I really don't want to be in the entertainment industry.

Chapter 149 What's the name of that movie?

Chapter 149 What's the name of that movie? (Monthly ticket plus update!)

In front of a small hotel on Santiao Street.

Xiang Chun earnestly said to Pan Xiaowei who had been drinking a lot: "Brother Wei, listen to me, this kind of thing is meaningless, not to mention, what good stuff can there be in such a small place?"

Wang Xiaohui pushed Xiang Chun aside, and then said to Pan Xiaowei: "Don't listen to him, Viagra, he's sick, and he doesn't like women."


Pan Xiaowei was so frightened that he hurriedly moved away from Xiang Chun.

When Wang Xiaohui saw it, he quickly said, "He doesn't like men either, he just likes money."

When Pan Xiaowei heard the words, the disgust on his face dissipated.

Wang Xiaohui added: "Let me tell you, Viagra, this is Hengdian, and the most important thing is beauties. Many of the beauties here in Santiao Street are actually female group performers. They act during the day and come here to work part-time at night. I I heard a group performer tell me that there is a well-known actress who walked out of Santiao Street, and if we come here a few more times, we may be able to play with future big stars."

Pan Xiaowei didn't care about this, if he wanted to become a celebrity, he would definitely get it if he thought of a way, all he had to do was spend more money.

Looking up, a dozen beauties in black stockings stood under the dim light and waved at them continuously, which made Pan Xiaowei feel grass in his heart.

Thinking of Dong Ni's unfeeling, thinking of Hu Man ignoring her, and thinking of Xiang Chun and Wang Xiaohui, these two scumbags, who have played with so many fucking women, and I am living a really fucking useless life.

Gritting his teeth secretly, Pan Xiaowei and Wang Xiaohui entered the small hotel...

"I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse."

Shaking his head, Xiang Chun left here with a look of incomprehension.

Xiang Chun will take advantage of any advantage, but he will definitely not take advantage of this kind of advantage.

In fact, even if Xiang Chun wanted to occupy it, he couldn't.

When Xiang Chun was 16 years old, three women in their 50s in their town blocked Xiang Chun in his house with some alcohol and tortured him for several hours, causing Xiang Chun to go into shock.

Later, Xiang Chunjing was rescued by a doctor and escaped from danger, but it was completely abolished.

Since then, Xiang Chun has not been interested in women at all.

Wang Xiaohui is right, Xiang Chun now only likes money, and his dream is to earn a lot of money and become famous.

And women will only be a stumbling block on Xiang Chun's way of making money, and will not help Xiang Chun in making money.

Coming to a small Internet cafe, Xiang Chun skillfully opened the Blue Moon that he had relied on for more than three years, and then his gold-fighting character, the warrior White Elephant, logged into the game interface.

Before Xiang Chun went to collect gold, a game friend named "Da Diao" who often bought his gold coins sent a message to Xiang Chun: "Why haven't you been online these days?"

Xiang Chun tapped the keyboard with a smile on his face and replied: I am busy making a lot of money recently.

Big Eagle: Why do you make a lot of money?Marry a wife?

Big White Elephant: No marriage, I am a non-marriage advocate.

Big Eagle: Huh?I still want to marry you, if you don't marry, then I can only find someone else.

Big White Elephant: Don't, the game doesn't count, let's go to knot now, Yuelao is waiting for me.

Xiang Chun immediately manipulated his game character to go to the Three Lives Stone.

Not long after, a female Taoist priest with the game name of "Big Eagle" also came to the Three Lives Stone.

Xiang Chun manipulated his game character to kneel down on one knee and gave Da Diao a romantic proposal.

Big White Elephant: Honey, will you marry me?
Da Diao: (vomiting), stop talking nonsense, get over it quickly, if it wasn't for one more couple skills, I wouldn't marry you.

So Xiang Chun and Da Diao held a grand wedding in the game, becoming one of the thousands of couples in this server...


The big bed in Room 1288 of Galaxy Hotel.

Dong Ni thumped the chest of Xu Kai who was hugging her: "I asked you to play with me, but I didn't let you play with me, but you got me to the hotel again."

"It's because you drive well. When I passed by here, I just asked you, 'Why don't we stay here tonight?', and you drove in, and now you're blaming me It's just unreasonable."

Dong Ni snorted twice, and didn't put the blame on Xu Kai again, she just said: "Sometimes I can't help but think about what I did when I was with you, and then in my mind, sleep , sleep, or sleep."


Xu Kai thought so too, when the two of them were together, they were either sleeping or on their way to sleep.

Dong Ni said again: "I thought about the details again. In the end, it was all bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, oh yes, and hot springs. I don't have any other memories."


Xu Kai immediately corrected Dong Ni's mistake: "Narrow-minded, isn't it? Didn't we make movies together, watch movies together, eat together, go to Kyoto together, and go to southern Shonan together? We still did things together. A lot of things."

"Is it...? Then let me ask you, what is the name of the movie we watched together?"


Although Xu Kai had already thought about it very carefully, all he could remember was that it was a disgusting movie, and Dong Ni's thighs were long, straight, white and slippery, her small mouth was sweet, and her chest was small ...

"I forgot." Xu Kai scratched his head and said.

"Look, let me tell you that you don't value me, you don't even remember the name of the movie I watched, bah, scumbag, you don't love me at all, you just want me." Dong Ni pouted Talk with your mouth.

"Then do you know the name of that movie?" Xu Kai asked Dong Ni.


Dong Ni wanted to say the name of that movie and hit Xu Kai's face who even forgot the name of the movie they had seen together.

But Dong Ni recalled it carefully for a long time, but all she could remember was that Xu Kai was very bad, Xu Kai's hands were big and dishonest, her heart was beating fast at that time, she was very nervous, very exciting...

Seeing that Dong Ni couldn't remember the name of the movie, Xu laughed: "Look, you also forgot the name of that movie, and you are also greedy for me, we are just the same."

"What's the difference? I haven't been greedy for your body. The reason why I don't remember the name of that movie is all your fault. If you didn't always harass me while watching movies, how could I not Watch that movie?"

"Hey hey hey, don't be a villain and sue first. I remember clearly that you threw yourself into my arms first. I told you at the time that there were Haitang and Pan Xiaowei next to me. I can't be sorry for Haitang, you can't be sorry for Pan Xiaowei. ,you forgot?"

"It's nothing, how could I harass you first, obviously you harassed me first." Dong Ni argued with her eyes wide open.

Xu Kai, who has dealt with too many women, clearly knows that sometimes he can't reason with women.

So Xu Kai pulled the quilt over their heads - he wanted to use his strength to conquer Dong Ni, and then let Dong Ni admit what she had done...


At the same time, in the small hotel on Santiao Street.

Pan Xiaowei looked at the pretty woman in front of her as she put on her bra, pulled up her red skirt, and stepped on her high heels.

The woman turned her head, and took out five money from the wad of money that Pan Xiaowei gave her, and put them on the bed: "This is the rule in our business, I have to give a boss like you a red envelope, it's auspicious."

Then the woman blew a kiss to Pan Xiaowei: "It's a pleasure to serve the boss. My name is Xiaoshuang. The boss will definitely come to see me next time."

Seeing that Xiao Shuang was about to leave, Pan Xiaowei felt a little lost, he couldn't help hesitating and saying: "I...can I leave your contact information?"


(End of this chapter)

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