The end of the Ming Dynasty swept the world

Chapter 533 Scarier Than Artillery

Chapter 533 Scarier Than Artillery

"Changsheng No. 46 was built according to the standards of the third-tier European battleship, but it was improved according to our actual needs. A total of [-] pieces of cypress and [-] pieces of iron birch were used."

"The design life is two years."

Before Li Zhi could finish speaking, someone yelled: "It took so much money and so much manpower, and it only took two years?"

Li Zhi hurriedly explained: "This is the first ship, and the materials used are not the best, so try first, and don't waste it."

"Don't make noise, listen to Li Zhi." Ding Yi said with a straight face.

The generals immediately fell silent.

Li Zhi said again: "Changsheng No. 1200 has a displacement of 66 tons, a total length of 5 meters, and a draft of 6-[-] meters."

"The speed is about 8 knots, well, our Da Ming said it is about 30 miles."

"The artillery deck has two layers. There are about ten 42-pound cannons on the lower level, and about twelve on the upper level, half of which are 42-pound and half of which are 32-pound. Including the bow and stern, there are a total of 48 cannons.

In addition, as a basis for the classification of warships, in Europe at the same time, the swivel guns were not counted in the number of artillery pieces, and the mortars used for curved fire were not included in the number of artillery pieces.

Ding Yi's battleship is not equipped with mortars, but has swivel guns.

The crew is designed to be 620 people.

Among them are 22 sailors, 250 artillerymen, [-] musketeers, [-] sword and shield soldiers, and the rest are logistics support personnel. But on Ding Yi's side, these logistics support personnel are all required to learn the basics of firing cannons. When necessary, they can Replace artillery.

The maximum capacity is 1000 people. "

In the end, the maximum number of people that can be carried is 1000 people, and the audience exclaimed.

According to his own needs, Ding Yi and the craftsmen have studied to reduce the number of guns, reduce some unnecessary space, and increase the maximum load capacity. After all, he is still mainly infantry now. In many places, a large number of infantry battalions are needed. , to charge forward for him.

When the Anglo-Dutch War broke out in the middle of the seventeenth century, Britain made a comprehensive and systematic division of the classes of sailing warships for the first time. The first three classes were called battleships, including:
First-class ship—three-layer gun deck, more than 90 artillery pieces, and a displacement of more than 1200 tons.

Second-tier ships—three-layer gun decks, 80-90 guns, and a displacement of 1000-1200 tons.

The third-class ship --- two gun decks, 50-80 guns, and a displacement of 600-1000 tons.

However, due to the limitations of shipbuilding technology at this time, there are still many problems unresolved for three-deck warships, the most serious of which is the lack of stability of the hull.Due to the layout of the three full gun decks, the three-deck warships of the seventeenth century are extremely tall.

The inconsistency between the height and breadth of the ship caused them to often have tragedies. The most tragic case occurred in 1628 - the Swedish Kingdom's luxury warship "Vasa" was out of gravity due to the high superstructure shortly after sailing. Steady and overturned, but it is just a third-tier battleship equipped with two gun decks and 64 guns.

In fact, since most three-decked warships in the seventeenth century were symbols of wealth and power for the princes and nobles at that time, a large number of gorgeous and complex sculptures were used in the stern, which made the already troublesome stability problem even more serious.And a series of problems such as hull control brought about by this are even more criticized by sailors.

After entering the eighteenth century, these problems have been greatly improved when the level of shipbuilding has been generally improved, and the golden age of giant ships has come.

In the 100 years from the beginning of the eighteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century, the three-deck warship played an irreplaceable core role in both its performance in actual combat and its deterrent effect on the enemy.During this period, Britain also reclassified the classes of sailing warships, among which the first four classes were all battleships, including:
First-class ship—three-layer gun deck, more than 100 artillery pieces, and a displacement of 2500-3500 tons.

Second-tier ships—two-story gun decks, 90-98 guns, and a displacement of 2000-2500 tons.

Three-tier ship --- two to three gun decks, 64-80 guns, and a displacement of 1300-2000 tons.

The fourth-tier ships have one or two gun decks, 50-56 guns, and a displacement of 1000-1200 tons.

Ding Yi adapted measures to local conditions and carried out transformation on the basis of the third-class battleship in the 200th century. Among them, the steel load-bearing structure was used to replace the wooden load-bearing structure, a full [-] years in advance, making his hull more stable and comfortable. Strong enough to even give up a small amount of side armor thickness.

At the same time, warships manufactured in Europe like to make them luxurious, complex, and beautiful. Ding Yi made them minimalist, removing space and improving stability.

Therefore, after Changsheng No. [-] was built, the tonnage was between the second and first class at this time, but the stability was at the third class (at this time, the lower the ship class is, the more stable it is)

Because everything is simple, the tonnage is sufficient, and the space capacity is large, Changsheng No. 1000 can be fully loaded with up to [-] people.

Of course, Changsheng No. 48 also has disadvantages, that is, there are relatively few artillery pieces, only [-] pieces.

The three European ships of the same era all have between 50-80 artillery pieces.

They also captured nearly sixty Tainan ships.

Ding Yi's reduction of the artillery position is equivalent to an increase in space, and other storage space and manned space can be increased.

His current opponents are still in the Ming Dynasty and Japan. A ship with 48 cannons is basically enough, and he has also prepared new weapons on Changsheng [-], which are stronger and more terrifying than cannons at close range.

After leading the generals to see the third-tier battleship, Ding Yi continued to take them to the other side of Changsheng Island.

Now that the pig island space is full, some artisans from the Craftsmanship Bureau have moved to Changsheng Island. They are also building artillery, mainly naval guns, which can be installed on ships nearby.

There is a space on the south side of Changsheng Island. At this time, Li Zhongyi and his people are preparing to test new weapons.

After Ding Yi and the generals arrived, the generals were surprised to find a pile of sundries piled up on the ground, most of which were made of wood, but also steel and many discus.

What kind of weapon is this?
Before coming here, I heard that there are secret weapons, and I will see that they are all new.

"Master Ding." Li Zhongyi and a group of craftsmen gathered around, all cheerful, looking very happy.

"We tried it yesterday, and it was really scary, so hurry up and invite Master Ding to come over and observe."

"What's so scary, is it more terrifying than artillery?" Mao Xinwen said in a loud voice.

Li Zhongyi froze for a moment, then nodded decisively: "It's more terrifying than artillery."

Hiss, this immediately aroused the interest of the generals.

For soldiers who like to fight, things more terrifying than artillery are their appetite.

"Then let's start." Ding Yi smiled.

With a wave of Li Zhongyi's hand, a few people who looked like civilians hoarding soldiers came to the scene, and everyone was suddenly baffled.

These people don't look like artillerymen, craftsmen, or soldiers. They seem to be ordinary people and soldiers.

"Get ready." Li Zhongyi also raised a small flag, and then waved his hand: "Start."

I saw the civilians hoarding soldiers rushing up, picking up various components on the ground and starting.

It didn't take long for everyone to see that they were assembling something.

The things on the ground are actually quite simple, with a few pillars and components, and there are only a dozen pieces in a pile. It is very fast to assemble and looks quite easy.

It took less than 5 minutes for later generations, and almost one was assembled.

A total of two sets were assembled from the materials on the ground, one was laid flat on the ground, and the other had wooden wheels on both sides, which seemed to be pushable.

(End of this chapter)

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