Take the space supermarket to farm

Chapter 229 Sugar Painting

Chapter 229 Sugar Painting
Xie Fanglan pondered for a long time, finally made up her mind, and called out: "Come here."

Immediately, two servant girls appeared, pushed open the door of the inner room from the outside, walked quickly to a place about a foot in front of Xie Fanglan with small steps, stood still breathlessly, and replied calmly: "The servant girl is here .”

Xie Fanglan glanced at the two maids, and said slightly dissatisfied: "Why are you two on duty? Where's Huier? Where's Caiyue?"

A maid who was a bit more courageous standing on the left replied: "Sister Hui'er went to the big kitchen and said that she would make two fresh dishes to honor Miss Seven. Sister Caiyue went to the wife's room to answer."

The servant girl on the right was obviously much less courageous. Seeing Xie Fanglan's downcast face, her body trembled slightly and she dared not speak.

Xie Fanglan glanced at the timid servant girl, but didn't explode immediately, and nodded to the servant girl who answered:
"Success, I see. You change the tea and make me a hot pot."

The bolder servant girl was ordered to pick up the teapot and go to the tea room to make hot tea.The timid servant girl resigned nonchalantly, Xie Fanglan sent her off without saying anything.

After a while, the bolder maid came back with the brewed tea, and thoughtfully served the pot of hot tea with a plate of milk pastry and a plate of pine nut candy.

Xie Fanglan nodded, and looked at the maid carefully for a moment:

"Are you newly promoted? Third class? What's your name?"

"Slave, Caique, was just transferred from Zhuangzi during the Flower Festival on February [-]th. The name of the slave was given by my wife."

Xie Fanglan nodded again, without hiding her admiration.

The plan in her heart needs at least two beauties.But if you go to buy it now, firstly it will attract people's attention, secondly it will cost a lot of money, and thirdly it will waste time, so it may not be useful.

On the contrary, it's better to choose useful people from your own servants.

It is best to have children in the family, and the family deeds of the whole family are held in his own hands, so that he is not afraid of any moths like moths who see different things and want to change.

Hui'er and Caiyue are two big maids, one was chosen by herself, the other was rewarded by her mother, and they have been with her for several years.If she just used it like this, she would be a little bit reluctant.

This colorful sparrow can be observed again.

If it is really loyal and available, it can be worth a quota.

Xia Daohua didn't know it at all, and the county magistrate's daughter, Seventh Miss Xie Fanglan, who had always been very kind to her and made people feel good about her, didn't really make friends with her.

Instead, she has already targeted her industry and formulated a conspiracy against her family.

Who wouldn't be greedy for ways to make money?

If there is someone covering your back, it’s fine. If there is no one behind you, just ordinary people, wealth or the way to make money is not a blessing, but a curse.

Xia Daohua has a theoretical understanding of this, but lacks real experience.

The Xia family is now an authentic commoner.

What's more, the family has been separated, and they have left their hometown and hometown, and came to the strange Jixiang County where dragons and tigers are hidden.

In fact, not only the Seventh Miss of the Xie family, Xie Fanglan, was thinking about the property of the Xia family, but even some local tycoons, as well as Li Gan's mother clan, were all coveting the wealth represented by this shop.

However, Li Gan is the hope of the younger generation in the family.

As long as Li Gan is still serving in Jinyi Yunqi and has not lost his holy favor, they will not obey Li Gan's instructions.

Xia Daohua knew that she owed Li Gan a favor, but she didn't know that the favor was so great.

Of course, without Li Gan's cover, Xia Daohua's shop would not have been robbed casually.If you make her anxious, at worst, you will physically destroy all enemies who dare to harm her.

The power of space, in this time and space, is afraid that no one can restrain it.

It's just that Xia Daohua felt a little tired if she had to kill herself to create a world without using her existing contacts.

Xia Daohua has no ambitions in essence.

Certain things, to some extent, touched her, and she had the urge to do it.If there is no such opportunity, she may always be a salted fish who is too lazy to turn over with peace of mind.

A month later, Xie Fanglan finally confirmed that the maid Caique was a loyal and trustworthy person.And in order to be sure, she made Huier, the eldest maid beside her, as an alternative to Cai Que.

On Wulang's holiday, Xia Daohua entrusts Erlang and Taohua with the business of the store, and takes Lihua, Wulang, and Linghua to go shopping together.

The fun of shopping often lies not in buying, but in shopping.

However, with Linghua as a snack, it's different.

They started shopping on Liuxiang Street, and when they walked more than half a circle around the commercial area of ​​the outer city, Lihua, Wulang, and Xia Daohua had already piled up all kinds of snacks in their hands.

Linghua was bouncing around, drooling a little when she saw something, and couldn't help but order one, and then another.

Her older brothers and sisters doted on her, and the little girl knew it in her heart, so she jumped up and down happily.

Xia Daohua and the others looked at the little girl lovingly.

The little girl ran and jumped, and suddenly collided with a person rushing diagonally in front of her.

That person was a beautiful girl, wearing a whole set of brightly colored silk clothes, she seemed to be a well-loved daughter of a small family, and also a bit like a servant girl who was proud of the master of a rich family.

Linghua ran happily, and didn't even notice that someone rushed in front of her suddenly, so she bumped into him head-on.

And the sugar painting in the little girl's hand was accurately thrown onto that person's skirt.

Linghua looked at the little sugar painting left in her hand, then at the girl's skirt, and couldn't help crying with a "wow".

Brothers and sisters, I feel distressed immediately.

Xia Daohua hastily pulled the little girl over, checked her body carefully, found that there were no injuries, then squatted down and asked her: "Linghua, did you get hurt from the bump just now? Do you feel any pain?"

Both Lihua and Goro looked at Linghua and Xia Daohua with concern.

Regarding Xia Daohua's question, Linghua just shook her head, cried for a while, and then said sobbingly: "Wuuuuuuuuuuuu, my phoenix... huang... is gone..."

Xia Daohua nodded her nose angrily and amusedly: "What's there to cry about? We'll just go and buy another one later."

Seeing that Linghua was not injured, Lihua saluted the woman who rushed out from the slanting stab that Linghua had hit, and expressed her annoyance.

The woman smiled and said: "What's the matter, a child, how can I pay attention to these things? It's just that my silk skirt is a newly popular madder color, and it's just on the upper body..." As she spoke, her face was full Embarrassed, troubled.

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(End of this chapter)

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