I really don't want to be in the entertainment industry.

Chapter 171 With a man, forget your mother

Chapter 171 With a man, forget your mother

At the same time, an update is also added for "Book Friends 20211231121438028".

The fan values ​​of the two fellow daoists combined are still close to the helm master, so they are considered together.


Another day.

Accompanied by Su Zui, Fan Linglong went to buy a new mobile phone and replaced her SIM card.

As soon as it was turned on, Fan Linglong received several messages.

"Hi Officer Fan, I'm Xu Kai, this is my mobile phone number, I will contact you often in the future."

"I can't get through to you, it should be because you haven't bought a new mobile phone yet?"

"I really want to see you, but our studio is nearly [-] kilometers away from the hospital where you are being treated, which is really too far away, and our shooting plan is still very tight, so we really don't have time to go there, and now we can only do it first." I'll visit you again after my filming here is over."

"I finished filming the scene in Zhuozhou. I came to see you in the hospital. Your attending doctor said that you were discharged from the hospital. It's a pity that I couldn't see you."

"I'm back in Hengdian. When you go back to Dongzhou next time, you must contact me. We will see you soon."

All the messages were sent to her by Xu Kai, which made Fan Linglong feel sad because no one thought about her, but also excited because Xu Kai kept contacting her!
Fan Linglong quickly called Xu Kai's mobile phone number!
After a while, the call was connected.

But what made Fan Linglong's heart tense was that a woman's voice came from the other side of the phone: "Hello."

"Oh... you... hello, may I ask, is this Xu Kai's phone number?" Fan Linglong asked.

"Yes, he's filming. I'm his manager. May I tell him what you need?" Yang Xinchun said.

"Hmm...it's okay." After hesitating for a while, Fan Linglong asked, "Where are you filming?"

Yang Xinchun didn't answer directly, but asked first: "Excuse me, who are you and Xu Kai?"

"My friend, he saved me in Zhuozhou." Fan Linglong said.

"You are Police Officer Fan, I'm so sorry, Xu Kai saved you the name "Big Girl", so I didn't know it was you, that, Xu Kai is currently filming at the Xiangjiang Street Film and Television Base in Hengdian..."

"Big girl?"

After learning the name Xu Kai gave herself, Fan Linglong thought to herself: "Why did you give me such a name? It seems like a nickname?"

After hanging up the phone, Fan Linglong said to Su Zui: "I'll go out for a while, you can take a taxi home by yourself."

Without waiting for Su Zui to agree, Fan Linglong left.

Seeing Su Zui, Su Zui said angrily: "This dead child is typical. After having a man, she forgets about her mother. I have to discuss with her father about having a second child. This must be hopeless."

Fan Linglong drove her Wrangler straight to Hengdian Xiangjiang Film and Television Base.

After arriving at the place, without much effort, Fan Linglong found the set of "Escape".

Here, Fan Linglong finally saw Xu Kai who she never forgot.

At this time, Xu Kai is filming the final battle with Ji Zhaode, Zhang Zhiwei, Pan Xiaowei and Hu Man.

This is also the last scene that Xu Kai filmed in the crew of "Escape".

Originally, Lin Da wanted Xu Kai and Ji Zhaode 1V1 to show this decisive battle.

But as long as Xu Kai let go a little bit, Ji Zhaode would definitely not be able to beat Xu Kai, and if Xu Kai let Ji Zhaode go, the picture taken would be a bit fake.

If it is put on other movies or replaced by other directors, it will almost pass the test.

Linda wanted "Escape" to be a real performance, with real knives and guns hitting the flesh.

As a result, such a shot would definitely not satisfy Linda.

Therefore, Lin Da asked Pan Xiaowei and Hu Man to replace Pan Xiaowei and Hu Man—Lin Da also thought about arranging a substitute for Zhang Zhiwei, but Zhang Zhiwei insisted on not using it, so he went into battle by himself.

In this way, the ending becomes Xu Kai 1V4.

Linda's method of shooting action scenes is very simple and rude, that is, as soon as he shouts "Ike God", the actor will start to fight until he shouts "click".

As a result, often Linda only needs a few shots, while Xu Kai and others have to shoot for more than ten minutes.

For Xu Kai, it doesn't matter - unless Xu Kai is willing, others can't hit Xu Kai at all, and even if Xu Kai must be beaten for listening to Lin Da or Yuan Xiaoliang, Xu Kai can also relieve the opponent's strength, Letting the other party is almost like hitting cotton.

But for Ji Zhaode and Zhang Zhiwei who played in person, it was very difficult, especially for the former, who was injured almost every scene.

Ji Zhaode and Qian Meijuan have been complaining in private, saying that Ji Zhaode was tortured so much by Xu Kai in the film that he would get 48 kicks in one shot.

Ji Zhaode also broke the news himself, "Escape" is the most beaten one of his films.

In a word, Ji Zhaode's filming was very difficult.

Zhang Zhiwei also had a hard time filming.

But because Xu Kai takes care of Zhang Zhiwei more, her role is not as important as Ji Zhaode, which makes her life a little easier.

Back to the topic.

Even in Xu Kai's 1V4, Ji Zhaode, Zhang Zhiwei, "Pan Xiaowei" and "Hu Man" can't beat Xu Kai.

The four were beaten violently by Xu Kai.

In the end, Xu Kai gave Lin Da an idea. Ji Zhaode and Zhang Zhiwei teamed up to knock Xu Kai downstairs. Then Pan Xiaowei and Hu Man grabbed Xu Kai's tie. After that, Ji Zhaode hugged Pan Xiaowei and Zhang Zhiwei hugged Hu Man. Yu Lianying, who played the role, was strangled to death, and then reluctantly sent Xu Kai to pick up a lunch box.

The moment Xu Kai finished, everyone, including Ji Zhaode and Pan Xiaowei, applauded Xu Kai.

It's so strong!
To be honest, in the end, if this method is not used, no one knows how to "get rid of" the invincible Xu Kai.

After clenching his fists with everyone, Xu Kai wanted to find Fan Linglong who had been waiting for him for a long time.

But at this time, Lin Da called Xu Kai aside, and said to Xu Kai: "When this film is finished, I'm going to make a new film about a policeman who risked his life to arrest a big drug lord. People framed and designed to kill colleagues, so they embarked on the story of clearing their innocence, the name of the movie is "Hunting", I hope you can come to be the protagonist, and the salary is easy to talk about."

Hearing Linda's words, Xu Kai felt bored for a while.

Do not misunderstand.

This time it's not about Xu Kai.

Instead, Wang Bin, who is very confident in "Escape", already has a plan to shoot "Escape 2".

Moreover, Wang Bin wanted to ask Xu Kai to continue to play the role of the villain in "Escape 2", that is, he wanted to build the original cast to make money.

In this way, it is the situation of "Hunt" vs. "Escape 2".

It is not difficult to see from this that Lin Da and Wang Bin, the two giants of "Escape", are going to part ways completely.

Not only that, Linda may also want to beat "Exodus 2" with "Manhunt".

What kind of hatred is this?
Xu Kai actually doesn't like to act in this kind of action movies. Not to mention the effort, this kind of action movies are destined to be eliminated, with no future and no money.

But Linda is Xu Kai's bole after all, and Xu Kai has no choice but to sell his favor.

After thinking for a while, Xu Kai said to Linda: "You've already opened your mouth, I have to sell your favor anyway, but let me explain in advance that I already have an agent and she is very strict with me. , don't let me take the show privately, so you still send someone to talk to her, so as not to let her nag me..."


(End of this chapter)

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