The end of the Ming Dynasty swept the world

Chapter 804 Just be the emperor for now

Chapter 804 Just be the emperor for now
It turned out that there were rumors in the army last night that after the prince wiped out the slaves, he planned to go back and hand over the military power.

And once the crown prince of the court takes control of the military power, he must first find a way to kill the generals who came out of Dongjiang town.

And without the prince in the court, they might be oppressed like the Ming army before, and they couldn't even afford food and pay.

The brothers only believe in the prince, they are willing to do this and that, of course not.

Ding Yi's face was flushed, and he shook his hands desperately: "This king, He De He De, the so-called righteousness of the country is nothing more than Ming. This king's wish has been fulfilled, and I dare not have any unreasonable thoughts——"

"The old minister has something to say." Without further ado, Wang Duo yelled and knelt down: "Qin, Han, Three Kingdoms, Jin, Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming, dynasties have changed since ancient times. When the world is in chaos, there must be a hero—"

When Wang Duo said the latter, he was even more earth-shattering: "His old Zhu's family relied on Zhang Shicheng and Chen Youliang to help him fight against Da Yuan in the front. In the end, the fisherman reaped the benefits and won the country."

"Then the fart is the most upright in the country, and Lao Zhu even wrote a surrender letter to the Yuan Dynasty."

Ding Yi blushed, he did this before, can you not mention it, Wang Duo?
Wang Duo continued: "My lord, you started from scratch, swept across the universe, first wiped out the thieves, and then wiped out the slaves, and truly saved my country's billions of people, and your achievements will last forever. If such a hero fails to be the emperor, it will be a loss for the country and a suffering for the people. Also, please don't refuse, the prince, just take the throne."

Ma Shiying also shouted: "The master is suspicious of the country, the ministers are not attached, and the people don't believe it. When it's time, does it belong to the crown prince? Does it belong to the prince?"

The surrounding officials and generals knelt down one after another.

Poor Fu Wang Zhu Yousong looked around, his fat face was trembling, and he quickly knelt down, not daring to lift his head.

His old Zhu's family was the most upright in the country, yet Wang Duo said he was worthless.

"You guys, what are you doing?" Ding Yi blushed anxiously: "Jiangshan Sheji has a heavy responsibility, why do you force me?"

As soon as this forced word was finished, Yuan Gui suddenly rushed out behind him, holding a royal robe in his hand, which seemed to be found in this palace, it was probably worn by Huang Taiji, and it was directly put on Ding Yi's back.

Several generals behind him moved out the dragon couch in the Chongzheng Hall at some point.

Everyone hurriedly pushed Ding Yi onto the dragon chair.

"You, how can you be so reasonable, how can this king be right to the first emperor." Ding Yi was furious, and wanted to struggle to stand up.

Shen Shikui murmured at this time: "Your Highness is still the emperor, we might as well commit suicide, anyway, we will be killed by the Crown Prince of Ming Dynasty."

"It's better to die." Yuan Youcai yelled, and he drew his knife in public, and wiped it on his neck.

Beside Wang Weizhong and Xiang Huailai were quick-sighted, rushed up and held down: "Old Yuan, don't be impulsive, the prince has his own conclusion."

Ding Yi was in a hurry, and finally heaved a long sigh helplessly: "Forget it, brothers are forcing you to die, how can I have the heart to watch everyone sacrifice in vain, then I can only be the emperor for the time being, and if everyone feels I’m not doing well enough, so please invite everyone to bring the Ming clan back to take my place, I’d rather go home and be a king of idleness and enjoy life in peace, that’s one of the great pleasures in life.”

"My lord has agreed." A general in the army raised his arms and shouted.

"My lord is wise, long live my lord."

"Long live the emperor."

Tens of thousands of soldiers and horses knelt down at the same time, making the sound of mountains roaring and tsunami again.

The sound soon spread far away, and then throughout Shengjing City, many Lushun people who had just moved here also knelt down and shouted long live towards the direction of the palace.

The 10,000+ soldiers and horses stationed around Shengjing City knelt down in each battalion and shouted long live.

The sound of long live is endless, shaking the world.

Zhu Yousong just heard the words of the Ming clan, he felt chills all over his body, his body trembled, and his face turned pale.

Ding Yi was forced to agree to take the throne, but he made three agreements with his subordinates in public: treat the people of Ming Dynasty well, ministers and workers of Ming Dynasty kindly, and the prince and clan of Ming Dynasty kindly.
In September of the 18th year of Chongzhen (1645), Ding Yi broke the slavery and returned to the capital. At the same time, a large number of soldiers and horses had gathered in Yongning Prefecture (Yongningwei), Guizhou.

Zhao Dashan and Ai Nengqi went to the capital to receive orders in March, and Ding Yi shared many things with him privately, and then left the capital with Ai Nengqi. It was already April when they arrived in Guizhou, and it was almost May when they arrived in Yongning Prefecture. .

At this time, a large number of soldiers and horses have gathered here, including [-] soldiers from Zu Jinzhong and [-] soldiers from Chengdu, [-] soldiers from Ma Tao from Chongqing, [-] soldiers from Yuan Daxi, and [-] hoarded soldiers, making a total of [-] soldiers and horses.

After several months of preparations, Ding Yi used the newly stocked summer grain in Sichuan and the support from Shaanxi and Hunan. The grain from Sichuan was transported by Zu Jinzhong and Ma Tao to Hejiang County by water, and then from Hejiang to Guizhou. After Bijie, Anshun to Yongning.

The grain from Shaanxi was first transported to Hunan from the official waterway, and then traveled along the waterway with the grain from Hunan until it reached Zhenyuan Prefecture, Guizhou.

Then in Guizhou, Cao Xuequan, the governor of Guizhou, organized [-] civilian husbands and transported them to Yongning Prefecture (Annanwei).

Ding Yi used to be able to fight and rob at the same time, but now the whole world belongs to him, so he must not be able to rob. Now he finds it troublesome to start a war.

In the early stage, it only took nearly half a year to dispatch troops and prepare food and grass.

Fortunately, he was not in a hurry to go to war. After entering the capital, he spent more than a year hoarding fields and training troops to consolidate the rule of the territory.

The provinces operated in an orderly manner under his orders and fully cooperated.

When Zhao Dashan arrived in Annanwei, he found that there was a huge crowd of people, and all kinds of supplies were piled up like a mountain, and there were even supplies brought in from Dayuan and Lushun.

The deputy general of Yongning Prefecture, Wu Chaozhong, the former Liaodong iron cavalry general Wu Sangui, was responsible for the statistics and stockpiling of local grain, grass and supplies.

He and Zu Jinzhong were promoted by Ding Yi and assigned to various places. Ding Yi arranged for Geng Zhongming to be the general soldier of Guizhou here.

As soon as Zhao Dashan arrived in Yongning, he called all the generals to discuss matters.

Ai Nengqi, Zu Jinzhong, Ma Tao, Wu Chaozhong, Wang Shangli, Di Sanpin, Wang Hui, Zhang Guangcui.

The last four were all generals of the former Daxi Army.

They brought [-] soldiers and horses, and they had been trained by Ding Yi for more than a year. They were paid every month and had enough to eat. [-] of them were replaced with Lumi guns.

"General Zhao, now we have a total of [-] soldiers and [-] auxiliary soldiers."

"6 of them are in Yongning and 1 are in Pu'an Prefecture."

"Most people are here because they are afraid of causing Yunnan's overreaction, so they hide it for the time being."

"My lord has already stockpiled 30 shi of grain, [-] shi of fodder, and fifty shells and gunpowder here—"

"Base." Zhao Dashan said.

"Yes, fifty bases, and ten thousand rotating Lumi guns."

"There will still be grain and grass coming from Hunan by water, but after arriving at Zhenyuan Mansion, it needs to be transported by local folks."

Zhao Dashan nodded in satisfaction. With 30 stone grain, he could feed 7 horses for two years.

Mr. Ding's experience in war, the food and grass he brought every time would rather be more than he could use up, rather than less.

He looked at Ma Tao again.

Among the generals present, only Ma Tao was born in Dongjiang Town like him.

"We have [-] musketeers, [-] cavalry, [-] pikemen, [-] artillery, and [-] auxiliary troops (with stone throwing machines)." Ma Tao said: "Except for cavalry, basically everyone has horses. Half are horses, half are mules."

As soon as Zhao Dashan heard about the two thousand artillery, he knew that the number of artillery this time was relatively small.

Because Yunnan and the aristocrats, including their soldiers and horses from Sichuan, are not easy to travel, so they bring relatively few cannons, and they mainly attack tough ones, and they may use stone throwing machines.

"What's the situation in Yunnan now?" Zhao Dashan asked.

The current changes in Yunnan are similar to those in the original history.

After Zhang Xianzhong's Great Western Army occupied Sichuan last year, Mu Tianbo discussed with Governor Wu Zhaoyuan and inspector Wu Wenying to recruit Han and chieftain troops to prevent the Great Western Army from entering Yunnan and was ready to accept the dispatch of the imperial court.Then Mu Tianbo sent Wu Ding and Li Dazhi to defend the border of Yunnan and Sichuan.Because of Li Dazhi's greed and cruelty, the chieftain of the Yi ethnic group in Yuanmou revolted.

Later, as in history, in September, just a few days before Zhao Dashan arrived in Yongning, Wu Bikui, chieftain of Wuding, launched a rebellion, declaring: Emperor Zhu Ming is gone, so there is no such thing as Duke Mu.The rebels successively captured Dayao, Dingyuan, and Yao'an, shaking the whole Yunnan.

Mu Tianbo and others hastily ordered to mobilize Shiping Chieftain Long Zaitian, Sie'e Chieftain Wang Yangzu, Mengzi Chieftain Sha Dingzhou, Ningzhou Chieftain Lu Yongming, and Jingdong Chieftain Diao Xun to defeat the rebels in one fell swoop in September. Wu Bikui and his henchmen were captured alive.

Sha Dingzhou was originally the son of Wang Nong chieftain Sha Yuan. After the death of the chieftain of Ami Prefecture, his wife Wan Shi remarried to Sha Dingzhou. The two chieftains merged into one, and their power increased greatly. Wan's brother-in-law) as the mastermind, secretly planning to launch a coup to seize power in Yunnan by taking advantage of the conflicts between the Mu family and the governor of Yunnan and the third division officials, and the different positions of the chieftains.

Therefore, the chieftain army led by Sha Dingzhou and his wife remained in Kunming, the provincial capital, after the Wubikui rebellion subsided.

Because Sha Yuan, Dingzhou's father, has always been loyal, Mu Tianbo has hosted banquets in Qian State Duke's residence many times without doubting him.The wealth accumulated by the Mu Mansion for more than 200 years made Dingzhou covetous. Kunming's weak defense force and the friction within the Han ruling group made him feel that there was an opportunity to take advantage of.

In the original history, Shadingzhou launched a mutiny on the first day of December, driving away Mu Tianbo and taking away the wealth accumulated by Mu Guogong's family for more than 200 years.

There are words in history books, which last for months and months.

It is said that the transportation to Shadingzhou has not been completed for a month or two.

What is this concept?It took Ding Yi less than half a month to transport the more than 400 million taels of silver that Li Zicheng obtained in the capital.

Of course, Ding Yi's army has a large number of carts, and its efficiency must be faster than that of Shadingzhou's troops.

But the wealth accumulated by the Mu family over the past 200 years is definitely no less than that of the nobles in the capital.

Ding Yi estimated that there should be no problem with a value of 50 million silver. The whole of Yunnan is owned by Mu Guogong. If you calculate that their family saves 200 taels of silver a year, it will be [-] million in [-] years.

So Ding Yi gathered soldiers and horses to come to Yunnan just to grab money.

"Mu Tianbo just quelled the rebellion and was entertaining chieftains from various ministries in Kunming. The governor of Guizhou, Cao Xuequan, proposed to let him go to Beijing many times in the name of the court, but he still refused. He refused to go to Beijing on the grounds of suppressing the rebellion." Zu Jinzhong said at this time .

(End of this chapter)

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