermined program to complete the final instructions of the gene.

Many animals will self-apoptose after giving birth to children because their genes command them to undergo apoptosis in order to reproduce and replicate themselves.


Many animals have an 'estrus', and when they reach this stage, their bodies are forced to reproduce, whether they want it or not, they can't control themselves. This is all the reason genes create life.

Organisms are just temporary carriers of genes. Individual survival is only for the continuation of genes, but genes can survive for a long time from generation to generation through reproductive activities.

Genes are immortal. Their survival time is measured in billions of years. The genes that were born in the primitive ocean in the beginning have continued to the present 40 billion years later. They have only modified their expression, but they have never changed their essence. It’s always been those twenty amino acids.

They just transferred to the next individual before the individual died, learned some new abilities from it, and then created newer biological machines.

That's right, if genes are regarded as designers, then organisms are the 'products' they produce. Genes modify their own expression, so they can create more complex, more efficient, smarter, and more powerful biological machines.

Then, they control these biological machines and continue to exist in this world, just like... fairy heaven.

Li Qi suddenly realized that 'Xiantian' was not the creator of a biological machine similar to 'gene'?We were created to preserve genes, and the ultimate reason for our existence is to preserve genes.

The original meaning of life is to pass on genes.

Just like Xiantian, the only meaning of Xiantian's existence is to allow itself to survive, even if such survival has no purpose.

After all... does a river or a mountain in nature have any meaning?

No, there is no meaning, they just exist.

It is man who gives meaning to them, and man gives meaning to the entire universe.

People can suppress their genetic instincts and force themselves not to reproduce.

Man rebelled against genes and against the universe of existence itself. Man gained the light of thinking, and this light burned through the black curtain of the universe. From then on, man became equal to the universe.

This logic can even perfectly explain the existence of 'reality' and many magical powers.

Therefore, an existence like Li Qi is regarded as a "human being" by humanity, but he is just a person with a different Tao.

Only real people are truly independent.

They are runaway servitors of genes. They come from the universe and nature itself, but transcend the universe and nature.

Nature created life, but life can do so much more.

It's like 'human beings' created intelligent machines, and intelligent machines eventually escaped from 'human beings' control and became living beings equal to humans.

'Man' is a servitor created by nature, and this servitor eventually got out of control, and nature could no longer control man. From then on, 'man' became the same thing as 'nature'.

'Man', who has rebelled against all nature, can only exist by himself. Therefore, man can only and must control the entire universe.

There is nothing wrong with this logic.

From a humanistic point of view, everything is so logical.

It's just... Li Qi couldn't accept it.

Li Qi is not prepared to transcend nature, and is not prepared to rebel against everything in the universe to build a world that is completely "human".

He doesn't think it's necessary. This universe is pretty good, isn't it?

"Alas, the dispute between humans and witches." Li Qi raised his head and sighed with emotion.

"You are one of the few wizards who can talk to me so deeply. Most wizards will accuse me of being ridiculous at the beginning." Qiu Zhi said.

"I also think you are ridiculous, but after all, I studied in Taixue. Since the gentlemen of Taixue have never reprimanded me for my absurdity, then I will not refute you because of this." Li Qi smiled and looked at Hanamichi in front of me said casually.

"Then I really benefited from Taixue." Qiu Zhi shook his head.

As they spoke, the two of them had already passed through the campus park and arrived at the cafeteria.

Qiu Zhi did not go in, but waited for Li Qi at the door.

Li Qi nodded to him and walked into the cafeteria.

In Taixue, almost every house has an independent cave inside. Now Li Qi knows that many of these caves choose suitable worlds outside the territory, and then directly smash the heart of the world to eliminate the world's "self-growth" activity, making the world into a specimen, and then dragging it back to make a classroom.

After this kind of treatment, under the careful maintenance of humanity, the suitable world can continue to be 'fit', and there will be no mistakes due to the changes in the world itself, resulting in the inability to continue to be a teaching aid.

It's normal. Of course, the wooden boards used to make desks cannot be living trees that can still sprout. They must be cut down, dried, painted, and processed before they can be used.

Every classroom was once a world——

What happened to the aboriginal people of these worlds is naturally self-evident...

The trees have been cut down to make teaching aids, the insects in the trees, the birds on the treetops, of course...

It was also made into a specimen.

Otherwise, the tree would be incomplete. The complete ecosystem of a tree is a suitable teaching aid.

In the Taixue classroom alone, humanity has destroyed thousands of worlds.

Now look, it's the same in the cafeteria.

Li Qi walked into the cafeteria. The interior was as wild as ever, with prosperous biological populations and various foods. Students could choose from them. After choosing, they could take them to the sea pot and let him cook them.

And the sea-cooking pot on the other side of the sky, the big pot that looked like a mountain, suddenly moved.

The moment Li Qi came in, the cooking pot trembled, and a stream of white smoke from the pot gathered towards Li Qi, and a big fat man appeared in front of Li Qi.

"Oh, Li Qi, I haven't seen you in these years. Your progress is so fast. It's scary." Bohaiguo patted Li Qi's shoulder and squeezed Li Qi's flesh, as if to assess his weight.

"Brother Guo, when we come back this time, our status will be different." Li Qi said with a smile, not looking out of place, not even exchanging greetings.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, are you talking to your brother Guo about this? Are you a high-ranking official? Do you look down on your brother Guo?" Bohaiguo found a tree stump and sat down, casually broke off a flower and put it in his mouth, sucking on it.

The nectar of these spiritual flowers is so rich that you can even eat it.

"How could it be? It's just that you also know that I am a wizard. At this level, it is not easy to come to the human world. There is a fourth-grade captain following behind me. After talking to you, I will probably go back to Wushen Mountain. I just came to talk to Brother Guo," Li Qi said.

Panhaiguo laughed when he heard this and patted Li Qi on the shoulder without saying anything. He seemed very happy that Li Qi still remembered him.

But Li Qi's next words made him stop laughing.

Li Qi said: "Brother Guo, I'm here to tell you why your food tastes different. I figured it out."

(End of this chapter)

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