Chapter 837
He drew his knife and walked over slowly.

He grinned at Wang Bao: "These natives are all fools."

Wang Bao didn't understand at first, but after listening to his explanation, he understood what it meant.

When fighting between indigenous peoples, sometimes they would not be ruthless, and they would use weapons to hit each other's chest or head. Even if they defeated the opponent, the opponent would become his prisoner.

If this is a local aborigine, he will sit down obediently and accept his fate of being a prisoner of the other side.

The native woman didn't hit Wang Bao just now, she hit Wang Bao with a stick, thinking that Wang Bao was already her prisoner.

So the natives who rushed up from behind didn't beat him either.

This kind of thing often happened in Africa and America at the same time. The local indigenous people were very polite, but the European colonists did not speak martial arts.

"Fools." Zhang Tu laughed, walked over and kicked the female native.

Wang Bao's expression was a little distorted. For some reason, he was very annoyed.

At this moment, someone beside him slowly said: "The Holy Majesty once said that things compete with each other, and the fittest survive."

"This is the way of the world. Whoever speaks martial arts on the battlefield will die."

Wang Bao took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He turned around and saw that it was an official from the Ministry of Commerce, whose surname seemed to be Xu.

Xu what he forgot.

This person is from the Xu family in Songjiang, named Xu Weiqing.He probably guessed Wang Bao's current mood and reminded him decisively.

"Master Wang, if we lose, they may eat us alive and capture us, but that doesn't mean they won't kill us." Another official from the Ministry of Energy sighed.

Wang Bao was dumbfounded, not knowing how to answer.

Zhang Tu said loudly at this time: "Only by domesticating them, teaching them to read and write, improving their civilization, and then using them for our use, there will be no more wars and blood here."

What he said was so high-sounding that even Wang Bao suddenly felt that it made sense.

Around three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone came to the No. [-] gold mine.

Wang Bao was a little shocked.The quality of gold mines in the early days of Tai O was super good, otherwise it would not have been in the 40th century, when people from all over the world heard about it, the population increased by [-] in just ten years.

It is difficult for Ding Yi to immigrate 40 in ten years.

The gold mines on site are all open-air, and many aborigines took baskets and filled them with sand and gravel on the side, then dipped them into the water, sifted them a little, and after picking them up, they could see the golden sand inside.

The surface of this gold mine is now about 100 mu, and there are everywhere. According to the officials of Tai O City, there are [-] aborigines and [-] defenders here.

The gold mine is surrounded by wooden fences, guard towers are built, and more than 100 dogs are raised.

In addition to the aborigines, there are 2000 people who immigrated from Ding Yi nearby. If the aborigines come to attack or rebel, these people can also help.

Immigrants are hoarding fields, farming, and providing food and supplies on the edge.

In this way, every year, the mine can form a gathering place for circulating supply.

A small number of missing daily necessities, or insufficient food, will be transported from Tai O City.

"Now there are not enough manpower, most of them use wooden fences, and when we catch some more natives, we will start to build the city and surround the vicinity of the gold mine."

Zhang Tudao, of course, only larger gold mines that can be dug for many years will be built, otherwise it will be a waste.

"How far are the common people?" Wang Bao asked.

The immigrant people are about ten miles away from here, too close to hoard fields.

Their villages were also surrounded, and they had no soldiers, all on their own.

Most of them immigrated from the big officials, and their families all had weapons. If the natives wanted to beat them, it was impossible without thousands of people, and they might not have been able to beat them.

Wang Baozhuan asked to see the village of the common people, and the location was not bad. It was in the middle of the mountain, and the entrance to the village was blocked by a mud wall, and then there were heavy wooden fences. It was impossible for the aborigines to attack without firearms.

There is nothing wrong with blocking the natives.

When Wang Bao walked into the mine, he saw busy figures everywhere, but no one would spur them on. Ding Yi had always been very kind to the natives who were under his command. This was the case when he conquered the Fan tribe when he was a senior official.

Wang Bao paid attention to the expressions of the natives, most of them were not particularly angry or unwilling.

Some people were still whispering, and their expressions seemed to be very happy.

The Holy Majesty is still good at this, Wang Bao thought, the Holy Majesty is very good at using it when he is a senior official.

Sure enough, after a while, a native shouted excitedly.

Then a lot of indigenous people went to watch.

I saw the native raised his hand high, holding a piece of gold the size of a football.

This is called dog head gold in later generations.

This piece of dog head gold alone is estimated to weigh more than ten catties.

A chief who guarded the gold mine ran over. The native held the dog's head gold and said something to the chief.

Shichang took the Goutoujin, patted the man's shoulder hard, and then waved his hand.

After a while, a soldier came over with a small bag of salt, a small bag of sugar, and a small bag of rice, and gave them to the native.

The aborigines were extremely excited, holding three bags and running around the gold mine.

Countless natives looked at him enviously.

More natives buried their heads and began to search.

"It's easy to rule them. Find what they need." Zhang Tu glanced at Wang Bao lightly.

"What if they need freedom?" Wang Bao said.

"Now they need food and clothing, give them food and clothing first, and then give them freedom after a few years."

After taming them, they can naturally be given freedom, and then they can form an indigenous army just like the senior officials.

"Master Wang, from now on the gold mine will be handed over to you, and our military will be responsible for protecting you for one year. After one year, your mining company will have to protect itself," Zhang Tu said at this time.

Wang Bao's expression changed slightly, which meant that one year later, he would form his own company defense team. Of course, it is also possible that the threat of the nearby indigenous people will be eliminated after one year.

"Adults can choose from the nearby immigrant people, and just give money." Someone suggested.

That's a good opinion.

He has seen the combat effectiveness of the natives before, and it is indeed a bit poor, the key is to talk about martial arts.

It was only later that Wang Bao learned that the natives generally would not take the initiative to attack their bases, especially various mines.

The natives seldom take the initiative to attack, and some will only ambush halfway.

They are all afraid of the dry army attacking them, so they are in the mood to take the initiative to attack.

If the army does not fight them, they will be Amitabha.
In late June, Beijing Normal University.

Just finished the first imperial examination in the first year of Rende.

The results have not been announced yet, but many officials in the capital have already inquired everywhere, and some officials are trembling. After all, news came out earlier that a group of officials will be cut to make way for new officials.

Gong Dingzi had to ask Gu Hengbo once a day about Bingke's work, but Gu Hengbo was angry and disappointed.

She can only answer him, she has entered the palace many times, and she has not seen the Holy Majesty yet, so she can't do anything about it.

She was really disappointed in Gong Dingzi, there is no husband who thinks about pushing his wife to other men every day.

But Gong Dingzi cried, if the results are announced, I may be dismissed, and then the family will have no income, how can I survive?
Is it possible to rely on you to sell me to support me?
When Gu Hengbo heard this, his face turned pale with anger, and he couldn't believe it was said by his husband who had been in love for many years.

She was almost desperate for Gong Dingzi in her heart at this moment, and unconsciously, she also vaguely hoped to see the current emperor.

It's a pity that she went to teach the princess how to play the flute, and she was often left overnight, but she never met the emperor.

Of course she understood that if the princess kept him overnight, it must be because the emperor didn't come.

But if the emperor doesn't come, where's the chance for her?
Ding Yi went to court the next day and introduced a new member to everyone.

Many people have heard of his name, but seeing it for the first time.

German Tang Ruowang.

Tang Ruowang has lived in China until now. Apart from helping Chongzhen build dozens of cannons, he likes to write books in the rest of his time.

During the Ming Dynasty, he wrote "Fire Attack" and "Chongzhen Almanac", and also translated "The Complete Book of Mining and Metallurgy" by Agricola, a German mining and metallurgy scientist, and named it "Kunyu Gezhi".The book is divided into 12 volumes, dealing with each stage of mining and related metallurgical processes.The book of original history was lost in the wars in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties before it was published. This time Ding Yi went to Beijing, and Tang Ruowang's book was published and promoted.

In view of his hobbies, after Ding Yi formed a new cabinet, he was appointed as the director of the Royal School Library, responsible for book collection, management, translation and writing.

This job appealed to Tang Ruowang, so he happily agreed.

Tang Ruowang went to court today because Ding Yi recently asked him and several craftsmen from home and abroad to jointly build something and show it to the officials.

"Let's take a look, I will introduce a new thing to everyone today." Ding Yi waved his hand with a smile, and two eunuchs, one on the left and one on the right, held a round object, the size of an iron pot, before the dragon chair .

All the civil and military people looked at it inexplicably, and only saw two pointers on it, one long and one short, and many small grids with numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. on it.

Tang Ruowang stepped forward at this time and introduced to everyone in proficient Chinese: "This is called a clock."

"This long needle, called the hour hand, points to what time it is."

"Short is called minutes, pointing to a few minutes, it is a few minutes."

In 1350, Dante of Italy manufactured the first mechanically struck tower clock with a simple structure, with a daily difference of 15 to 30 minutes, and the indicating mechanism only had the hour hand, without the minute and second hands.

From 1500 to 1510, Heinleith of Germany first replaced the heavy hammer with a steel spring, and created a small mechanical clock with a crown wheel escapement mechanism; around 1582, Galileo of Italy invented the gravity pendulum.

It was not until 1657 that Huygens of the Netherlands introduced the gravity pendulum into the mechanical clock and created the pendulum clock.

By 1673, Huygens applied the governor composed of the balance spring to the portable clock, further making the clock smaller.

But now, the Dutch physicist, astronomer, and mathematician, Huygens was only a teenager at this time, Ding Yi borrowed the European physicists, mathematicians accumulated by the senior staff, and some of his own training in Lushun Talents introduced mechanical clocks with gravity pendulum ahead of time and created pendulum clocks, which made pendulum clocks come out more than ten years earlier.

"Controlling time is very important. Every change of hour on the battlefield may have different consequences."

"And our Chinese dynasties all use twelve hours to record, and everyone does not have accurate timers at home, so it is difficult to achieve unified and accurate timekeeping."

"I want to imitate the West." At this time, the West did not use the 24-hour system, which was originally introduced by the Italians in the nineteenth century.

Ding Yi took the lead in adopting the 24-hour system in Dagan with the excuse that the West has already used it.

(End of this chapter)

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