Three Kingdoms Simulator: This Ma Su is too stable

Chapter 309 The Battle of Shu to Destroy Wu

Chapter 309 The Battle of Shu and Wu
The demise of the Wei State was a huge benefit for the Shu Han, but it was also true for the surrounding forces such as the Eastern Qiang Hu, Southern Huns, Central Xianbei, Eastern Xianbei, Sanbu Wuhuan, and Gongsun Yuan.

Bingzhou was divided into three by the Hu people. The Dongqiang Hu occupied the two counties in the inner bend of the Yellow River, the Xiongnu controlled the two counties in the northeast corner of Jizi Bay, and the remaining five counties were all owned by Zhong Xianbei, which is Altais. Xianbei tribe.

The territory controlled by the three departments has increased compared with before,

The twelve counties of Youzhou were also divided up by Dongxianbei and Sanbu Wuhuan.

On the Jiangnan side, Lu Xun struggled to win the tug-of-war with Sun Quan, and finally occupied all of Wuling County and touched the south bank of the Yangtze River.

The world presents a situation where the strong Qin is fighting against the six kingdoms.The Shu Han is very much like the strong Qin of the past, with one family dominating; many forces in the Kanto region are like six countries, each occupying one continent and half a county, with average strength and scattered sand.

After devouring the main force of the Wei State, the Shu Han already had the capital to start a full-scale war and attack from multiple directions.

After the Battle of Yecheng, the land of the Central Plains, which had been at peace for 28 years, rekindled the flames of war.

Taiwei Sima Yi was sent to Jizhou to attack Tian Yu and Man Chong;
Xiahouba was sent to Yecheng to persuade Xiahouxuan to surrender;
Zhao Yun was sent to Hedong to take over Qin Lang;

Jiang Wei was sent to Hefei to take over Zhuge Dan;
Hao Zhao and five people were sent to Xiangyang to take over Guanqiu Jian;
In addition, a large number of officials, escorted by teams of soldiers, rushed to the six prefectures of Yan, Qing, Ji, Xu, Yang, and Henan to inform the people and take over the city.

For a while, the land of the Central Plains was very lively.

The first good news came from Hedong.Qin Lang, Cao Cao's adopted son, opened the gates of the city as soon as Zhao Yun's army entered Hedong and led the crowd to surrender.

Cao Wei is dead, and he, the adopted son of the Cao family, has no need to persevere.

In May, news of success also came from Yecheng. When Xiahouba's army arrived in Yecheng, Xia Houxuan chose to open the city and surrender.

Immediately afterwards, good news came from Hefei. Zhuge Dan did not choose to resist the Shu army, but left Hefei's army to Jiang Wei, and went straight to Chang'an with his followers.

In June, the defender of Xiangyang changed hands, and Hao Zhao successfully took over the city and [-] Wei troops.

Only Sima Yi from Jizhou remained silent all the way.However, he managed to force Tian Yu and Man Chong to the Changshan area, unable to move.

The territory controlled by the Shu Han increased sharply to six states, and many affairs fell on the shoulders of the Shu Han internal and external governments like a snow mountain collapse.

Zhuge Liang, who was in urgent need of recuperation, had to get busy again, using wise thinking to quickly control the situation in the Central Plains and Hebei.

A year passed in a blink of an eye, and the time came to the summer of the 12th year of Jianxing (234).

After more than a year of hard work, the Shu Han has completely controlled the six states of the Central Plains. In addition to the five states it previously owned, and the Lu family of Jiaozhou, which it nominally relied on, it has already occupied twelve and a half of all sixteen states in the world.

Only Bingzhou, Youzhou, Yangzhou and half of Jingzhou have not yet been unified.

There were huge differences among the court officials on the question of whether to attack the surrounding Wuhu first or to attack Soochow first.

Most of the former Wei officials tended to attack the Hu people in Bing and Youzhou first. The reason was that the Shu Han navy was unfavorable and the time to attack Wu had not yet come.

The original Shu Han officials also tended to unite with Lu Xun to attack Soochow first. The reason was that the natural danger of the Yangtze River was not unique to Wu, and if the Eighth Route Army came out together.In an instant, Soochow can be wiped out and the great cause of world unification can be achieved.

Above the court, civil and military officials were arguing fiercely, and the quarrel was so loud.

It is worth mentioning that in Jizhou, Sima Yi is still in a stalemate with Tian Yu and Man Chong, occasionally attacking each other, winning and losing each other.It seems that this battle will take a long time to decide the outcome.

As the situation in the world becomes more and more clear, the cowardly and playful Liu Chan has also been praised to the sky, such as "willing to delegate power", "employing people without doubt", "governing by doing nothing", "virtuous and virtuous" and other free praises Almost drowned Liu Chan.

Ma Di's prestige has gradually been forgotten by the world, replaced by the new top ten generals of the Shu Han, Jiang Wei, Xia Houba, Qin Lang, Hao Zhao, Zhao Guang, Zhang Xiu, Huang Xi, Li Sheng, Yang Wanwan, Qu Bu.

These ten people have achieved great fame in the past year.

Zhuge Liang has aged a lot with the naked eye. He often stands on the tower of the East Gate of Chang'an City, looking towards the southeast.

He hopes to see the world unified in his lifetime, and then return to Wollongong to have a look.

In order to quickly realize this wish, that man must be invited out.

Without him, the process of dominating the world would have been much slower.


Just as Ma Di was lying on a bamboo chair, enjoying the coolness in the back garden leisurely under the autumn sun, Zhuge Liang came.

For more than a year, Ma Di didn't even go out of the house, he raised his body well, and because he forbade the servants in the house to discuss the situation in the world, now he doesn't know anything about the outside situation.

Ma Di even planned to stay in the mansion for ten years to see if he could catch a big fish by then.

Unexpectedly, it seems that just over a year later, Zhuge Liang came.

Ma Di knew.There are only two situations in which Zhuge Liang came to visit him. One is that the world has become unified, and the other is that the world cannot be unified in a short time.

Considering that it hasn't been long since the Wei State was eliminated, Ma Di guessed that Zhuge Liang's purpose in coming here was the latter.

Just thinking about it.Suddenly Zhuge Liang said: "Youchang, you have been reinstated by His Majesty."


I'm being sent to war again.

Ma Su didn't even lift his eyelids, and lazily said: "I'm old, I don't want to fight anymore, Prime Minister, you can find someone else."

Zhuge Liang was silent for a while: "Qiang King Axiu was attacked by Liangzhou Qiang people again,"

Ma Di was still not interested, "She is so good at fighting, she should be able to handle it."

Zhuge Liang said again: "This time, we have sent out the Eighth Route Army together, and we have pacified Soochow in one wave."

Ma Di shook his head: "Prime Minister, what does it matter to me whether the world is unified or not? I'm just a commoner."


This time Zhuge Liang was silent for a long time, "Youchang, I heard that a pair of twin sisters appeared in Soochow. They are seven feet tall and seven feet long."

Ma Di jumped up from the recliner all at once: "Fuck! Where is my general seal?"

Zhuge Liang handed over the general's seal with a smile.


Lite 12 years, August.

The border urgently reported that Ma Di, the general of the Shu Han Dynasty, raised 30 troops, and the army was divided into eight routes by land and water, and he will soon attack Soochow.

The scale of this war against Wu was the first and largest offensive launched by the Shu Han against Soochow since Liu Bei's death.The offensive and defensive battle of the Yangtze River in the post-Three Kingdoms era officially kicked off.

As a general, Ma Su is fully responsible for coordinating this battle.

The news spread to the Jianye Palace, but it did not cause a corresponding reaction, because at this time, Sun Quan, the great emperor of the Wu Kingdom, was not in Jianye, and his attention was attracted by another matter.

Lu Xun mobilized [-] troops, sent out both land and water, and once again attacked Wu's Changsha and Guiyang counties.

(End of this chapter)

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