Chapter 250 One night... (Monthly ticket plus update!)

After Xu Kai and Long Zijin went downstairs, Long Zijin said, "I came in Wei Jinpeng's car. I didn't drive myself. What about you, do you have a car?"

Xu Kai has a car, and there are several, but the problem is that this is Kyoto, not Hengdian, and the car keys of several cars in Fuyun Club are in Ding Ergou and others, but Xu Kai, who is only in charge of driving, does not have them.

So Xu Kai said: "I also came in someone else's car."

Seeing that Xu Kai didn't even have a car, Long Zijin shook his head secretly: "Fortunately, this person sings very well, but it's a pity that he didn't even have a car. It seems that no one in the entertainment industry is so good at spreading rumors."

Long Zijin took out his mobile phone and said, "Then call someone to pick me up." Then he said, "Thank you for not letting my face fall to the ground just now, you are such a gentleman."

Facing Long Zijin's "bring tea to see off guests", Xu Kai said without hesitation: "Nice to meet you, Miss Long, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Xu Kai turned around and left, not intending to take this opportunity to get to know Long Zijin at all.

Obviously, when Xu Kai said that he was glad to meet Long Zijin, it was just a polite remark.

This made Long Zijin a little surprised - in fact, Long Zijin was already ready to reject Xu Kai's words.

Long Zijin shook his head: "I never thought I would meet a gentleman."

Originally, the two should have parted at this point, and they might never have the chance to see each other again in eternity.

But when Long Zijin picked up his mobile phone, he was surprised to find that his mobile phone was out of battery.

Long Zijin's clothes and bags are in the party hall.

And now Long Zijin can't go up to get his clothes and bag.

There was no other way, Long Zijin could only shout at Xu Kai who hadn't gone far: "Hey, wait!"

Xu Kai heard the words, turned around, and asked: "Miss Long, is there anything else?"

Long Zijin originally wanted to borrow the phone from Xu Kai to call her secretary, but she couldn't remember her secretary's phone number.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a bar next to him. Long Zijin said, "Can I buy you a drink?"

Long Zijin's idea was that the two of them would sit in this bar for a while, and after Wei Jinpeng and the others left, she would go up to get her clothes and bag.

But Xu Kai misunderstood.

"I've already put on a mask, but I still can't hide my damn charm, alas!"

It's no wonder that Xu Kai met for a misunderstanding. It was really "Can you buy me a drink?" It was a standard invitation to have something to do with a man.

Originally, Xu Kai had no intention of having a one-night stand at all - he has no shortage of women.

But this morning Xu Kai was filled with evil fire by Yang Xinchun, if he went back like this, he would definitely have to hold back, and he might even have to hold back until midnight tomorrow.

Moreover, it should be a very good experience to have a one-night stand with a rich woman worth hundreds of millions.

The point is, although Xu Kai couldn't see the whole picture of Long Zijin, but only by looking at this part of her face and her tall figure, the old driver Xu Kai could know that she was definitely not much worse.

So, after hesitating for a while, Xu Kai said, "It's a great honor."

Ever since, Xu Kai and Long Zijin walked into this bar called "Cherry Season".

The two walked through the noisy bar and came to the quiet bar. As soon as they sat down, the waiter came over and asked, "What wine do you two want?"

Before Long Zijin could speak, Xu Kai stepped forward and said, "Let me declare that I'm not very good at drinking. If you want to drink, I can only drink a bottle of beer with you at most."

Seeing that Xu Kai didn't persuade her to drink, he probably wasn't someone with ulterior motives, so Long Zijin felt more at ease with Xu Kai.

"I don't usually drink."

Long Zijin explained again: "I hate the taste of wine very much, so for me, if I can not drink wine, I will definitely not drink it."

Seeing that Xu Kai and Long Zijin were not going to drink, the waiter immediately said: "Our bartender will make a drink called "Blue Mood", which tastes very good, do you want to try it? ?”

They are open for business, you can't sit here without ordering anything, so Xu Kai asked for two glasses of Blue Mood after obtaining Long Zijin's consent, and then ordered some more. Fruit plate, snacks or something.

After the blue mood was brought, Xu Kai took a look and saw that the drink was really blue and looked very nice. Xu Kai tasted it again, it was sweet, cool, and tasted very good.

After Long Zijin tasted it, he had nothing to say: "This blue mood is quite delicious."


Seeing that outsiders couldn't see their booth, Xu Kai hesitated and asked, "Should we take off the mask?"

To be honest, Xu Kai still has high requirements for the women he sleeps with, he is really a little scared, Long Zijin only has these exposed places that are beautiful, and there are some major flaws in the covered places.

No, but Long Zijin said, "Let's leave each other with a sense of mystery."

Xu Kai was also afraid that after he showed his face, Long Zijin would entangle him. After all, similar things had happened many times.

So Xu Kai said: "Okay." Then he took the initiative to find a topic and said: "The express industry is very promising. After returning to China, Ms. Long chose the express industry as her career. She is still very discerning."

Seeing that Xu Kai wanted to use the axe, Long Zijin showed a mocking look on his face under the mask.

But out of politeness, Long Zijin casually said a few words to Xu Kai.

But what Long Zijin never expected was that although Xu Kai was not particularly expert, Xu Kai knew the express delivery industry very well. The key point was that Xu Kai had a clear vision of the future of the express delivery industry.

For example, Xu Kai pointed out that in the future, the domestic express delivery market will be a general trend within the express delivery industry to compete for the low-end market, and in order to avoid strangling each other with other express delivery companies, it is necessary to establish its own airport and build a mid-to-high-end market.

This is surprisingly consistent with Long Zijin's opinion.

In fact, this is also the biggest disagreement between Long Zijin and several of his partners at present - several of Long Zijin's partners think that Long Zijin's idea is unrealistic. It is a fantasy for a small express company to build its own airport and become a leader in the industry. As for Long Zijin’s proposal to introduce capital and then develop rapidly with the power of capital, it also met with strong opposition from several other shareholders. They even said that if Long Zijin messed around, they would separate from Long Zijin.

Who would have thought that if he met someone he had never met in person today, he would highly agree with his plan.

Long Zijin thought that Xu Kai knew his own point of view and deliberately followed him.

But with the in-depth communication between the two, Long Zijin discovered that Xu Kai's ideas were not exactly the same as hers. Business, manufacturing, and cross-border trade are flourishing. It is believed that the express delivery industry will grow into the main channel supporting the development of e-commerce, and e-commerce will become the main shopping mode for Chinese people in the future.

Some of these things are not realized by Long Zijin, some are not yet confirmed by Long Zijin, and some are only a vague concept of Long Zijin.

This is enough to show that Xu Kai did not follow what Long Zijin said, but really had his own unique insights.

After confirming this, Long Zijin became wary of Xu Kai, and chatted with Xu Kai.

And the more they talked, the more Long Zijin felt that Xu Kai was unfathomable.

There were even a lot of things that Long Zijin couldn't figure out all the time, after Xu Kai ordered a few words, she could figure it out.

Because of the pleasant chat, the blue mood of the two also drank more and more.

Slowly, both Xu Kai and Long Zijin became a little dizzy.

At this time, Xu Kai and Long Zijin knew that the so-called Ganqing also contained alcohol, and the alcohol content should not be low.

But that doesn't matter.

Xu Kai and Long Zijin, who had a very pleasant chat, didn't care about this little thing, they continued to drink blue mood and continue chatting.

The two chatted until after one o'clock in the morning before Long Zijin realized that she still had to go get her bag and clothes.

But when Xu Kai accompanied Long Zijin to the party hall, he found that the place was empty and the door was locked.

There was no other way, Xu Kai could only take a taxi to take Long Zijin back to her residence.

At the moment when they were about to part, Xu Kai, who felt good about Long Zijin, couldn't help asking Long Zijin, "Won't you invite me to sit up?"


(End of this chapter)

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