Chapter 357 Wendou, Wudou

Although the eighteen princes threatened to raise troops against Yuan Shao, most of them were just talking. Only Cao Cao, Bao Xin, Sun Jian, and Gongsun Zan really wanted to resist Yuan Shao.

However, the situation is lonely and lonely, and the situation is not good, and the matter of raising troops has been delayed again and again.

Until the spring of the third year of Zhaoning, there was still no prospect of the heroes raising their troops—their reasons for raising troops were too far-fetched.

Yuan Shao even had the act of disobedience by leading troops into the palace, but strictly speaking, it was actually for the purpose of punishing eunuchs, which is understandable.

In addition, Yuan Shao never abolished the emperor, never killed ministers indiscriminately, never made a big deal, and still respected Liu Braid as the emperor. In terms of righteousness, he can barely stand firm.

As for the scheming and insidious schemes, everyone was calculated behind the scenes, which can only be regarded as a loss of personal morality, and it is not enough reason for the heroes to rise up and rebel.

However, the heroes are still clamoring every day to raise troops to Qingjun's side.

Under the suggestion of his uncle Yuan Kai, Yuan Shao quickly understood the meaning of these heroes of the Kanto, and used this to gain a higher degree of autonomy by demanding officials and power.

So Yuan Shao resorted to appeasement measures, dispatched batches of envoys to various places, and granted corresponding marquises and rewards to all the troublemakers.

The Kwantung heroes quickly calmed down, and stopped clamoring for rebellion.

After this incident, the prestige of the imperial court was greatly damaged, and the prefects and herdsmen of various places supported their own self-respect. The imperial court represented by Yuan Shao only maintained its control over the surrounding areas of Sili, and the Han Dynasty almost existed in name only.

Yuan Shao's first fight with the heroes of the world ended in a tie.

But everyone who knows Cao Cao's nature knows that Cao Cao will never stop there, and the next contest will not be too long.

The vicissitudes inside and outside the court did not affect Ma Di's daily life for the time being.

After the weather warms up.He took his elder sister Cai Yan to Luhun Mountain in the middle reaches of the Yihe River.

Because of his military achievements in pacifying the northwest, he was named Luhun Ling and Longmen Pavilion, and he needed to go to Luhun County in the middle reaches of the Yi River, 150 miles southwest of Luoyang, to take up the post.

Luhun County is relatively large, and the territory is dominated by hills. Most of the plains are distributed in the open areas on both sides of the Yi River. The jurisdiction covers most of the later Yichuan County and Song County, with a population of about 30.

As soon as Ma Su took office, he implemented several policies drastically, lightening taxes, reducing corvees, encouraging people to generate income and do business, and built a large city on the plain below the Luhun Reservoir with the money he had previously knocked from the Cao family.He also ordered Zhu Heng to recruit soldiers to fight against thieves and bandits.

Of course, there was no reservoir in the Luhun area at this time. The area where the reservoir is located is a deep and wide ditch that extends to farther places.

Ma Di was already very satisfied with the start of a county.

In this life, he doesn't want to fight for hegemony, and he doesn't want to get involved in right and wrong. He just wants to find a safe shelter in the troubled times and live an ordinary and real life.

Coincidentally, Luhun County is a special "C"-shaped landform, and the exit of the C-shaped face just faces the location of Luoyang in the northeast, so this place presents a semi-isolated state, which just satisfies everything for him. Require.

It is a bit similar to Zhongnan Mountain outside Chang'an City. Although it is quite close to Kyoto, it is quite far from the temple.

However, things often do not depend on people's will.

On this day, Cao Cao came.

Since surrendering to Lu with Guanzhong, Ma Su's quiet and spicy methods left an indelible impression on Cao Cao.From then on, he never dared to underestimate the nine-year-old child.

After the failed uprising by the heroes this time, although Cao Cao did not suffer any retaliation relying on the relationship between the great hero and the Cao family, it was tantamount to a showdown with Yuan Shao.

Cao Cao is a person who is prepared for danger in times of peace. He knows that a person like Yuan Shao who is bound to take revenge will never let him go. Therefore, the daily vigilance is full and he handles things carefully, lest he will provoke Yuan Shao's anger and be retaliated against.

Yuan Shao not only holds the emperor and occupies the righteousness, but also has 20 soldiers and horses in his hands... In addition, Luoyang is adjacent to Yanzhou, and it can be reached in a day or two.

Such a close distance and such a powerful opponent really made Cao Cao feel unwilling to eat and could not sleep at night.

He urgently needs to reverse the current unfavorable situation.

But after thinking about it, he couldn't think of a way to fight Yuan Shao, so he rushed from Yanzhou to the Luhun county government office to ask Ma Di for advice.

"Youchang, help me!"

As soon as they met, Cao Cao went straight to the point and said what he wanted.

"How do you want me to help you..." Ma Di looked at the impatient Cao Cao, smiled slightly, and sat back on the main seat in the hall of the county yamen, "Do you want literary fighting or martial fighting?"

"What did Wendou say? What did Wudou say?"

Cao Cao hesitated for a moment, but decided to ask first before speaking.But Ma Di noticed that when he said "fighting", his eyes became extremely sharp in an instant.

Ma Su nodded, wrote four words on the case table and held them in his hand, and walked in front of Cao Cao, "Wen Dou is to flatter and kill Yuan Shao. Let people secretly spread Yuan Shao's desire to abolish the emperor and usurp the throne." In order to confuse his mind; and then ask people to ask him to be a public, so as to confuse his aspirations. In this way, as time goes on, he will definitely make a disobedient act, which will cause the princes of the world to attack him!"

"As for fighting..."

"I think these four words should be enough."

Cao Cao took a look at the copybook in Ma Di's hand, and was startled. He hurriedly raised his head and looked at the face of the nine-year-old child in shock, as if a lightning flashed in his heart.

The four characters on the copybook are [Chen Liu Wang Xie].

Cao Cao understood Ma Di's meaning in an instant, and thought about it a lot.With these four words, all difficult problems can be easily solved.

That's right, Yuan Shao is holding the emperor's braid in his hand and occupying righteousness, but if the emperor suddenly dies...

In this world, the only one qualified to inherit the throne is the smart and studious Chen Liu Wang Xie.

Cao Cao, who was originally melancholy, suddenly became enlightened after getting these four words. He stretched out his hand and patted Ma Su on the shoulder, and laughed loudly: "It's really lucky to have a friend like Youchang... ..."

"Hehe, it's my misfortune to have a friend like you..." Ma Di muttered in a low voice.

Cao Cao didn't seem to hear this sentence, or he was in the right mood and didn't care when he heard it. He suggested, "Would you like to come to Yanzhou to help me?"

"I don't want to."


Ma Di shook his head, did not answer this question, but put on a dignified and virtuous posture, shook his sleeves, and said proudly: "Inspector Cao, you should go."

Cao Cao nodded, and found himself a step down: "That's right, you're still young, so it's not too late to talk about it later."

However, looking at Ma Di who was only nine years old but played the score like a master of Taoism, Cao Cao suddenly couldn't help wanting to stimulate him, to see how he behaved when he was flustered.

So, he changed his voice and said lightly: "Youchang, I plan to propose marriage to Duke Cai, and ask him to betroth Cai Yan to me..."

"you dare?!"

As soon as this remark came out, Ma Di exploded in an instant. He raised his hand to take the sword hanging on the wall, pulled it out with a clang, pointed at Cao Cao, and glared angrily.

As long as the latter dared to continue talking about this topic, Ma Di felt that he had to stab him with a sword.

Cao Cao's expression didn't change at first, but after a while, he looked up to the sky and laughed, and walked out quickly.

"Youchang, you're fascinated..."

(End of this chapter)

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