Chapter 389 Box Office Myth (Seeking Subscription Support!)

Ye Sui developed acne a little later than most people - she didn't develop acne until she was 11 years old.

Acne is actually very common.

So, Ye Sui's grandma didn't take it seriously at first, and just took Ye Sui to see a dermatologist casually.

The doctor saw that Ye Sui's acne symptoms were obvious, so he treated Ye Sui according to the usual acne treatment.

Unexpectedly, after taking the medicine, not only did Ye Sui's acne not show any effect, but Ye Sui's whole body swelled up, and her head was even swollen as big as a bucket.

The previous doctor didn't dare to treat her anymore, so Ye Sui's grandmother took Ye Sui to seek medical treatment everywhere.

Some doctors treat Ye Sui according to the method of reducing swelling, but it has no effect;
Some doctors still treat Ye Sui according to the acne treatment, but there is still no effect;

Some doctors used another method to prevent Ye Sui from eating;
In desperation, Ye Sui's grandmother even asked the "skilled man" to pray to gods and ghosts to treat her with talisman water.

As a result, none of them worked.

Ye Sui suffered a lot during this process.

The key point is that a girl who loves beauty suddenly becomes like a monster. As long as she shows her face, people will point at her, and some people without quality will bluntly call her ugly.

This is the biggest blow to Ye Sui.

After seeking medical advice everywhere but to no avail, Ye Sui didn't go anywhere, and hid at home quietly waiting for death.

Until Xu Kai was released from prison, he came to Laogui's house to visit Laogui's wife and Ye Sui.

After Xu Kai saw Ye Sui, he first inquired carefully about his condition, and after seeing the previous doctor's treatment methods, he called Ye Sui's pulse.

Through the pulse signal, Xu Kai found that Ye Sui's six veins were calm, but slightly weak.

This made Xu Kai also have a difficult time - at that time, Xu Kai didn't know why his whole body was swollen like this after the acne?

Xu Kai has always had a habit of seeing a doctor, that is, before he finds out the cause of the disease, he has been observing and contemplating the patient repeatedly. Sometimes when he encounters a difficult disease, he can actually diagnose it like this for a few days, and he is not willing to treat it until he finds out the cause.

That time, Xu Kai was the same as before, sitting in front of the bed while carefully observing Ye Sui's state, while thinking hard.

Not long after, someone shouted outside Ye Sui's house that they were selling cold cakes and beating cakes and donkeys rolling.

Xu Kai saw that after Ye Sui heard this voice, he used his hands to lift his swollen eyelids and looked out the window.

Xu Kai rushed forward and asked, "Do you want to eat too?"

Ye Sui replied weakly: "I really want to eat. It's just that a doctor told me to stop eating for a few days, there is no way!"

Xu Kai said to himself: "What does this disease have to do with eating?!"

So Xu Kai went out and bought some donkey rolls for Ye Sui, and fed Ye Sui himself.

At that time, Ye Sui had been hungry for a few days, so he ate with relish, not like a seriously ill person.

Xu Kai went through the medical books he had read from beginning to end, but he couldn't find anything that matched this strange disease.

At night, Ye Sui's grandmother saw that Xu Kai still hadn't thought of a way to heal Ye Sui, so she sent Ye Sui back to her room to rest.

Xu Kai then accompanied Ye Sui's grandmother to send Ye Sui back to her own room.

As soon as he entered Ye Sui's room, Xu Kai smelled a faint smell of formaldehyde.


Xu Kai understood exactly how Ye Sui's illness came about.

It turned out that Ye Sui's grandmother saw that Ye Sui was getting older and it was no longer suitable for her to live in a room, so she arranged a new room for Ye Sui.

During this process, Ye Sui's grandmother bought several pieces of new furniture for Ye Sui.

And those so-called new furniture that have been let go for a long time and are no longer harmful are actually still emitting formaldehyde.

Coincidentally, Ye Sui had acne again.

The poison of formaldehyde and acne, two phases and one entanglement, caused Ye Sui's whole body to aches.

Xu Kai hurriedly asked Ye Sui to leave her own room, and asked Ye Sui's grandma to buy a few catties of crabs.

After Xu Kai mashed the several kilograms of crabs, he asked Ye Sui's grandma to apply it all over Ye Sui's body.

But Ye Sui's grandmother was worried that she could not do it well, so she asked Xu Kai to do it, and said that Ye Sui was a child and it didn't matter.

Xu Kai thought about it, so he personally applied the crab paste to Ye Sui.

Sure enough, as Xu Kai expected, Ye Sui's swelling began to subside in just one day.

Two days later, Ye Sui recovered and became that beautiful little girl again.

That is to say, from then on, Ye Sui, who was too precocious, looked for Xu Kai.

The reason Ye Sui gave her was that Xu Kai should be responsible for her after seeing and touching her whole body.

Of course, this was just an excuse Ye Sui made for herself.

Actually, when Ye Sui was most sad, Xu Kai pulled Ye Sui back from the state where life was worse than death, which made Ye Sui feel that she had nothing to repay but to agree with her body.

But Xu Kai can play with any other woman, but he can't start with the old ghost's granddaughter.

Moreover, Xu Kaizhen has always regarded Ye Sui as a child, even in terms of body, Ye Sui is not like a child at all.

After Ye Sui replaced Si Peizhi as Xu Kai's personal assistant, he not only took over Si Peizhi's job perfectly, but also helped Xu Kai handle Xu Kai's business matters.

In other words, Ye Sui was not only able to do the job of a personal assistant, but also the job of a personal secretary.

To be honest, for a high-end talent like Ye Sui who is capable, good-looking and tall, Xu Kai really wanted to accept her.

But this time, Xu Kai really couldn't.

Therefore, although Ye Sui was Xu Kai's assistant, Xu Kai and Ye Sui got in and out of each other every day, and Ye Sui would create some opportunities for Xu Kai from time to time, but Xu Kai always had no love for Ye Sui. Not guilty.

The point is, in order to prevent Ye Sui from sneaking in, during this period of time, Xu Kai would bring a few women by his side at all times, to prevent himself from being overwhelmed.

Under Xu Kai's strict defense, even Ye Sui, who was as shrewd as a ghost fox, was still unable to take this extraordinary step with Xu Kai.


"Cohabitation in Time and Space" has gained a good reputation as soon as it landed on the Lunar New Year file.

"Cohabitation Beyond Time and Space" is not a movie under a rigorous scientific framework, but this does not prevent it from being an excellent romantic comedy. It tries to use a setting beyond time and space to pull time into a plane to explore "Fate", "Possibility", and "Life Choice". Let these originally abstract concepts become more vivid. And regardless of the time and space settings, the beautiful chemical reaction between the male and female protagonists is enough to make me fall in love with this movie Movie. The characters are portrayed delicately and vividly, and the narrative is ingenious. What the protagonist does seems to be "incorrect", but in fact "real and appropriate" things are all shown to the audience in the softest way. It makes me watch every time The heroine is a monster, and there is still no way to hate her for the first time, but to understand and understand her for the first time. This is enough to make me applaud the director's ability to shape characters and narratives. I have to say, Yu Qingyun in the end It's Yu Qingyun, Shen Hehe can learn one-tenth of Yu Qingyun's skills, and he won't make "Fortress" look like that."

"Many people think that "Cohabitation in Time and Space" is a spare-style comedy, but I see something different from it. In the adult world, I don't allow anyone to ruin me because of fleeting feelings. An established career. If it weren't for the filth and sin in the process of making his fortune, why should we accept the rewritten life? Yu Qingyun's skill seems to be deeper. I'm glad there is another Yu Qingyun in the entertainment industry. It always gives us different surprises.”

"The plot of this movie is really good. Anyway, the audience in the movie theater can understand what kind of story it is telling. At least its theme is to teach people to be upward, and its ending is quite satisfactory. I don’t know where I heard it A big guy once said that to judge the director level of a work, it depends on what the characters are doing when they are talking. In this movie, it is mainly shot indoors, but whether it is Yu Qingyun or Delia The rooms are very life-like, with obvious signs of human life, chaotic, and a very different sense of the times, but even so, the director also made it very harmonious, warm, and healing. Yu Qingyun really deserves to be the world's No. A director!"


Because of the good word-of-mouth support, Xu Kai's strong box office appeal, and the full operation of the top domestic film companies, the box office of "Cohabitation in Time and Space" is no surprise.

Its box office on the first day was as high as 3 million, and the box office in the first week was as high as 18 billion, with a total box office of 49 billion, which severely stepped on the Hollywood blockbuster "Avengers 2".

A movie with a production cost of only tens of millions won a box office of nearly 50 billion. Xu Kai once again proved his unparalleled strength to the world.

Some people say, eh, this is wrong, isn't "Cohabitation Over Time and Space" directed by Shen Hehe?

Yes, "Cohabitation Beyond Time and Space" is directed by Shen Hehe, and Xu Kai is only the screenwriter and producer.

But in the eyes of the audience, "Cohabitation in Time and Space" must be Xu Kai's work, and Shen Hehe, who made a 3-point movie like "Fortress", would definitely not be able to direct a movie like "Cohabitation in Time and Space".

And Shen Hehe has never stood up to refute other people's guesses, which further confirms people's guesses.

On the contrary, Xu Kai has been pushing Shen Hehe, exaggerating Shen Hehe's contribution to "Cohabitation in Time and Space", trying to help Shen Hehe wash away the stigma she got from filming "Fortress".

It can be said that many people can see Xu Kai's protection of Shen Hehe, and of course Shen Hehe can also see it.

Shen Hehe was very moved, and once moved to "hand herself over to Xu Kai first, and then say whether she will be with Xu Kai or not".

It's a pity that during this period of time, in order to prevent himself from being pushed back by Ye Sui, Xu Kai brought a large number of women by his side at all times, and did not give Shen Hehe a chance to take this step at all.

Next year's summer file.

Starring Xu Kai (playing Liu Peiqiang), popular niche Zhang Xian (playing Liu Qi) and Xu Mai (playing Han Duoduo), starring a large group of first-class acting and famous stars, "The Wandering Earth" is released.

The film received unanimous praise when it was released.

Even the official website gives "The concept of family affection, heroism, dedication, homeland complex and international cooperation embodied in "The Wandering Earth". The movie is no longer about superheroes saving the world, but about human beings working together to change themselves." Destiny. Such a concept is a breakthrough in the narrative routines of Hollywood science fiction movies. It integrates Huaguo's unique ideas and values ​​into the imagination and discussion of the future of mankind, and expands the vision of mankind's vision for a better future." Such a super high evaluation.

As for other websites and film critics, they did not hesitate to praise Xu Kai and Xu Kai's "The Wandering Earth".

"From the spiritual level of the film, under the grand story setting of the film, the imagination that breaks through the sky, and the soul-stirring narrative, the audience can see the world view, the way of thinking of the Chinese people, and the logic of behavior of the Chinese people. Taking the overall situation into account Personal interests, or the persistent family bond, the courage to live to death; whether it is the nostalgia and cherishment of the homeland, the obsession of the foolish old man moving mountains, or the alienated father-son relationship in the film due to lack of communication, there are many in reality. projection.

From a material level, the design inspiration of some prop details comes from the traditional culture of Huaguo. When Huaguo audiences see it, they will feel very cordial and achieve a great aesthetic fit.

For a long time, many films in Huaguo have used IP and storylines with Chinese characteristics to embody non-native values, which makes the overall film feel contrary to harmony. "The Wandering Earth" handles this very cleverly, so that the audience still sees the pure and pure Chinese people in the sci-fi scene, and what they experience is still the Chinese people's principles and moral standards. "

"The various anti-routine settings in the plot of "The Wandering Earth" are a more scientific and reasonable conception of a community of shared future for mankind in the face of the crisis of the end times, and have made the characteristics of Huaguo. The mountains block the road and are removed, and the sea is filled with disasters. The sky is broken and repaired, Yugong moved the mountains, Jingwei reclaimed the sea, and Nuwa repaired the sky. These heroic feelings of fighting against the heaven and the earth are integrated in the blood of the Chinese people, and they are in harmony with the theme of the movie of fighting for survival and looking for hope in the face of the end times. The film highlights fearlessness The saturated rescue of the collectivist spirit of sacrifice. First of all, it pinches the pain points of the audience, and has become an important symbol of Huaguo's sci-fi films climbing to the world's advanced level, satisfying the Huaguo audience's expectations for domestic sci-fi blockbusters for many years. More importantly, The film has Huaguo characteristics and is a unique innovation full of Huaguo temperament."


Under the extremely high evaluation, under the full escort of domestic capital, and under the unparalleled fame of Xu Kai, the box office of "The Wandering Earth" finally broke through 90 billion, reaching nearly 100 billion.

To be fair, "The Wandering Earth" can achieve nearly one more box office than the previous one, and there are many factors.

Director Xu Kai is much more famous than Director Guo Fan, Xu Kai is much more famous and popular than Wu Jing, Xu Kai's "The Wandering Earth" has plenty of funds for filming, and he doesn't need to save money for special effects. All domestic film tycoons can find more and better actors to comeo, and so on...

However, the most important thing is actually that the capital has sent its efforts to the right place this time.

A group of domestic movie tycoons discussed with Xu Kai for a long time, and finally agreed with Xu Kai, raising the movie ticket price of "The Wandering Earth" to a very high level.

——Specifically, the ticket price of "The Wandering Earth" in the ordinary Mandarin 2D hall starts from 64.9 yuan, the ticket price in the CINITY 4K120 frame theater starts from 88.9 yuan, the ticket price in the VIP hall starts from 198.9 yuan, and the highest ticket price is 258.9 yuan.

This has created the box office myth of "The Wandering Earth" of nearly 100 billion.

However, needless to say, this also brought some bad reputations to Xu Kai, such as being greedy and black-hearted. , has nothing to do with Xu Kai, the producer.

Until later, Happy Wheat announced the sky-high production fee of "The Wandering Earth", especially when the audience saw that the special effects of "The Wandering Earth" cost a lot more than most Hollywood blockbusters, so they insulted Xu Kai And slander is less...


(End of this chapter)

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