Wandao long distance

Chapter 809 Devouring Yue

The ancient sage emperor Yao gave his throne to Yu and Shun in this place.

There are various rules for sacrifices. For example, as mentioned before, Zhang Xu's method of summoning the house gods. Every rule is in line with the power of ghosts and gods and is used to summon them to help him.

At Li Qi's level, there is no need for sacrifices to summon ghosts and gods. Countless ghosts and gods will appear to run errands as soon as the order is given.

Mainly because at this stage of the ritual, because the truth of the ritual has been penetrated, you can do whatever you want. It is like knowing the principles of chemical formulas. You don’t need to add raw materials step by step, and you can make the proportions according to the properties of various materials. , to achieve the purpose you need.

But no matter what, the basic elements are the same. No matter how they change, these basic elements are still part of the sacrifice.

Among these basic elements, ‘symbols’ are an indispensable part of the ritual.

Even language is a symbolic system expressed through sounds.

The ‘words’ attached to language directly ‘refer’ to something.

Words themselves are a very direct ‘symbol’ system.

Appeared in front of me: apple, why can such a word be associated with the fruit "apple"? You can even think of the taste and aroma of apples.

It is because language and words 'symbolize' the fruit of apples, allowing people to understand its meaning.

This is also the power brought by words and language, and the power of spells and talismans, in a sense, all rely on this to take effect.

A symbol is an object or action that has meaning attached to it.

The result of expression must make the other party understand the meaning to be expressed, so a symbol includes a meaning that is recognized by most people, that is, this thing or action will cause the same reaction in most people.

The 'Tai She' is commonly used in sacrifices. The head of Tai She should be five feet long to count five, and two feet square to measure yin and yang. The upper part is to symbolize the birth of things, and the lower part is square to symbolize the earth. Body, these particularities all come from this.

In this case, in order for most people to have the same meaning for the same symbol, they must have the same experience, that is, contact and use the same symbol in similar circumstances, because the same meaning is attached to the symbol, so in each case Special living groups must have their own special language, with many words that cannot be translated in other languages.

The symbol of sacrifice can actually be understood as this special language, a language that only witches and nature can understand.

However, this language often degenerates into a simple and primitive meaning.

such as……


When life first reaches a consensus on language, it relies on the common 'imitation' of the same thing.

Therefore, the simplest way to implement symbolism is to imitate.

Li Qi deprived the Baiyue princes of their private property, and at the same time started the 'reform' ceremony for the entire Baiyue. With his own power and a little conspiracy, he made the Baiyue princes sit back and wait for death, which can almost be said to be deposed. took over their throne.

At this time, Lord Yunluo chose to abdicate.

Now, the last part of this grand ceremony is for King Yunluo and Li Qi to imitate the abdication of the Ancient Holy Emperor.

At the same time, at this moment, Qiu Zhi also suddenly discovered——

It was Li Qi himself who gave the first move!

Li Qi actually knew the cause and effect brought by that wisp of mountain spirit. The purpose of alienating the mountain spirit from Li Qi was to imitate the 'chaos' before the abdication.

Yes, the reason why he abdicated was because the virtues of the previous Holy Emperor could no longer be maintained, so a new Holy Emperor was needed.

Therefore, Li Qi asked Dao Dao to create chaos in the mountain spirits, and in addition Human Dao actively participated in the great sacrifice, so in this case, this behavior also became part of the revolution ceremony!

It is precisely because of this 'chaos' that the 'reform' was needed, and Li Qi was the 'new emperor' who accepted the throne of Baiyue!

The great sacrifice, which had been tilted, was again placed on Li Qi's body at this moment.

However, Qiu Zhi did not panic, but looked at Li Qi with some confusion.

He already understood Li Qi's strategy.

There is nothing wrong with imitating the etiquette of the Ancient Holy Emperor.

It's just that... you can tell by looking at the color of the light beam below that what the Great Sacrifice is practicing at this moment is humane Dharma.

Humane Dharma, coupled with Ge Li, these powers belong to Li Qi, will he die?

His inner world was already riddled with holes, and now he had to inherit the righteousness of humanity.

So, can his capacity accommodate humanity?

Qiu Zhi felt that it was not possible.

But can't take the risk.

Since what is in front of us is humane Dharma, then...why is it that only Li Qi can undertake it?

He immediately rushed in the direction of the Holy Emperor's ruins.

Li Qi is a symbol.

Then he will do it for real!

He was ready to directly devour the Holy Emperor's relics and confront Li Qi head-on.

And Li Qi looked at each other.

Everyone really had a tacit understanding and thought of it together.

Then come and grab it.

Until now, Qiu Zhi has no doubts about victory.

Although Li Qi's frequent methods are indeed somewhat unexpected, in any case, these methods are promoting the power of humane Dharma-rectification.

In other words, no matter how Li Qi jumps around, he is making the power of humanity stronger, and Qiu Zhi has a natural advantage in this.

Including now.

The power of humanity fills Baiyue, and the dharma of humanity has become Baiyue's "way of the world".

Qiu Zhi can just borrow this power.

The next moment, Qiu Zhi arrived at the ruins of the Holy Emperor.

This is the battlefield of the third level. You can see Zhu Fengdan, who only has half his head left, fighting fiercely with the humane general who only has a spiritual body.

Zhu Fengdan looked relaxed, even though he couldn't actually defeat the opponent.

The general of Zhennan Prefecture began to take action to suppress Zhu Fengdan and give Qiu Zhi a chance.

Now, the symbol brought by this great sacrifice will be completely borne by Qiu Zhi when he arrives at the ruins of the Holy Emperor.

Zhu Fengdan took action immediately, trying to intercept it.

But reality has been tampered with, bizarre timelines intersect with space debris, and light travels through different time and space, forming an ocean that looks like a broken mirror.

This sea of ​​broken mirrors blurred all power and light, as well as the law of cause and effect and various interferences, creating a safe zone that allowed Qiu Zhi to successfully avoid Zhu Fengdan's sniper attack.

Zhu Fengdan increases his efforts and tries to make a breakthrough.

But the general of Zhennan Mansion would never let go at this time, and used more output to forcefully suppress Zhu Fengdan. This would cause him to be weak in the follow-up, but if Qiu Zhi was saved, there would be no follow-up.

Zhu Fengdan was unable to break through the sea of ​​broken mirrors and was suppressed.

Li Qize was responsible for the big sacrifice and couldn't spare any time.

So... Qiu Zhi arrived in front of the Holy Emperor's ruins smoothly.

It is said to be a ruin, but in fact it is just a cave.

Many years ago, this was actually a swamp, but after the swamp was deeply buried by geological activities, it turned into a cave.

Qiu Zhi didn't waste any time and quickly walked into the cave.

In front of him, there were some 'imprint fossils'.

That's right, there are no artifacts that will last for hundreds of millions of years, no supernatural powers or anything else left behind, just some impression fossils, which are similar to the traces left by dinosaur footprints. But this is the real relic of the Holy Emperor.

Qiu Zhi stood in it and started the terminal. In his ears, the instructions from Chongli Ershi came.

The shamans of the Chongli Clan immediately began to give guidance.

Qiu Zhi's spirit began to leave his body.

He entered the realm that the witches and monks entered mentally when they danced to the Great God.

Here, shamans will temporarily lose consciousness, lose control of the external body, and enter the state of 'jumping the gods', but correspondingly, they can connect with the beings they want to communicate with here, and then communicate and communicate. Even coercion or bribery.

As an orthodox humane, Qiu Zhi experienced this feeling for the first time.

This feeling is a bit groggy, and the feeling of separation between the soul and the body is not pleasant. It can even be said to be a bit tortured, as if the connection has been severed.

Still, it's bearable.

When he opened his eyes, he had come to Wu Jin's unique spiritual world. Through here, he could see the true appearance of the ancient Holy Emperor's ruins.

It's said to be what it really looks like, but actually it's nothing special.

Those are just some ordinary ritual vessels and some necessary treasures. These treasures have practical functions. They are not for luxury and show off, but are things that must be used by the Holy Emperor for his responsibilities. For example, 'gui', 'ju', 'ding' and so on.

Qiu Zhi stepped forward. He wanted to replace that position with himself. He wanted to eat the symbol of the ruins and the burden of Baiyue into his body, so as to completely annex Baiyue and conceptually completely incorporate Baiyue into the territory of humanity. .

But at this time, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

That was Li Qi's voice: "Hey, Captain Qiu, that's not your position."

Following this voice, Li Qi also arrived here.

"There is no room for anyone to sit, so anyone can go." Qiu Zhi replied, but stopped.

Although he could sit on it immediately, Li Qi would definitely not be able to grab him due to the distance, but Li Qi would definitely interfere with him.

Li Qi had to surrender and retreat before he could sit on it with peace of mind. Otherwise, if he was disturbed, he would not be able to guarantee his success.

"No, only I can go, because... now, I am the leader of the country." Li Qi said, raising his hands to show his status.

There was a sense of oppression emanating from his body.

He is not the Lord of Dalu Kingdom, nor the Lord of Yunluo Kingdom, nor the Lord of Green Mountain——

He is the leader of Baiyue Kingdom.

All the kingdoms of Baiyue were connected together, and the personalities of all the kings were condensed into one person, Li Qi.

At this moment, in terms of 'legal principles', Li Qi is undoubtedly the Lord of Baiyue. He has successfully 'abdicated' and obtained the Dao Foundation of all the kings of Baiyue.

"...How domineering." Qiu Zhi sighed.

"Human Dao said this, are you making me laugh?" Li Qi couldn't hold back and sneered.

"It's useless to talk more. Personality can't explain anything. It's better to see the truth." Qiu Zhi also raised his hand.

"You can't fight here, but...who said only one person can sit down? Come on together and let me see your capabilities." Li Qi said.

"We can't fight, so why don't we compete for strength? That's fine, let's do that." Qiu Zhi nodded, and then took the seat of the Ancient Holy Emperor without hesitation.

Since you can't do anything here, you don't need to be afraid of any interference.

As for the amount of competition?

It didn't matter at all, Qiu Zhi was not afraid of such a challenge.

Li Qi didn't say much and closed his eyes.

He can't grab that seat, but he has the status of the leader of the country, so he can still participate in it and interfere with the other party.

Let's see who can grab the Holy Emperor's relics.

They both chose their own way at the same time.

The next moment, the ruins of the Holy Emperor began to shake, and two spirits fought within it.

The mental battle is indescribable, but both sides are using their own capacity to accommodate Baiyue.

Baiyue is a big place with many, many people, and countless people have their own stories.

Whether it's No. 1 outside the territory, Yu'er, or those high-ranking kings, or mortals like Xiao Chan, Zhang Haoming, or practitioners like Zhang You, Bai Di, and Zhang Xu.

Their practices are different, their thoughts are different, and the things they do are even more different.

Thousands of people, thousands of industries, thousands of thoughts.

All of this forms a sea of ​​soul.

In this sea of ​​souls, everyone’s consciousness is gathered here.

Li Qi clearly felt the existence of this sea of ​​souls. When his perception spread to the entire Baiyue, he clearly felt the existence of the power of humanity.

He had never noticed mortals so clearly.

He can clearly see countless souls, whether they are humans, monsters, ghosts, or anything else, as long as they are in Baiyue, outside the territory or in the world.

He saw all the treasures in those souls, and saw the bravery of all sentient beings who refused to surrender despite their rebellious fate and the sinister king.

Extraordinary bravery, sincere spirit, and the emotions expressed by all living beings from the heart. These have no despicable and vulgar elements at all. They have become a great force, seizing all Li Qi's emotions at this moment, and seizing his His whole body captured all his thoughts.

The souls swayed and lined up together, forming thousands of feet of red dust, just like a school of sardines in the sea, overwhelming and endless.

Is this what we see in the eyes of humanity and Fa-rectification? Is this what the person of ‘kingdom’ should see?

Li Qi felt all this.

However, in this sea of ​​soul, Li Qi felt another thing.

Is that a sardine? That's a giant whale!

When the giant whale saw Li Qi, it immediately burst out with unprecedented power!

The giant whale rushed towards Li Qi, unstoppable. In the sea, nothing had ever been able to shake this great existence.

Whales are the absolute overlords of the sea.

Words can hardly describe such power, and even pictures cannot express the horror at this moment.

Countless small fish were blown away, and the sea was churning. The waves were earth-shaking. On the sea surface swept by the waves, Li Qi saw many small boats flying up. They felt the majesty of the giant whale in horror, and were so shocked by its He was shocked by the majestic spirit and could fully appreciate the noble anger of the whale.

At this moment, in the real world outside——

The remains of the Holy Emperor on the battlefield poured out streams of energy.

The aftermath surged into the sky from the cracks in the earth.

Suddenly, it seemed that the sound of rushing water could be heard, like a flash flood.

A huge concentric vortex formed.

The energy vortex stirred up the cyclone, and the atmosphere was shaken by it.

The surrounding scenery is like leaves in a tornado, spinning and spinning, and then gradually being torn into pieces.

The two spirits appeared in the minds of all living creatures in Baiyue, causing them to hallucinate involuntarily.

Who has enough power to swallow the entire Baiyue?

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