Chapter 566

In early November, not long after Ding Yi left, a huge merchant ship from the Austrian Habsburg Dynasty, claiming to belong to the people of Shinra, came to Dayuan.

The merchant ship belonged to Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia and Hungary.

Ferdinand II's ruling area includes the current part of Italy, the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, etc., and its ruling center is now Vienna, Austria.

Because Ferdinand II was a fanatical Catholic, he kept suppressing Protestant policies during his reign, which triggered the famous 30-year war in European history.

In this war, Spain was on the side of Ferdinand II, and the Netherlands was his opponent, belonging to the Protestant League.

At the beginning of this year, the news that the officials were taken back by the Ming people reached Vienna. Ferdinand II was overjoyed and immediately decided to send someone to contact the Ming people.

Because the Dutch East India Company used its colonies in Asia and other places to create wealth continuously, then built warships, trained soldiers, and fought desperately against Ferdinand II and the Spanish Alliance. They fought for decades before and after. Ferdinand II's Catholic League was also defeated and the Netherlands became a state.

Now the Netherlands is creating wealth and training the army in the form of a company. It is the most powerful force in the Protestant League and the number one enemy in the eyes of Ferdinand II.

Ferdinand II knew that the big officials in Asia were a rich place, and the damned Dutch occupied there and created a lot of wealth by relying on the big officials, which became his biggest confidant.

Now that the Ming people have taken it back, he must seize this opportunity to make friends with the Ming people and never allow the Dutch to take it back.

But when Baron Wattis, the special envoy representing him, came to the general, he found out that the Ming people had fought another battle with the Dutch just now, and wiped out the entire Dutch expeditionary fleet.

Baron Wattis was very excited when he heard the words, and prepared to meet Zhao Dashan with a lot of gifts.

It was approaching winter at this time, which happened to be the season for selling sugar. Many merchants from the Ming Dynasty would come to buy sugar, but few foreign merchants came because they might encounter severe winter when they returned.

When Wattis's ship arrived at the port, it was still more eye-catching, because their ship was bigger and more beautiful, with the majesty of Shinra.

After getting off the boat, Wattis knew that there is no boat tax here, but the number of people going ashore is limited. How many people go ashore and how many people go back to the boat, if there are fewer or more people, they will be bombarded from all sides.

If you buy goods here, you can buy deerskin and seafood here with silver, and some of them are sold by Fans, but if you want to buy sugar, you have to exchange it with other things.

If you sell goods here and do not buy sugar, etc., you will have to pay one-twentieth of the income from the sale as tax.

Wattis feels that the tax here is quite reasonable, and it is not as expensive as in Europe.

When he got off the boat, he was attracted by a huge reward task bar on the shore of the port.

The reward task bar was changed twice when Ding Yi was there. At the beginning, the slogan was in various languages, and the task was all in Chinese, which was small. Later, Ding Yijue wanted to make it bigger, and then added a foreign language to the task. .

Now it is the task bar that has been modified twice. It is made of many large wooden boards. It is about five meters long and two meters high. The tasks on it are in two languages, Chinese and Spanish.

Spanish was chosen because only Luzon has a Spanish colony in Asia, and it is also the most powerful European power here.

The Netherlands, which was originally the strongest, has been expelled by Ding Yi, and the Portuguese only have artillery factories in Macau.

The British Empire had not risen yet.

Standing on the taskbar, Wattis found several businessmen from the Ming Dynasty looking at it, and they were still talking about it. He didn't know the Chinese characters on it, but he knew Spanish, so it must be from an allied country.

Rubber tree seeds, 2 taels of gold, how much gold is this?Wattis' eyes turned green.

I don't know how much 2 taels are there in the Ming Dynasty. Ask the people around you, and they only say, anyway, there are many, very many.

But this task was actually accepted.

Priel, the goddamn little rascal?Of course I know that the descendant of a down-and-out aristocrat has two merchant ships, so he deserves it?
Wattis was very upset, if he had come a few days earlier, this task and the gold should be mine.

But immediately he saw many strange tasks above.

Shipwright?Can I exchange money too?

All kinds of strange machines can also be exchanged for money?

Wattis is an expensive baron, but he is also very poor.

The main reason was that Ferdinand II was dedicated to fighting, and Europe was also at war at this time. The economic construction was muddled, and all the country's finances were used for fighting.

Baron Wattis was also short of money.

He rolled his eyes: "Come here, call me the six lowly slaves on the boat."

"And those two scorpion cannons, and the Liannu, have all been moved down."

Someone nearby asked: "Do you want to move the cannon down?"

"Bastard, of course not." Huatis was furious, and of course sold these backward guys to Mingren.

However, he also thought in his heart that if the selling price was not satisfactory, it would be okay to sell the two cannons.

I came across the sea from a distant place, and it was reasonable to encounter a typhoon on the way and lose a few artillery pieces.

If he didn't need the boat, he could even sell the boat, believe it or not.

Not long after, Zhao Dashan, Xu Erxian, Zhu Xiangyang and others got the news that a baron from Shinra had exchanged a lot of things for sugar.

He also brought a gift to meet him.

Zhao Dashan brought Xu Erxian, Zhu Xiangyang and others to the scene together.

Song Fei is not here at this time, and has already taken the navy to Macau, Luzon.

The reason they came to the scene was that the other party wanted to sell weapons, which were not small.

Everyone soon saw Wattis at the scene.

After a friendly introduction by the two parties, Zhao Dashan looked up, and it turned out to be Shenluo, who had been admiring him for a long time.

Xu Lexian looked back at Zhao Dashan, what have you admired for so long?Have you heard it?
But he had to admit in his heart that since he followed Ding Yi, he has really learned a lot.

This is what Mr. Ding often said, the higher you stand and the farther you go, the more scenery you will see. more and more.

Thinking about how I used to worry about a few stones of rice every day in Dongjiang Town, knowing that there are Europe and America besides Daming, it is really incomparable.

But seeing that Zhao Dashan's face remained unchanged, Wattis was extremely excited. The glory of our Holy Roman Empire has shone to the far east.

The two sides were polite, and Wattis first congratulated the Ming army for defeating the damned Dutch traitor, and then gave a gift from Emperor Shinra.

Of course, there are some ancient paintings, books, gift books, diplomatic letters, and a treasure knife inlaid with silver coins may seem to be the most valuable.

Zhao Dashan was not polite, he took it first, and planned to send some sugar later.

Yes, here we only have white sugar.

Then the two sides scolded the Dutchman together, and after scolding happily, Wattis finally got to the point.

If Ming people want to fight against the Netherlands in the future, they are willing to provide support, that is, to be guides.

Zhao Dashan said on the spot, of course we must fight, the Dutch are here to kill innocent people and harm our people, we are going to raise [-] troops to sweep the Netherlands, and we are gathering now, either next year or the year after.

The corner of Huatis' mouth twitched, suddenly he didn't want to talk to Zhao Dashan.

Let’s take a simple statistic. During the 30-year war in Europe, the Protestant alliances included: Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of France, Denmark-Norway United Kingdom, Kingdom of Bohemia, United Provinces of the Netherlands (Netherlands), Electorate of Saxony , Electoral Palatinate, Brandenburg-Prussia, Brunswick-Lüneburg, Kingdom of England, Kingdom of Scotland, Duchy of Transylvania, Anti-Habsburg rebels in Hungary.

The Catholic Union is: Spanish Empire, Holy Roman Empire, Grand Duchy of Austria, Kingdom of Bohemia, Kingdom of Hungary, Denmark-Norway United Kingdom.

There are similarities because the time is different, and the two sides have helped, so this is ignored.

With just so many countries, in the 30-year war that swept across most of Europe, the strength of each side was between 3 and [-].

The combined total strength of the two sides is less than 10.

Before coming here, Wattis had heard that the Ming Dynasty was a big country in the East with a population of one trillion.

Today is an eye-opener. Any vassal can mobilize one hundred thousand troops.

He thought that Zhao Dashan and Ding Yi were princes of the Ming Dynasty.

Think about these [-] soldiers and horses, it's better not to go to our Europe.

Historically, the Catholic League lost to the Protestant League in the end. The Dutch contributed a lot. One of the main reasons was that they were able to create wealth in various parts of the world, especially here.

Now that the senior officials have been taken away by Ding Yi, the balance of history does not know how to change.

Huatis quickly changed his tone and said, I brought six craftsmen, all of whom are our shipwrights, do you need them?

"Of course." Zhao Dashan said with a smile: "According to the task bar, every outstanding craftsman can exchange a thousand catties of sugar."

"We have a common enemy, the Netherlands. I originally exchanged [-] catties for your six craftsmen."

"Ah, General Zhao, your generosity is like the most beautiful girl in the east, making people worship you." Wattis hurriedly flattered Zhao Dashan even more.

The corner of Zhu Xiangyang's mouth twitched. He was still very responsible if he wanted to be so generous. He quickly asked for an inspection to test the strength of the craftsmen.

Wattis also immediately announced that these six slaves belonged to the Ming people.

Zhu Xiangyang sent someone to take them down, first cleaned and disinfected, and then assessed, and found that they still had some strength.

When Zhu Xiangyang was testing the craftsmen, Zhao Dashan was already looking at the scorpion cannon and continuous crossbow they unloaded from the ship.

At this time, the early siege weapons and ship warfare weapons of the Holy Roman Empire were gradually eliminated after the counterweight trebuchet came out, and then there were artillery, which was even more unused.

But this thing occupies a small space, and now Shinra is often used on ships, and the effect is not bad.

The earliest scorpion cannons used crossbow bolts, which were later developed into single-arm trebuchets.

Now in front of Zhao Dashan is a one-armed trebuchet.

"This is a good thing. It occupies a small area and can be installed on a small boat." Xu Erxian immediately saw the value, this one can throw petrol bombs.

Because they are about to develop gasoline. According to Mr. Ding, gasoline bombs are very powerful, and they are more effective than artillery in naval battles.

If this thing is installed on a small boat and throws a petrol bomb, no matter how many boats Zheng Zhilong has, it will not be hit.

Zhao Dashan glared at him when he heard the words, and said loudly: "This thing is useless. In the era of artillery, who still uses this backward thing? Look, beef tendon is used on it? Where do you find so much beef tendon? "

The translator at the side hurriedly translated it for Huatis, and Huatis blushed instantly. It is true that this weapon is a bit outdated, and it is an early product of the Roman Empire.

Xu Erxian is inexplicable, do you understand, this boat is suitable for us, I want to say more.

Whoosh, he felt someone pulling his clothes from behind, and he looked back, it was Yao Xinhan.

Xu Erxian suddenly realized, damn it, Zhao Dashan has the same virtue as Master Ding.

(End of this chapter)

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