Chapter 87


"I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be such a small matter as how many girlfriends he has."

Donglaishunzhong, Shi Jiahui picked up a glass of beer and drank it down, and then said calmly: "Let me tell you, as long as it is not a white ticket, it is not a big deal with me."

Dong Ni was a little speechless: "Huihui, we all know that you can let go, but your requirements can't be so low, right?"

"Is it low?"

Shi Jiahui said leisurely: "Let me tell you a real story about my friend."

"My friend met a man in his 40s."

"That man earns tens of millions a year, so he can be considered a successful person."

"Once the man was on a business trip in the South Island. When he was free, he took a few photos of the sea view suite and posted them on Moments."

"After posting, he chose a girl he was interested in in the likes and comments. As a result, my friend was selected by him, and then they chatted privately."

"Towards the end, the man told my friend that the coconut powder in South Island is very authentic, delicious and beautiful, and I will bring you some when I go back, and then he ended it unilaterally without waiting for my friend to say if I want it or not. That private chat."

"A week later, that man suddenly sent a message to my friend, saying to give me your address, and I will ask the driver to bring you the coconut flour. I just came back and I am too busy to have time."

"My friend saw that this man is really different from ordinary boys. Ordinary boys take the opportunity to ask me to meet. You can see that he has no purpose. Successful people are different. My friend accepted that man and let the driver Two boxes of coconut powder were sent."

"One day, that man said to my friend, my friend has a reception tomorrow, and I don't know any other girls, are you free, come with me, just do me a favor."

"The next day, that man sent a luxury car to pick up my friend."

"When it comes to the reception, the big villa, the big swimming pool, and celebrities from all walks of life, my friend feels like he is living in an idol drama."

"The reception was over, and the man didn't send my friend off in person. He said he wanted to discuss the project with his friend and asked the driver to take my friend back to the dormitory safely."

"My friend thinks he's enjoying the day for nothing, which is great."

"Since then, my friend has had all kinds of fantasies, thinking that he can be a rich wife and marry that man."

"So, my friend really strictly demanded himself according to the standards of a rich wife. Send it to that man in the morning. Be careful when you are on a business trip. Don't be too tired at work. Send it to that man at night. You see, this is a new thing I learned. Fish head soup, doesn't it look good?"

"After a while, that man told my friend that tomorrow is finally a day off. Come to my house to cook. I have a few special dishes that I guarantee you will like. By the way, I will also show you your fish head soup."

"The next day, the two of them started cooking together."

"My friend went to that man's house and felt like the hostess there."

"Then when we were eating, we had two more bottles of red wine, and my friend was directly taken down by that man."

Speaking of this, the resentment on Shi Jiahui's face flashed away:
"It wasn't until a long time later that my friend found out that the two boxes of coconut powder were given to the man by the customer, the reception was organized by the man's boss, and even the meal was not made by the man himself. My friend still thinks I have met the right person, I am devoted to that man, and I look forward to the day that man can marry her as a rich wife."

"In the end, that man didn't spend a single penny, so he played with my friend for more than half a year."

"My friend did a secret investigation for a long time before I found out that that man played with more than a dozen stupid women like my friend. Not only did all of those stupid women not get any money from that man, some of them were actually raped by him. That man cheated a lot of money."

"The problem is, that man is really not short of money, so he likes free tickets. He calls this the rich man's thinking. Those stupid women who are paid by him are all the capital he brags to his friends."

"Do you know what is the most annoying thing? After he has played with my friend enough, he still wants to entertain his friend with my friend."

"He called it that it's better to be alone than to be happy together."

"And my friend didn't want to be a whore who can do everything he can, so he said, you don't love me, then let's break up, and then blocked my friend."

Shi Jiahui looked at Dong Ni, Shen Hehe and Si Peizhi, and said with a smile: "This time, do you know what a real scumbag is?"

Shi Jiahui drank a large glass of beer, and then said in the tone of someone who has experienced it: "Today, my sister will teach you a few to be good. Don't look at those women screaming happily, saying that a woman can hold up half the sky, fart, after all, this The society is dominated by men, and the vast majority of women can only become men's vassals in the end, so it is absolutely impossible for a capable man to guard only one woman."

Seeing that Dong Ni was about to speak, Shi Jiahui said to Dong Ni first: "Don't give me the example of Pan Xiaowei, he just hasn't gotten the hang of it yet, and when he gets the hang of it, he might be more fun than anyone else. Babes, twins, mother and daughter, don't worry, there must be only things you can't think of, and there is nothing that rich men can't play."

Dong Ni, Shen Hehe, and Si Peizhi looked at each other, and finally Shen Hehe asked: "Huihui, you are your friend, right?"

Shi Jiahui didn't admit it, but she didn't deny it either. She just drank the wine on her own, and then said to herself, "I can see through it. What is a good man? A good man is not about being devoted to you, but Ken sincerely regards you as his woman, and is willing to shelter you from the wind and rain, and is willing to pay for you, instead of wanting you to use your body to create wealth for him after you have voted for half a year in vain!"

Dong Ni couldn't help but use Shi Jiahui's standard to set Xu Kai on.

As a result, Dong Ni found that according to Shi Jiahui's standards, Xu Kai was definitely a good man.

I won't talk about helping myself to an important role.

Dong Ni believes that as long as she is willing to speak, Xu Kai will definitely give herself anything.

It is impossible to give yourself to others, but Xu Kai has clearly stated that there is only one thing he cannot share with others, and that is his woman, which shows how possessive Xu Kai is.

As for Xu Kai, he has other girlfriends.

To be honest, Dong Ni couldn't accept it.

You know, when Dong Ni was with Xu Kai, Xu Kai already had Tian Haitang, and Xu Kai never concealed her.

As far as the matter is concerned, Dong Ni has long been a junior.

Therefore, being a mistress is not Dong Ni's psychological barrier at all.

There is only one psychological obstacle for Dong Ni, that is, Xu Kai is still her sister Dong Ye's boyfriend, or even her sister Dong Ye's husband, even though they have not received a certificate.

This is where Dong Ni really struggles.

Originally, Dong Ni wanted to ask some useful things from her good sisters.

Who would have thought that Shi Jiahui, who had something on her mind, got herself drunk in a short while, and then she started drinking madly, scolding a man named Wei Jinpeng, saying that she would never let him go!

In the end, the three of Dong Ni could only circle around Shi Jiahui and help Shi Jiahui come up with revenge.

As for Dong Ni's matter, we can only put it aside for now.


(End of this chapter)

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