Chapter 524

Several Qing soldiers carried the unconscious Aobai to Yuan Youcai's side.

Oboi was stunned by the cannon. He had very bad luck today, or it can be said to be very good. Twice the shells landed beside him, the first time knocked down his horse, and the second time stunned him. can kill him.

Yuan Youcai didn't know him either, so he asked, "Who is this?"

The surrendered soldiers said, this is our Jialazhangjing Obai.

Yuan Youcai had never heard of this man, before he led the cavalry out of the formation, he didn't hear Ding Yi mention Oboi, so he signaled to the soldiers to tie him up and carry him away, and then called a soldier to go to Ding Yi's place report.

Then he began to gather troops and horses.

Bang, send a flare.

Because the Ming army was chasing and killing Qingqi everywhere, the soldiers and horses ran a little scattered.

While summoning the cavalry, Yuan Youcai continued to run towards Yizhou.

The other three main generals of the Qing soldiers, Fuhatuo, Duomin and Alihe, all died in battle.

On the contrary, Oboi was only stunned.

Not long after Yuan Youcai's cavalry left, they saw several Hongyi cannons on the ground, and all the artillerymen of the Qing soldiers also ran away.

Yuan Youcai didn't care, leaving ten cavalrymen guarding the cannon, and continued to chase.

At this time, Ding Yi and his generals were also coming to Yizhou.

Around him were about two hundred horsemen, mostly bodyguards and fusiliers.

When they came, except for the [-] cavalry, the spear and shield soldiers were all with horses. In addition, there were all horses at the scene, and almost everyone could share a horse.

He also ordered two hundred horses first, intending to catch up with Yuan Youcai.

At the same time, he ordered the officers and soldiers on the scene to gather the horses of the Qing soldiers, and then organized the infantry to ride to Yizhou.

In the past two years, his infantry has been practicing horseback riding, and the basic operations are no problem.

In this battle, everyone in the Qing army brought horses, and there were more than 1 horses. At present, there are at least [-] to [-] horses who lost their owners on the battlefield. Although they are not as good as Jeju horses, they still need to be used. Sell ​​money, it's all money.

He ran ahead with two hundred cavalry, followed by a large group of infantry, and then looked for horses to catch up with them.

In the end, 2000 people were left behind to clean up the scene.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ding Yi caught up with Yuan Youcai.

Because Yuan Youcai and others were able to chase Qingqi along the way, and they kept chasing and killing them at a slower speed than them.

"Lord Ding." Yuan Youcai said excitedly, "A big victory."

"Old Yuan, you did a good job and killed Oboi too, hahaha, good." Ding Yi laughed.

Yuan Youcai is inexplicable, is Obai famous?But he was still very happy, and he must have been praised by Mr. Ding.

Seeing Ding Yi arrive at the front, Yuan Youcai didn't dare to speed up, and ran forward with soldiers and horses to protect Ding Yi.

Qingqi can be seen everywhere along the way, some dared to resist, and some directly surrendered.

The place where they fought was only more than 30 miles away from Yizhou. Even if the cavalry ran normally, they could arrive within half an hour.

But Yuan Youcai was running a bit slow while chasing and killing just now.

At this time, Chang Axiang and others in front had already arrived in Yizhou.

Chang Axiang led fifty cavalry, all dressed in Qing soldier clothes and a Qing soldier hat to cover his hair.

Everyone saw Yizhou first, and saw that the Qing soldiers were all over the mountains and plains, and everyone was fleeing for their lives.

All Ming soldiers looked at each other and smiled, feeling very happy in their hearts.

There are many veterans among these people. How often have they seen such a happy scene when they fought against Houjin.

Ten thousand Qingqi was beaten to pieces by Master Ding, and fled desperately.

"Mr. Qian, Yizhou City seems to be closed." Someone said at this time.

"It doesn't matter, let's rush over to have a look first. There are so many defeated soldiers, they will open the door." Chang Axiang waved his hand, and the cavalry followed the defeated soldiers to Yizhou.

Running and running, Chang Axiang found something was wrong.

Suddenly there was someone in front, puffing, and a horse fell to the ground.

Ah, a lot of Qingqi cursed, and then a lot of people started to slow down.

Some people even saw Yizhou approaching, jumped off their horses and ran forward.

"Ni Niang, Jianu also digs holes?"

"Master Ding's tricks have all been learned."

It turned out that Aobai was digging a pit just like Ding Yi outside the city of Yizhou.

The hole he dug was about the same size as Ding Yi's in front of the South Pass. It was as big as a palm and [-] centimeters deep. A galloping horse would fall if it stepped on it.

But this pit is for the cavalry charge, I don't know what is the meaning of Oboi digging outside the city?
Chang Axiang didn't care, slowed down, and followed the rout in front.

Where the broken soldiers ran, there must be nothing wrong.

Soon approaching Yizhou City.

At this time, the broken soldiers in front began to turn around, and it turned out that there were also a lot of holes dug in front.

You Qingqi accidentally fell into the pit dug by his own people, causing angry curses from all around.

Chang Axiang followed the rout to the city of Yizhou, and found that a lot of pits had been dug along the moat outside the city of Yizhou, and the amount of work was not small.

At this time, the gate of Yizhou city was closed tightly, and a large number of rout soldiers gathered under the city. Some people cursed at the city and let the gate open.

There are still a steady stream of routs coming from behind.

Chang Axiang and the others lowered their heads and hid on the left side of the crowd. Everyone near Qingqi had blood stains on their faces, and they couldn't tell they were Ming people unless they looked carefully.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone was not thinking about other aspects. Everyone was looking at the top of the wall, cursing, let the door open.

Chang Axiang cursed in his heart, fortunately Aobai came out to fight us in the field, it's going to be a siege, it's really hard to fight.

Huang Taiji is very excited to learn from Mr. Ding now.

At this time, someone on the top of the city looked down, and then looked in the distance. There were defeated soldiers coming in everywhere.

On the top of the wall is the Mongolian Buluole, who is Lin Danhan's nephew.

Lin Danhan's son Ezhe is in Shengjing.

He is now in charge of the Mongols in Yizhou.

Broler looked down and asked loudly, "Where are Aobai and the others?"

All the generals below are yelling, it's all over, Zakuer, Solu, they are all over, our army has been defeated, and the Ming army is about to fight.

open the door quickly.

Brole's face was pale, Aobai was not here, the Qing soldiers were all gone, how could he guard Yizhou?
The key point is that the tribesmen of dozens of banners from various tribes in Chahar are all pastoring near Yizhou.

Someone beside him whispered: "The following are all members of our clan."

This time, [-] soldiers and horses went out, and only [-] Jurchens came back. Most of them are Mongols.

Broller pondered for a while, then turned around and went down the city wall.

Not long after, the gate of Yizhou city opened.

The defeated soldiers were ecstatic and rushed in crazily. Many people were even squeezed off the suspension bridge accidentally.

Chang Axiang was overjoyed, and rushed in with his soldiers and horses.

Unexpectedly, after rushing in, he found out that Brole had escaped from the north gate with a group of cavalry, and went to the Yalu River. Did he want to run to Shengjing?
When the people in Yizhou heard it, they immediately divided into two waves.

There are Qing soldiers who are not afraid of death, but most of the Mongols want to flee.

Without saying a word, Chang Axiang led people to set fires around and made a lot of noise.

"Ming army, attack in."

After a while, the whole Yizhou fell into chaos, and the Mongols fled out one after another. The Qing soldiers who originally wanted to stay behind saw it and ran away too.

When Ding Yi and Yuan Youcai arrived, Yizhou had already become an empty city, and the Mongols and Qing soldiers had all fled.

A large amount of supplies, food, and unmanned horses, even cattle and sheep, were left in the city.

But Ding Yi asked more than that, and immediately asked Yuan Youcai to organize cavalry to chase after him.

This time I asked not to hunt down the enemy, but to find the Mongolian herdsmen.

Huang Taiji moved the entire Chahar tribe to Yizhou, and tens of thousands of Mongolian herdsmen lived nearby.

All the capable warriors in Mongolia have been defeated, and the remaining herdsmen are all old, weak, sick or young, or women.

Yuan Youcai led less than a thousand cavalry to pursue northward.

Soon, the first nomad tribe was overtaken.

(End of this chapter)

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