Wandao long distance

Chapter 807 Cause and effect of debt

Qiu Zhi looked at Li Qi and said to him: "Ge Li is a symbol of the ancient holy emperors who brought a new era to future generations."

Yes, this is the definition of "revolution" among the Ancient Holy Emperors. Every change of the Ancient Holy Emperor is the beginning of a new era.

Therefore, Li Qi used the ritual of leather to symbolize his own power, and prepared to sacrifice Baiyue with his own leather, and finally completely eat the remains of the Holy Emperor.

Things must be reversed when they are extreme, and things will change when they are extreme. Since they are extreme, they should change. In the "Ge" hexagram, it is said that Ge is transformation, and water and fire are in harmony with each other. Water extinguishes fire, and fire dries up water. As time goes by, there must be someone who will make something new. They are ordered by heaven, so there will be change, and the world calls it revolution.

Now that Li Qi has decided to create a new era——

"Then why can't this new era belong to humans?"

After saying this, he launched an attack.

In this way, Qiu Zhi used all his strength. Although this strength was nothing compared to the battle sixty years ago, it was already powerful enough to crush the battlefield.

Endless slashes, continuous, more and more turbulent, one wave after another, each wave higher than the last, connecting long mountains, and the deep valleys in the mountains are beginning to be scary. Under the increasingly gloomy sky Next, all these movements became more violent and louder.


The war has begun.

Bai Di was seriously injured.

He could barely feel the passage of time now. He could only notice that he seemed to have been carried on various stretchers for a long time.

After all, he was a seventh-grade man, so he was still able to allocate a lot of medical resources. Those eighth-grade men desperately sent him to the rear, and only occasionally rested in the field hospital.

The doctors and pharmacists took care of him as much as possible, but under such harsh conditions, the side of his chest that was pierced by the humane machine beast could not heal. It was filled with water and blood, and the air continued to flow from this place due to breathing. The healed wound poured in, making a gurgling sound.

Cursed, he was surrounded by endless pain, pierced by indescribable pain, driven by the curse from the witch, and wailed towards death.

He had to use all his rationality to suppress his other emotions, lest his nails would disobey and pinch his palms until they were bloody.

However, it was of no use, because his reason had already surrendered. In fact, not only was his palm pierced by nails, but his tongue was bitten off, and the doctors had to fill his mouth with packages composed of herbs and cotton.

Now Bai Di is tortured by his injuries. He is no longer the decisive warrior with a deep voice, decisive and straightforward actions. All his virtues and pride are all lost in the long pain and exhausting curse. Was wasted away.

The body's high fever never goes away, and the damage to the inner world cannot be healed.

The warrior became a child again, missing his hometown and family. He almost lost the ability to communicate, and could only barely answer others with a gentle, weak, and almost inaudible voice.

His injuries were so serious, there was a feverish heat and a whirring sound in his injured chest.

The team transporting the wounded was attacked by the enemy. Although the enemy was repelled, many wounded people still died. In just half an hour since setting off, more than one team of wounded people had died. Those who could still move had to Just throw their bodies away.

As a result of the attack, his injuries were worsening and were in their final stages. He kept lying on the injured side, using all his remaining strength to press the wound with both hands, trying to stop the pus in his right lung from shaking. However, the other lobe of the lung was also infected, and the pain of death began.

Coupled with the curse, all kinds of hallucinations appeared in his dying mind. In the groggy nightmare and darkness, many people or things he loved or hated swooped down on him, and he was forced to fall into A kind of trancelike dream.

Bai Di is just one of them.

Thousands of people are in this state.

The intensity of the war has reached its highest level right from the beginning.

The two third-grade men were fighting with their broken bodies, and it seemed that the other half of Zhu Fengdan's head could not be saved.

Fourth-grade Li Qi and Qiu Zhi were almost burning their lives.

The fifth-grade kings below are also fighting for their lives, because they know that if they cannot hold on, they will be completely destroyed. If they can hold on, they will rely on their merits, even in the Baiyue Kingdom after the change. Can continue to be the leader of the country.

At this moment, the kings of the country already know the situation, and they have to continue to work for Li Qi.

The kings are all smart people, and the situation at this moment is very clear. They have no choice, and Li Qi didn't give them a chance to choose.

First of all, the foundation of Baiyue Land does not lie in themselves, but in the conflict between humans and witches. The key reason why there was such a deformed position before was because the humans and witches were unwilling to conflict head-on, leaving such a buffer zone.

And with the help of this buffer zone, they used the status of the world itself and the native lives of these worlds to gather their strength using humane methods and became the fifth rank.

Originally, before the battle began, if they directly chose to surrender and join the humane camp, then although they would lose Baiyue and Daoji collapse and lose their items, they would definitely be able to retain their sixth-grade bodies, and then go to hide in Tibet outside the territory. Not necessarily dead.

Humanity has promised not to kill them, so as long as they run away in time, they will definitely not kill them. Humanity's reputation is well known.

However, on the other hand, the choice Li Qi gave them was that if they could win, Wu Dao would keep Baiyue.

To be precise, Wu Dao only helps Baiyue resist humanity, but does not come to invade Baiyue.

From the perspective of the Baiyue kings, it was a human invasion. In order to continue to preserve the buffer area of ​​Baiyue, Wu Dao chose to protect it.

Moreover, the promise of witchcraft is obviously credible.

It is precisely for this reason that the leaders of the Baiyue Kingdom chose to side with the witchcraft. They hoped to retain their Taoist roots.

However, after Li Qi killed the leader of the Lingxiao Kingdom, some of the leaders must have been shaken, until—Li Qi began to release news, revealing the true purpose of the witchcraft.

They discovered that the original purpose of Wu Dao's protection of Baiyue was to protect the remains of the Holy Emperor.

This calmed down the heads of the Baiyue Kingdom. Since there was such an important matter, they stood firm on the witchcraft, and based on the witchcraft's commitment and usual style, they would not continue to control them after the war.

After all, everyone knows that the tolerance of the witchcraft is almost infinite. As long as it is a natural thing and has its own rationality, the witchcraft will not care about it.

There may be witches who want to modify certain things out of personal will and moral values, but the entire witchcraft will not be mobilized. The organizational structure of the witchcraft is incredibly loose. Basically, before the war between humans and witches, the witchcraft was No collective action has been organized in billions of years.

All the actions of shamans are personal actions, and the shamans who perform these actions are personally responsible. The witchcraft as a whole has never moved.

The world is already very good as it is, so there is no need to continue to add unnecessary extravagant things, right?

As complex as the world is, so are the witches and wizards. From the kind-hearted Great Wizard Yunfang to the neutral ones like Li Qi, as well as some evil ghost witches, witchcraft can tolerate them all.

The War between Humans and Witches is the first time in billions of years that witches and wizards have joined forces to act.

With so much information put together, the leaders of the Baiyue Kingdom got a clear message.

By keeping Baiyue, they can keep everything they have.

Therefore, there is no fear of shaking the Dao foundation. It can be rebuilt in the future. It is all for now. As long as the fifth grade does not appear, then they can suppress all these resistances.

Wu Dao will not give up on them. Everything is a temporary measure to survive the conflict of humanity.

They have spent decades with this mentality, but now, there is no turning back... There is no point in surrendering.

They have gone so far that surrender now is not humanely acceptable.

Now that Li Qi showed his fangs again and showed the true effect of the great sacrifice, they had nothing to do.

Even if they could see that the essence of the Great Sacrifice was 'revolution' and the times were bound to change, there was nothing they could do about it. The leaders of the Baiyue Kingdom will either accept the new era, continue to accept this Baiyue, and then continue to serve as rulers and maintain the fifth rank, or they will have to run away afterwards.

No matter what they choose, they can't sit back and relax as before.

They can no longer lie down and become the fifth grade, and can no longer enjoy a Baiyue who will not resist no matter what.

From now on, if they want to continue to be the masters of the country, they must make corresponding efforts.

Yes, same as humanity.

The same is true for humanity. While enjoying the power of everyone, the superior must also bear the responsibilities of everyone. It is impossible to just enjoy it like the leader of Baiyue.

Li Qi and Humanity, the changes they have made in the past sixty years are actually preaching, and they are all about changing them from the evil way of humanity to the righteous way of humanity.

Unfortunately, even if they react now, it's too late, it's already too late.

So, sixty years have passed, and there are only a few hours left in the end, and they still have a chance to maintain fifth grade in the future.

All the kings of the country are smart people, and they all know the truth: those who travel a hundred miles are only half a mile.

Now it’s ninety-nine——

At this time, no country leader will give up.

And not to mention that there is someone like Lord Yunluo among the kings. She will definitely not betray him.

As for the other kings, Li Qi gave them a way to survive, so they should continue to work hard. Although life will be harder than before, it is better than being hunted down by enemies all over the world after losing their items.

Outside, the war continues.

Inside, the competition for the big festival is also in full swing.

Regarding the competition for the power of Daji, it is mainly Li Qi and Qiu Zhi.

These two people have worked tirelessly to change Baiyue's "worldly ways" in the past sixty years, and they are both changing in the same direction.

Although there are differences in details, the general direction is the same.

Therefore, Qiu Zhi is bound to win this competition.

He felt that victory was close at hand. The two dragons in the sky were not fighting each other, but merging in the battle, because essentially they represented the same power, which was humane Dharma.

No matter who comes, there is no doubt that what Baiyue is implementing now is humane Dharma.

Moreover, Qiu Zhi also has a trump card. This is a detail that the Supervisors dug out from nowhere, but it is enough to establish his victory, but it is not the time to reveal it yet.

He still had to fight with Li Qi in a battle of wits and courage. Both sides dragged their injured bodies, racked their brains, and fought with all their strength to fight for the ownership of the great sacrifice.

Qiu Zhi felt that his life was burning rapidly.

Li Qi, on the other hand, was holding on to time, preparing to find a good time to take the second bottle of medicine.

Both sides are calculating and deducing.

A large amount of information flows through the brain, and there is more time for planning and less time for action. It often takes tens of seconds to make a move.

They kept testing and deducing each other's actions.

It's like... fighting in the mind.

Originally, the battles between the fourth grades, although not as brutal as martial arts, would not be so peaceful, and the intensity should be higher.

Both sides were seriously injured and had very little power at their disposal. The cost of trial and error was unbearable for them now, so they had to be cautious every time they made a move and must take all possibilities into consideration.

Neither side can afford to lose.

It was another confrontation, and all variables were taken into account. From the release, collision, and aftermath of the two spells, there were no surprises. Everything had happened thousands of times in their minds.

There is no need to take action, in fact, the result is already known, and it will be the same thousands of times again.

In other words, the current battle is not enough to determine the winner.

Li Qi was so happy that the other party was willing to drag with him, and he was also willing to drag with the other party. Come on, let's delay together for two and a half hours. When the bright moon rises, the Emperor's Liquid descends, Li Qi recovers, and Qiu Zhi Just go and die.

So the only one who is anxious is Qiu Zhi.

Li Qi just needs to be prepared and wait for work.

Obviously Qiu Zhi also knew about this.

He must take the initiative to break the situation. The balance of power between the two sides actually means that he loses because he is the attacker and he cannot afford to delay.

There's nothing we can do about it——

You can only open your trump card in advance.

The next moment, the big festival suddenly showed a one-sided trend.

The two sides were originally evenly matched.

What is evenly matched?

It is the two sides of the scale that are perfectly balanced. Even if a hair falls to the other side, it will cause the entire scale to completely tilt.

But now, there is just one more hair.

Li Qi's eyes widened suddenly!

what happened! ?

In the Dalu Kingdom, there is a mountain spirit. He is not even a mountain god. He is an ordinary 'mountain spirit' who has not yet awakened his sanity.

This mountain spirit clearly expressed its hostility towards Li Qi.

This hostility even has a source.

A very obvious causal connection appears at this moment!

Li Qi owes a cause and effect.

At the same time, it was this cause and effect that led the mountain spirit, who was the subject of the great sacrifice, to alienate Li Qi and become this hair.

The situation suddenly reversed!

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