Take the space supermarket to farm

Chapter 281 Apprenticeship

Chapter 281 Apprenticeship
Xia Daohua responded with a smile:

"Whatever you want, little aunt's business is my business. But let's talk about it when we get home. At this point, we should go back."

Xia Daohua raised her finger and pointed out the window, the sun was about to set, and the sky was dyed red by the sunset glow.

Xia Yujiao opened her mouth, but still closed it, thinking that it would be the same when she got home.Then he turned to Mei Erya:

"Erya, take a good rest and get well soon. I'll come to see you in two days."

The group left, strolled slowly, and returned to the courtyard.

Xia Daohua handed Liulang and Zaohua to Mrs. Cheng, who smiled and asked, "Why did you play until so late?"

Summer Rice Flower Road:

"On the way, I met a man who was poisoned by nettleweed and fell at the gate of Huichuntang. Huichuntang refused to accept the doctor. My aunt was kind, so we helped him to send him to another medical center."

Cheng nodded: "Saving people in need is a matter of virtue. You are all good boys."

Xia Daohua sent Xia Yujiao back to her room, and Xia Yujiao also expressed her thoughts: "Daohua, you have a lot of ideas, think of a way to help her!
She is a woman with two children and can't find a job, so it's not a problem if we keep giving her money..."

Xia Daohua smiled happily.

She nodded: "Little aunt, don't worry, I'll think about what to do."

In fact, after hearing about Mei Erya, Xia Daohua already had an idea, but it was still vague and unformed.

What she wants to help is not just a Mei Erya who has suffered misfortune, but more people like Mei Erya who have been displaced because of wars and famines.

Originally, the resettlement measures taken by County Magistrate Yang and Wang's family were quite effective.

But they take care of the majority.

The "workers" recruited by the work-for-relief are also young and strong among the refugees, not the old, weak, sick and disabled who can't work, let alone women and children who can't grab opportunities.

It was just her thought, just a thought, which flashed by before she had time to think deeply.After hearing Xia Yujiao's words now, Xia Daohua realized that she had something else to do.

Backed by Space Supermarket, Xia Daohua made money a little too easily, so much so that she couldn't lift her spirits up about many things.

At present, this matter cannot be solved simply by relying on the space supermarket.

Instead, she was in high spirits.

Linghua has been following Xia Daohua step by step, but abnormally, instead of chattering as usual, she has been silent.

After finishing talking with Xia Yujiao, Linghua took Xia Daohua's lapel and said, "Sister, I have something to ask for your help."

Xia Daohua looked at Linghua in surprise, and smiled: "Oh, when did our Linghua become so polite?"

Linghua blushed slightly, and said seriously: "Sister, I mean it."

Xia Daohua also became serious, bent down to look into Linghua's eyes:
"Well, let's talk about it. If my sister can do it, she will definitely not refuse to do it for you."

Linghua said: "I want to learn medicine. Tell Dr. Hu for me to see if he accepts apprentices?"

"Linghua, why do you want to learn medicine? And why do you want to learn medicine from Dr. Hu?"

"I want to learn medicine because medicine is very useful. I don't like embroidery, I don't like farming, and I don't like cooking, although I like to eat. But eating is not my skill..."

"As for why we should learn from Dr. Hu, it's because he has a good temper and won't drive patients out casually. And it's also because of his good medical skills.

Didn't the boys in Huichun Hall say that their doctor Zhu concluded that Mrs. Mei had a heart disease?Tell her not to dirty the ground of Huichun Hall?
But in fact, Mei Niangzi was poisoned after eating the fruit of nettleweed.

That Dr. Zhu from the Huichuntang not only has poor medical skills and failed to see the cause of the disease, but also maliciously spread news to tarnish Mrs. Mei's reputation.

I want to learn medical skills, but I don't want to learn from people like Dr. Zhu. "

Xia Daohua nodded:

"Good boy, have ambition.

Sister supports you.But whether this thing can be done, my sister can't guarantee.We have to ask Dr. Hu first to find out.

Another point, if Dr. Hu really agrees to accept you as an apprentice and teach you medical skills, you can't learn half of it and cry tired and tired, and stop learning!
We do things from beginning to end, can you do it? "

"Yes, sister, don't worry."

Linghua agreed very simply, Xia Daohua smiled and narrowed her eyes.

This is really a surprise.

The next day, Xia Daohua brought the gift, first went to Grandma Zhang's place, and then went to the Hu's Medical Clinic to ask Dr. Hu's opinion.

Ordinarily, this kind of medical skills are generally passed down from family to family members, and there may be a rule of passing them on to sons but not to daughters.

But the Hu Family Clinic opened by Dr. Hu has only him and his younger brother.

The neighbors in the neighborhood have never met his parents, nor his wife and daughter, nor heard him mention it.

Xia Daohua saw that Granny Zhang didn't know the details, so she went directly to the Hu Family Medical Clinic, and asked Dr. Hu what she meant:
"My sister wants to ask you to be my teacher to learn medical skills. I don't know what Dr. Hu wants?"

Dr. Hu was surprised by Xia Daohua's straightforwardness:

"My medical skills are also taught by my master. It's not that I can't accept apprentices. It's just that learning medicine is very hard. Maybe my sister can bear this hardship?"

Xia Daohua nodded: "Naturally. If there is something wrong with my sister, Dr. Hu will beat her as soon as she needs to, and scold her as she pleases. I will never intervene indiscriminately."

Doctor Hu said:

"It's not like that.

It's just that to learn medical skills, you need to learn and do a lot, and ordinary people may not be able to bear the hardship.

If there is no determination, it is just a whim and a whim, in fact, you can let her watch it in my clinic for a few days first, so as not to regret it later. "

Xia Daohua felt that what Dr. Hu said was reasonable, so she sent Linghua to let her watch Dr. Hu's daily life.

Xia Yujiao took the initiative to take over the task of picking up Linghua, and she could also drop by to see Mei Erya.

Seeing Xia Yujiao's enthusiasm, Xia Daohua didn't argue with her, and after Linghua stayed in the Hu's Medical Center for a few days, she became more and more determined to study medicine.

Therefore, Xia Daohua explained the matter to Xia Youtian and Jiang Shi in detail. Although the couple were a little annoyed at the two children's beheading first and then playing later, they didn't bother with them.

Instead, he personally organized the four-color gift for apprenticeship, and personally sent Linghua to the Hu Family Medical Center to formally apprentice.

After holding a simple apprenticeship ceremony, Linghua officially became Doctor Hu's apprentice.Or the first disciple of Kaishan.

According to the rules of apprenticeship in most industries in the Great Chu Dynasty, after Linghua completes her studies in the future, she will work as an unpaid assistant for the Hu Family Medical Center for three years.

But no one minded that.

Linghua happily wore the clothes that Xia Daohua specially designed for her to facilitate activities, and went to the medical clinic, and Xia Yujiao also took the initiative to take over the task of picking up Linghua every day.

(End of this chapter)

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