Wandao long distance

Chapter 889 Discussion

After realizing what an amazing thing his teacher had done, Li Qi almost immediately chose to contact him.

Fortunately, the connection between the three levels does not require him to go back in person. He can communicate while working in the Desire Realm.

All you need to do is follow the line of cause and effect and touch the other party gently——


other side.

Wait, no response.

He did find Zhu Fengdan, just like before.

Li Qi, who was in the fourth-grade or even fifth-grade period, could also find people along the line of cause and effect. This was one of his third-grade traits, and he had also found some third-grade people, and even wanted to touch them desperately. other side. (See Chapter 618 for details)

In Li Qi's eyes at that time, he just found some 'monsters', indescribable behemoths, which were actually quite dangerous. If the other party hadn't carefully waved him away, he would have died when he encountered them. .

Now, he has been able to contact similar behemoths, and he is even one of them.

He has become a giant source of gravity that pulls all things together. He has played an important role in this universe. He is no longer the ant that followed the spider web to touch the monster.

In this case, Li Qi should be very conspicuous, and it is absolutely impossible for Zhu Fengdan not to notice him.

So what's going on?

Li Qi immediately withdrew his power to stimulate the desire world, gathered all his thoughts and calculation power, gathered his Dharma Body, gathered strength, and the next moment, he disappeared directly from the place and returned to Wushen Mountain.

In Zhu Fengdan's cave in Wushen Mountain, a corpse suddenly opened its eyes.

"Oh, I didn't expect that one day I would end up worrying about you. It's a bit embarrassing." Zhu Fengdan's body sat up and then recovered quickly.

It is not difficult for him at this moment to have a body that is perfect. Even if he declines to the limit, he can still be gorgeous in the eyes of mortals.

"Teacher, is this why you didn't come here when I was promoted? I'm still surprised that although you are usually wild and unrestrained, you are not so big-hearted... I didn't expect that you would be hurt like this." Li Qi walked quickly. Walk over and check on Zhu Fengdan's situation.

There was no need to use true knowledge, just by looking at him, he could detect his injuries.

"Oh, this is really... There are still people with this kind of fighting style. They actually forcibly insert the principles of human nature, distort cognition, make the inner body fight, unable to self-consistently and implode. Is this kind of trick considered a shame?" Li Qi exclaimed.

This is indeed a scam.

The power of the third grade is almost unsolvable. This is no longer something that can be dealt with on the physical level. Their power is completely based on their own 'Tao'.

But the question is, 'Tao' is rooted in their own cognition. Can this cognition be forcibly inserted into other Tao principles? really?

Doesn't this mean that the third-level understanding of the world can be tampered with?

There is no way such a thing can happen!

Zhu Fengdan shrugged: "Look at the Dao system, the Demonic Dao and the Spiritual Dao don't accept this trick. They are immune to any forced tampering because they are relatively independent."

"You also have this nature. This is not a weakness for you. You have a high degree of 'self-ownership'."

"But I can't do it." Zhu Fengdan stood up lazily, then thought for a while, then lay back down and said: "If I admit the authenticity and self-existence of this universe, then my thinking will succumb to the universe. Under self-existence, in other words, my thinking cannot be higher than the material itself. As long as it interferes with the material, it can interfere with my 'Tao'."

Li Qi frowned: "Is something wrong? The twisted universe is for -"

"It's matter, not the universe." Zhu Fengdan interrupted Li Qi lightly: "Calm down, don't be like a fool."

These words made Li Qi take a deep breath.

Then, he suddenly realized what the other party meant.

Matter is not equal to the universe.

Matter can even be higher than the universe. Under 'nature', that is, in the world considered by witchcraft and humanity, material existence has infinite, eternal, and absolute properties, which are more solid than time and space.

Specifically, the most typical one is Guixu.

There is nothing special about Guixu. It is simply a large amount of matter condensed together, but its mass alone is enough to distort space-time itself.

In the natural world of witchcraft, the unity of the universe lies in materiality. Every individual and specific thing in the world, from the big bodies of galaxies and even star officials, to the smallest various basic particles and qi, are living things. There is cessation, but the entire material world is infinite, eternal and absolute.

Matter itself has the ability and conditions for constant transformation. Any individual thing does not arise from "nothing", but the destruction of things transformed from other things does not become "nothing", but transforms into other material forms.

Any method cannot eliminate the substance itself, but only changes the original form or structure of the substance.

This is true even if Li Qi changes the entire universe.

Various 'forces', various 'lights', various 'qi', as well as various changing patterns of the world under the influence of many rules, all change only the way matter operates.

However, matter itself still exists, existing in various forms.

Even if it is gravitational chemistry, its essence is still matter.

It's like... spirit.

Li Qi has already seen the world of pure thinking. The spirit created by Lingdao and the others has no material existence. It is a completely abstract world that can exist only by relying on 'ideas'.

As for the purely material world, Li Qicai realized that he had actually seen it before.

That is Wu Jin's 'inner world'.

There is no spiritual existence in the inner world that Wu Jin has been cultivating since the beginning of his practice. The inner world is alive, but if viewed apart from Wu Jin himself, this thing is a typical 'dead thing'.

There is no 'higher wisdom' in the inner world. If Li Qi wanted to, he could spell out some living creatures, but living creatures do not mean high wisdom. In other words, these creatures cannot appear in the world of pure thinking.

The purely material world and the purely spiritual world are actually equivalent in a sense?

But it is different in the real universe.

In the real universe, spirit and matter are equal.

Just as things in the world are so diverse, it seems that there is a master, or creator, or some other 'first cause' or something. It is their will that makes the world like that, but if you look for traces of that creator, The result can only be nothing.

Therefore, things are created independently and do not treat each other. All specific things are independent and self-sufficient, and the same is true for spirit and matter.

"I see, I understand, so teacher, your Tao is rooted in the most basic matter and does not change in any way due to physical laws or cosmological constants. In fact, it is essentially the same as pure thinking, but it is just a foundation. It is spirit, through which matter is derived. One foundation is matter, and matter constitutes spirit.”

Li Qi actually knew the difference a long time ago, but he didn't know until today that Zhu Fengdan's heels turned out to be like this.

Spiritual Tao or Demonic Tao, these Taoist systems believe that all matter is just a derivative of the spirit, that spiritual ideas are eternal, and that real tangible things are the participation and imitation of ideas.

Only in pure spirit can a perfect 'circle' exist, and all circles and spheres in reality are essentially a poor imitation of this abstract 'circle', and can never be imitated well, because pi is infinite. , and all circles in reality are finite. The definition of a "circle" in geometry is the set of all points equidistant from a fixed point in a plane. However, in the real world, nothing can be completely consistent. There is always a deviation in the definition of a circle, and it is not a perfect circle. Nothing concrete in the real world fits the definition of an abstract concept.

But advanced wisdom can still recognize abstract circles without having seen them before.

So, can advanced wisdom recognize things that it has never seen? Or... because of the perfection of the spirit, they are naturally able to acquire knowledge about 'abstract'?

From the perspective of this argument, spiritual things are higher than material things, just like abstract circles and concrete circles.

In the same way, the criterion for judging whether a person is alive or not, and the difference between a living person and a dead person, is not whether the body is alive, but whether he has a soul and consciousness. Those with a soul are living people, and those without souls are dead.

This soul does not refer to the divine soul. In fact, the divine soul is just a form of matter. This 'soul' refers to the essence of its thinking.

Compared with the physical existence of the body, the spiritual existence of the soul is the essence of human beings. Therefore, the life of higher intelligence, or according to Buddhism, is called "sentient beings". The reason why sentient beings can understand some abstract things Concepts can be understood rationally precisely because they possess this advanced, purer spirit, which transcends matter.

However, this statement is pure nonsense for humans, witches, and demons.

Because spirit itself is part of matter.

Isn’t the world of pure thinking no longer a world?

What does pure spirit depend on for its existence?

All thinking itself is material, and the same is true for so-called "abstract" things. Thought exists because of matter, and the foundation of the existence of thinking is because of the existence of "matter". Who said that "abstract ideas" are not material?

That is just another form of matter, and they follow the same rules. From this perspective, 'matter' is 'existence' itself.

All so-called existence statements of soul-consciousness are just names for matter.

It must first 'exist' and then 'perceive'.

Matter itself exists, and then there are so-called norms, time and space, and physical laws.

The laws of physics are the properties of matter and a certain form of existence of matter. It does not mean that there is a universe first, and then there are some physical rules and laws in the universe, and then matter evolves and develops according to these laws. It is not like this.

Matter existed first, and matter itself includes all its own properties, so the universe is like this.

The universe is not a place that provides space for matter to move. The universe is matter itself, a "real thing" produced by all movements that are not dependent on external will.

The universe has one and only one way of existence, and that is 'nature'. This natural state is inherent in the nature of all things.

The difference between humans and witches lies in their attitude towards 'nature'.

As for demons, they inherently believe that they are 'nature', and 'demon' is a thing born from nature itself, so there is a saying that 'everything is a demon', and everything can be 'demonized', thus creating differences.

Of course, this kind of debate between material and spiritual matters is actually meaningless, and the great leaders will not fight over it at all, and will only curse a few words at most.

Because everyone knows that before the 'Ultimate Avenue' is discovered, this kind of debate will have no result, because the essence has been almost studied, and no one can convince anyone, at least in terms of the current level of magical powers and cognition,' "The essence is unknowable" is the actual situation, and maybe the two are not contradictory. Just understand the world from a different perspective.

And 'exploring the essence', that is, the process of finding the 'ultimate avenue', is what the current Daoists have to do.

However, in a practical sense, this kind of cognition can indeed produce specific effects, and the simplest one is 'following the foot'.

Zhu Fengdan's heel is rooted in the material itself, so as long as he can interfere with the material, that is, the composition of 'nature', at least in form, it can be like implanting a virus in his 'dao' Laying mines directly interfered with the operation of his orthodoxy.

Theoretically speaking, this method is also applicable in the magic way, which is commonly used in the magic way. It changes the mind, implants magic thoughts, and even replaces your 'thoughts' to make you 'think that is what you think'.

As for witchcraft, they are not afraid of the implantation of demonic thoughts, but they are afraid of this kind of material change, which is like directly modifying the brain, a thinking organ.

After thinking about this, Li Qi sighed: "Well, it seems like there is no solution."

"Isn't the solution very simple? Be careful, cautious, and guard yourself. At the same time, you can also do this to others, or use a simpler method, which is to kill the opponent with brute force." Zhu Fengdan smiled.

"Beat him to death with brute force? For a third-level person, can he be beaten to death with brute force?" Li Qi was a little confused.

"Do you know the third grade very well?" Zhu Fengdan asked.

Li Qi was speechless.

"You haven't really established the third level yet. There are still many things to learn. In fact, I also want to tell you the answer directly, but you should also understand that some things cannot be said."

"However, as your master, at least I can tell you now -"

"In the realm of desire, it's definitely true."

Li Qi nodded: "I understand."

"Get out of here, you can't cure me." Zhu Fengdan waved his hand impatiently.

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