Take the space supermarket to farm

Chapter 240 Visiting the door

Chapter 240 Visiting the door
Generally, only young ladies from rich and noble families, officials or merchants would enter women's schools.

The current status of my family is still a farmer.

It may not be easy for the general public to accept a little lady from a peasant family who goes to a girls' school.

Although she has this strength.But exposing this strength too early may not be a good thing.

The family talked about it, calmed down their excitement, washed up and went to sleep.

Lying on the couch, everyone was tossing and turning, quite excited.

Xia Youtian and Jiang Shi first had a discussion on Xia Daohua's ideological issues, and then the topic inevitably shifted to making money.

Xia Youtian said: "Does the store really need small baskets? Don't be fooled by Daohua... On the surface, it is said that the store collects them, but secretly they pay for them!"

Jiang said:
"Probably not. I have been to her store.

Some flowers, candies, and fruits are all put in small baskets, and they are placed here and there together, which is really beautiful.

Presumably these items are all useful. "

Xia Youtian said: "I've never seen embroidery in that shop before."

Jiang smiled: "Hey, are you waiting for me here? Let me just say, you have been to that store too, how could you not know that these small baskets, small baskets are used there?"

Xia Youtian said:

"It's always the child's heart. Don't hurt her interest.

Even if it really is she who wants to subsidize you, you should keep silent, and don't put on a pretense on your face, it won't look good.

We'll just do what she says. "

Jiang said:
"Don't worry. Am I the one who doesn't know what's good or what's wrong? Children are willing to be filial, how can they push this filial piety outside?
If you really don't want to hang her up in your heart, you can just save up these money for her.

When the time comes for her to go out, put the money in her dowry as money in the box, or buy her good wood, that's all. "

Xia Youtian and Jiang Shi not only went to the scene where Xia Daohua was about to leave the house, but also remembered the marriage between Lihua and Wulang.Although the children of peasant families tend to get married late, Lihua and Goro should look good at their age.

The three sisters, Lihua, Daohua, and Linghua, were tucked into the same quilt, jostling and joking, and whispering.The most active here is the water chestnut.

Lihua and Daohua are both grown up, so they are embarrassed to play and play like they did when they were young.

Linghua is a real kid. Now that she is with her two favorite sisters, she is already as excited as Erha who has eaten chocolate. How could Lihua be able to restrain her by yelling at her in a low voice?
The quaking little duckling Linghua said for a while that she wanted to help Xia Daohua visit the store, that she was going to pick mushrooms on the mountain, that she wanted to learn how to weave baskets from her father, and that she wanted to learn how to embroider with her mother. Son……

It's endless, but there is no clue.

But the two older sisters just looked at her and smiled, and asked her to be quiet, but she didn't listen, so the two older sisters stopped talking.

It wasn't until later that Lihua wanted to be quiet and talk, Xia Daohua took out a lollipop from her "sleeve" and stuffed it to Linghua.

All of a sudden, Linghua was appeased.

Linghua had a lollipop in her mouth and had to keep her mouth shut. As a result, she fell asleep within a minute.

Lihua and Xia Daohua began to discuss earnestly—she felt that it was not attractive to go to a women's school or go back to the courtyard to learn how to read and write with Mr. Xia.

She wanted to help Xia Daohua with something.

If you can make money at the same time, even better.

Xia Daohua also lost sleepiness and began to help Lihua think of a way out.

Goro, who lived only one wall away from the sisters, was already asleep at this time.

He also tossed and turned for a long time before.

Xia Daohua's words today had a great impact on him.

Asking him to study hard is the right thing to do, and it's not beyond his expectations.

But Xia Daohua actually put her health ahead of her studies, and even emphasized it to him, which made him feel a bit surprised.It seems that in this younger sister's heart, her own health is more important than her fame!

Goro fell asleep with a cheerful smile.

The next morning, the Xia family all lacked sleep, but they still didn't get up late.

This is the power of habit.

People who are used to getting up early, even if they don't get enough sleep, they will wake up naturally when it's time to get up on weekdays.

The four households of Xia's family are all diligent people, so they all got up.

Mrs. Jiang made breakfast quickly. After eating some porridge and water, the family ate steamed buns, small pickles, and the "Daohuaxiang" braised meat and steamed buns provided by Xia Daohua. They ate to their heart's content.

Goro went to school. Although Caique's matter had been resolved, Xia Daohua was still not at ease, so she simply sent Goro back and brought him a specially prepared lunch box.

Goro and the others are going to have lunch at the Enlightenment Academy.

The lunch box that Xia Daohua brought to Wulang contained some rice balls smuggled out of the Space Supermarket and some cut fruits, each with its own unique taste, which is very convenient for extra meals.

Goro smiled and narrowed his eyes, and said goodbye to Xia Daohua earnestly.

Xia Daohua turned half of her body to the side to be rude, and instead squatted down facing Wulang to give her a blessing.

Then he called him to leave quickly: "Don't dawdle, the teacher will start class in a while."

Goro shook his head helplessly, brought a lunch box, and entered the Enlightenment Academy with a smile on his face.

Xia Daohua turned around, went to the store, and then took the four-color gift prepared yesterday from the store, and made a special trip to Xie County Magistrate's house, begging to see Xie Fanglan.

Xie Fanglan was a little overwhelmed.

Although she let out a group of fathers and concubines and many servants at once, it can be regarded as a little bit of blood.

But compared to the loss of the Xie family, this little money is really not salty when made into salt, and not sour when made into vinegar, how can it be enough?
Those relatives and friends who sent charcoal, money and gifts in need must be returned.

Although people mean to help their own family.But these things have to go back to the past when returning gifts during festivals and festivals, so that they can come and go frequently.

Otherwise, who wants to get along with a bottomless pit that can only enter and exit?

So she really didn't dare to use too much of these things and money unless it was an emergency.

At this time, when the servant girl came to report that Xia Daohua was asking to see her, Xie Fanglan's first thought was that this dead girl, this is a joke to see her!

Immediately afterwards, she shook her head again, denying this.

I have always been friendly to Xia Daohua.

Since she is not Zhuge Liang, it is impossible for her to guess her true intentions.

This was because Cai Que was still unconscious, and Xie Fanglan was so overwhelmed with housework that she forgot to ask Cai Que to talk.

Huier, the eldest maid who has some friendship with Cai Que, has already quietly asked Cai Que to be moved to the back room where the servants recuperate.

Xie Fanglan nodded, and said to the servant girl, "Let her in!"

 Good night, sweet dreams, see you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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