Chapter 543

A 42-pound cannon on the left wing burst into action.

Whoosh, the huge shell flew out like a meteor, and when it flew to about 600 meters, it plopped and fell into the sea.

Dorset's face remained unchanged, and he glanced back: "Continue."

There is an artillery command behind it.

"Two degrees higher."

Creak, creak, the artillery turned wildly, and the muzzle slowly lifted up.

Sensing a threat, the Granville veered left again and attempted to move forward.

He knew that he had already entered the range of the Gnar, and that being the case, he might as well go forward.

At the same time, the Ming army ships from the other three directions also approached from three directions, trying to share the firepower.

"Let" the artillery commander quickly ordered.

Another 42-pound gun fired with a bang.

This can be said to be the largest and strongest sea cannon in this era. When the cannon rang, the entire hull shook violently, and the artillerymen around had to take several steps back and cover their ears to avoid it.

Whoosh, the shell flew out again, puffing, and it landed 100 meters to the right of the Granville, causing a lot of water splashes.

Only 100 meters away from hitting the Granville.

The angle was no problem now, and the Dutch Navy locked on a suitable angle after only two shots.

"Target 7.5." The Dutch officer looked at all the guns on the left wing. After he finished speaking, someone immediately relayed his words to the guns on the second deck.

"Target 7.5" is repeated below.



Boom, boom, boom.

Except for the two just destroyed, the 24 artillery pieces on the left wing opened fire one after another.

The Nar swayed from side to side like a candle in the wind, and every time a shot was fired, the hull would shake violently.

Shells flew out like meteors, more than half of which were 42-pound guns.

The Dutch once thought of a problem when designing the artillery, how to make the 42-pound gun and the 32-pound gun hit the same distance at the same elevation angle.

That is to improve the weight of gunpowder.

In this way, they do not need to separate twice when giving orders, let alone test fire two different calibers of artillery.

Dozens of shells flew towards the Granville.

The Granville on the opposite side is also very experienced. After seeing two test shots, the bow of the ship that was originally heading southwest was straightened up, and the entire hull was brought vertically to reduce the area being attacked.

But he turned a little slowly, not halfway through.

Whoosh, whoosh, cannonballs flew over.

Plop, plop, plop, some shells skimmed the ship, and some directly into the sea.

All missed in the first round.

The artillery hit rate of this era is very low, especially at long distances.

Dorset was not in a hurry, and quickly started reloading.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the Ming army ships on the east side on the right had been adjusted in place, and they were rushing towards him in a straight line, looking like they wanted to catch up.

Of course he will not let the Ming army take over.

"A circle to the right rudder."

His ships adjusted quickly, aiming their right flank at the ships to the east of the Ming army's right.

"Fire." The following quickly tried the gun first, and then fired again.

Boom, boom, boom, more than 20 cannons blasted out one after another.

This time, a cannon fell directly under the bow of the Ming army's ship. Chi la, I saw the Ming army's ship shaking from side to side from a distance.

"Roar" the Dutch shouted in unison.

But it seemed that the damage was not serious, and the Ming army's ship continued to move forward.

"Go north." Dorset ordered, his ship went straight, and he had to keep a good distance from the Ming army ships.

The longest-range gun on his ship was not a 42-pounder, but a 32-pounder.

The 32-pound gun has a light shell, and when the maximum amount of gunpowder is used, the distance is the farthest.

The theoretical distance can reach three to four miles. In fact, about two miles is the best killing distance.

But if you want to hit accurately, it's best to be within one mile.

Being able to hit more than two miles depends entirely on luck.

In this era, most of the warship artillery of the Ming army was equivalent to 12 pounds or 24 pounds.

Ding Yi is considered to be a relatively advanced thinker. In addition, he has obtained the 42-pound gun and the 32-pound gun from the Dutch, so in Lushun, he is also building 42-pound and 32-pound guns.

It's just that his main direction is on land, and the manufacture of warship cannons is relatively slow. He can only build one or two 42-pound guns and two to three 32-pound guns a month.

Therefore, most of his warships are 12-pound and 24-pound guns.

This kind of gun hits the Dutch ship about two miles away. If it doesn't hit the vital point, it is basically useless. You can only use fuzed shells when it gets close.

So at this time, the warships of the Ming Army Navy tried their best to approach the Dutch ships.

Boom, boom, boom, the sound of cannons on the sea was constant, and the Dutch were all firing in the early stage. After a long time of fighting, the Ming army's cannons rang.

For a while, the sea was filled with white smoke, and the two sides fired artillery, and the fierce Penghu naval battle began.

Ding Yi's navy had only fought one battle with the Japanese, and they were able to win more with less, but the Japanese navy could not compare with the Dutch at all. No matter the warships or artillery, they were far inferior, even inferior to the Ming army.

So before the start of this fight, Zhao Dashan repeatedly emphasized that the opponent should not be underestimated, and he should try to defeat the Dutchman with the smallest loss.

It was the first time for Song Fei to lead the navy alone, but he was not from a navy background, so the 2nd battalion of the navy was under the overall command of Xu Erxian at this time, and he only needed to bring his Iron Mountain.

The Iron Mountain is a Haicang ship. The original standard equipment on it was 12 8-pound guns, 24 6-pound guns, and one Franco machine at the bow and one at the stern. There are 16 guns in total, and the crew is 130 people.

After falling out with Zheng Zhilong, Ding Yi began to improve the Haicang boat and upgrade the artillery on it.

All the 12-pound guns of the Haicang ships will be replaced with 24-pounder guns, but the number of guns will be reduced to 12.

Ding Yi once wanted to put a 32-pound gun on it.

Later, Li Zhi and other shipbuilders advised him not to let him go.

Because Ding Yi is now building ships for speed, not for quality. All the wood has not been processed for a long time. The original ship can only be used for two or three years. If you install a 32-pound gun, it may only last for one year. .

Although there is now a pulley device that can reduce recoil, the tonnage of the Haicang ship and the quality of the wood are really not suitable for guns above 32 pounds. Therefore, Ding Yi followed professional advice and replaced all of them with 24-pound guns.

But the 24-pound guns are not fast. So far, 12% of Ding Yi's warships have not been replaced, and [-]-pound guns are still used.

There is no rush to make cannons. The number of craftsmen and materials determine the output of his cannons.

So Ding Yi is not in a hurry, and he mainly relies on the secret weapon of fuzed shells to fight naval battles.

Seinfeld's Iron Mountain faced Dorset's Gnar.

He chose to attack from the tail of the Nar, but the cunning Dorce kept changing positions, bombarding the Ming army in four directions with the artillery from the left and right wings.

Sein Fei adjusted a few times and failed to catch up. Instead, he was hit by a wave of cannonballs and almost hit by a cannonball, which scared him into a sweat.

Song Fei was furious, he was also a person who dared to fight for his life, and he was also the first one who dared to fight with Hou Jinbing when he came out of Xu Dabao.

He looked around and called his deputy Zhang Yougui.

Zhang Yougui was the former Lushun navy, and Ding Yi followed Ding Yi when he guarded Lushun alone.

In the past few years, Sein Fei has been working with the navy, but he mainly studied artillery, so the ability of the navy is a little lacking.

"You find a way for me, I want to follow up, I can't be dragged around by him, I want to stab his ass."

Zhang Yougui didn't hesitate: "Then walk in a straight line, no matter how his boat changes, and follow him all the way, but there is a disadvantage in this way."

"It's not good there?" Seinfeld asked.

"He has been adjusting the position, using the left and right wings to hit our four ships. Our straight line remains unchanged, which means that we may be beaten two more rounds, or even three rounds——"

Naval battles are fought on the move. If you keep moving forward in the same direction, isn't that the same as giving it to others to fight?

This is very dangerous.

Song Fei blushed and thought for a while: "Damn it, I'm going to fuck him today."

Zhang Yougui's face changed drastically, and he stared at Song Fei.

"Don't you dare?" Seinfeld asked back.

Zhang Yougui gritted his teeth: "But follow the general's order."

Song Fei's current official status in Ming Dynasty is a general, and Ding Yi's status here is the chief officer of the Navy's 2nd Battalion, both of whom can be called generals.

Song Fei laughed loudly: "You are very good, not bad, I like you." Song Fei stretched out his hand to pat Zhang Yougui: "That's it, I'm going to die, you take command."

After that, he thought for a while: "Don't worry, Mr. Ding will not treat our family badly."

"No." Zhang Yougui no longer hesitated, and after clasping his fists, he turned and went back.

As soon as Seinfeld made a decision, his ship would move forward in a straight line, no matter how the Gnar changed, it would keep moving forward, so that it would be the fastest to shorten the distance.

The Gnar soon discovered Seinfeld's attempt.

While fighting against other Ming warships, they kept an eye on Seinfeld's ship.

About half an hour later, Seinfeld's boat approached to his right.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was already within one mile.

(End of this chapter)

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