Chapter 881

He paid more than 2 taels for the purchase price, and sold it for more than 30 times.

Among them, I paid 10,000+ tax twice before and after.

Spain still has heavy taxes on foreigners.

Compared with the profit that Ding Yi had heard, it was still about one-third less.

But the situation at that time was different from now, and it was Spaniards who were doing business with their own countrymen. If Wang Bao was not in a hurry to sell, he would definitely be able to sell at a higher price if he stayed in the local area for a while. The Spaniards also knew that he was in a hurry to get off. hands, so there is a price-cutting behavior.

This trip to the Americas earned a lot of money, but Wang Bao believed that the risks were also very high.

Enterprises like Wang Bao with the backing of the Daqian imperial court can go for a while, and ordinary Daqian private businessmen don't even have to think about it.

First of all, you must have such a large ship that can safely cross the Pacific Ocean. It costs at least 10 taels of silver, and you may not be able to buy it.

In order to prevent pirates, a large number of soldiers, artillery, and sailors must be matched, which is another large expenditure.

One ship is useless. After loading food and fresh water equipment, it can't hold much cargo. At least three or more ships are needed.

The investment before and after will cost five or six million taels of silver.

If you encounter extreme weather along the way and sink a ship, you will lose everything.

Wang Bao brought goods to America, and when he returned, he brought a large amount of silver and a small amount of local specialties.

At the end of June, they encountered pirates among the later Fiji and Tonga.

This group of pirates had eleven ships, and they belonged to an unknown country. They rushed up from the east and west, as if waiting for them.

As a result, black cannons appeared on both sides of Wang Bao's ship.

Boom, with a volley, it hit the opposite ship in the first round, and the shell exploded after hitting it, which was amazingly powerful.

The ships of the two sides had not yet approached. After five rounds of artillery fire, half of the pirates' ships were hit, and the rest quickly fled.

They didn't expect that the opponent's ocean-going merchant ship would have so many cannons, so fierce.

At the scene, five pirate ships lost their mobility, or their mobility declined, and they all wanted to surrender.

Wang Bao refused to let go, and after ordering to approach, he sank with artillery.

The pirates who entered the water were killed one by one with flintlock guns.

After this battle, the pirates in the vicinity were terrified when they heard the news, and when they heard that it was a big merchant ship, especially the kind of tall merchant ship, they would avoid it.

Soon everyone knew that dry people don't pay attention to martial arts, and after winning, they will not survive. If you are not sure of victory, it is best not to provoke dry people.

At the same time, many pirates in Europe liked to capture people alive, and then let people exchange them for ransom. Even in later generations, most pirates would do the same thing and demand ransom.

But Ganren doesn't talk about martial ethics, and fighting is a massacre, and no one will be left alive, which makes the pirates hate and fear.

But there are no pirates in this area, and they never rob other people's ships. If you rob them and get killed, what can you say?

At the same time that Wang Bao returned to Tai O, Dagan officially launched a war against the Toungoo Dynasty on the grounds that they harbored Siamese.

At the end of June in the seventh year of Rende, Dagan's 20 troops, claiming to be [-], attacked the Toungoo Dynasty, and the expansion war of the Dagan Empire broke out again.
In August of the seventh year of Rende, Mengjin County, Henan Province.

Mengjin County belongs to Henan Prefecture, in the northeast of Luoyang.

Mengjin is adjacent to the Yellow River in the north. During the Ming Dynasty, the Mengjin Division was set up here to control the nearby river.

In the 17th year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty (AD 1538), the Yellow River flooded, and the county government moved to the old city of Mengjin, which is where it is now.

The Yellow River floods here all the year round, and it is extremely difficult to manage, because one of the most urgent and widest parts of the Yellow River is here.

From west to east, Mengjin is Beimang Mountain. The terrain is undulating, so the Yellow River channel forms a torrent.

Even in later generations, this is a place that is difficult to rectify.

After Ding Ye came to Henan, he temporarily lived in Mengjin and inspected the Yellow River many times, from the upper reaches to the lower reaches.

Seeing Kaifeng from Tongguan, I devoted myself to it.

Ding Ye had just arrived in Kaifeng that day.

At the end of Li Zicheng's three attacks on Kaifeng, someone proposed to flood Kaifeng. Li Zicheng thought about the money and beauties in the city, but he was reluctant. Unexpectedly, the Ming army wanted to burst the embankment and flood Li Zicheng. Decide on Majiakou to irrigate the city.In September, in the middle of the night, the two decided together.The river enters from the north gate and exits from the southeast gate, and the city is filled with ocean.

It is said in history: the turbid waves emptied, the sound of the thunder was like thunder, and the streets and pavilions turned into a country, only the spire of the pagoda of Daxiangguo Temple and the roof ridge of the Bell and Drum Tower were exposed. 37 soldiers and civilians gathered in the city were buried in fish belly Only 3 people escaped and survived.

Since then, Kaifeng City has disappeared from the map for a full 20 years. A once-prosperous water and land city has become "yellow sand and white grass, with a view of the hills." It was only in "Cement and Sand" that Kaifeng City was rebuilt.

After Ding Yi ascended the throne, he began to rebuild Kaifeng City in the second year of Rende, and completed it in the sixth year of Rende. It took four years to basically restore the original size of the city.

Ding Ye is now standing on Kaifeng City, and he can vaguely see the traces of being flooded back then.

Kaifeng now has a population of less than [-], and has changed from a heavy city to a small one.

At this time, Xu Shengfeng was still following Ding Ye, and Chang Jin and Song Changlin had already started anew.

Behind them are several engineers from the local river department.

After several months of investigation, Ding Ye decided to strengthen the places where the dikes had been breached first, so as to prevent another dike breach from happening in the future.

Breaking the embankment is easy and easy to say, but it is also difficult to say, because the places that can effectively break the embankment are always fixed in those positions.

Usually, Ding Ye uses stone walls to reinforce the source and fill up the extension.

In this way, it is useless for you to dig ahead. The bank is higher, and you have to start digging hundreds of meters away from the bank. The amount of work is very huge.

After filling, trees with more developed root systems are planted to form a forest.

After taking several measures, it will be difficult to break the embankment in the future.

Ding Ye returned to Mengjin in mid-August.

His wife He Xiaohua is also at home.

After Kaifeng was flooded, Ding Yi ascended the throne, and Luoyang temporarily became the capital of Henan Province.

He Xiaohua is a judge in Henan Province, usually in Luoyang, and only returns to Mengjin on holidays.

And Ding Ye usually runs around, and only returns to Mengjin on holidays.

Young couples get together less and leave more, Ding Ye is getting more and more mature, and he also feels a little indebted to He Xiaohua.

He was hazy and ignorant back then, and it was He Xiaohua who got him drunk, and that's how he succeeded.

Then he ran around with him all the time, and never had a few days of peace and stability.

Ding Ye has decided that after this job is completed, he will become a magistrate and stop running around. He has made too many contributions to Dagan, and it is his turn to make some contributions to the family.

In fact, Ding Yi wanted to scold him several times, and you are a water conservancy official in Daqian. Without you, water conservancy will not work?What do you mean by running outside all day?
But when I think about it, I was quite promiscuous when I was young, running around, and my son Ding Ye was very enthusiastic, I really can't say it.

As soon as Ding Ye came home, he saw He Xiaohua making dinner and washing vegetables in the yard.

Without saying a word, he put down his tools, walked over and squatted on the ground, and washed the vegetables together with He Xiaohua.

He Xiaohua glanced at him sweetly, her face was full of happiness.

"Why don't you find a servant." Ding Ye said suddenly.

The family is not short of money, the He family is rich, and their family is even richer. Ding Ye doesn't understand why Xiaohua's family refuses to hire servants.

"I don't want it." He Xiaohua shook her head: "I know how to wash and cook, so what kind of servants should I hire? I'll talk about it when I have it."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ding Ye shyly.

She didn't want to disturb their two-person world, and she didn't like outsiders at home.

Ding Ye didn't say anything, and suddenly reached out to hold He Xiaohua's little hand soaked in the water.

Those hands are no longer as smooth and greasy as before, and they actually feel rough to the touch.

"What are you doing, don't make trouble, and wash the vegetables." He Xiaohua pushed his hand away.

Ding Ye raised his head, obviously he wanted to say a lot to He Xiaohua, but he didn't know how to say it.

His father's teaching could not help flashing through his mind, women are all coaxers, if you have something to do, say something nice to them.

Ding Ye opened his mouth, but his mouth was clumsy, so he couldn't say anything nasty.

"Your hands are rough." Ding Ye burst out.

After speaking, I felt as if I missed the point, so I couldn't help but disturb my head.

"It's so stupid." He Xiaohua gave him a blank look, picked up the vegetable basket, got up happily, and went into the kitchen, humming a little song as she walked, feeling very happy.

Classmate Zhang Ping (the youngest son of Zhang Jing) has married three.

Zhang Ping's elder brother Zhang Ding married two.

Zhao Dashan's two sons married three each.

He Xiaohua didn't know anyone else, but she knew that Zhang Ping had married three of them.

She once tried to ask Ding Ye if he wanted to marry again, but Ding Ye shook his head decisively.

Just her alone.

Although Ding Ye is a bit stupid, but I, He Xiaohua, forgive him.

It was rare for the young couple to spend a boring day at home on weekends. On Monday morning, a carriage arrived at the door of Ding's house.

The carriage of the Provincial Department of the Ministry of Justice came to pick up He Xiaohua.

The two couples hugged each other reluctantly.

After arriving at the Luoyang government office, He Xiaohua received a new case. This case was called the first case that affected the entire Daqian by later generations.

The case happened only yesterday morning.

Defendant Wei Qingshan, 39 years old, disabled, was charged with homicide.

Plaintiff Liu Renhai, 40 years old, son Liu Dong was killed.

Both have different backgrounds and it's complicated.

Wei Qingshan is a veteran of Lushun. Back then, Ding Yi's soldiers injured his right leg in the battle with Li Zicheng at Marco Polo Bridge, and then retired.

He was assigned to the Luoyang City Affairs Bureau as an official.

Then Ding Yi's people began to clear land in various countries, collect farmland tax and commercial tax, and Wei Qingshan was one of the staff.

Liu Renhai is a Luoyang businessman. He originally had thousands of acres of fertile land and more than a dozen shops near Luoyang.

The two sides had an intersection in the 18th year of Chongzhen. Wei Qingshan measured their family's land and included Liu Renhai's family's land into the scope of taxation.

Liu Renhai's father was a scholar in the Ming Dynasty at that time.

His father resisted at the time, and was beaten up by Wei Qingshan.

At that time, there were quite a few landlords who resisted in Luoyang. They were arrested by the Urban Affairs Bureau and Ding Yi's soldiers, and a few were chopped off, so everyone became honest.

Liu Renhai's son was 22 years old before his death.

In the first year of Rende, Liu Renhai's son went to school in Luoyang and entered the school that was Dagan at that time. In the fourth year of Rende, he was admitted to Dagan Imperial University in Beijing.

Rende graduated in six years. At the end of that year, some officials in Luoyang retired, and a few new ones were recruited.

Liu Dong was admitted to the post of deputy director of Luoyang City Affairs Bureau.

Now he directly became Wei Qingshan's immediate boss.

(End of this chapter)

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