Chapter 259 Hijacking
Summer Rice Flower Road:

"In broad daylight, the sky is bright, so many people are watching!
Did these people overturn the table just now?Did these people break these dishes?Is there anything wrong with letting them lose money? "

Xiao Er was speechless and choked, squatting down obediently and touched the big man's clothes, and unexpectedly came out with a big silver ingot:
"That's enough, but it seems a little too much..."

Xia Daohua said: "There are too many, I will give you the proprietress and you guys some shocks. If there are still some left, I can share a point with all the frightened guests today."

The onlookers applauded loudly—there is still money for watching the excitement and fighting?
Xiao Er didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, and hurriedly reported back to the shopkeeper behind him. The shopkeeper's smile was a bit stiff—who knows what these guys are from!

It's not certain whether I can afford it!

But this young man who brought his sister to eat obviously made it clear that the horses and horses don't intend to lose money...

Seemingly seeing the embarrassment on the boss's face, "Little Master" had a kind smile on his face:

"Treasurer, don't worry, in broad daylight, if you break something in your store, no matter what their origin is, they should pay your store money."

After Xia Daohua said this, she walked out holding the hand of Linghua who looked aggrieved and sad, and coaxed the child like no one else: "Good girl, don't cry, you will become a cat with a face if you cry any more! Let's change to a different shop." Keep eating, ah!"

Watching this scene, the guard holding the chain felt the veins on his forehead throbbing.

It was the first time for them to meet someone who didn't take themselves so seriously.

It's just that this little boy, why does he look a little kind?
Could it be that there is something big going on?

The weird-looking stick in his hand is too lethal!
The servants wandered around the market, so they naturally had their own way of survival.As for who can be messed with and who can't be messed with, he has his own set of criteria for judging.

Xia Daohua had a kind face and a pleasant smile. She also brought a little girl by her side and took good care of the little girl. She was obviously a child of a good family.

Such a person, compared to those burly men of unknown origin, should obviously be easier to bully.

The problem is, those big guys have already fallen down, and they haven't woken up until now.Especially the one at the beginning, already foaming at the mouth...

This made the officers' standards of judgment suddenly seem less reliable.

Xia Daohua saw that no one was stopping her, so she smiled and took Linghua's little hand, and walked away slowly.

Everyone watched helplessly as they left Jingweiju. After walking a few steps, they stepped into another restaurant called "Swallow House".

But looking at the decoration, you can tell that the consumption of this Yanzilou is even higher than that of Jingweiju.

Xia Daohua took Linghua up to the private room on the second floor, this time she planned to have a quiet meal and comfort Linghua who was frightened.

When the guards saw that the two had really entered other people's houses and continued to eat and drink, they immediately regretted letting Fei Yang go.But looking at the big man still unconscious on the ground, he still didn't dare to do anything wrong.

In the end, the gang of guards only reprimanded the shopkeeper and embezzled a bag of copper coins.

Afterwards, they asked for cold water again, and woke up several unconscious big men lying on the ground.

Unexpectedly, when those big men saw that Xia Daohua had disappeared, and there were only a few defiant servants left in front of them, their faces suddenly swelled.

Seeing that everyone in his group was disheveled and had undoubtedly lost face in front of others, he couldn't help but get angry, and in turn beat up the guards severely.

While holding back a smile, the shopkeeper shouted from a distance: "Don't hit me! Don't hit me! If you hit again, you'll die!"

But he just kept his voice open from afar, not daring to go forward.

After the guards were beaten until their noses and faces were swollen, the big men walked away.

The guards, who had become angry from embarrassment, once again pinned all their anger, which had nowhere to vent, on the head of the shopkeeper who was hiding behind the counter and giggling.

The shopkeeper knew in his heart that he was being angered, but he dared not speak out, so he smiled for a while and said a lot of good things.

In the end, I still took out another bag of copper coins, and then respectfully sent these difficult plague gods away.

Xia Daohua took Linghua to eat Yanzilou's signature dishes, plus a few snacks that Linghua had never eaten before, coaxing the little girl into a smile, and the whole person returned to the bright and sunny before, and she was lighthearted. Let out a sigh of relief.

The group of people who tried to kidnap her and Linghua did not know which family they belonged to.Presumably, most of them are merchants who do grain business!

After all, she sold a large amount of grain to the Wang family, blocking other people's money.

Mrs. Wang is a resolute master. Since the food handover was over, she organized a lot of gentry people, supervised by her own servants, and began to distribute rice grain to the refugees.

This kind of thing, even if you want to hide it, you can't hide it.

What's more, neither Xia Daohua nor Wang Shi felt the need to hide anything.

As a result, almost everyone knew what they should know and what they shouldn't know. Mrs. Wang bought grain from Xia Daohua, and Xia Daohua's grain was procured from Kyoto.

Xia Daohua's "backer" in Kyoto gradually surfaced.

This girl looks helpless at first glance, but in fact there is someone behind her...

As a result, most people, while annoyed, have no intention of doing anything about it.But it can't hold up to a hundred people, all kinds of people.Among the merchants in the grain business, there are some who are smart and capable, and some who are arrogant and idiots.

There was even an arrogant bastard who thought that as long as Xia Daohua was caught, locked up for a few days, and starved for a few meals, she would be able to recognize how terrible it would be to put her hand into something she shouldn't care about. s consequence.

Those burly men are the subordinates he secretly cultivated.


Xia Daohua brought Linghua home, and after giving Linghua to her sister Lihua, she returned to "Daohuaxiang".

As soon as she returned to the store, she met Sixi, the maid sent by Wang to look for her.

Sixi is the big maid next to Wang's. She is tall and long-legged, walks fast, and speaks crisply. Wang likes to use her to convey messages.

When Sixi saw Xia Daohua, she squatted slightly to give her a blessing, clasped her hands in front of her belly, stood firmly, lowered her head slightly and said to Xia Daohua:
"To teach Miss Xia to know that the food that my wife transferred from the Wang family was robbed by rebels on the way.

I also hope that Miss Xia will act righteously and help our wife purchase a batch of grain.

The wife explained that it doesn't have to be polished rice and white noodles, and it doesn't have to be this year's new food, as long as it can fill people's stomachs. "

Xia Daohua nodded: "It's easy to say, easy to say. How much will it cost this time?"

Si Xi respectfully handed over a red lacquered wooden box decorated with mother-of-pearl: "One hundred thousand shi. The sooner the better, the delivery should be before the end of July at the latest. This is the deposit."

Xia Daohua was not too polite, she went straight to the box and said to Sixi:

"Madam, please rest assured. The little girl must do her best!"

 I went to the Summer Palace during the day, and I only walked halfway through the park, and I was exhausted...and it was so hot today that I was like a dog...When I came back, I felt that my legs didn't belong to me anymore.The face seems to be darker too... Sorry for the late update, I love you all, (づ ̄3 ̄)づ.It was only after twelve o'clock when I published it. This chapter is considered yesterday... Good night and sweet dreams.I'm going to sleep, wake up and write today's... See you after ten o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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