Chapter 277

Hay has no stamina, it burns quickly, and extinguishes quickly. After a while, there is no new mist in the kitchen, and it is enough to go in and clean up.

"I'm going to cook it again."

Although she covered the cauldron quickly, the pot of water in Qingmu was even more powerful. The moment she closed the lid, the ash might have fallen into the cauldron, not to mention other things that she didn't think of.

All of a sudden, Qingmei wanted to cover every pot, pan, and bowl in the stove, so that there would be no need to worry about accidents like today.

"I cook it in a small pot, it's very fast."

Xia Weiwei just has no eyesight, and now she can see Qingmei's worry.

In a blink of an eye, she asked Xiang Wen Ya: "Do I need to do it for you again?"

Out of the corner of Wen Ya's eyes, he didn't appreciate Xia Weiwei, but his act of stepping into the kitchen gave people room for imagination.

"Grandma Qingmei." After reaching out to grab Qingmei who wanted to follow, and signaling her not to worry, Xia Weiwei followed Wen Ya's footsteps into the kitchen, and saw Wen Ya calmly cleaning the bowl, and then lifted the lid of the pot.

Among the big bowls stacked one by one, only the top one was covered with soot. In order not to bother later, Xia Weiwei turned over the rest of the big bowls. Seeing that Wen Ya didn't care about the little soot, she quickly put the Send over the leftover strips of meat from last night.

Wen Ya's behavior of not scolding or blaming once again shocked the Aoki and his wife. After a glance at each other, the two stepped into the kitchen tacitly.

Just wash the pots and bowls on the upper cabinet. The hot soup in the pot is fine to eat, and the dried meat left over from last night will not be affected. The dried lotus root dregs in the rice must be quickly covered.

Once these soot residues settled, even if they were cleaned carefully, the color of the lotus root starch would not look good this time, and the lotus root residues covered in smoke and dust would definitely not suit the children, and the meat pieces left by Wen Ya were even more difficult to clean.

The two had a tacit understanding, one went straight to the big pot and the other went straight to the direction of the cabinet. When Xia Weiwei turned around to check the dryness and wetness of the remaining forage in the stove, one of the two had already lifted the big pot, and the other had covered the dried lotus root dregs.

As if the bang brought back the rationality of the two of them, after covering the lotus root dregs and goose meat, Qingmei hurriedly turned back to help Xia Weiwei light the stove, while Qingmu skimmed off the clear water that had settled overnight Rinse lotus root starch.

In the kitchen, Xia Weiwei and the other three were tidying up and cleaning up in an orderly manner, while Wen Ya ate his meal slowly, and when he was full, he washed the dishes and turned to leave.

Whether Xia Weiwei and the three eat or not, he doesn't really care what they are busy with today.

"Father Aoki?"

After eating, Xia Weiwei finally spoke.

Now Aoki has already adjusted his mood, Xia Weiwei just doesn't want to say this, he is planning to say it.

What the child proposes, perhaps knows the solution.

Coincidentally, the child is also waiting to eat and talk.

Aoki immediately expressed the worry in his heart.

Worried that the trap will hurt people, and the children will be disobedient.

It was really beyond Xia Weiwei's expectations, for a moment, she forgot to restrain her expression.

Seeing the surprised look on Xia Weiwei's face, Aoki's heart skipped a beat: "Let's think about it slowly, don't worry."

I was so impatient that I lost my mind, but told her not to worry.

Xia Weiwei should not only say that Aoki is better.

The trap was not a whim of hers yesterday, in fact, this idea came from the very beginning.

The small traps for catching fish by the water pool are no different from the pits for catching large animals in the forest. Naturally, she has considered the danger of these traps early on, that is, she knows it well, so she will Dare to teach children.

"Daddy Qingmei, I think so..."

Hey, Xia Weiwei will draw trap patterns in the gathering place in Hubei to remind people, and when entering the forest, use demonstration traps of different shades to let those who come later understand what kind of signs represent what level of traps, and How to climb out after falling into the trap, and how to use the trap they made.

"Grandfather Aoki, the summer gathering place does not say that everyone gathers, but where most of the people will gather. If we want to be safe, we must gather at least half of the population of the summer gathering place. This huge number is undoubtedly a big problem for us. Arabian Nights."

"Let's dig traps in the front, not to say that the people behind will pick them up, at least a lot of people will be able to use them. At that time, although we can't make everyone on our route line up with us, we can definitely Aren’t the women in all ministries all outsiders to get surprises beyond our power?”

Not to mention spreading the method of trap hunting one after another, with so many people helping, at least it was faster than they worked hard to win people over, and once the prey was no longer a problem, their troops would not appear so obtrusive.

In fact, she wanted to plot against Sakura's mother and daughter and let them step forward to open the way, but after such a long period of continuous testing, she found that the mother and daughter were useless at all. He dug traps ahead to open the way, but he brought people back to the carbine to clean himself up!
The brain circuit of the mother and daughter is really beyond the comprehension of a normal person like her, she has to be on guard against them!
"Daddy Aoki, I know that all uncles, aunts and aunts are careful about the children, and the children are superficial. If you don't teach them well, there may be big troubles in the future. The adults of all the good families naturally have nothing to say. Once something happens, Father Aoki may become the target of public criticism! I don't want Father Aoki to be hated because of me."

In the end, she is just a layman, she is willing to give more to herself and the people she cares about, and there are some things that should be said when they are said.

No one can guess other people's thoughts every time, after all, no one is a roundworm in someone's stomach.

Sure enough, as soon as Xia Weiwei said this, Aoki was moved for a while.

He is also a human being. Although it is his own wish to be good to the child, although he has no thought of reciprocating, the corresponding contribution of the child will make him feel worthy.

At that moment, I felt that it was worthwhile to treat this child well.

"You girl, what are you thinking about so much!" Touched, Aoki hugged Xia Weiwei's shoulders, and at the same time regretted that he was not as useful as a child: "If you have any thoughts in the future, just tell Dad, don't keep it in your heart, as for Guys, we can help as much as we can, it’s up to the individual to appreciate it or not, people are different, we can’t influence other people’s thoughts!”

As for the couple hugging her every now and then, Xia Weiwei said that she was used to it, but she didn't have time for them to play up their emotions.

"Everyone probably hasn't finished eating yet, Father Aoki, hurry up and help me grind the lotus root dregs."

With a big stone in their hearts, the husband and wife would delay Xia Weiwei's time, pick up the stone roller and wait for Xia Weiwei to distribute lotus root dregs to the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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