Chapter 707 Burning Xingjing
Zhu Adai began to want to fight to the end, but when he wanted to surrender, the Ming army did not give him the chance.

Petrol bombs were thrown into the depths of Niu Mao Village one by one, and the whole village was set on fire.

This is the result of Shen Shikui's order to save some use. He wants to save more petrol bombs to use in Hetuala.

At this time, Zhu Adai knew that the Ming army wanted to burn them alive.

He was very angry, and summoned the remaining subordinates: "The Ming army wants to burn us all to death, it is cruel and immoral, brothers, fight with them."

Zhu Adai organized a wave of fearless people to rush out of Niu Mao Village.

These people were led by ten Qing soldiers in white armor, followed by red armor, and all of them wore quilts soaked in river water. (If Zhu Adai used this method to escape from Hetuala, he would actually have a chance.)
Under the leadership of Zhu Adai, more than 500 Qing soldiers rushed out of the gate of the village that had been burnt by flames like crazy.

"bang bang bang"

What greeted them was the endless sound of gunfire, and Zhu Adai was the first to be beaten into a hornet's nest.

The Qing soldiers rushed to the gun formation with infantry, and rushed there.

But at close range, the Ming army also shot down a dozen people with heavy arrows.

When this wave of people was completely killed and injured by the Qing soldiers, the Han army in the back row collapsed immediately.

At this time, the remaining soldiers and horses in the village had no choice but to rush out one after another, wanting to surrender.

But now he can only rush out with a quilt soaked in water.

Many quilts were burned in the early stage, and now it is difficult to find something that can be draped over.

Some people simply jumped into the river. There was a mountain wall on the other side of the river, and there was nowhere to escape. They stayed in the river and waited for the Ming army to come in before jumping.

Others wanted to rush out and surrender after being soaked in the river.

Because the Qing soldiers collected a lot of food in advance, the fire became more and more intense.

It burned until dark before finally stopping.

When the Ming army entered the Niu Mao village, it was a mess inside, like hell, with charred corpses of Qing soldiers and livestock everywhere.

Afterwards, there were more than 2000 defenders of the Qing army, more than 1000 were burned to death, and more than 300 were killed by guns.

There were more than 200 people who jumped into the river waiting for the Ming army to come in and catch them, and more than 100 people were drowned.

In the end, Chen Shishi and Chen Yang captured alive more than 300 soldiers from the Eight Banners of the Qing army and more than [-] soldiers from the Han army.

Afterwards, Chen sometimes thought of them rushing out with water-soaked quilts on their bodies to fight the Ming army, and he couldn't help saying: "Fortunately, these animals didn't expect to flee north. If they did, they would easily escape."

"Petrol bombs are still very flammable, even if they can escape some of them, not all of them will be fine." Chen Shijue said that as long as the fire path is long enough, it may not be useful to wear a quilt soaked in water.

The Ming army organized prisoners to clean up the Niu Mao village, and stationed outside the village that night. The next day, they passed through Niu Mao village one after another, leaving [-] soldiers and horses to guard and repair it, and the rest continued to Hetuala.

Because the Ming army first burned the exit with petrol bombs, and Zhu Adai didn't organize any troops to break out of the siege, after the Ming army left Niu Mao Village, they found that the outside was peaceful.

The north part of Niu Mao Village is also difficult to walk, and it took the army half a day to get out of the mountains and valleys.

The sentinels came back to report from time to time, getting closer and closer to Hetuala.

When they came out of the mountains, they finally saw some grain fields.

There are a lot of grain fields planted here, and they haven't been harvested yet.

Shen Shikui laughed out loud, naturally he was impolite, and immediately ordered someone to harvest.

At the same time, the forward is ordered to speed up, and all enemies encountered in front will be killed to ensure the concealment of the follow-up army.

His East Route Army consisted of 3000 people, harvesting Qing people's food and grass along the road, and harvesting Qing people's heads at the same time.

Before dark on the afternoon of October [-], the Eastern Route Army camped ten miles south of Hetuala.

After the capital was moved from the Qing Dynasty, Hetuala was honored as Xingjing.

Hetuala is divided into an inner city and an outer city. The inner city has a circumference of 2000 meters. It used to be the residence of old slaves and their relatives. The outer city has a circumference of 500 meters. The northern part is home to blacksmiths and bowsmiths, and the southern part is home to people from the Eight Banners. Stuff is garrison.

After the Manchu Qing Dynasty moved the capital, most of the elder relatives of old slaves lived in Hetuala. After these people died, they would be nobles and nobles of the older generation who could not fight in the Eight Banners of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. to here.

At this time, the man stationed at Hetuala was Aixinjueluo Abai, the third-class town general of the Qing Dynasty.

He is the third son of Lao Nu and the third elder brother of Huang Taiji. He was 56 years old at this time, and basically withdrew from the military operations of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, staying in the rear to maintain his health.

The defenders of Hetuala consisted of four Niulu from the Xianghuang Banner, all of whom were elites. There were also 2000 Han troops and 2000 Mongolian troops.

There are craftsmen in the city, dozens of bow makers, thousands of nobles and common people of the Eight Banners, and most of them are middle-aged and elderly.

The Han army and the Mongolian army hoarded fields and grazing around in peacetime, and guarded here in wartime.

There are about 1 people in Hetuala.

When Shen Shikui's soldiers and horses approached Hetuala for twenty miles, the guards here had detected it.

Abai was taken aback and couldn't believe it.

Because since the rise of the post-Jin Dynasty, Hetuala has never been attacked by the Ming army.

In history, the Ming army divided into four groups to attack Hetuala, and was finally defeated by the old slaves one by one, which is the famous Battle of Saerhu.

Since then, the Ming army's Bingfeng has never been able to reach within [-] miles of Hetuala.

What shocked him even more was why there was no news from Zhu Adai of Niu Mao Village, the barrier in front of Hetuala.

Not to mention that Niu Mao Village is impenetrable, even if the Ming army attacked fiercely, Zhu Adai could still retreat.

Abai was shocked and shocked, and while urgently sending people to Shengjing for rescue, he mobilized troops to defend.

But the Ming army came too fast, and they had strong confidence in Niu Maozhai before. The defense here is not like Gaizhou and Haizhou, where they have built infrastructure and dug holes to build forts.

Of course, in fact, this set of soldiers and horses against Ding Yi is useless now.

The Ming army did not attack that night, so Abai organized the whole city to reinforce the city overnight and sealed off the outer city gate.

If Abai was less timid, he took the whole city and fled to Shengjing that night, if he himself could still survive.

But the Qing Dynasty did not like to escape as much as the Ming army, so he could only stick to it.

Early the next morning, after the Ming army had breakfast, they approached slowly from ten miles away, not in a hurry.

Because Shen Shikui also knew that the Qing soldiers were unlikely to escape.

In the morning, the Ming army surrounded Hetuala and found that Hetuala had no moat.

Probably because the old slave was too confident in his former capital, he didn't even have a moat.

There are no pits or bunkers outside the city. There are some small cannons on the outer city, but there is no Hongyi cannon.

The generals of the Ming army laughed at that time, and the Tartars were too confident in themselves, knowing that the Ming army could not fight here?
"Do you think we are vegetarians in Dongjiang Town?" Shen Shikui said proudly.

"Master Ding hasn't touched them for ten years, they think we dare not come."

Hahaha, everyone laughed together.

Such a city can be captured without a trebuchet.

But in order to reduce casualties, they decided to use trebuchets.

Who knows who uses this thing.

This time Ding Yi dispatched three armies, all the way invincible, the casualties were the lowest in history, relying on the power of the catapult.

In order to prevent the Tartars in the city from escaping, Shen Shikui first ordered Hetuala to be surrounded, and then set up trebuchets in all directions.

The opponent does not have a Hongyi cannon, and the trebuchet can be pushed directly to within 500 meters.

When the guards in the city saw it, someone asked Abai if he wanted to go out and charge for a while. The Ming army was about to throw stones. I saw that there were not many soldiers and horses outside the Ming army.

Although Qing soldiers were not afraid of trebuchets, they were unwilling to be beaten just like that.

Abai is old, so he still has some courage, plus he is the third brother of Huang Taiji, so he can be regarded as the elder brother after all.

Regardless of Huang Taiji's order to stick to it, he immediately decided to send a Niulu elite and a thousand Mongolian troops to take a look.

Because at that time, there were only a thousand gun soldiers of the Ming army standing behind the catapult at the south gate.

Just when the trebuchet was assembled and ready to throw stones.

The south gate of Hetuala suddenly opened wide.

With a bang, a large group of cavalry rushed out.

The Ming army was not in a hurry, and when Chen Shiyou gave an order, the Ming army immediately became four teams.

250 people per row.

This thousand Ming troops are all flintlock guns.

"Come on, kill the Guangming dog." The Qing soldiers became even more excited when they saw that the Ming army camp was not moving in the distance.

Although we know that the Ming army's musketeers are powerful, but the Ming army doesn't even have a chariot formation now, so they have a good chance of winning.

This Abai is also stupid. He clearly saw that the Ming army only had 1000 men. If he sent [-] fine cavalry to rush out, the Ming army's musketeers might have to retreat.

They had a chance to destroy a few trebuchets, which didn't help the overall situation, but at least boosted morale.

In other words, he was also afraid of the retreat of the Ming army, so he sent fewer soldiers and horses, and wanted to have a decisive battle with the Ming army.

Sure enough, the Ming army did not retreat, so there must have been fewer Qing soldiers.

"Prepare in the front row." The fusiliers got ready one after another.

Within 500 meters in a blink of an eye.

Qing soldiers cavalry faster and faster, faster and faster.

The auxiliary soldiers of the trebuchet retreated one after another, avoiding them first.

In a blink of an eye, the Qing soldiers entered within 100 meters.

Fight, and with an order, the fusiliers fired in four rows.

Bang bang bang, there was a series of explosions in the arena, and the Qing soldiers fell down in pieces.

But they were very fast and rushed forward desperately.

They have fought with Ding Yi's soldiers and horses many times, and they have also gained experience. Facing gunmen, only those who don't count casualties, speed up and rush forward, or have a chance to get close.

It's a pity that all they encountered this time were flintlock guns, and after so many years of updated designs, Ding Yi's flintlock guns are getting faster and faster.

Now their four-stage attack can basically be kept continuous.

The Qing soldiers rushed all the way and fell to the ground all the way.

When entering 60 meters, nearly half of the more than 1000 soldiers and horses had been killed or injured.

I don't know who looked up, it was still so far away, and suddenly turned the horse's head.

Then they dispersed in a rush, and the Qing soldiers were directly defeated by this wave of fusiliers, and they turned and fled one after another.

"Bastard." Abai looked on the city wall in shock and anger, but there was nothing he could do.

Because of his old age, he had not participated in the previous battles with Ding Yi, and today he finally saw the strength of the Ming army's musket soldiers.

With the same strength, their cavalry has been difficult to defeat gunmen.

In the situation just now, if Qingqi continued to charge up, he would definitely be able to touch the Ming army.

However, only [-] to [-]% of the people could charge up under the continuous fire of the Ming army's musketeers.

If it were another Ming army, even if they had only fifty riders rushing forward, they would be sure to defeat the Ming army.

But that was Ding Yi's Ming army, and if [-] to [-] percent rushed forward, the entire army might still be wiped out.

When the deserters returned to the city, the Ming army did not pursue them, and continued to prepare trebuchets.

Abai waited for the defeated soldiers to return, and immediately beheaded the leading general.

The morale of the Qing soldiers suddenly fell to the bottom.

Abai scolded angrily, "If you don't retreat and continue to charge forward, you will definitely be able to reach the front of the Ming army."

Even if the entire army is wiped out, more than half of the Ming army will surely be killed.

The soldiers bowed their heads and dared not speak.

Just as Abai scolded everyone angrily, bang, suddenly there was a sound in the distance.

Everyone looked up, the sky was like rain, and black spots were thrown towards their city one by one.

Shen Shikui didn't learn well this time, so he didn't vote first.

Bang bang bang, petrol bombs were thrown into the city one by one, and the petrol bomb exploded violently, splashing a lot of Qing soldiers.

The Qing soldiers yelled and cursed one after another, giving way everywhere, and bringing gasoline to more places.

"What is this?" Someone from the Qing soldiers asked in surprise.

"Maybe it's fire oil, damn Minggou, trying to set us on fire, retreat." Abai ordered to retreat.

The Ming army didn't care and continued to throw it in.

Shen Shikui brought over two thousand of them, each weighing two to five kilograms.

All the way up to now, there are about [-] to [-] left, and this will order that, except for the [-] two-kilogram ones, all the rest will be thrown away.

They threw a few waves of the outer city first, and retreated after avoiding the Qing soldiers.

Some Qing soldiers felt that something was wrong, and wanted to take off their clothes soaked in gasoline, and wanted to wash their faces with water and gasoline.

But after the Ming army threw a few waves, hoo, fireballs flew over one by one.

Abai also didn't understand the power of the Ming army's gasoline bombs, so he shouted behind him: "Get ready to put out the fire."

"Quick, tell people to prepare to destroy——"

As soon as he finished speaking, bang, the flaming petrol bomb exploded after hitting the ground, hoo, the flames spread in all directions like a fire dragon.

"Ah!" The Qing soldiers in the outer city screamed frantically and fled.

But the speed at which they escaped was not as fast as the flames spread.

Many people had gasoline on their bodies, and when they touched it, the gasoline footprints were all over the ground. As long as there was gasoline, it would be burned immediately.

The most powerful part of the trebuchet is its speed.

After this wave was thrown, there were several waves of non-point fire immediately, bang, bang, bang, the gasoline fell, exploded, and then was ignited, making the fire even bigger.

Abai's face was ashen. He didn't expect the fire oil of the Ming army to be so powerful. It was just the beginning, and the outer city could no longer hold it.

"Go, retreat to the inner city."

He yelled in horror and led the people down the tower.


Phew, he vaguely heard a voice behind him.

When he turned his head abruptly, he felt his eyes go dark, bang, a petrol bomb hit him right on the head.

Gasoline was splashed all over, and the cronies and generals around him were all splashed all over.

Everyone was startled.

It took several seconds for everyone to react.

"Quick, take it off quickly, wash it off." Someone exclaimed.

Everyone ran down quickly.

Abai was secretly glad that he didn't seem to be burned, so he went back and took a shower quickly.

Everyone hurried downstairs and entered the inner city.

There was a group of Han troops guarding the gate of the inner city, and Abai immediately ordered: "Move the bricks and stones immediately, block the gate of the inner city, and prepare a large amount of sand and water."


He thought for a while, and felt that the Ming army's kerosene was too powerful, and said again: "Find out all the quilts in the city, soak them in water, spread them on the inner city wall, prepare a lot of water, and pour them non-stop."

If I do this, you won't be able to burn it, right?He thought naively.

(End of this chapter)

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