The end of the Ming Dynasty swept the world

Chapter 676 Where the sun and moon shine, they are all Han soil

Chapter 676 Where the sun and moon shine, they are all Han soil
Originally, he didn't want to talk to Ding Yi about some of the things he got and the things he encountered.

But both Fu and Gao are written on it.

At the same time, he also secretly rejoiced that if he suddenly killed these two people on the road and went back, without the parchment, or without leaving Fu's code words at the end, he would surely die.

This guy surnamed Ding is too cunning.

"Dear General Ding, this is the chart I drew along the way, maybe it can be matched with Fu and Gao's." At this time, Prior flatteringly handed over the chart he drew himself.

He finally made up his mind that he must take this clever General Ding seriously.

Ding Yi smiled, and compared his chart with the one drawn by Fu Zhenglong, the gap immediately became apparent.

Fu and the others are just from the Intelligence Department, and they are incomparable to professional navigators.

Ding Yi was very sorry for the two people's paintings, and the various directions were not clearly marked.

But Prier's drawing is obviously more professional. Although there are definitely errors in the distance from the real coordinates, and some errors are relatively large, they are of great reference value. If you march according to Prier's chart, you can definitely find those continents.

"Plier, you are indeed a professional. My brother is not as good as you in this regard." Ding Yi said.

Priel is smug, that's what I'm worth.

That night, Ding Yi invited Priel to a banquet, and he didn't ask anyone to accompany him, just two people.

They talked for a long time, and Priel told Ding Yi little by little about the experiences of the past three years. Ding Yi often picked up the parchment brought back by Fu and looked at it carefully.

Judging from Prior's description, they basically followed the route of Columbus's first voyage.

Their first stop was Guanajani, named 'San Salvador' by Columbus. (local Indian name)

Later it was the capital of the Republic of El Salvador, on the east coast of Brazil.

But at this time, the Spaniards had already established a colony here. They established the city of San Salvador in 1525. Prior and Fu failed to land, and the other party directly bombarded them with artillery fire.

At this time, to the south are Uruguay and Argentina, but they, like Columbus, continue north.

Because it was the first time for Priel to sail so far out to sea in the name of the captain of the fleet, of course he chose the route traveled by his predecessors and dared not go to unknown places.

All the way through the later generations of Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, and finally came to the island of Haiti where Columbus visited, and Columbus named it Hispaniola Island.

In 1493, Columbus established the first European colony in America on the island, calling it Spanish Island. (Because Columbus set out at the time under the patronage of the King of Spain.)
Columbus lobbied everywhere for more than ten years in order to sail.It wasn't until 1492 that the Queen of Spain recognized heroes with her eyesight. She persuaded King Ferdinand II and even provided Columbus with her own money to support Columbus, so that Columbus' plan could be implemented.

When Spanish Island was discovered, there were about 100 million aborigines living on the island, mainly Taino people, and a small number of Siwane people lived in the northwest of the island.

In 1492, during Columbus's first voyage, because his ship ran aground and could not take the crew of the other two ships back to Spain, he built the Christmas Fort near Cap-Haitien. When Columbus returned in 1493, he found no one alive in the fort.Colonization of the island began with the establishment of the Isabella Colony on the north coast of the Spanish island.

In 1502, the Spanish island officially became a Spanish colony, named "Santo Domingo", and the capital was Santo Domingo.Following the communication with Prier and the parchment records, Ding Yi discovered that it is really easy to exterminate an aborigine in this era.

No wonder it is always said on the Internet that if you travel back to ancient times, as long as you bring some flu back, you may wipe out a country.

There were 1492 million aborigines in the island of Spain in 100, but the Spanish brought smallpox, and by 1544 the largest aborigine in the area had been exterminated.

After the aborigines became extinct, the planting land and pastures in the west of the Spanish island were abandoned by the Spanish landlords, and the western part of the island became a desolate no-man's land, and gradually became a stronghold of pirates from Britain, France, the Netherlands and other countries.

Priel and the others landed on the north coast of Spain. They originally wanted to get supplies, but when they went up, they found that there was no one there. It turned out that all the people on board had died long ago.

The original aborigines are now migrating to the east, near the place of the later Dominica.

They searched for a few days, but they were ambushed by a group of pirates. At this time, Gao was shot and killed by the pirates, and the first ship was lost. A wave of supplies followed, and the voyage continued, bringing back local cassava seeds.

Columbus's first two voyages were between the Spanish island (Haiti) and Cuba, and finally went east to Portugal in Europe and returned to Europe.

At this time, if you go further north, you will pass through Cuba, and then you will reach the border between Mexico and the United States in the future. Seeing that Gao died, Priel wanted to go east and return to Europe.

Fu said no, Master Ding hasn't found what he wants, and, don't you want 2 taels of gold?
Prior said, I don't know where the seeds are.

Ding Yi naturally does not remember that rubber seeds were collected in Brazil and brought back in the original history, but he told Fu that he followed the same path that Columbus walked.

Together, the two decided to go back to San Salvador. One was to need supplies, and the other was to ask for rubber seeds.

This time they did not go to the port, and they landed in Valenza, Brazil in later generations, avoided the Spaniards, and landed in Brazil.

Brazil was originally inhabited by Indians.

In 1530, Portugal sent an expeditionary force to conquer Brazil and establish a colony. In 1555, France invaded, but was defeated by the Portuguese in 1565. The two sides fought for ten years.

In 1567, the Portuguese established the city of Rio (later the capital of Brazil), but in 1630, the uprooted Dutch defeated and occupied Brazil. It was not until 1654 that the Portuguese expelled and defeated the Dutch again and took back Brazil.

When Purlier set foot in Brazil at this time, it was the time when the Dutch and the Portuguese were competing.

The Dutch were victorious, the Portuguese retreated step by step, and most of Brazil had fallen into the hands of the Dutch.

When Ding Yi dispatched the sailors to Fu Zhenglong, he first asked the Dutch sailors, mainly because he didn't want to kill himself.

Unexpectedly, the Dutch sailors who came from Dayuan helped them. Not long after they landed in Brazil, they were caught by a group of Dutch soldiers. They let it go.

And they got the news that there is this kind of rubber tree here.

Prior used silver to buy Dutch soldiers and hired a bunch of local people. After untold hardships, he finally collected rubber tree seeds at the mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil.

Ding Yi was very emotional when he heard this.

At this time, the Ming Dynasty was dreaming of the self-important dream of all nations coming to court, and felt that the world was so big that there was only Daming.

A backward dynasty and a barbaric tribe are fighting for land here.

Little did they know that thousands of miles away, the Europeans' cannons and muskets had conquered places larger than this.

Hearing this, Ding Yi felt a little unwilling. One day, all these rich places will belong to me, Ding Yi.

Wherever the sun and the moon shine, they are all Han soil.

Prior was not lucky on the way home. They had planned to go east, like Columbus, across the Atlantic, to Portugal, and back from Europe.

Unexpectedly, there was a big storm, and the ship was completely out of control, and it drifted a little bit.

But it was a big deal if it was a bit off the sea, and finally arrived in Morocco in later generations, and went directly to Africa.

In the hundreds of years before the 8th century AD, there was no country of Morocco. Morocco was successively the territory of the Roman Empire, the Western Roman Empire, and the Vandal Kingdom. 7 AD Arabs and members of the collateral royal family of the Abbasid dynasty of the Arab Empire
Moulay Idris, led his subordinates to ascend the throne in today's Morocco as the Sultan, and established the first dynasty in Morocco's history, the Idris Dynasty. This year is regarded as the year when Morocco became an independent country.

After that, Morocco, like the history of China, began to change dynasties. It has successively experienced multiple dynasties such as the Murabbit Dynasty, the Muwahid Dynasty, the Marin Dynasty, the Wattas Dynasty, and the Saad Dynasty. All the monarchs are called Sudan. There is no split period of dynasties, but these dynasties are not very strong, and they can settle down and resist invasion. As a result, Morocco has not been ruled by dynasties established by foreigners in hundreds of years of history, but by dynasties established by Arabs.

In the early 17th century AD, when the Saad dynasty in Morocco declined, Hirad Sharif, the leader of the Alawi tribe, launched an army against the Saad dynasty.

When Priel arrived in Morocco, he happened to encounter a war between two domestic forces, and this time he was unlucky. When they went ashore this time, the Alawi tribe thought they were foreign reinforcements from the Ad dynasty and sent people to besiege them.

Because the Ad dynasty could not defeat the Alawi tribe, they spent money to ask the Europeans across the sea to send troops to help.

Fu Zhenglong was already seriously ill at that time, and Prier was not very good at commanding a battle. He suffered a huge loss in an instant, and suffered heavy casualties. He lost another ship when he escaped this time.

When I finally returned north to Portugal, there were only [-] people alive. At that time, there was no Suez Canal from Europe to Asia, and it had to go around the entire west of Africa and make a big circle from the Cape of Good Hope.

After rest and supplies, they set off from Portugal again. In the place where Angola is located later, Fu Zhenglong didn't hold on and died.

Then they crossed the Indian Ocean, came from the South Sea, and then went to Dayuan, and circled half of the world. In the end, only six people were alive, and the people sent by Ding Yi were all dead.

This trip to the sea was neither a failure nor a victory. Although a large number of people were sacrificed, Ding Yi also got news from overseas, as well as the rubber seeds he wanted.

Back on the same boat, there are also coffee seedlings, cassava seeds, and various strange African and American crop seeds and saplings. Some of them are dead or useless, but coffee seedlings, cassava seeds, and rubber tree seeds are very useful.

Coffee originated in the plateau of southwestern Ethiopia in Africa. In the 15th century, the Ethiopian army invaded Yemen and brought coffee to the Arab world. Before the 16th century, the cultivation and production of coffee had been monopolized by the Arabs. Until the [-]th century It was not until later that the Venetian merchants and the Dutch used the method of buying and selling to Europe, and coffee soon became popular in Europe, and it was called black gold.

But at this time Catholics believed that coffee was a 'devil's drink' and in 1600 signaled to the Holy See to ban this kind of thing.

But the pope tasted it and felt it was drinkable, and gave coffee blessings, so after 1600, coffee became popular in Europe, and slowly spread to the world along with the sea.

At this time, coffee is slowly becoming popular, and many countries, such as Ming Dynasty, Japan, North Korea, etc., do not have it at all.

Not every country in Europe has it. In Asia, it was only after a Dutch captain brought coffee seedlings to Indonesia in 1690 that they were successfully planted.

Ding Yi now has coffee seedlings, and if they are successfully planted, it will definitely be another profitable tool.

This is thanks to Fu Zhenglong. They drank coffee in Portugal. Fu Zhenglong said that this thing is good, and find a way to find some seedlings or seeds.

So Prior failed to find it in Portugal, went to Spain, found it, and then returned.

It took more than three years to go around half of the earth before and after going to sea this time, longer than Columbus.

The main reason is that Columbus set off from Spain in Europe, and it was much closer to the Americas. They set off from Daxuan, which really circled more than half of the world.

Of course, being able to return from the sea this time is of great significance to Ding Yi.

From Fu's logbook and Plier's account, he already knew a lot of things about other overseas continents, and he even knew that those European powers had colonized and plundered wealth from all over the world.

And Daming, now trapped in the quagmire, stands still and even prohibits overseas trade.

Such a backward and stupid dynasty should not exist at all.

In the early morning of the next day, Ding Yi announced that he would be rewarded with 2 taels of gold and given him the title of Honorary Citizen. When he comes here to do business in the future, he will be tax-free and toll-free.

Priel was moved and cried bitterly, he really didn't expect Ming Ren Ding to be so trustworthy.

Before coming, he was still thinking that if he could get one-tenth, it would be considered good, because they suffered heavy casualties, even the people sent by Ding Yi died.

I didn't expect to get all the gold.

But Ding Yi also asked him to wait for a few more days. Three days later, he chose a time period when there were more foreign businessmen on the pier. At the reward column, he publicly announced that the rubber seeds had been found, and the Italian Prier got Twenty thousand gold.

Prior showed up and said, shocking everyone.

The Dayuan reward column is a special feature of Dayuan, which attracts countless foreign businessmen to watch here every year, looking for favorable business opportunities.

Ming people collected craftsmen, scholars, all kinds of strange seeds, technologies, and even scientists here, but rubber seeds have always been at the top. The temptation of 2 taels of gold has attracted many businessmen from various countries.

As time went by, many people thought that there was no such tree in this world, and it was just a method used by Ming people to lure them.

Unexpectedly, more than three years later, someone finally got it.

The ratio of one tael of gold to silver in the early and middle period of the Ming Dynasty was about one to seven to eight, and now it is about one to ten. Only 1000 taels is equivalent to 1 taels of silver.

The sky-high price of [-] gold deeply shocked businessmen from all over the world.

But what shocked them even more was Mingren's reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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