The end of the Ming Dynasty swept the world

Chapter 850 Northern Expedition and Bullets

Chapter 850 Northern Expedition and Bullets

Because the Ministry of Finance said that this year only overseas transactions, flag taxes, plus commercial taxes in Shandong and other places, the income is 720 million taels.

Among them, Zheng Zhilong made a great contribution and gave up the flag tax, which is also the basis for him to be a marquis.

More than 1000 million sounds like a lot, far more than the Ming Dynasty, but the Dagan Dynasty now has more than 200 million officials and troops, and this income alone cannot afford to support them. Therefore, the promotion of the national commercial tax next year is the focus, and it is also inevitable. must do.

There were still a few things that the government did not say that day. Ding Yi exchanged coins for the silver of the world. In this year alone, the whole country has exchanged more than 2 million taels of silver, which can cast billions of silver coins.

In addition, millions of silver and gold are looted from Tai O, Japan, Annan, etc. every year. Compared with exchanging silver, Ding Yi is a bit despised of this income now.

And the Ding family's own wealth, counted as the royal treasury, was not mentioned.

And exchanging silver is not a long-term solution. According to the deadline given by Ding Yi, the exchange will stop in June next year. The previous silver cannot be circulated and can only be used as goods.

He estimated that there is still a large amount of silver and gold hidden among the people, and it will be exchanged for hundreds of millions next year.

Now he has a mountain of silver and gold in his hands, but it is impossible to mint it crazily, and he cannot issue excessive currency and put it on the market, which will easily cause inflation.

On the one hand, Ding Yi wanted to stabilize prices, and on the other hand, he was going to invest in Annan and Luzon, and use a large amount of silver to start trading with European and Southeast Asian countries to earn foreign silver and gold.

For Ding Yi, the first year of Rende was the best life since the founding emperors of all dynasties.

His imperial wealth is the highest in history, and the personal wealth of his Ding family can also be said to be the highest in history.

After the rewards are over, officials from all over the country can stay in the capital for up to half a month to meet friends or the Holy Majesty, and then return to their respective territories.

And according to the current regulations of the imperial court, the governor is changed every four years, and the chief soldier is also changed every four years, and he can go home (or return to Beijing) once a year.

The governors and chief soldiers who are closer to the capital and their hometown have an annual leave of [-] days a year.

Governors and chief soldiers who are far away from the capital and their hometowns have an annual leave of about one month every two years.

The governors and chief soldiers of Guangdong, Guizhou, Annan, etc. are basically locals from Guangdong and Fujian, so they are relatively close, and you don’t need to go to the capital if you have nothing to do, otherwise two months’ vacation will not be enough.

Of course, if you don't take vacations, you can get double salary compensation.

So later, many governors and chief soldiers did not take vacations. What kind of vacations do they take? Many family members are with them. Where do they go?

At the end of the first year of Rende, governors and general soldiers from all over the country left Beijing one after another to return to their garrisons.

Before leaving, Bo Shang Ke of Liaodong gave a performance, saying that the Mongolian tribes used to harass the border at every turn, and they also took refuge in the Qing Dynasty, asking for troops to be sent to the Northern Expedition, severely punishing the ministries, and invited the Northern Expedition.

As soon as Shang Ke's memorial was released, the commanders-in-chief in the north were all excited, and they all played the memorial one after another, demanding the Northern Expedition and commanding the troops.

In fact, after Ding Yi wiped out the Qing Dynasty, all the Mongolian ministries fled in embarrassment, and soon sent envoys to seek peace and even surrender.

Ding Yi didn't have time to talk to them at that time, so he kept the Mongols steady by not pursuing them for the time being.

After that, he tried his best to rectify the country, pacified Annan and Yunnan, and politely entertained the Mongolian envoys who came to Beijing.

When Ding Yi ascended the throne, the Mongols also sent envoys to congratulate him and offer great gifts.

Perhaps they thought that Ding Yi had forgotten the past.

Ding Yi did not give instructions immediately after receiving a large number of memorials, but kept them in the middle.

The next day, "World Affairs" began to publish extensively about the evils that Mongolia did to China from the Yuan Dynasty to the various harassments of the Ming Dynasty at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and all the evil things that Mongolia had done against the Ming Dynasty with the Manchus and the Qing Dynasty.

When the capital and the people of the world saw the inscription in the Tian Tian Shi newspaper, everyone was filled with righteous indignation, and the people were angry, and everyone called for the Northern Expedition.

Even some civil officials of the former Ming Dynasty supported the Northern Expedition.

Because the national strength of the Dagan Dynasty is now booming, with millions of soldiers, surplus food, and inexhaustible military pay, the prosperity exceeds any dynasty in history.

Ding Yi didn't respond in a hurry, because the second year of Rende was coming soon, and the New Year was approaching soon.

The Spring Festival in the second year of Rende (1647) is February [-]th.

After the Spring Festival, even the provinces had a large number of memorials calling for the Northern Expedition.

Among them, Li Shuitai, the governor of Liaodong, said that in the previous Ming Dynasty, the Nuergan capital was established in the Nuergan area of ​​Shanhaikou, Heilongjiang (near the present-day Ekuye Island), and at the same time, two post roads were opened to ensure the delivery of documents and the distribution of food and salaries. transport.

In addition, the northern frontier is deep, there are countless hundred-year-old trees that can be used for shipbuilding, and it is rich in costin and all kinds of mink, rich in mineral resources, and should be included in the Dagan territory again.

A few days later, the "World Affairs" newspaper recounted the relevant policies and changes in the Nuergan area of ​​the previous Ming Dynasty.

During the Chengzu period of the pre-Ming Dynasty, in the seventh year of Yongle, Nuer Ganwei was promoted to the command division of Nuer Gandu, referred to as Nuer Gandu Division.

The jurisdiction of the Nuergandu Division extends from the Onon River in the west, to Kuye Island in the east, to the Waixing'an Mountains in the north, and to the Sea of ​​Japan and the upper reaches of the Tumen River in the south, including the vast areas from the Heilongjiang River Basin and the Ussuri River Basin to Kuye Island.It roughly includes Jilin Province, Heilongjiang Province, the northeastern part of Inner Mongolia and the western part of Russia, the east of the Ussuri River, the outer Xing'an Mountains and the north, and the south of the Upper Yansk Mountains.Xianghaerwei and Wuliehewei were set up on Kuye Island, and the guards and offices were widely set up in the jurisdiction as the local military and political institutions under the capital.


At its peak, the territory ruled by the former Ming Dynasty was much larger than that of later generations.

However, in the era of the rule of the Great Ming Xianjun Renxuan, touted by countless scholars in the future generations, after Xuanzong succeeded to the throne, Xuanzong focused on recuperating and living the people, and stopped developing Chengzu's expansion business. When the world was in full swing, he implemented a contraction policy. The establishment of the "Jiaozhi Chengxuan Zhengshishi" made Daming lose several million stones in grain taxes a year.

Then it is believed that the Nuergan capital was located at the mouth of the Heilongjiang River, and its jurisdiction was as far as South Siberia. The extreme north was bitterly cold and the roads were inconvenient. The Nuergan capital was moved inland to Sanwanwei (now Kaiyuan, Liaoning), so the former Ming Dynasty expanded in the northeast direction. Stagnation, roughly direct management of Liaoning, ruled the Jurchen tribes to the east and north with the system of guards.

The result of this is that the Jurchen guards guarded the border for the Ming Dynasty, paid tribute and taxes on time, and increased to 384 Northeast guards in the Wanli period, and the Jurchen clan became stronger and stronger. In the original history, it eventually led to the demise of Ming Dynasty.

Li Soltai's memorial hits the point, that is, Qianming gave up Nuer Gandusi, which made the Jurchens stronger and stronger, and finally almost destroyed Qianming (he believed that the main troops of Qianming were defeated by Jurchens, and were finally defeated by Jurchens. Li Zicheng broke the capital.)
So it is highly recommended to recapture these areas.

What's more, although the north is bitter and cold, I am willing to station in the north for Dagan.

At the same time, a large number of northern generals wrote letters one after another, demanding to fight against Mongolia and Heilongjiang.

The voice of the masses is strong, and Ding Yi can only follow the voice of the people.

In mid-February, Ding Yi called the cabinet to discuss and decided to establish Dagan Heilongjiang Province and Mongolia Province. At the same time, he spread the news to all the tribes of Mongolia and the Jurchen ethnic groups in Heilongjiang area. There are no tiles.

After the Qing Dynasty was destroyed, all the Mongolian tribes fled back to the grasslands, and they all stayed in their original territory. While watching the changes in the Central Plains, they wanted to seek peace with Dagan, but Ding Yi ignored them.

The Jurchen ministries in Heilongjiang were conquered several times by the Manchu Qing. Those who refused to obey were moved far away, and those who accepted were followed by the Manchu Qing, and now they are exterminated.

Therefore, there are very few Jurchens in the Heilongjiang area now, and some of them cannot come out in the deep mountains and old forests, or they are farther north.

Ding Yi's imperial edict is just for show. After reading the imperial edict here, soldiers and horses have been assembled in all parts of the north and started to act.

Wang Weizhong, commander-in-chief of Changping, and Li Dingguo, commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan, led [-] troops to attack Mongolia.

Li Shutai, the soldier of Shenyang, and Wu Sangui, the general soldier of Jinzhou, led [-] troops to attack Heilongjiang.

Dagan mobilized a total of 12 soldiers and [-] horses, of which there were two horses per person on the Mongolian side.

Li Sutai and Wu Sangui brought another [-] auxiliary soldiers and thousands of carts, planning to fight a long battle with the Jurchen tribe in the deep mountains.

The war mobilization began at the end of February, and then a large number of petrol bombs, various equipment, food and grass were gathered in the two places.

Wang Weizhong and Li Dingguo sent troops to the grassland in March.

Li Sutai and Wu Sangui sent troops to Heilongjiang in April.
At the beginning of March in the second year of Rende, Ding Yi came to the Firearms Bureau of the Craftsmanship Department of the Ministry of Industry and Technology of the Beijing Normal University.

In June of the year before last, Li Zhongyi and the others created rifling.

However, limited by the speed of the projectile device, there was no large-scale promotion. Afterwards, Ding Yi drew the bullet (Migne bullet), and the engineers of the Craftsmanship Bureau spent a month figuring out a way. After two months, they could mass-produce it. Bullets.

They made the bullet in two parts, the lead bullet at the front and the cork at the back, and assembled them by hand.

Assembly by hand is quick and easy, just a click away.

An ordinary child or woman can pack thousands of them a day.

Because lead bullets have threads on them, they need to be turned out on a lathe, and the manufacturing speed of new bullets is much lower than that of the original lead pellets.

However, the range and accuracy of the rifled gun far exceeds that of the flintlock.

If a battle originally required twenty lead pellets to end the battle, it might be over with the new bullets only ten shots.

The Craftsmanship Bureau still adopted flow-line operations, using a large number of lathes to manufacture warheads, and then plugging them into the warheads with wood.

At most, they had a thousand small lathes running at the same time, and 3000 people were involved in the manufacture of warheads.

Sixty thousand bullets can be manufactured every day.

But later Li Zhongyi discovered that the lathe wears out very quickly, which is not efficient. Every one or two months, the lathe needs to be maintained.

Then came up with the mold type, made molds, poured molten lead directly into it, and immediately formed a lead bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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