Chapter 425

Wu Bai is not like the two Mongols Tulushi and Dorjina in wars. He takes the lead in every battle. He has been injured many times in history, but he likes to rush to the front.

This time too, he swung his knife and charged forward first.

Hou Jinbing was encouraged, and wanted to protect the general, so they did not care about their own lives.

Unexpectedly, Wang Weizhong's five-row gun formation immediately gave them a blow to the head.

The five rows of gun formations in these two lanes have never fired.

There are 40 people in each row, about 200 guns in five rows, and a total of 400 guns on both sides.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, firecrackers, and the sky is full of white mist.

The dense and continuous lead bullets were shot out, and within 80 meters almost became the restricted area of ​​hell.

The war horses screamed, the cavalry screamed, and pieces of Houjin soldiers were knocked down at will.

After the first round of five platoons, at least more than 200 gold soldiers were killed.

Wang Weizhong also found that this side is the elite of the late gold, all soldiers and horses with white flags.

He walked over and said, "Give me the gun."

Ever since he became the battalion chief, he hasn't had a good time as a sharpshooter for a long time.

Immediately, a soldier handed over a gun loaded with ammunition.

When Wang Weizhong came to Wu Bai's side, the Houjin soldiers were still charging, because Tulushi's soldiers and horses had already rushed into Wang Weizhong's formation at this time, so they stopped shooting arrows.

Wang Weizhong stood between the two carriages, looked through the gap, then raised his gun and took aim.

"Kill!" Wu Bai yelled, brandishing his knife. His iron armor and hat inlaid with a white flag were very obvious, and Wang Weizhong could spot it almost at a glance.

The Hou Jin soldiers yelled wildly, and they were less than 20 meters away from the Ming army's carriage.

"Bang" suddenly a gunshot.

"Puchi..." Wu Bai jerked his head back, and fell heavily to the ground with a bang.



Countless soldiers and horses surrounded by white flags screamed.

The rushing formation suddenly became a panic, and many people began to slow down.

Bang, bang, bang, Mingren's guns rang again and again, many people couldn't stop the car, rushed directly into the carriage, then jumped off, and rushed into the formation of the Ming army.

As soon as a red armor jumped into the formation, bang, he was hit in the chest by a gunslinger head-on.

"Ah" he screamed, wanting to rush up.

Whoosh, whoosh, five or six spears came from the left and right.

He could defend the front but not the back, fluttering, and was stabbed into a hornet's nest in an instant.

At this time, if they rushed forward regardless of everything, everyone would go in like Tulushi's soldiers and horses, maybe they could cause a little trouble for Wang Weizhong.

But Wu Bai was knocked down suddenly. Many people slowed down and stopped rushing forward. Some people already wanted to retreat.

The five Niulu with the white flag can no longer unify their thinking.

Some Niulu really want to attack, and some want to retreat.

Wang Weizhong waved his hand, the gunmen continued to fight, and the pikemen stabbed the people who rushed in.

Amid the crackling sound of gunshots, Xiangbai Banner suffered heavy casualties and retreated one after another. After the cavalry in front of the key fell off their horses, many unmanned horses blocked the front of the cart, preventing the cavalry behind from charging into the formation.

This is equivalent to giving the Ming army time to reload and space to deploy defenses.

Roar, suddenly there was a roar from Tulushi, and countless golden soldiers turned around and ran away.

It turned out that they couldn't bear it at last. Wang Weizhong's continuous gunshots left them dead and wounded all over the place. The front of the carriage was already piled up like a mountain of corpses. Many soldiers and horses were blocked by Hou Jin's own unmanned horses, and they couldn't rush up immediately. .

There were several corpses piled up on many carriages, and the carriages were covered with corpses from both sides.

In addition, the Ming army ignored Houjin's arrows, stood directly on their corpses, and shot outside.

As soon as Tulushi's soldiers and horses retreated, Wu Bai's soldiers and horses could no longer hold on, hey, someone turned their horses and ran away.

The two armies of Tulushi inlaid with vernacular collapsed after a burst of strong attacks to no avail.

"How could this be?" Tulushi stood where he was, watching his soldiers and horses running back like bereaved dogs with an incredulous expression on his face.

Many people didn't even want their horses, and ran straight back, for fear that they would be shot to death by guns if they ran faster than one second.

And a large number of Ming soldiers climbed onto the carriage, stepped on their Dajin's corpse, and used guns, bang, bang, and slammed the back of the Dajin warrior's butt drum.

There were screams and cries all over the battlefield.

After two rounds, Jin collapsed and fled in all directions.

Fortunately, the Ming army did not dare to pursue them. Basically, after the Jin soldiers escaped more than 100 meters away, they ceased fire.

Tulushi was terrified and gathered the rout troops a mile away, and soon got the news that Wu Bai died in battle, and his troops were also defeated.

The two men, with more than 3000 elites, attacked the Ming army from four directions, but they were defeated.

"Master, what should we do?" Someone asked Tulush in a trembling voice.

"It's Lushun's soldiers and horses, and it's Nading Mouse's soldiers and horses."

"It's this shameless Ming army again."

"I saw that shield, it's Lushun's soldiers and horses." Some people were still crying around.

Tulushi was angry and angry, and didn't know what to do. He stared blankly at the carriage formation in front of him.

There were Hou Jin's corpses all over the front, back, left, and right sides of the carriage, especially in front of it, which was piled up like a mountain.

A large number of post-golden warriors were killed after rushing to the front of the carriage.

But the battle was not over at this time, and through the gap between the carriage and the carriage, many Houjin could see that there were still brothers fighting hard inside.

A lot of Houjin soldiers who rushed into the Ming army's formation are still in the carriage circle.

"Ah!" From time to time, screams came from afar.

Bang, and now and then there will be a gunshot.

Everyone watched with ashen faces. After about 5 minutes, bang, with the last sound of the gun, there was no sound in the carriage.

Then I saw the dead bodies of big gold being thrown out by the Ming army like dead dogs.

Before throwing the corpse away, the Ming army had to grope for a while to get some silver or something.

Ariake was even stripping their armor and mail.

"Shameless smart dog." Tulushi looked furious, but felt fear in his heart.

He was very sure that the Ming army in front of him was Ding Yi's soldiers and Lushun soldiers who beat Da Jin so hard every time.

Not to mention that anyone has seen their strangely long shields.

At this time, Wu Bai's remnants and defeated generals had gathered from all directions, gathered behind Tulushi, and snatched Wu Bai's body back.

But Tulushi looked back, the two parts originally had 3500 rides, but now the two are combined into one, and there is no more than 2500 rides.

Another 200 people even lost their horses, so they just fled back.

A fiasco, a fiasco in the history of Xiangbaiqi, he didn't know if the two masters, Dorgon and Duoduo, would beat him to death after returning home.

He knew that the Ming army in front of him was not many, only 2000 people, if he could gather [-] infantry to attack fiercely, he would surely be defeated in one battle.

Just now a large number of their soldiers and horses also rushed inside. The key is that they themselves don't have many soldiers and horses, only 3500 people, so they can't stand the fight.

And if you didn't rush down in the first round, it would be meaningless to rush in the second round.

At this time, morale and vigor were exhausted, and the number of people was greatly reduced.

He lost like this, and he was very unwilling.

While waiting for the defeated soldiers from all over the place to gather here, Tulushi looked left and right.

The faces of all the generals under him were ashen, and many of them had almost no fighting spirit, as if their courage had been broken by Ding Yi's soldiers.

Losing to the same player over and over again can easily cause psychological trauma.

Woo, just when the Houjin army was still considering whether to fight or flee, the sound of horns sounded in the car formation ahead.

The Houjin soldiers stared in disbelief, what's the matter, are you still in a good mood?Dare to come out and fight?
Do you guys come out and fight?Everyone stared at the carriage formation.

(End of this chapter)

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