The end of the Ming Dynasty swept the world

Chapter 342 Decisive Battle in the Country of Cherry Blossoms

Chapter 342 Decisive Battle in the Country of Sakura (15)

Just when Miura ordered a decisive battle with the Ming army, someone discovered that the Ming army had three ships coming from three directions.

Among them, Ding Yi's boat was approaching from behind his fart drum.

Masaji Miura has only one gun at the stern, and Ding Yi has four guns at the bow, all of which are infantry 4-pound guns. These guns can be moved. They were placed on the wings before, but now they are all moved to the bow.

Soon, Miura Zhengji's men discovered Ding Yi's boat.

"My lord, the Ming people have a ship approaching?"

Miura looked back with a binoculars and smiled grinningly: "Such a small boat dares to come up, turn around."

"My lord, our cannons can no longer fire--"

"Eight grids, hit until the chamber explodes." Miura said sharply.

"Hi." The subordinate had no choice but to compromise again.

Miura Zhengji ordered the ship to turn to the left. At the same time, Ding Yi, who was catching up, turned the hull to the right, and the field gun on the bow also moved to the left.

The situation at this time was that Miura wanted to turn the ship to the left and use the artillery from the right wing to attack Ding Yi.

Ding Yi wanted to move to the right and hit Miura with the cannon from the left wing.

Both sides are turning around, competing against time and speed, to see who can adjust first.

Strange to say, just as the coaches of the two sides were about to face off, a strong wind blew up on the sea.

And the wind is getting stronger and stronger.

"Kamikaze" Suddenly, some officers and soldiers of the Japanese navy shouted.

"Kamikaze, kamikaze, kamikaze."

More and more Japanese navy officers and soldiers began to cheer, very excited.

When the Yuan Dynasty invaded, it is said that Kamikaze assisted and destroyed the invincible army of the Yuan Dynasty.

The officers and soldiers of the Japanese army believed in this very much. It was Amaterasu who came again and helped them defeat the Ming army with kamikaze.

But after calling a few times, they suddenly realized something was wrong.

At this time, the southwest wind was blowing, and Miura's turn to the left was in a headwind state, which was very difficult.

However, the Ming army's ship turned faster and faster under the wind, and kept approaching.

200 m.

one hundred and eighth.

one hundred and fifty.

100 m.

80 m.

The two sides quickly approached within 100 meters.

At this time, Miura's boat had just adjusted halfway, because no matter how he adjusted, the Ming army was always faster than him, and it was too late for him to follow behind.

This made his ship fart, and more than half of Ding Yi's ship's left wing had been under the cannon.

His face was serious, obviously feeling bad.

The officers and soldiers on board also shouted.

"My lord, the Ming army needs to adjust."

"Abandon the ship." Someone said suddenly.

"What?" Miura stared at him.

"Eight grids" Ming army has not fired, you want me to abandon the ship?

"It's too late for us, the Ming army posted it too fast. The distance is too close." The subordinate said bravely.

It is actually obvious now that under the action of the wind, the Ming army adjusted faster than them, the whole ship has moved sideways, and all the cannons on the left wing are facing their butt drums.

And their boats couldn't be adjusted in place in the headwind state.

Now the fart is facing the Ming army, and the distance is less than 100 meters. You must either flee or abandon the ship.

But under the headwind condition, abandoning ship is the best choice.

Boom, at this time, a ship at the stern of the Japanese army fired first.

But the door was opened too hastily, and he flew directly behind Ding Yi's boat.

It was not too late for the other side, and with this kamikaze, Ding Yi's boat was getting closer and closer to them.

The Japanese army quickly loaded gunpowder and shells.

When Ding Yi's boat was close to 50 meters, they finally loaded it again.

"Hit." Miura yelled.

Boom, there was a loud noise, and the guns on their bow exploded directly.

"Ah!" The Japanese artillerymen screamed in unison and cut down one after another.

Miura Shoji's face turned green.

At this time Ding Yi's boat had entered within 50 meters of them.

"Hit!" Seinfeld yelled with a smile on the other side.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.All guns on the left flank and the four field guns fired simultaneously.

The distance between the two sides was less than 50 meters, and at least half of the shells hit Miura's boat directly.

"Boom" the hull first shook a few times.

"It's all right." Miura comforted himself, because their ship is big, it's okay to be shot a few times.

But he didn't wait for him to finish thinking.

Suddenly, boom, there was a loud noise at the stern of the ship.

Then the hull shook violently, and the entire stern broke apart.

A large number of soldiers fell into the sea.

Ghosts and wolves howled on the boat, and countless people screamed.

Some people started jumping directly into the sea.

Of the shells that Seinfeld hit him, one exploded.

Miura is where the flagship is. Suddenly, so many guns were hit, the surrounding Japanese warships screamed, and the morale of the battlefield collapsed instantly.

More warships began to turn around and withdraw from the battlefield, not to mention the peripheral ones, they ran as fast as they could.

Those who are closest to the beach run directly to the shore, just like the people in front of them, they abandon the boat and run away when they reach the shore, and go ashore first.

Miura seemed to have come to his senses after being beaten. He stared blankly at the surroundings with the binoculars. There were flames everywhere on the battlefield, and countless ships were burning. Some belonged to them, some belonged to the Ming army, but more belonged to them.

The sea is also full of people, almost all Japanese sailors.

Some Japanese ships were fishing for people, and some just ran away regardless of the distance.

The situation on the entire battlefield is now very clear.

The Great Japanese Navy was defeated.

Take half of the country's navy, with nearly a thousand warships, to be defeated by less than a hundred warships by the Ming people.

Miura closed his eyes in pain, unable to believe such a scene.

The next moment, endless hatred surged in his heart.

This battle is not my fault, it is their fault that the big names refused to use their strength and retreated before the battle.

He looked through the binoculars and found that for most of the day, there were less than fifty large Japanese warships still fighting on the battlefield, not as many as the Ming army.

At least half of the more than 300 warships that were majestic and majestic had already run away.

"My lord, my lord." Suddenly, an anxious cry woke him up.

Their boat has stalled and started to take in water, and if it doesn't go away, it will soon sink.

"Let's go, let's go, I signaled the semaphore to let Ono's boat approach and meet us in the sea." Several retainers wanted to pull Miura away.

Miura shook his head: "Let's go."

"Nani?" The subordinate was shocked and wanted to pull him.

"Bage, this is my order, you go." Miura said angrily.

All the generals had no choice but to kneel down and kowtow, then took a deep look at him, thumped, took off their armor one by one, and jumped into the sea.

Miura looked around, most of the people on the boat jumped into the sea, and the rest were also jumping, everyone ran for their lives, only a few trusted followers stood behind him without saying a word.

He sat cross-legged, picked up the Japanese sword in his hand, and tore open his clothes.

Seeing his demeanor, Miura's confidantes and generals also sat down one after another, tore off their clothes, and picked up the Japanese swords in their hands.

Boom, suddenly there was another loud bang, and the second wave of guns on Ding Yi's boat hit his boat again.

The hull shook violently, Miura shook his body, and then did not hesitate.

With a puff, he stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife.

Puchi puchi, confidantes will commit suicide one after another.

Rumbling, at this moment, there was a sudden thunder in the air, and after the strong wind passed, a dark cloud was blown to the scene from a distance, and then, clattering, heavy rain fell on the sea.

Many Japanese soldiers cheered up instantly. After heavy rain, the artillery on both sides could not fight again.

The advantage of the Ming army's many guns is useless.

"God dies me too." The rear soldier Naota Yuer closed his eyes slightly, with a painful expression on his face.

Because the fire attack of the small boats he commanded had begun to enter the Ming army fleet one after another at this time, many small boats had already approached the Ming warships after avoiding the artillery attack.

Some small boats hit the mud in the first wave, but the second wave went up again. A lot of the mud that the Ming army wiped in the morning fell off, and some of them dried up. As long as they hit it, they would fall off. Originally, they had a chance to burn it of.

Unexpectedly, it rained heavily suddenly.

In fact, most of their ships have kerosene on board, and when they light the fire, they can still burn for a while.

But seeing the heavy rain, many people on the small boat turned around and rowed away without saying a word.

At this time, the fire attack was completely meaningless to them.

Naota saw it from a distance from Er, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

I always feel that God is helping the Ming army today.

If the rain had fallen earlier, the artillery on both sides would not have been able to use them, and they would have defeated the Ming army long ago if they surged up with too many ships.

Now their battlefield collapsed and they fled in all directions. There were not as many large ships on the sea as there were Ming army ships, but suddenly it rained, making their more small boats useless in an instant.

God Amaterasu, why can't he shine on us like the Yuan Dynasty did back then.Naoda was extremely disappointed in his heart.

Seeing the Miura flagship that was already on fire in the distance and slowly sinking, he ordered decisively: "Turn around and leave the battlefield."


 Japan is the source of finances, and it is also Ding Yi's most profitable place at present, so it must be fought.

(End of this chapter)

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