Wandao long distance

Chapter 874 Subjective Experiment

Chapter 874 Subjective Experiment

Cocoon clearly understands the crisis in this world.

Therefore, she encouraged the mortals to industrialize and covered the sky with endless waste gas, thus covering the mortals' ability to look up at the stars.

At the same time, her 'orthodox' also vigorously suppressed and even arrested those mortals who wanted to look up at the stars.

Moreover, she also established the current organization to train law enforcers, capture other weirdos, and suppress the manifestation of a large number of demonic thoughts caused by industrialization.

Everything is for the survival of this world.

Although it seems contradictory, this is all her efforts to ensure that the world can continue to exist.

"So...are you the incarnation of the inevitable future?" Yu looked at Li Qi, with strong fear in her tone.

It is impossible not to be afraid.

Still time, this kind of thing...

Even if she could destroy an entire city, she couldn't do such an unthinkable thing.

"Yes, if you don't want to, I will leave." Li Qi said.

"This is the real reason." Cocoon said.

Then, Li Qi reiterated the three questions he wanted to know.

"Yes, but it's not detailed enough. I want to hear the real story and reasons." Li Qi said.

Cocoon even asked everyone to cooperate with Li Qi as much as possible.

"Thank you." Li Qi smiled and nodded to express his gratitude.

Time flows again, and peace returns to the cocoon.

Why was this agency formed to hunt other spiritual phenomena.

Cocoon said: "So... cooperation means answering your questions, right?"

Why support industrialization.

"That's it for the time being. Don't worry, I don't covet your world at all. I don't want to invade here, nor do I want to interfere with your lives." Li Qi emphasized.

After listening, Yu Yu said with some difficulty: "I have already answered your question."

Li Qi expressed his gratitude and then started his plan.

"Oh... So, you actually don't know the real reason." Li Qi nodded slightly: "Then no wonder I can't read it. If you don't know it yourself, then I definitely can't find it."

"Okay, please take a look. Whatever you want, I will provide you with permission." Cocoon immediately made a decision.

The surrounding staff discussed secretly for a while. They couldn't imagine why Cocoon would be so close to the weird thing in front of them. However, based on Cocoon's past situation, the agency finally chose to trust Li Qi and did not force him to take Li Qi into custody. Instead, he allowed him to act independently. permission.

The people observing the surroundings did not find anything unusual. According to their records, these two monsters got along quite harmoniously.

Why hinder these mortals from taking to the sky.

"But, fortunately, I still have a lot of time. So, can you let me move freely? I want to walk around this world and see it. A few years will be enough. Your world is very small. If you want to understand it clearly and It’s not difficult.” Li Qi said.

"Do we have the right to refuse?" Cocoon asked.

"No, to be precise, I am a passer-by. However, you should know that sometimes an ordinary passer-by can actually bring many benefits and add many good variables to life." Li Qi said : "I want to get answers from you and hope to get your cooperation. Of course, if you are unwilling to cooperate, I will leave on my own initiative."

After that, he began to promote some things in this world, such as... He began to develop some technologies in the Esoteric Cult with Professor Carolingian through the technology tree of this world, but mainly in the field of artillery. It seemed that it was really Studying how to use a cannon to launch people.

He would also go to the Orthodox Church from time to time to observe the Orthodox believer organization, and occasionally join the law enforcers to help them deal with some difficult weirdness.

Li Qi looked at the world in his residence, observed their daily lives, talked with them about their specific conditions and sufferings, and then witnessed their struggle for everything they pursued.

But these are just Li Qi's interests and have nothing to do with what he really wants to do.

Regarding the serious business of observing the remains of the Death Demon, he has been seeking a position in this world and funded Carolingian and his secret church to conduct research in this area.

He is unwilling to use the technology descended from the sky to interfere with the original technological process of this world, but... there is no problem in using resources to push it a little.

He opened a crack in the oppressive scientific building, allowing these esoteric scholars to access higher-level technologies through their own efforts, and perhaps even build a true 'astronomical telescope'.

It's just... Li Qi himself doesn't know what the outcome will be.

Because this is not a 'scientific world'.

If it were in the real universe, then all this would be logical and there would be no disturbances. Observing the universe and stepping into the starry sky is the only way for most civilizations.

Practicing in isolation within your own world to the end is a situation that only very few civilizations in extremely vast worlds will encounter.

But this is the realm of desire.

The world of desire can be changed by subjective cognition. This is a world composed of complete subjective consciousness. There are no 'objective facts' in this world.

In other words, when you believe from the bottom of your heart that light is a particle, then if you do an experiment and do a thousand double-slit interference experiments, you will see particles a thousand times.

On the other side, another scientist who insisted that light is a wave did an experiment. He did it a thousand times, and he saw it as a wave a thousand times.

This has nothing to do with the nature of light; their 'firm belief' alone is enough to change the results of the experiment.

The same is true in engineering. They built a building. The mechanical structure of this building is wrong. If it were in the real universe, it would definitely collapse. However, because the designer is a very powerful architect, he calculated wrongly. Although he didn't find out the formula, he himself believed that it would not fall, and everyone also believed that this building could stand.

Therefore, this building will really not collapse and can continue to exist. If someone discovers that the mechanical structure of this building is wrong, tells everyone, and convinces everyone, then this building will collapse immediately.

This is what happens in the realm of desire. It doesn't matter what the reality is, what matters is what everyone thinks.

As we all know... there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, and everyone has a different idea. The final result is the 'greatest common denominator' of everyone, that is, the synthesis of everyone's ideas.

This is why the Desire Realm can also maintain 'balance' and 'stability'.

The reason behind this is that the measurement of most phenomena is always determined by the 'addition' of countless factors. It seems nonsense, but this addition is addition in the ordinary sense, the + of 1+1=2, rather than multiplication or What other operations.

The occurrence of each factor can be described by "probability", that is, the law of large numbers. These two points together create a world full of Gaussian distributions. It is as if if there is true merit and everyone's 'trust' exists, then the probability of satisfying Normal distribution, so if you do this, the merit will be increased by one, and if you do that, the merit will be reduced by 10. The merits and demerits can be offset. In the end, countless factors converge into a normal distribution, forming a relatively stable world.

Therefore, it seems that the Gaussian distribution can also be used to test whether the measurement of a desire realm is reasonable. If the scores are adjusted to the normal distribution, then the difference in scores between different people can always appropriately reflect their diligence, IQ, ability, etc. The differences in factors and the sum of countless people's thoughts constitute the basic stable situation of the desire world.

But overall stability does not represent fluctuations in certain specific areas. In this world, the results of subjective research may really affect the Death Demon's suppression of the surrounding star fields.

Anyway, no matter what, Li Qi is now curious about what the universe explored by the scholars in this world will look like, and how it will collide with the area covered by the Death Demon.

In order to achieve this, Li Qi even put away his distracting thoughts and stopped himself from thinking about anything about the universe.

This is impossible for mortals. Mortals cannot control distracting thoughts at all, but it is very simple for Li Qi. Controlling thoughts is too simple for him.

And during this period of time, he has not been doing all these things. In his free time, he has been stabilizing his third-level ability.

Regarding this, Li Qi is still very surprised.

He knew that he was not a complete third-level person and needed to wait for his cultivation to be stable. This process might even last for millions of years.

But... from the fourth grade to the third grade, is the gap really that big?

In a sense, every day that passed, Li Qi was able to defeat yesterday's self in one move.

His power is constantly rising. Although he is only 'stabilizing his cultivation', it is like the explosion after the Big Bang. Every minute and every second, his progress is astonishingly fast. Li Qi himself couldn't figure out why there was such a change.

As a qualitative grade, the secrets of the third grade are still unknown to Li Qi. Even Prince Changqin told him that he could not tell Li Qi and could only let him find it on his own.

Then take your time, there is still plenty of time anyway.

Li Qi was slowly affecting the world while waiting for his own changes.

In the blink of an eye, twenty years have passed.

Professor Carolingian exposed his identity in an incident and was caught by the Orthodox Church and burned to death. The cannon launch plan could only be shelved. However, he had a student who inherited most of the hidden manuscripts.

During an operation by the trio of law enforcers, the veteran was seriously injured and the Sanwu girl lost control and ran wild. The remaining young man rescued the Sanwu girl and used some method to suppress the loss of control, but the Sanwu girl also lost control. The girl lost her powers, but she was no longer faceless. A few years later, they got married. Li Qi also attended the wedding. At the wedding, she already had the ability to express emotions and welcomed Li Qi. , the smile is beautiful.

When the Sanwu girl became normal, she naturally lost the ability to distort reality through her mind. It can be said that all superpowers originally came from 'mental illness'. When the mental illness is cured, the superpowers will disappear.

Power comes from distortion. If you want to gain power, you cannot be a normal person. This is also a manifestation of the desire world.

During this period, Cocoon was still doing her thing, and even expressed resistance to Li Qi several times, but Li Qi chose to give in all the time.

He completely respects his own choices in this world. Although he will promote certain things to happen according to his own wishes, if other beings express resistance, Li Qi will not be stubborn.

Otherwise, it would be like him controlling the world to touch the dead demon, which is meaningless. It would be more convenient to brainwash the whole world directly.

He wanted an autonomous world where he could see the sky from his own perspective instead of controlling a puppet.

There are as many puppets as there are things like, and they don't necessarily have to be in this world. Li Qi can even create a world on the spot and let it touch the dead demon, but this doesn't make any sense.

Just like the Demon Lords asked Li Shiwei to break Li Qidao's heart, if Li Shiwei was directly brainwashed, it would be useless and would not affect Li Qidao.

Therefore, Li Qi waited slowly, walking around the world, talking to various people, and as a contained 'weird', he helped the law enforcers deal with some difficult things, understand the information and their thoughts, and waited for them Take the initiative to peer through the fog in the sky and get in touch with the universe above.

Another twenty years passed after that.

A war broke out in the world. Due to various problems caused by industrialization, various countries invariably chose the same solution.

That is, transfer the contradiction abroad.

When the war broke out, the influence of the 'Orthodox Church' dropped sharply, and Cocoon fell into an extremely weak state. She was no longer able to control human civilization. However, through law enforcers and advance planning, she is still the most powerful being in the world. Civilization is silently protected in the darkness.

In other words... imprisoning civilization.

In forty years, Li Qi has seen clearly that her name is really appropriate.

She is the 'cocoon', the obstacle that the larvae must overcome if they want to climb out, but at the same time, it is the existence of the 'cocoon' that protects the larvae.

Breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly is a step that a larva must take.

At this moment, Li Qizheng was sitting in the 'Law Enforcer Headquarters'. For decades, he had been living here in order not to hinder the mortals of this world.

Next to him were the 'veterans' who had retired to become high-ranking law enforcement officials, and Cocoon.

"Your Excellency Li Qi, then, about the last encirclement and suppression mission of the war -" the veteran scratched his head at Li Qi.

"Didn't you do a good job? No one died." Li Qi said with a smile.

"Isn't it a little bit that no one died in the encirclement and suppression mission... Although you subdued both sides and knocked everyone unconscious, the war will not end because of this." The veteran sighed.

"Is it over if you die? Not necessarily." Li Qi asked rhetorically.

These words left the veteran speechless.

However, this time, Cocoon spoke.

She suddenly interjected: "I'm dying."

(End of this chapter)

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